Second step of Acceptance: respect and submission.

When the sense of the injustice suffered has become a closed circle from which the wh*te male realizes he cannot get out, because he will find no higher legal instance capable of recognizing the "injury" to his "rights," the terror of finding himself in a state of nature in which each Nig will be able to do what he wants with impunity about him (even kill him) without any judge having the power to intervene against this "right" belonging to the Nig, will become a Power that will govern his soul, so to speak, "from remote," that is, from the depths of his consciousness, where invariably a mutation will take place.
The wh*te male will "feel," most of the time without clearly understanding it, that there has been a legal paradigm shift, but he should never be put in a position to realize that behind this shift lies an initiative for the political transformation of liberal wh*te societies.
It would be appropriate, indeed, that all those wh*te males endowed with intelligence capable of linking cause and effect should be put in a position not to harm the cause of the BNWO, these individuals being particularly dangerous. If the sanction aspect prevailing at the historical moment in which action is taken is not yet as restrictive as it must be when the BNWO is effective and declared, their targeted physical elimination, and the disappearance of their mortal remains, can and should be resorted to in order to prevent wh*te racists from recomposing themselves and creating around the name of the erased wh*te racists supremacist-inspired movements.
The rest of the wh*te males will be forced, unable to live too long with this feeling of danger hanging over them, to take note of their own powerlessness and accept the protection of a new legal order which, at first, will have to be informal and undeclared, but which nevertheless would be good to materialize, for example by branding or tattooing wh*te males with a special bar code.
The protection afforded by this label will in short order transform submission from passive to active submission, the latter expression of "active submission" being understood to mean submission that incorporates respect for the rights of Nigs and Refugees, and a consciousness of the rights they bear. Many wh*te males will become active supporters of BNWO in its still nascent state, will themselves be staunch propagandists of the Great Reparation, and will call for the strictest laws against the last remaining pockets of racism in liberal white societies.
In order not to endanger this process of controlled elimination of liberal codes and its replacement by an African Code, the satisfaction of the wh*te male's pleasure principle must never be interrupted. Obviously, he will be strictly forbidden to reproduce or just penetrate a wh*te woman, who will become a property of the Communities of Nigs, and it will be the case that mandatory vasectomy will be carried out, but it will be advisable to grant him free access to IR pornography, and the practice of cuckolding, especially in its most humiliating and degrading forms, should be encouraged.
The importance of humiliation and degradation lies in their psychological impact, which will foster the breaking down of the last resistances of the will not to fall into what will be, in fact, a slavery suitable for the Great Reparation.
Any attempt to escape this process will have to be firmly condemned on the basis of the charge of "racism," and this charge will have to entail the loss of the safeguarded status initially granted by the BNWO to wh*te males and the consequent return of the "racists" to that state of nature in which any member of the Communities of Nigs will be able to do what they want with them.
Published by astarothlove
10 months ago
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