Holiday Inn Wendy

The mature woman surveyed the swimming pool area at her holiday hotel looking over the top of her sunglasses. She was elegantly draped across a sun lounger, her long toned legs shown off to their fullest. It was the second full day and her husband, who had been hopping around for his first deep sea fishing trip, had finally departed leaving her to enjoy some peace and quiet for the day. The woman was a slender 34c-29-36 standing around the 5 6 mark. She wore her auburn hair short and although she had deep brown eyes that held you in their gaze it was her smile that ultimately dazzled people and turned them into putty in her hands.

Even though she had only been there two days, her skin was tanning very nicely and there were more than a few glances that were shot her way, especially so when she moved on the sun lounger to best display her long tones legs to their fullest. Many of the admiring glances would be passed on as Wendy had a particular taste in men. She liked them young and virile of which there were a number currently sat around the pool. Her book was mildly interesting but was there to provide a foil for her to survey those around us.

Starting conversations with these young men was not a daunting task to her as her job required regular interaction with young men. Those particular boys that she coached were too young at the time but she was able to plant a seed in them that older women made better lovers and she could reap the dividends when they eventually matured enough for her tastes. The conundrum Wendy faced today was which one to target; there were so many and with husband away, this cat was playing. Her eventual target came on her radar as she was draining the last of the cocktail she had been enjoying. Placing her book neatly down, she twisted round on the lounger as though she were about to rise. This was a tad dramatic as she could count on any of the waiters coming to attend to her in a matter of minutes but her timing had been perfected just as this tall fit blond man of mid-twenties happened to be walking past.

She looked up as he was slowly walking past with his gaze fixed on her luscious legs. She smiled that sweet smile and nodded slightly as she said, “Good morning.”

He had been caught looking and was hesitant replying “Morning” after a quick check of his watch added “Only just though.” The youth paused obviously trying to prolong the conversation pointing and then saying, “Errr, I’m heading that way, can I get you a drink?”

The bait had been taken “I was just about to head to the bar area myself. Are you heading that way too?”

He wasn’t but that didn’t stop the youth replying “Err, yes. Yes, I was.”

The brown eyes seemed to sparkle as she fixed him in her gaze and then doubled down with her wide smile “How fortuitous. Care to share a table with an ‘old’ lady?”

It was now his turn to shoot a smile “Well I would argue with the use of the word ‘old’ but yes, I would be more than happy with some pleasant female company. Lead the way” he said as he gestured towards the tables in the bar area.

“Why thank you” Wendy said upon reaching a table and she bowed her head slightly to acknowledge how the young man extracted her chair and eased it into place once she was seated. “I’m Wendy by the way, so, are you here on your own or with someone?” Wendy asked putting on her most innocent expression knowing full well that she had seen him with a darker skinned similarly aged guy, and similarly toned physique, the previous day.

“Hello Wendy, I’m Todd. I’m here with my friend but he had a heavy night last night and still isn’t up yet. How about you? I’ve seen your husband yesterday but not today?” the young man asked.

A glint appeared in her eye as she selected her words carefully “He’s off fishing, I’m afraid that and his precious golf hold little interest and so he goes off doing that while I stay and enjoy the scenery.”

“If he saw the two of us now, I take it he’s not the jealous type?” Todd asked.

Wendy barked a laugh and shook her head, Todd found her smile very engaging, “He’s a few years older than me and how can I say this . . . he struggles to keep up with my libido and so he . . . allows me to do my thing as long as I don’t interfere with his if you get my meaning.”

Todd raised his eyebrows in surprise at her frank statement, it intrigued him to ask further “And so you get to lounge in the sun in peace?” Wendy nodded as she sipped her drink, he added “And read your books?”

“Amongst other things” she retorted having to mash her thighs together to make that longing inside he temporarily ease, albeit it seemed to have had the opposite effect long term.

“And more things?” Todd asked, a knowing smirk spreading across his face.

Wendy’s reply was accompanied by her bare foot stroking up and down the side of his leg “And more things.”

“Like what?” he asked.

“Well normally I’d tell you mind your own business but as you’ve persisted, I’ll spell it out; I sometimes like the company of fit young men to relieve my frustrations that husband can’t. And let me tell you those frustrations are many and varied.” She shot back deciding to dispense with the BS. If he wasn’t interested, she’d switch her attentions elsewhere.

Todd nodded knowingly as he smiled back at her saying “In that case I’m glad that I caught your eye this morning.”

Taking a last sip of her drink Wendy went in for the kill “That sounds like you’d be interested in accompanying me back to my room? We can continue our ‘interaction’ there.”

He’d never had a lover over thirty and he was the one usually doing the chasing but here was an older woman, ‘Was she a MILF or a cougar?’ who obviously knew what she liked “Oh, rest assured I’m very interested” and with that he stood up prompting Wendy to do the same. As she strode towards her room, Todd followed a step behind, still not believing how the conversation had quickly turned from opening pleasantries to blatant offers of sex. One aspect was his inability to divert his gaze from her peach of a butt that was swaying from side to side with each step she took. On reaching her ground floor room, Wendy flourished the electronic key and strode into the room knowing that the athletic young man was following close by.

When she reached the seating area she spun on her heels and turned to face him, with a quick flourish her bikini top was removed and discarded somewhere to the side. She stood before him in just her small bikini bottoms with her hands on her hips asking “Well?”

It was obvious how they stood upright that she had had work done on her breasts but actually Todd didn’t much care, about that fact, they looked magnificent and he took a half step nearer and ducked his head down so he could capture the small nipple between his lips to noisily suck on. While he was doing this Wendy reached down to the front of his shorts and ran her palm up and down the lump that had formed in his shorts as gave off a satisfied “Mmmmm, nice.”

Todd would been happy to remain like this for a while but Wendy had other ideas. She ducked down to her knees before him and hurriedly tugged his shorts down to his ankles; his hard dick sprang up comically but the lady quickly engulfed the head in her mouth, sucking on it lovingly. Yes, she was certainly going to enjoy herself today. Todd allowed the lady free reign of his dick as she took him deep in her mouth, occasionally pulling it fully out so that she could kiss the head and work her lips and tongue down one side and then the other. ‘She’s very good at this’ he considered to himself.

After a few minutes of that kind of treatment Wendy pulled back and pushed against Todd’s legs so that he flopped back on the bed behind him. The lady quickly bent to remove her bikini bottoms and then knelt on the bed so that the head of Todd’s dick nestled her moist pussy. He was actually surprised the lady needed no foreplay but she had conjured quite a picture in her mind’s eye as she had been talking to him by the pool and so she was suitably revved up by the time she climbed on the bed. He’d never had a lover this mature before and he assumed they were all similar.

As she slowly sank her hips, Todd was amazed at the tight grip she was able to administer and he feared between that and how expertly she administered her mouth that he might not last long. It didn’t help when she leant forward slightly and lined his mouth up with her nipple but he was determined to do his best despite the sensory overload bombarding him. Wendy was performing an energetic rise and fall and Todd tried to focus on the room ceiling, on the wall behind Wendy’s writhing form, even the floor where his shorts lay, basically anything that was in his line of sight to stop from shooting his load too quickly. His efforts worked admirably for a while but the inevitable happened and on Wendy’s next dip he held firmly on to her hips and barely had chance to mutter “Coming” before he was shooting salvo after salvo inside her.

Thankfully his reaction triggered a domino effect and the moment she registered his come hitting inside her Wendy gave an anguished “Yes” as her pussy began to grip and squeeze the dick deeply embedded inside her. She flopped forward slightly and rested her forehead against Todd’s collarbone as they both got their breath back. Very slowly Wendy eased back and looked at the young man that had just fucked her to a standstill as she offered a weary smile saying “Phew. Thank you, I needed that.” Although his dick had deflated a little, as soon as she sat back up on him, it started to fill with blood once more. Wendy raised a single eyebrow asking, “Is someone ready to go again?”

“Hell yes” was Todd’s immediate reply, he spanked her buttock once and instructed her “Climb on the bed and get on your hands and knees.” This was music to Wendy’s ears as she quickly complied and it took Todd less than a heartbeat to be crawling on the bed behind her. The way she looked over her shoulder at him with her smouldering look just made him want to be back inside her. As he drove his hips forward, she fluttered her eyelids and groaned approvingly, very much like Todd was doing as he tilted his head back gasping out a long slow breath. Wendy wanted something animalistic this time and started to thrust her hips backwards in tie with the way Todd was driving forward and the contact made a satisfying smacking sound echoing around the room accentuated by their combined groans.

Wendy was enjoying the way the young man held on to her hips so firmly; he wasn’t holding back. Even when he switched his grasp to her shoulders she was gasping and mewling as this position seemed to provide him with better leverage as he rammed his length back and forth. She was put off slightly when she heard a phone ringing but didn’t recognise it as her phone and so put it out of her mind. His thick cock felt amazing as it shuttled back and forth; it was both a nice length and girth combined triggering Wendy’s next climax. As Todd had already come once, he thankfully wasn’t in a rush to come too soon a second time and decided to change things up by withdrawing from Wendy’s grasping pussy. Next, he rolled her over onto her back and once he held her ankles up around his ears he drove his hips forward to sink down into her depths once more.

The lady was really getting into a good fucking as she curled her ankles to dig her toes into the back of Todd’s back to gain some extra leverage. As Todd bottomed out inside her she would drive her hips up to meet his thrusts and was jabbering incoherently as the pulses shot around every extremity inside her. That phone went again and she could only assume it was Todd’s, between gasps she managed to say, “Ignore it, I need you to come deep inside me again. NOW.”

Todd grinned down at her, gave a half dozen slow powerful thrusts and then growled as he shot inside her once more. Wendy’s tension was similarly released as she bathed his intruding cock with her own juices. The strength in Todd’s arms failed him and he collapsed on her breathing heavily. He wearily flopped onto his back and on hearing the phone ring again, Wendy got up to try and find it. A quick rummage through Todd’s trouser pockets showed the screen lit up, Wendy looked at the number and asked “Rick?”

He held out his hand for the phone as he replied, “My mate that came with me.” He pressed the screen and held it to his ears “Dude, what do you want?” Wendy could only catch one side of the call but clearly made out Todd smirking in her direction as he replied “Yeah you could say that. I found a really tasty MILF down by the pool but she’s wearing me out.”

Wendy’s smile demonstrated the satisfaction she was feeling and she said in a hushed voice “Invite him over, he can take over while you have a rest.”

Todd looked surprised and whispered back “Are you sure?” Wendy’s expression portrayed her enthusiasm and so he turned his attention back to the phone “The lady concerned asks if you’re interested in coming over to get your share.” There was another short pause while Rick was saying something before Todd smirked again as he said “I’m telling you, it’s some grade A pussy. Come on over to room 316, it’s on the ground floor close to the small harbour.” By this point Wendy had knelt on the bed and taken Todd’s dick in her mouth once more, lavishing it with the kind of attention she considered it deserved. In next to no time there was a knock at the door which Wendy climbed off the bed to answer in her complete nakedness.

She did take a quick look out the peep hole and registered that the visitor indeed looked like Todd’s friend and so opened the door fully. Rick just had time to take in the older woman’s nakedness when he responded “Nice. Very nice indeed. I’m Todd’s friend.”

Wendy stepped to one side and replied “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you” she said with a seductive tone in her voice as she held her hand out to the new visitor. Her gaze scanned down to the front of his shorts and was pleased to see them start to tent nicely and so she went in for the kill “Won’t you get rid of your shorts and join Todd on the bed. I’ve never had two guys together at the same time.”

Rick was stunned to have such a brazen offer and yet that didn’t stop him shedding your clothes in double quick time. As he approached the bed Todd held up his fist for a bump which was reciprocated before Rick lay down next to his friend. Wendy casually stepped into the bedroom area and crawled up the bed beside Rick. With no further interaction she engulfed his dick into her welcoming mouth. She marvelled at the way his skin tone glistened with her saliva as she pulled her head back. Todd felt a little strange being witness to his friends blowjob and yet they had done so much together plus he was grateful for a respite, the lady seemed insatiable.

After a few minutes Todd decided to take an active part and wriggled down the bed until he knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed. While the woman was focused on Rick’s cock Todd spread her legs and proceeded to work his tongue over each ridge and fold of skin around her labia and clitoris. It took Wendy some time to register as she was so focused on pleasuring Rick but as Todd’s attentions intensified, so her adoration of Rick’s cock started to suffer as she had to disengage to repeatedly gasp and groan loudly. His tongue seemed to search everywhere and her appreciative moans intensified the more he flicked around each fold.

It proved to be a suitable interlude as Todd stopped what he had been doing, stood at the foot of the bed and once more buried his dick in her depths. This really shocked Wendy as she had to disengage and loudly proclaim “My god” but then just as quickly took Rick back between her lips. The lady certainly was in seventh heaven having two strong ********* to see to her needs but then she was equally keen to ensure they had just as good a time; the joy of youth was demonstrated with Todd’s prompt rejuvenation plus his staying power, hopefully Rick would be an equal. The next time she had to disengage her mouth Rick wriggled down the bed so that he could nestled his dick between her tits. She rather liked this new dynamic and would kiss and suck the head of his dick as it cleared her tits each time, he thrust his hips upwards. That was until Todd started to use his thumb to tickle her anus. Wendy used one hand to swat away his and briefly looked back at him saying “No ass. Pussy, mouth yes, I’ll even swallow but no butt play.”

Todd looked at Rick and shrugged before going back to feeding her pussy with his entire length. A couple of minutes in and Todd said over to Rick saying “Fancy a switch round? I’ve already dosed her pussy and wouldn’t mind a crack at her that luscious mouth again.” Wendy quite liked that suggestion and jumped up so that she could swing round 180 degrees, planting her snug pussy down on Rick’s nice cock and taking Todd back in her mouth to suck her own juices that had coated him. The way her lips slid along his dick demonstrated Wendy’s devotion to the hard meat before her.

Rick was enjoying his view too. Kneeling facing away from him meant he could admire her taught firm buttocks and the way her pussy lips clung tightly as his cock repeatedly drilled inside, liberally coating his dark meat with her juices. Rick diverted his attention to his friend and offered up his right hand for a high five while saying “This is some quality pussy you’ve found here.” Wendy could hear the praise but did nothing to distract herself from luxuriating in having two fine specimens to administer to. She was a strong woman in her own right but knew what she liked and now was one of the rare moments that she was determined to enjoy.

Rick’s firm grasp of her hips sent a particular chill up her spine. His groans and moans had been increasing in intensity and she just knew that she would be receiving her reward in no time. Sure enough, he thrust forward one last time while growling animalistically as he unloaded inside her, triggering her own climax as a direct result. She had no concerns about pregnancy and so she was able to revel of the decadence of having her womb hosed by a cock she had only been introduced to less than an hour before hand. Nor did this deter her from administering to Todd’s tasty dick until he was ready to come. His groaning gave his predicament away and she pulled back to aim his dick at her tits instructing him “Come over my tits loverboy, I want to bathe in come.”

He gripped hold of his dick and his face turned a deep shade of red as he tugged away until his third load started to fly and splashed across her tits. He shot two ropes of come over the right tit before switching to the left to loose another two ropes shaking his dick to get the last drops away. Making sure she had the full load, Wendy leant forward to take him in her mouth once more to suck long and hard. Satisfied that she had received all he had to give, Wendy sat back on her heels and started to scoop his come from her breasts to then suck his juice off her fingers. “Mmmm, that was special, I’ve never been spit roast before. Thank you. I appreciate you might need a bit of recovery time, fancy joining me in the shower?”

Both guys were up for that and Wendy was once again struck by the decadence of walking naked to the shower with two young men following in her wake while come was slowly running down her legs. Once the water was up to temperature the guys did a very thorough job of soaping her entire body making her nipples ping and clit start to throb. As she steadied herself on Todd’s shoulder while he was knelt washing her butt and legs, Wendy couldn’t miss the way the diamond in her wedding ring sparkled in the light. She had been with her husband long enough to have reached an equilibrium with him where she let him do his thing while he didn’t interfere with her. She was always at pains not to be too obvious around him and today was perfect as it meant she was in no rush to dispense with these two.

She allowed them to wash her off and then knelt down to lather up their crotches as a prelude to taking them in her mouth once more as she switched from one to the other. They may have stayed their longer but the water began to run cold and so they adjourned back to bed. This time Rick lay down while Wendy rode his cock and Todd stood up on the bed so she could reacquaint her mouth with his pussy pleaser, making sure to drain to both before she allowed them out of the room so she could get back to the sun bed.
Published by kwen55
11 months ago
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Leomoore 6 months ago
Great post.  Lucky Wendy or was it the guys?  Love this.