My Master 1B
The only good thing in my writings was, he will read how much I loved his father and even though he hurt me by throwing me out when I needed him the most, none of my journal entries did I ever write anything hateful about Joseph.
I just sat and cried for about an hour, then as it was now dark outside I got really worried about Joey. I rang all his friends to see if anyone had seen him and I was thinking if I should call the police even though he hadn't been missing for 24 hours yet. I went back into his room to look around to see if maybe he had left me a note or anything. I found no such note, but I did find some of my panties under his pillow and as I picked them up thinking how strange it was they were in his room because I distinctly remember wearing those pair yesterday and I know that I had put them in the laundry hamper. So I knew they must be dirty. I smelt them to check and not only did I get a whiff of my own scent, but the strong odor of his cum too from this morning's masturbation session.
The realization of my find was just starting to sink in, when my phone rang. I ran to it hoping it was Joey but it stopped just as I picked it up. Maybe it was a wrong number or maybe it was Joey checking to see if I was there.
I went back to my room and sat on my bed and tried to ring Joey again. It was ringing and ringing with no reply. I was just about to try all his friends again and was looking up their phone numbers in my directory when Joey walked into my room.
"I think you will find this a more interesting read," he said sarcastically as he threw my journal book on my bed beside me.
I jumped up excited to see that my boy was ok.
"Joey! Oh thank God you are ok," I exclaimed, so happy to see him. I went to go hug him. He pushed me back down to the bed.
"Sit down bitch! I will tell you when you can get up!" he scowled at me.
I was stunned; he had never spoken to me in such a tone before. I sat there looking up at him.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, you were never meant to read any of that stuff. I was going to tell you one day about your father," I sobbed as I tried to explain.
"Never mind all of that. Like I could give a shit about some man I never met!" His voice sounded angry and yet focused. "You are the one I'm interested in mom and now I know why nothing I ever do gets your attention. I've been going about it the wrong way," he stated. His tone sounded so unlike him. I was puzzled.
"What do you mean Joey?" I asked, confused.
"It's pretty simple mom," he said matter-of-factly, "from now on I'm the Master around here and you are going to belong to me."
I just stared at him shocked at what I was hearing from the lips of my sweet boy.
"Don't pretend not to know what I'm talking about mom. I've read every word in your book and I know what you like and how you like to be treated," he said in a wicked tone I'd never heard him use before.
"But Joey," I protested "you are my son, not my lover, you can't be my Master!" I was starting to freak out as I stood up to confront him. Suddenly he pushed me up against the wall, all those days and nights of weights in the living room showing their effect with the strength in his arms as he pinned me up against the wall.
"Says who bitch!" he yelled at me.
"Joey, let me go!" I yelled back, trying to sound tough but it wasn't working.
"No! From now on you will do as I say bitch and I'm sick of waiting for you to come to me. So take off your clothes. Now!" he demanded.
I started to cry, "No Joey no......I'm your mother......its not right.....let me go son.....please."
But he ignored my plea and pulled off my top and bra roughly; causing my big tits to spring out and he grabbed them with both hands and squeezed them hard. It felt really good, but at the same time I was terrified.
"Ohhhh fuck yesss! Better than I thought they would feel like mmmm. I've been dreaming about these babies for so long and now finally they are all mine," he said, ******* me.
I tried to push him away again but he just pushed me back harder against the wall and just as I was about to beg him to let me go again he started to suck on my right nipple.
"Joey, please don't do this," I pleaded "please.......let me......ohhhhhhh fuck!" I moaned as he started to pull on my left nipple while he sucked hard on my right.
My body had turned against me. I hadn't meant to moan then, but it felt so damn good to have someone sucking on my nipple again, it had been a long time since my last date. But Joey had picked up on my moment of weakness.
"Oh, does my pet like that, does she?" he said wickedly.
No one had called me that since Joseph, I guess he read that in my journal and was using it as he knew it would push my buttons.
Then he moved his hungry mouth to my other breast and sucked even harder on that, this time his free hand going between my legs and roughly rubbing me thru my jeans. I wanted to fight him off but my whole body was on fire as he treated me like he owned me.
He stopped and stood back at little looking at me up and down like he was checking me over. Looking at me thru different eyes than he had for the last 18 years. I stood there topless and shaking, partly from fear and partly from excitement.
"Take off the rest of your clothes mother," he ordered me calmly, like he was asking for something completely normal and every day.
I just stood there not knowing if I should try and make a run for it or just do as I was told.
"This is the first and last time I am going to ask you twice to do something. Now take off your clothes bitch or I will take them off for you!" he demanded, "Do it now slut!"
He sounded just like his father when he said that and for a moment I was back there again.
"Yes sir," I mumbled quietly and started to undo my jeans.
"What was that bitch? Speak up!" he said sarcastically.
"Yes Sir!" I said clearly and hurriedly took off my jeans and G-string, standing totally naked in front of my son.
I felt like a piece of meat on display as he got me to turn around slowly, inspecting my body.
"Mmmm do you know how long I've wanted to see you naked mother?" his voice sounding full of desire and primal lust.
"No son," I replied cautiously.
"Too damn long!" he continued "and now I'm going to do everything to you that I've ever masturbated over and everything that's in that book and anything else I can possibly think of."
I could see the bulge in his jeans twitch as he spoke to me like this. My mind was racing. I knew all the things that were in my journal off by heart as it had been my source of my masturbation for many years.
"Joey, you can't do all those things to me....I....I'm your mother," I pleaded with him once again.
He looked at me as if he was thinking things over and for a moment I thought maybe he was going to change his mind as his expression changed from being aggressive to being more relaxed. But I should have realized I was not getting away that easy.
"Answer me this mother," he said calmly "do you love me?"
"Yes, of course I do son," I replied quickly.
"Ok, and do I remind you of my father?"
"Yes son, you are like him in so many ways," I answered, wondering where he was going with all these questions as I stood naked in front of him.
"More ways than you know pet," he stated.
I blushed when he called me that, the name my Master called me. I knew would have read that in my journal.
"I have read all of your secret thoughts mother. You can not deny that you enjoy being owned and being dominated, it excites you. So now I have decided that I am taking over where my father left off," he said confidently, looking at me.
I had never seen this side of him before, it was exciting and scary all at once.
"Now, I am going to have you mother and I would prefer it if you submit to me and accept me as your new Master. I would rather not have to **** you every time I want to have sex," he commanded. His eyes were focused on mine as he spoke.
End Chapter 1
I just sat and cried for about an hour, then as it was now dark outside I got really worried about Joey. I rang all his friends to see if anyone had seen him and I was thinking if I should call the police even though he hadn't been missing for 24 hours yet. I went back into his room to look around to see if maybe he had left me a note or anything. I found no such note, but I did find some of my panties under his pillow and as I picked them up thinking how strange it was they were in his room because I distinctly remember wearing those pair yesterday and I know that I had put them in the laundry hamper. So I knew they must be dirty. I smelt them to check and not only did I get a whiff of my own scent, but the strong odor of his cum too from this morning's masturbation session.
The realization of my find was just starting to sink in, when my phone rang. I ran to it hoping it was Joey but it stopped just as I picked it up. Maybe it was a wrong number or maybe it was Joey checking to see if I was there.
I went back to my room and sat on my bed and tried to ring Joey again. It was ringing and ringing with no reply. I was just about to try all his friends again and was looking up their phone numbers in my directory when Joey walked into my room.
"I think you will find this a more interesting read," he said sarcastically as he threw my journal book on my bed beside me.
I jumped up excited to see that my boy was ok.
"Joey! Oh thank God you are ok," I exclaimed, so happy to see him. I went to go hug him. He pushed me back down to the bed.
"Sit down bitch! I will tell you when you can get up!" he scowled at me.
I was stunned; he had never spoken to me in such a tone before. I sat there looking up at him.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, you were never meant to read any of that stuff. I was going to tell you one day about your father," I sobbed as I tried to explain.
"Never mind all of that. Like I could give a shit about some man I never met!" His voice sounded angry and yet focused. "You are the one I'm interested in mom and now I know why nothing I ever do gets your attention. I've been going about it the wrong way," he stated. His tone sounded so unlike him. I was puzzled.
"What do you mean Joey?" I asked, confused.
"It's pretty simple mom," he said matter-of-factly, "from now on I'm the Master around here and you are going to belong to me."
I just stared at him shocked at what I was hearing from the lips of my sweet boy.
"Don't pretend not to know what I'm talking about mom. I've read every word in your book and I know what you like and how you like to be treated," he said in a wicked tone I'd never heard him use before.
"But Joey," I protested "you are my son, not my lover, you can't be my Master!" I was starting to freak out as I stood up to confront him. Suddenly he pushed me up against the wall, all those days and nights of weights in the living room showing their effect with the strength in his arms as he pinned me up against the wall.
"Says who bitch!" he yelled at me.
"Joey, let me go!" I yelled back, trying to sound tough but it wasn't working.
"No! From now on you will do as I say bitch and I'm sick of waiting for you to come to me. So take off your clothes. Now!" he demanded.
I started to cry, "No Joey no......I'm your mother......its not right.....let me go son.....please."
But he ignored my plea and pulled off my top and bra roughly; causing my big tits to spring out and he grabbed them with both hands and squeezed them hard. It felt really good, but at the same time I was terrified.
"Ohhhh fuck yesss! Better than I thought they would feel like mmmm. I've been dreaming about these babies for so long and now finally they are all mine," he said, ******* me.
I tried to push him away again but he just pushed me back harder against the wall and just as I was about to beg him to let me go again he started to suck on my right nipple.
"Joey, please don't do this," I pleaded "please.......let me......ohhhhhhh fuck!" I moaned as he started to pull on my left nipple while he sucked hard on my right.
My body had turned against me. I hadn't meant to moan then, but it felt so damn good to have someone sucking on my nipple again, it had been a long time since my last date. But Joey had picked up on my moment of weakness.
"Oh, does my pet like that, does she?" he said wickedly.
No one had called me that since Joseph, I guess he read that in my journal and was using it as he knew it would push my buttons.
Then he moved his hungry mouth to my other breast and sucked even harder on that, this time his free hand going between my legs and roughly rubbing me thru my jeans. I wanted to fight him off but my whole body was on fire as he treated me like he owned me.
He stopped and stood back at little looking at me up and down like he was checking me over. Looking at me thru different eyes than he had for the last 18 years. I stood there topless and shaking, partly from fear and partly from excitement.
"Take off the rest of your clothes mother," he ordered me calmly, like he was asking for something completely normal and every day.
I just stood there not knowing if I should try and make a run for it or just do as I was told.
"This is the first and last time I am going to ask you twice to do something. Now take off your clothes bitch or I will take them off for you!" he demanded, "Do it now slut!"
He sounded just like his father when he said that and for a moment I was back there again.
"Yes sir," I mumbled quietly and started to undo my jeans.
"What was that bitch? Speak up!" he said sarcastically.
"Yes Sir!" I said clearly and hurriedly took off my jeans and G-string, standing totally naked in front of my son.
I felt like a piece of meat on display as he got me to turn around slowly, inspecting my body.
"Mmmm do you know how long I've wanted to see you naked mother?" his voice sounding full of desire and primal lust.
"No son," I replied cautiously.
"Too damn long!" he continued "and now I'm going to do everything to you that I've ever masturbated over and everything that's in that book and anything else I can possibly think of."
I could see the bulge in his jeans twitch as he spoke to me like this. My mind was racing. I knew all the things that were in my journal off by heart as it had been my source of my masturbation for many years.
"Joey, you can't do all those things to me....I....I'm your mother," I pleaded with him once again.
He looked at me as if he was thinking things over and for a moment I thought maybe he was going to change his mind as his expression changed from being aggressive to being more relaxed. But I should have realized I was not getting away that easy.
"Answer me this mother," he said calmly "do you love me?"
"Yes, of course I do son," I replied quickly.
"Ok, and do I remind you of my father?"
"Yes son, you are like him in so many ways," I answered, wondering where he was going with all these questions as I stood naked in front of him.
"More ways than you know pet," he stated.
I blushed when he called me that, the name my Master called me. I knew would have read that in my journal.
"I have read all of your secret thoughts mother. You can not deny that you enjoy being owned and being dominated, it excites you. So now I have decided that I am taking over where my father left off," he said confidently, looking at me.
I had never seen this side of him before, it was exciting and scary all at once.
"Now, I am going to have you mother and I would prefer it if you submit to me and accept me as your new Master. I would rather not have to **** you every time I want to have sex," he commanded. His eyes were focused on mine as he spoke.
End Chapter 1
11 months ago