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انا اعزب 38 سنة عايش لوحدي وحاسس بالوحدة ومفيش حد يرطب عليا وارطب عليه وبدور علي علاقة دايمة وواحدة تكون شهوتها عاليا زيي عشان نكفي بعض انا شهوتي عاليا قوي وبحب الجنس قوي قوي وكنت اتجوزت عرفي قبل كده وهي خانتني وانا ولا بحب اخون ولا اتخان لما برتبط بواحدة بخلص لها وبكون عايزها تخلصلي واي حاجة تانية عادي المهم الوفاء والإخلاص في العلاقة
I am single, 38 years old, and I live alone and feel lonely. There is no one to kiss me and I can kiss him. I am looking for a permanent relationship, and there is someone whose lust is as high as mine, so that we can be enough for each other. My lust is high and strong, and I love sex strong and strong. I was married before, and she cheated on me, and I do not like to cheat or be unfaithful when I am in a relationship with someone. I get rid of her and I want her to get rid of me, and anything else is normal. The important thing is loyalty and sincerity in the relationship
I am single, 38 years old, and I live alone and feel lonely. There is no one to kiss me and I can kiss him. I am looking for a permanent relationship, and there is someone whose lust is as high as mine, so that we can be enough for each other. My lust is high and strong, and I love sex strong and strong. I was married before, and she cheated on me, and I do not like to cheat or be unfaithful when I am in a relationship with someone. I get rid of her and I want her to get rid of me, and anything else is normal. The important thing is loyalty and sincerity in the relationship
12 months ago