A new beginning

A little background first, remembering that this was thirty years ago.

The third person I had sex with was my husband. You would not have called me promiscuous in any way. I lost my virginity at eighteen during a drunken student party, and I was not impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later, he was my first long-term love, at least for a few months before it fizzled out. Then there was Steve, Steve and I dated for a long time, got engaged and eventually married. I didnā€™t know and didnā€™t care if our sex life was good or not. It was good enough for me. We werenā€™t particularly adventurous. We did have sex. Usually, lights were off, but no words were spoken, but we did have sex nonetheless. Oh, and I would orgasm more often than not, so, all things considered, It was good.

So it was in the late nineties, and we had been celebrating ten years of marriage, plus my thirty-second birthday, with a foreign holiday.Ā 

On our return, driving home from the airport, we stopped off at a motorway service station, both dying for a pee. As I left the toilets, I first encountered the man who was to become my lover that day and my instant reaction was confusion. I should have turned away, but his look of shameless desire lifted me in a way I needed right then. I still donā€™t know how it happened, but we collided, and we laughed as we both reached out to steady each other and then apologise at the same moment.

A little later, I was standing right behind the same stranger in the queue for coffee, and I was overwhelmed by his presence. In my mind, I had him caressing my body, making love to me, filling me. I had never daydreamed of being loved by another man before, But the intensity of this most unique daydream had me reeling. I had sometimes speculated from an artistic viewpoint what this or that hunk of a man would look like naked, but I never considered sex. Sex just wasnā€™t so important to me then, not important at all.

Steve was away quite a lot for work, and I really couldnā€™t be bothered. When he returned home, it was a quick grope, then he would cum inside me, and that would be it. It suited me that way. Little did we know that when looking back, this could quite possibly be the day that changed my outlook on sex forever, And changed both our outlooks as it turned out.

Steve guided us to the table next to that same man, and as we drank our coffee, he started to discuss the stranger, talking about what he had seen in the gentā€™s toilet in a dramatic whisper. I was already guilt-ridden at my feelings in the queue. I just wanted him to change the subject. The animated way he spoke and his expression hinted at what he wanted me to do.

Ā I was frightened and began to panic, I knew that my husband loved me, so I dismissed those terrifying thoughts. And I put my irrational terror down to those wicked thoughts. My sultry mood and my panic subsided. I could not understand why Steve should be so interested in talking about the size of another man's penis. I had no idea what had brought this on.

I glanced at him. He was a good-looking guy. These speculations I'd had about men had been few and far between. However, this man was good-looking, tall and slender but well-muscled, and looked after himself; he was very well-dressed and had a confident look. He did look a little like one of those movie actors who I had thought of as being attractive. Realising that while I was studying him, he was looking at me, and smiling. He winked, Iā€™m sure I flushed with embarrassment at having been caught out looking.

Feeling even angrier with myself, I was getting more upset with Steve. I wish he would change the subject. I began to tease him with some reverse psychology; by telling him the effect this man had had on me, I had hoped that I would shock him into dropping the subject.Ā 

Ā Well, that backfired, Steve's reaction told me exactly how excited he was, and what he wanted to happen, exactly how much he wanted me to have sex with this man. No. I had never considered infidelity. I love my husband and would and had never contemplated another man.

Then he asked me, more of an appeal, the excitement in his voice and those words burned through my mind.

Would you?

It was shocking, for some reason, Steve wanted me to be unfaithful, to have sex with another man, not just any man but this allegedly exceptionally well-endowed man.

My immediate response was disgust and then guilt for my earlier thoughts. I went with my heart and told Steve.


Ā I was livid, the instant the word barked from my mouth, Steve's expression changed from flushed excitement to total rejection.

I remembered that desire in the strangerā€™s eyes and that guilty flood of lust he had created in me. I began to feel quite naughty. I glanced back at the stranger and the words.

Ā "Would you? Really?" echoed in my mind.

Would I? "No. Definitely No."Ā 

How could I even think such a thing? Still, He was good-looking, watching me with those lustful eyes. Absolutely no. I turned back to Steve, and I could read the disappointment on his face. He wanted me to have sex with this man.Ā 

"No. Definitely no."

Ā But to my utter amazement, I realised I had said "OK."

It had taken almost no time from my firm. "No." To my soft "ok."Ā 

The cafe seemed to have gone quiet as I sat a few moments in stunned silence, not believing what Iā€™d said.Ā 

What sort of woman am I?

Ā What type of woman could agree to a proposition like that?Ā 

I was upset with myself. With Steve for asking me, I was astounded that I could agree. What sort of person could consider having sex with a stranger?Ā 

This thought raised an illicit excitement in me. As I asked Steve to ask the stranger to join us, the man got up and walked away. I was relieved and would be having strong words with Steve when we got home, but to be brutally honest, I was perhaps a little disappointed.

A few minutes later, we saw him again in the car park. How should someone behave in this situation? I had agreed, regretted it, and hated myself, a betrayal of everything I held dear, including our vows, but to please Steve. He seemed so eager, I couldn't disappoint him. I asked him to approach the stranger. He did. I donā€™t know what was said between them, but after several minutes they smiled and nodded at me. Then as he turned to walk away, the bottom fell out of my world.Ā 

How strange that I should feel such disappointment, rejected, over someone I donā€™t know. I honestly don't know what came over me; this stranger had sparked such wicked feelings that angered me, making me feel terrible inside and yet very different. So very excited. With butterflies jumping in my stomach and a little flood of moist warmth, I reached out to the stranger and shivered inside as I kissed him on the cheek, Stepping back I introduced myself to him, blushing slightly as I did so, again that powerful feeling washed over me, that feeling of him making love to me, but this time with the insight of what Steve had told me. I was trembling with fear and desire at the thought of his body against mine, his cock, his large cock within me.

I then found myself walking away from my husband with a stranger hand in hand, and I felt so very cheap. I was scared stiff and could feel my heart thumping in my chest, butterflies filled my stomach, and my legs were trembling, I was walking in high-heeled boots that felt very unsteady. My mind was reeling, calling me such horrible names,

'Slut, whore, slag."

At the same time, I was tremendously excited.

I was so embarrassed when he checked us into the Travelodge hotel.

Steve kissed me on the cheek and settled down in the reception area.Ā 

It was then, on the way up to the room that it began to sink in just how much Steve had emphasised the size of this stranger's penis, his flaccid penis. Now Steve grows from around one and a half inches, perhaps two inches to almost five inches. How big would five or six flaccid inches grow? Heā€™s bigger flaccid than Steve is erect. He is going to be huge when he is erect. He's going to be too big for me. What if he is too big? Abject terror began to course through me, by the time we reached the room I was feeling physically sick and on the verge of running.

Then before I knew it, we were in the room and standing facing one another. I was unsure what to do. He took hold of my hand and said.

"You're apprehensive, it's not too late, Iā€™d understand if you leave".Ā 

I felt confused, guilty as hell and full of apprehension I wanted to flee, but then I just couldnā€™t disappoint Steve I was getting such warm sensations in my stomach and pussy.

He paused for a few seconds. Then staring deeply into my eyes as though trying to read my mind. If he couldā€™ve seen my thoughts. He would have seen abject terror. I was happy standing up before a group of hard-nosed businessmen and pitching a proposal worth thousands of pounds, but this situation was beyond my experience. I was alarmed at the sensations this stranger had roused in me. I was terrified of what would happen if I enjoyed this and petrified of not enjoying it. Afraid he'd be too big for me and hurt or damage me. I was scared I might be too inexperienced and embarrass the stranger and myself. I was terrified of the damage sex with another man could do to our lives. More than anything, I was horror-struck at the thought of losing Steve, losing our marriage.

"No, this isn't right. I'm getting out of here".

I was framing what to say, how to apologise and excuse myself, when he stepped a little closer, reached and took hold of my other hand and looked deeply into my eyes. His face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath and smell his masculinity. I was trembling with fear, my heart was racing, my stomach quivering with butterflies, and my legs were like jelly. His warm, erotic aroma wafted across me, I could feel my panties becoming damp from another gush of moist warmth. I was terrified that he was going to kiss me or fondle me, make a grab for me in some intimate place. Instead, he spoke. Iā€™ll remember what he said forever.

"You are a very beautiful, and seriously desirable woman and I think your husband is totally off his head. You think you're being unfaithful to him, yet."

He paused for a second or two, studying my face.

Ā "I'll be perfectly honest with you and perhaps a little cruder than I should be. You are as hot as they come; Iā€™m hard as hell just looking at you, I want to fuck you right now. I want to lick your clit and push my tongue into your Pussy and taste your juice. I want to feel the slick warmth of you caressing up my cock. I want you to beg me, to scream for me to fuck you, I want to fuck you until you beg me to stop and fill you with so much cum that youā€™ll gurgle when you scream for me to stop. I want to fuck you so badly I've thought of little else since we bumped into each other. So I'll admit that I'd be disappointed if you backed out. You know your husband wants this to happen, he must be crazy, but he wants me to fuck you. He wants you to feel me inside you. So you canā€™t be cheating on him? I'm sure you think you're here to please him, but deep down, you want me to fuck you, to please you. What do you say?"

I've never had anyone talk to me in such base terms. Mortified that such dirty and explicit talk excited me as much as it did. What did I want? I donā€™t know. I did want him to make love to me. This canā€™t be right. I am a married woman. Knowing that it was what Steve wanted only made things worse. I was so confused. I knew that my last chance to escape this awful, erotic situation was sipping away fast. What do I want? He was holding my hands and looking deeply into my eyes. His eyes sparkled with lust, and he said,

"I need you now."

To this day, I don't know if it was that vulgarly seductive speech or the vitality of that.Ā 

"I need you now."

Ā That finally tipped the balance.

He pulled me to press against him, held me in his arms, and ever so gently began to stroke my shoulder,

.I felt myself shiver as he brought his lips to mine gently, easing the straps off my shoulders as his feathery touch raised my desire. He slipped my dress down, and in one fluid movement, he undid my bra and my breasts fell free. A total stranger cupped a breast in one hand while the other hand found the small of my back, pulling me firmly against his firm body. His warmth and the pressure of his muscular frame pulled against me. It was then I felt his thick, hard manhood bulging against my stomach.

We kissed passionately, each exploring the warm sensuous mouth of the other, our tongues flicking, touching and caressing. His hand slid down to my waist, then to my buttocks, and pulled me into him, working his manhood against me. He eased a hand between us, and he began to stroke my pussy mound through the thin material of my panties and began, to gently massage me. I encircled him with my arms and held him tightly to me.

Here I was in a hotel room, being kissed in the deepest, passionate way by a total stranger in the knowledge that we would soon be making love and to my shame, I was eager. His exquisite, erotic aroma devastated my senses. I felt so guilty. So base, so dirty, so shocked, so naughty, so utterly immoral, yet so very excited as this stranger took a nipple between his lips. He teased with lips and tongue until I felt them begin to firm up. With a finger and thumb, he did the same to my other nipple before sliding down to his knees and began to gently kiss my stomach. He knelt before me and then in a fluid movement, eased my panties down. I trembled as he blew gently onto my fine pubic hair and circled the long, slow breath round and round. I felt an urge, the need to spread my legs, To open the way for him so he could get to my most intimate parts. My legs opened as I stepped out of my panties, as he eased my thighs apart with both of his hands and as he blew onto my clitoris, my trembling intensified, then his tongue was there. I thought my legs would give way. It felt so good, What had prevented me from falling to the ground was his hand on my buttocks, pressing me into his face.

I must have looked some sight, My dress discarded, my Boobs free, my nipples hard, my panties on the floor. All I was left wearing was a pair of Givenchy ankle boots that were impossible to kick off. My legs were straight and spread, and a stranger, a fully dressed stranger, was kneeling before me, nuzzling my most intimate place. Strangely, I thought that this would make the most wonderful photograph, with backlighting and taken from directly in front of me, his back to the camera.

I was getting close to orgasm. I could feel the tension rising, the pleasurable feeling in my lower stomach building. My breath was becoming shallow. I began panting as he pushed his face and his probing tongue into me harder, licking more intensively. He continued licking me as he guided me backwards onto the edge of the bed. As he lowered me, my legs spread more, my heels resting on the edge of the bed, his tongue opened my lips fully as I parted naturally, and he thrust his tongue deep into me.

The quick, ferocious, darting movements stimulated my labia, my pussy, and my clitoris. He even darted the tip of his tongue down and briefly across my anus. He moved back to massage my clitoris with his tongue, I felt a finger enter me, no, not one, but two, I think. I opened to accept him, he pushed his fingers into me. He began to massage my Pussy while he was sucking on my clitoris. Oh my God, how I came, a deep and intense orgasm like I'd never experienced before.

Why had Steve put me in this situation? Why has he done this to me? Am I cumming this like because it is not Steve but a stranger? How can I face him after this? I'll die of shame. What can I say to him after this? How can I possibly tell him, explain to him how exquisite this is, how this stranger made me orgasm so quickly and so powerfully? Why had he never made me cum like this? Oh, why had Steve never done this to me before?

As I lay shuddering with pleasure, he crawled up over my body and fiddled clumsily with his zipper Then I felt pressure against my pussy, a little stretching pain as I opened up and then a wave of pleasure when he pushed the engorged head of his cock into me. I could feel every contour, every vein and ridge as he entered me. I could feel that ridge of his cock head passing up inside my hot wet pussy. He was stretching me beyond where ever I had been stretched before. I could not help letting out a little whimper of pleasure. As I did this, I tilted my hips upwards a little, and he straightened his arms, pushing his upper body up and off me in a kind of arc, driving himself fully into me in one fluid movement. Finally, his arms locked out straight.

All I knew then was that I was in a world awash with pleasure, with a sensation of being completely stretched and filled. He froze with all of his lovely long thick cock buried inside me, balls resting against me. After what felt like an age, he began to withdraw from me, then just as he was on the edge of pulling out completely, he thrust back in again. The first few times hurt just a little as he penetrated deeper and deeper with each lunge. Then I hit a whole new dimension of pleasure. I was being stretched fully, when he hit something unforgiving deep inside. The more I tried to push him away, the more of his cock he forced into me, and the more severe, deep, and intensive the pain and pleasure in the pit of my stomach blossomed.Ā 

"No.No, he's too big. I canā€™t take this. Surely this must be like giving birth." (I can tell you now that it just doesnā€™t compare)Ā 

As I screamed for him to take it out, I felt something move inside me. He thrust deeper. As the tension and pain exploded from my body, an overwhelming sensation of pleasure, pressure, release and lust enveloped me. His huge, thick cock filled me. I came again with the most violently explosive orgasm.

He must be so big that he'd hit my cervix, forced it aside and passed it. I remembered a girl at university extolling the virtues of her then-current boyfriends' huge cock. Now I envied that girl and thought it strange that I should be thinking of some girl I'd not seen for over fifteen years as the waves of the most astounding orgasm ever spread through my body.

And the stranger rested with his cock fully pushed into me again, his back arched, his pubic bone thrust against mine. He uttered little groans, and grunts as he felt my body tremble and convulse beneath his.

As that most astounding orgasm began to diminish. He started to move inside me again, minutely at first, rocking back and forth ever so slowly until I felt like begging him, to fuck me.

Ā What? I donā€™t think like that. Surely that didn't come from my mind.

It did I wanted to scream at him to fuck me, fuck me hard, fuck me like I've never been fucked before, please fuck me.

Ā He smiled down at me. I realised it wasn't in my mind. I had shouted those words out loud. I had begged him to fuck me.

He almost withdrew, then shocked as he rammed back into me, and then he was fucking me full length. He almost pulled out as his hips dropped so the head of that huge member rubbed against the front of my pussy. He straightened, powering that magnificent length into me, and at the last moment, his hips rose so his pubic bone rubbed my clitoris. He slammed into me so quickly, so hard and then pulled out very slowly.Ā 

"Ooh yes, fuck me."Ā 

His movements were driving me crazy. I was very close to cumming again, building up, not only from my clitoris but also from inside my pussy. My arms reached out wide, then grasped for his shoulders, my legs lifted and wrapped around his waist, trapping him inside me. I tried to curl up as I pulled him into me, to make myself as small as possible so I could feel his long, thick, exquisite cock penetrate deeper and stretch me wider.

I never thought making love, no, this was not making love, this was fucking, pure dirty fucking, being fucked.

Ā I never thought that being fucked could be so intense. Realisation hits me, I've never really been fucked before. The word that I had thought, so crude describes this act perfectly. Fucked, fucked, I was being fucked.

Fuckedby a stranger. A total stranger, a man that I had first seen probably less than thirty minutes ago, is fucking me like I've never been fucked before.Ā 

In truth, I've never been fucked before full stop. How long since I met him, what time is it, I wonder? Stranger, what's so strange about strangers? He'd kissed me in places Steve had never done, and at this very moment, his cock is deeper inside me than Steve's could ever be. This stranger had made me orgasm three, or was it four times much more intensely than Steve had ever managed in not many more minutes? I'm still reeling from the last one, that's why my mind is wandering like this.

I bucked my hips and squeezed myself tightly around his shaft, shouting.

"Cum, cum now, cum in me please".

Ā I pulled him hard into me, and he jerked himself deeper, forcing pelvic bones to grind. Exquisite agony pulsed from deep inside me, intensifying my orgasm as he pushed further into me. I felt his cock begin to twitch, start to pulse and then throb as his cum gushed into me.

Tenth anniversary, Iā€™ve been married to Steve for ten years today. Almost exactly ten years to the hour and a total stranger I met less than an hour ago has just ejaculated deep into me. He's filled me with his sperm. He's had his tongue in my anus for God's sake, how personal does a guy need to be before, realisation. Does this happen as strangers? Do I need to know his name?

I gurgled "I'm Helen, who are you?"

His cock shook and pulsed inside me as we laughed. He gasped between sobs of laughter as my laughing caused my pussy to clench even tighter and quiver around his cock.

Well, that was it, I thought, heā€™d ejaculated, so now his cock would shrink, he'd roll off me and that magnificent manhood would slip out of me, and we'd tidy ourselves up and go our separate ways. I dreaded going separate ways.

Ā "Could we do that again sometime soon?"Ā 

As I finished the question, he jerked out of me, twirled around on the bed, his head fell between my legs, and he began to nuzzle me, to lick and suck and blow. I must have been soaking, he was licking his cum, how can a man do that? I was mesmerised by that thought. Then I opened my eyes, and his semi-hard cock was only inches away from my face. How could I possibly have survived having all of that inside me? I have to admit that I havenā€™t seen Steves so close up, but even so, compared to my husband, this stranger was huge, and beautiful to behold.

Iā€™d never properly felt Steve's with my hands before, but tentatively I reached and touched this strangerā€™s semi-hard penis, I stroked it from base to tip along the underside, and it quivered to my touch. I gripped it near the base encircling with my fingers and gave a little squeeze. It was warm and starting to firm up again. I pulled my hand up his shaft as a bead of semen oozed from the tip. I wonder? I licked the bead away with my tongue. I felt so naughty that I almost came again. It was warm and thick but oddly dry tasting. I expected a creamy taste, so I was a little disappointed that it was so salty, otherwise more or less tasteless. I pulled some more, and as I did, more semen trickled out I licked it away. I kissed and licked that beautiful purple tip It felt so naughty.

His ministrations down below and my mind telling me how wicked I was were bringing me to orgasm again. I trembled a little, and he pulled away. In one smooth movement, he was standing beside the bed. I had been flipped over onto my stomach, and he reached underneath me and pulled me up so that I was kneeling on the bed, then pushed my head down and pulled my backside back as he thrust.Ā 

It was hard and vigorous, and I was orgasming within seconds. He didn't stop, driven by passion. He just kept ramming hard and deep into me, I came again, then again, and this third time didn't stop. It just kept on building and building, peak upon peak, and still, he continued fucking me.

Is this what they call a multiple orgasm? Yes, it must be. Here it comes again. I wish Steve were here to see this, to watch me taken to heaven and back, over and over again. Oh, Steve, thank you. You have helped me discover what's been missing. This is what I've been missing. You must have known that you'd never awoken me, never fucked me and never satisfied an unknown need in me. Oh, how it must have torn your heart, to think that you were not fulfilling me. I wonder how long you've known? How long you've been longing for this to happen? How long have you been planning this? You know me so well, better than I know myself. I wonder how many more women there are in this world that have never been fucked properly? How many more women who don't realise what they are missing? That's a frightening thought. Steve, you have to see this. To see me being fucked, and why is my mind wandering like this every time this stranger makes me cum.

I was wrenched from my reverie by the strong hands of the stranger pulling me hard against him, my buttocks tight against him, his huge, thick cock filling me pulsing as more jets of his sperm surged into me. The last traces of my first-ever multiple orgasm ****** out from my body.

We then lay side by side on the bed. I was completely sated and in a state of euphoria. The stranger was still panting from his exertion. His wonderful cock lay in my hand, not fully hard but still firm and weighty and just a little flexible as I stroked him. I did something then that I'd never considered before. I began by kissing his chest as I unbuttoned his shirt. I worked the shirt off his broad shoulders and eased his muscular arms out of the sleeves. I licked sweat from his chest and kissed his nipples, then kissed and licked my way down to his manhood. I eased his shoes off, pushed his boxer shorts down to his ankles eased his trousers and shorts over each foot as I kissed and licked his thighs. I knelt between his legs where his balls hung his thick penis lay curving across his belly. This was all new ground to me it seemed obvious what I needed to do. I lifted his testicles and licked the underside of his scrotum; a wave of his overwhelming, erotic aroma flooded my nostrils, the taste of salt and musty sex on my tongue. I felt a little flood of pleasure from my stomach. Before he'd pushed his tongue into my anus, and it had brought me the most unusual wicked feeling, I did the same to him, first licking the tight puckered ring and then probing with my tongue. Iā€™ve never done this before but it felt that I was doing the right thing. His legs came up and fell onto my shoulders. His hands held my head and pushed me into him. My tongue penetrated deeper, the tight anus opening for my tongue gripping me tightly. I slid my tongue forward towards his testicles; I licked and kissed them, gently laying them back. Starting right at the base, in the hollow between the testicles and penis. I slowly and delicately licked and kissed the entire length of the bulge in the underside of his penis. I tasted the mixture of his semen and my pussy juice. I reached the bulbous purple tip, working my tongue up and down the ridge of the V, lifted his firm but flexible penis and took him between my lips and into my mouth. I had no idea what I should do. It is called sucking, so I did, I brushed him with my tongue at the same time. Steve had asked me to do this for him but the thought always revolted me now, freely of my own volition, I was sucking a cock.

He groaned and tensed, and his cock slid further into my mouth and pushed into my throat, I began to heave and gag, and he pulled back. I rubbed the tip with my tongue, swirling, back and forth, then gripped the base of him and began bobbing my head up and down as I sucked him firmly into me. He hardened and swelled, forcing my jaw wider. It became uncomfortable, but I was determined to finish what I started. My jaw was on fire, he began pushing me onto him, so his cock forced into my throat again, I tried to help to pull back before I gagged, then moved forward again. Each time, it felt like he went a little deeper into my throat, and then I felt him begin to twitch in my mouth. He pulled my head off him. A thick white jet of cum erupted and plastered my lips and nose. His hard cock was springing upwards, freed from my grip as it spasmed, a second powerful jet shot up my forehead and into my hair, then just as I was pulling his cock back towards my lips, the third jet erupted to splatter in my dangling hair. I could see the globs of his cum just hanging there. I overshot, and the fourth jet splattered against my chin and neck before I managed to get him between my lips again. I sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed his salty cum, and as the last of it trickled into my mouth, I realised that Iā€™d sucked a man to ejaculation and then drunk at least some of his cum.Ā 

Not enough, I wanted Steve here with me, here in this room. I wanted him to share my experience.

Ā "Can I ask him to come up?"

"Sure,ā€ he said. "Of course, he is your husband."

I sat on the edge of the bed and picked up my mobile phone. As I did so, my lover pushed me backwards, knelt between my legs and began rubbing his cock head up and down against my clitoris sliding towards my pussy, poking the head inside me, pulling out and sliding further down towards my anus, back up, and the head, just slipped into me, then out and up to my clitoris. I misdialed three times. On the fourth attempt, I heard my husband's voice. Just as I spoke, my lover powered into me, and I gasped. This was absurd. Another man was driving me to orgasm, whilst talking to my husband on the phone. Not only absurd but exhilarating.

"Iā€™m going to cum."

I managed to blurt down the phone, that Steve should come up to the room, then threw the phone down as another wondrous multiple waves of pleasure flooded through me.

He fucked me hard and fast and rubbed my clitoris vigorously with his fingers, after I screamed with orgasmic delight, he pulled out of me and showered me across my stomach with more of his semen. He slid back into me and gently rode my orgasm as I took my hand and rubbed it in the semen pooled on my stomach.

There was a knock at the door. It opened and Steve stood in the doorway. I'd never seen him look so excited, amazed at anything he'd seen before. My lover rolled off, and Steve's mouth dropped open. He stared I knew that I wanted him to fuck me there and then, with this tall, muscular stranger who had brought me so much pleasure, who had filled me and covered me in semen, looking on.Ā 

I spoke, and Steve moved forward, unbuckled his belt and slid his trousers down, leaned over me and kissed my lips. As he pulled back to kneel between my legs, I saw the glint of my lover's semen on his lips and showing dampness on his shirt. He'd kissed me on the lips even though I had another man's cum there. That must have taken a great deal of courage. His cock, sort of entered me and it felt different, like a ghostly thing, almost not there. He pulled back, he fell out. My pussy must have been so sloppy, wet with cum he couldn't keep himself inside me. He took my hands and pressed them above my head, he must have seen the semen on my hands and across my wedding ring. He looked into my eyes and grunted with pleasure, I felt the warmth on my inner thigh as Steve came, such a strong spurt but so quick, I could tell by his far away exquisite expression, the quivering tension in his body, the clenching of muscles the long drawn out sigh that it was so good for him.

This stranger had planned this, the semen glistening on my body, coating my hands, body and my wedding ring, him lying next to us with his penis laying half hard across my stomach. This was designed to leave my husband in no doubt that someone else had fucked me and I don't know what came over me then. I humiliated him, I humiliated my husband, my love, my partner in life in front of a stranger, I was mortified but it seemed that Steve was so very excited by his shame. The sight of me made him come so quickly, perhaps he felt he'd let me down and perhaps I felt that he had, Perhaps I expected too much but I could see exhilaration in his eyes. When I spoke those awful words it excited him that I could say saying something like that with a stranger in the room who had so obviously awoken such intense feelings in me. He was aroused by what I said and what I had done and I think that he knew at that moment that the missing element in our marriage had been found........
Published by old_fashion_helen
1 year ago
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Silverbiguy 3 months ago
mmmmm damn sexy
smoothmale 10 months ago
old4yng 12 months ago
So sexy, love your stories Helen, always make me hard xx
Nyloni12 12 months ago
Hi Helen, I love your story. It is writen so sexy. I stroke my cock during reading and cum twice.