Open Relationships are the Future...?
One dumb user says. Lmao! Yes "Open Relationships" have existed forever but will they be the primary or majority of all relationships? Big Negatory! See, we like many but not most species can, have and will Mate for Life. Meaning two people fall in love and are together until death due them part. The difference between us and Most is we have this "feature" or this sense we call Emotions. You know what I'm talking about. In my opinion these emotions boil down to two... Happy & Sad. From there they branch out covering multiple levels, degrees and factors. Now what makes this Open relationship claim retarded is the Sad side. Lol not the Happy side. Hey you reading this... you're a damn fool, an idiot.... a baboon even! Did you feel that? When I insulted you? Yea, being insulted can trigger some nasty actions by the one feeling belittled, embarrassed or worse betrayed. Nasty actions including but not limited to depression, self mutilation, murder even suicide! But those feelings you just experienced are meaningless to the rage, revenge and vengence caused by the one you love or the one you thought loved you! I'm sure you've heard of the woman who hit her husband with her car, then continued driving in circles running him over again... and again... and again! 3, 4, 5 times this woman was so insulted, betrayed, and left feeling abandoned and used that she made the decision to violently attack her husband in plain view of multiple eyewitness. Why... duh he was caught cheating on her!! Show me a couple that is on top of the world yeling it from the mountain tops how happy they are watching the one they love or the one you thought loved you bang or get used by a bunch of other people. Show me the equivalent of the opposite results in an open relationship. If you believe that so many people will want that in their relationship...(more people than those that dont want that) that open relationships are the future... then you are a damn fool. Or you've never been heartbroken before. In that case I wish I could be there sitting front row to watch it when it does happen.
1 year ago