A very good love at home :-P
Obtain the sister at home (when the parents are not) there is the best thing as it happened to me :-P. An afternoon at home (late summer september :-P) without parents who will come back the next day :-P, I'm in my room in front of my computer and in silence, when my nice sister comes home, and I hear the sound of her heels hard, she goes into her room, then after a bit she leaves her room and I hear the noise of her slippers and already I am very excited by the thought that she has changed :-P, then, after a bit, I leave my room, always in silence and with some computer sheets in my hands, and I go near the door of the dining room and to peek at my sister a bit :-P, she was lying on the sofa but the view of she it was contrary to my visual :-P and she had, as usual for the house, a tunic, which ended at the knees, and her legs was bare but with socks enough tall and white and under the upper part of her tunic she has a t-shirt (because in that moment the weather was a bit fresh :-P), anyway her legs were a little wide and a little bent :-P, when she turns to me she is a little afraid :-P because she hadn't heard me :-P, so I'm sitting on the sofa next to her with the spreadsheets, and I give her several spreadsheets, and so she reads the spreadsheets and she puts her legs crossed like yoga :-P, with the bottom of her tunic that goes down to the center, and so I see and do not see :-P her beautiful panties that were white-yellow i.e. with segments white and yellow and with her inner thigh that was nice white-heavenly :-P and all this excites me very much :-P, then after a bit I tell her that we have to go into my room for examinations of the spreadsheets with the computer :-P, so, in my room, I sitting at the computer and my sister got on my bed always with spreadsheets in her hands :-P and always with her bare legs crossed like yoga and towards me :-P, so I always turn towards her and she always covers herself there in the middle of the center of her legs :-P, until my cock had a colossal erection :-P, so, I went to sit next to her on the bed, always with the spreadsheets in my hand, and i, gradually :-P, I try to touch her, until i confessing :-P and I tell her that, in many moments, I feel really emotioned thanks to her because she is a very nice girl :-P, she laughs a bit and she tells me "oh thanks! i know!..." she amused says me :-P, and it's not that she didn't know that I had peeked at her very often from a bit some time :-P and in a very substantial way :-P, and so I say that her beauty really made me in love of her :-P, she is always amused and she immediately tells me that I say it on purpose because I very often (indeed we say always in that last period :-P) I have been a voyeur with her, but I tell her that I didn't do it on purpose, I did it only because I could not resist for her beauty both for her face and for her body :-P, and for this reason I couldn't never do to less than look her :-P, also if I then tell at her that in some (happy for me :-P) accident it was also she who had some natural distractions :-P and I certainly couldn't help see her, but this can happen between brother and sister :-P :-P :-P, so she with an air of curiosity and always fun :-P asks me "and which they had been these my distractions??!!..." (those had led me to look at her at all costs :-P) and certainly I felt a little embarrassed for to make a list for her :-P, and also she too could feel embarrassed about for a my list :-P about some of her natural distractions (and happies for me :-P), my sister has always been a very nice girl, that's for sure, and for this reason I had sometimes peeked her but at the beginning i gived not too importance because always i thinked that is my sister :-P but then after a nice episode in wich i had peek her while we were in the car of ours parents when our parents they get out of the car to go to the supermarket and i and my sister we were sitting in the rear seats and at a certain point my siser gets up from her seat for to change the station radio and i had peeked a bit under her skirt and i have a bit peeked her "groin hair" :-P and so i jerked off some time thinking about this nice episode :-P, but then, starting from once a time at home, when I turned to my sister and she was sitting on a chair with the view of she frontal and total and she weared a heavenly tight-fitting house's tunic that ended just above her knees and she had her bare and white legs wide open (or for well spread apart, in short fully open :-P) and bent and with the feet bent on tiptoes and her calves at ball and nice white and nice hard white and my cock (automatically!) it was stretched to the maximum and extra hard to the maximum like the diamond of the rock (never happened to me before and neither after i.e. neither still even now :-P to having such erection as in that occasion :-P, I have always had very big erections and very satisfactory this is certain: -P, but in that moment there was certainly the best erection of my life) until to arrive to little before time this day of this spicy discussion with my sister about this post :-P an her great opening of legs (told in my previous post intitled "A very good view 4" :-P while my sister was on her bed in her room reading a book and talking on her cell phone and always with a tunic for the house :-P) and then, in the middle to these very nice episodes, other good happy moments :-P thanks to my sister :-P and obviously recounted in my previous posts to this like her neckline a bit melt :-P of her tunic that slowly lowered in front of me while I eat at the table, and, always taking advantage of her tunics for the house, I peeked several times especially to see her between her legs and at ass, then her very nice tights on the train thanks to happy journeys of commission with her always appetizing clothes :-P i.e. really beautiful pantyhose with beautiful skirts and with low shoes, and then, always at our house and always thanks for her tunics for the house, a nice "just brush" on her breast in the dark because the light was suddenly missing :-P, then, always at our house and always thanks for her tunics for the house, a fabulous lifting of her leg above the chair by placing the foot above the chair and wrapping the bottom of her tunic around the knee of that leg raised (and bent vertically) above the chair while we were sitting at the table, facing each other, reading some computer sheets and I rushing with my head under the table and I ended up exactly in front the nice middle of the her bare legs temporarily uncovered under her tunic :-P (later she and i we will talk about this happy episode in detail :-P), then some considerations about my sister of some of my friends (not in common with my sister :-P) always very hot :-P and that obviously made me very excited, other happy peeks for my sister's "natural" distractions in our parent's car, as i recounted before, during her changement of radio station (twice :-P, once I caught her under her skirt with a white panties and a bit loosed :-P peeking also a bit her groin hair :-P, and a second time under her skirt she had a red and tight panties :-P), a nice peek from the mirror at home with my sister sitting on an armchair always with an her tunic for the house with her legs naked before crossed and then straight and a little open :-P, then during another happy commission-trip :-P a sudden (or accidental) her striptease in a hotel-room not integral but *********** was missing for to be integral :-P, then always at our house in a moment that she had to change for to go out of the house and she passed between her room and the bathroom and I found myself there in the corridor at the intersection with her :-P, and then once in the summer a nice raid not voluntary :-P in her room while she was semi-hidden behind the door of her wardrobe and, from what I had glimpsed of her behind that door of that wardrobe, she was undressed :-P and this time it seemed to me in an integral way :-P unlike that one other time during that happy errand trip in hotelroom in which she, in front of me, she had suddenly (or accidentally) done a very nice striptease remaining barefoot and with only bra and panties :-P, and then another involuntary :-P opening of our bathroom's door while she taking a shower :-P. So in that moment that I remember (in my mind) those (very happy for me :-P) moments that were reflected in my mind and made me a little red and rather hot, but I felt not of I could tell them all :-P, my sister (who had always understood during that happies episodes of my behavior) she smiles :-P, I tell her that I behaved a little badly :-P, but I tell her that I love her anyway, although in fact I have done quite the pig :-P always taking advantage of her "random" distractions, but in any case I tell her that I love her because she is my sister :-P but then I say to her that I would love her also if she were not my sister, and so she, with an amused expression :-P, decides to do please at me a little :-P, and she gets out of the bed, and she shows me a little lifting of her tunic and I, immediately, I want to touch her legs and I stretch my hands over her legs :-P, and she takes off my hands .-P, and she continues a bit of lifting of her tunic a bit from ahead and also a bit from behind :-P, and then comes herself close to me for to joke to me a bit :-P, and she does small moves near to me :-P, and then she sit on me and embraces me, smiling :-P, and so we kiss :-P, and for a long time :-P, i sucked also for well her tongue :-P and after also she sucks for well my tongue :-P, then i raised her tunic and i started caress a bit her thighs nude :-P and i also i would wanted caress her above her panties for then to go on her pussy :-P but she not wanted because she felt herself embarassed :-P and so, closed the room with keys :-P for every thing (also if ours parents they would returned the day after), we put into my bed, and we have did the love, and happily :-P, with she that she was with a nice supine, at the end i have squirted the load marvellously pressing above her beautiful fleshy thigh :-P, finished the love we were happy inside my bed, we kiss again :-P, and then she tells me "now you got rid of so many thoughts about me..." :-P but i tell her that she will be always the woman who will make me more emotioned :-P, and she, always amused, she asks me again "what were the moments of more your excitement for me at cause of my natural distractions?..." :-P and i tell her of that time at home that i turned toward her when she was sitting on a chair with the view of she frontal and total and she weared a beautiful havenly thight-fitting tunic for the house and she had her nice legs and knees, nude and white, out of her bottom of a nice her tunic adherent and open wide (or for well spread apart, in short fully open) and bended and with the feet bended on the tiptoes and the calves nice at ball and nice white and nice toughs :-P (and also with very nice small sporty socks white tight at feet that ended tight at her skinny ankles :-P) but she no says nothing about this very nice episode :-P she remains impassive i.e. she says "i don't know... I don't remember..." :-P and then i tell her of that other beautiful episode of that time that i and she were sitting at the table face to face :-P and she raises her leg above the chair (bended the leg vertically) and placing the foot above the chair and then she, immediately after, she wraps the botton of her tunic around the knee of that leg raised above the chair and so i rush with my head under the table :-P finishing exacltly front that overture under her tunic :-P (this beautiful episode is recounted in a my previous post "A very good view 1") and she gives me the explanation of this happy episode because she remembered of this episode because at the end of this very happy episode also at she, in a certain sense :-P, had funned that situation :-P and so i ask her what end it had did that nice panties mini :-P that i'd found in the middle of her bare legs under her tunic in that beautiful occasion :-P and she says me "well... the old stuff sometime they can to be too small to put on..." :-P :-P :-P and therefore she had throw off that beautiful mini-panties :-P but then she says me "anyway i have buy others of that kind of panties..." (mini :-P) and she adds "because i like put it after the shower for to be comfortable..." :-P and so i, amusing :-P, i tell her "i will must always to check you every time i discover that you have takes the shower from little time!" :-P, and so, after some small laughs :-P, we have did still a lot of kisses always beautiful joyfuls and happy into my bed :-P and she gives me the appointment after some days because ours parents, after they will returned to home, they will lacked again from ours house :-P.
1 year ago