The magic of pseudometrics
I'll be the first person to win the Nobel Prize for something I wrote on X hamster. This is about:
- Topological inversion (the inside-out transformation). When you do 1/x, you're turning the real line inside out around the 1D circle of 1 and -1. To me, that's the most important function in physics.
- Pseudometrics (metric spaces with negative (or even null) distance, like the universe).
- Null hypersurfaces (mainly, the null cone and event horizons). They exist in space but have no extent into the time dimension. That's why both those surfaces are flat. Thorne and Susskind are correct, I think.
-- Valedictorian of Computer Sci deptartment (just 1 semester).
-- Masters in [digital security][10] and forensics, which was mainly:
- Hackin' 'n trackin' through the jungle of other peoples data, n' ransackin' their transactions.
- Dissecting viruses written by *excessively* facile people in several countries' governments. They programmed the bare metal. They seized control and never made any driver or system calls at all. They're the Hendrixes of Hacking--and they're driven to penetrate your network.
- Finding out everything you can about someone (anyone) from publicly available information. My presentation was everything you can imagine about a porn star. I could have found out more, but I didn't want to pay a public records fee.
- Paper analyzing my Algonquin a*****ors' crude smoke signal system as a wide-area digital network, with all the attributes of such networks.
- Running a time limited copy of the expensive, restricted software that law enforcement uses to recognize and catalog porn; then let it find all the porn on your own PC. That was actually an assignment. We all laughed heartily about it on on the class discussion board.
Grad school is cool here in The Future! Haldane was right: "The Universe is not only queerer than we imagineāit is queerer than we *can* imagine." It's queerer than even *Clarke* could ever imagine, and Clarke was even queerer than you could ever imagine.
Color, stereo, wall-size, 8K screen videophone is available free for everyone everywhere in the world, and also always available in their pocket no matter where they are. But nobody uses it because they don't want to answer the phone in their underpants. Ironically, almost all realtime videophone bandwidth is strangers looking at each other completely naked.
I wish McLuhan could see this. By his definition, he'd call it "hot media."
Meanwhile, out in the real world, awards at nuc engineering company (neutron embrittlement, reactor recert, skyshine dosage under varying shield materials and geometries, and a gamma spectroscopy tricorder to tell what nuclides are in the rusty barrels the Mafia dumped off Jersey. It even had little blinking colored lights like a real tricorder!
Other stuff, too. And they were all my projects, just me in my cozy workroom, where no one ever bothered me.
===========[ ANYWAY...
Trying reeeally hard to see spacetime from the point of view of null (Dirac) coordinates ā what light really experiences: distance without time, but with angular momentum in the time dimension. Photons just sit there at the same 4D location in 1932, spinning around and around: electric, magnetic, electric, magnetic ā rotating forever around the same moment in time.
One rotation is the Planck time, and the angular momentum in one rotation is the Planck energy.
The weirdnesses in SR are optical illusions arising from the fact that we insist on believing we're at rest, when really, we're falling through time at c. Feynman says mass is any momentum that persists in time. It's a lot of other things, but that's ultimately what they all reduce to.
Unlike photons, each mass in 4D space carris with it its very own "right now." That "right now" changes as the mass falls toward the future in the time dimension. Their clocks WILL be different when *any* of them move in *any* direction.
======[ In absolute (Lorentz-invariant) distance, elapsed time (times c) is SUBTRACTED from the space distance, not added.
At some distance (in space only) on its expanding null cone, the photon vibrating alone in 1932 bumps into a mass object as the mass falls along its path into the future. Then the balloon pops. The wave collapsed when it interacted with something in its future.
The light cone is what a photon looks like in 3 dimensions, where it's frozen in spacetime, stomped flat, and smeared out across space, vibrating across the universe like a flat buzzer.
The photon's entire undisturbed existence was the volume of the hypersphere with one pole in 1932, extending as a real 3D sphere with a real diameter, out to the time that it bumped into a mass in it's distant future. The photon never experienced all those years. It missed out on the life that the lucky mass objects get to have.
We think the sparkly photon is expanding through space at c. But in fact, it is pure angular momentum sitting still in time. It is we who are falling through time* at c, watching it from that perspective.
The mass in the present bumped into the photon waiting in the past, frozen in time, waiting for something to catch up with it in pseudometric space. The photon looks to you like an expanding sphere in 3 dimensions and a null cone in 4. "It's a moving wave!" you explain to your Ā confused students.
Like the early Christians, we attribute our own motion to objects hanging in the heavens.
I guess I should upload this to the Nobel site.
- Topological inversion (the inside-out transformation). When you do 1/x, you're turning the real line inside out around the 1D circle of 1 and -1. To me, that's the most important function in physics.
- Pseudometrics (metric spaces with negative (or even null) distance, like the universe).
- Null hypersurfaces (mainly, the null cone and event horizons). They exist in space but have no extent into the time dimension. That's why both those surfaces are flat. Thorne and Susskind are correct, I think.
-- Valedictorian of Computer Sci deptartment (just 1 semester).
-- Masters in [digital security][10] and forensics, which was mainly:
- Hackin' 'n trackin' through the jungle of other peoples data, n' ransackin' their transactions.
- Dissecting viruses written by *excessively* facile people in several countries' governments. They programmed the bare metal. They seized control and never made any driver or system calls at all. They're the Hendrixes of Hacking--and they're driven to penetrate your network.
- Finding out everything you can about someone (anyone) from publicly available information. My presentation was everything you can imagine about a porn star. I could have found out more, but I didn't want to pay a public records fee.
- Paper analyzing my Algonquin a*****ors' crude smoke signal system as a wide-area digital network, with all the attributes of such networks.
- Running a time limited copy of the expensive, restricted software that law enforcement uses to recognize and catalog porn; then let it find all the porn on your own PC. That was actually an assignment. We all laughed heartily about it on on the class discussion board.
Grad school is cool here in The Future! Haldane was right: "The Universe is not only queerer than we imagineāit is queerer than we *can* imagine." It's queerer than even *Clarke* could ever imagine, and Clarke was even queerer than you could ever imagine.
Color, stereo, wall-size, 8K screen videophone is available free for everyone everywhere in the world, and also always available in their pocket no matter where they are. But nobody uses it because they don't want to answer the phone in their underpants. Ironically, almost all realtime videophone bandwidth is strangers looking at each other completely naked.
I wish McLuhan could see this. By his definition, he'd call it "hot media."
Meanwhile, out in the real world, awards at nuc engineering company (neutron embrittlement, reactor recert, skyshine dosage under varying shield materials and geometries, and a gamma spectroscopy tricorder to tell what nuclides are in the rusty barrels the Mafia dumped off Jersey. It even had little blinking colored lights like a real tricorder!
Other stuff, too. And they were all my projects, just me in my cozy workroom, where no one ever bothered me.
===========[ ANYWAY...
Trying reeeally hard to see spacetime from the point of view of null (Dirac) coordinates ā what light really experiences: distance without time, but with angular momentum in the time dimension. Photons just sit there at the same 4D location in 1932, spinning around and around: electric, magnetic, electric, magnetic ā rotating forever around the same moment in time.
One rotation is the Planck time, and the angular momentum in one rotation is the Planck energy.
The weirdnesses in SR are optical illusions arising from the fact that we insist on believing we're at rest, when really, we're falling through time at c. Feynman says mass is any momentum that persists in time. It's a lot of other things, but that's ultimately what they all reduce to.
Unlike photons, each mass in 4D space carris with it its very own "right now." That "right now" changes as the mass falls toward the future in the time dimension. Their clocks WILL be different when *any* of them move in *any* direction.
======[ In absolute (Lorentz-invariant) distance, elapsed time (times c) is SUBTRACTED from the space distance, not added.
At some distance (in space only) on its expanding null cone, the photon vibrating alone in 1932 bumps into a mass object as the mass falls along its path into the future. Then the balloon pops. The wave collapsed when it interacted with something in its future.
The light cone is what a photon looks like in 3 dimensions, where it's frozen in spacetime, stomped flat, and smeared out across space, vibrating across the universe like a flat buzzer.
The photon's entire undisturbed existence was the volume of the hypersphere with one pole in 1932, extending as a real 3D sphere with a real diameter, out to the time that it bumped into a mass in it's distant future. The photon never experienced all those years. It missed out on the life that the lucky mass objects get to have.
We think the sparkly photon is expanding through space at c. But in fact, it is pure angular momentum sitting still in time. It is we who are falling through time* at c, watching it from that perspective.
The mass in the present bumped into the photon waiting in the past, frozen in time, waiting for something to catch up with it in pseudometric space. The photon looks to you like an expanding sphere in 3 dimensions and a null cone in 4. "It's a moving wave!" you explain to your Ā confused students.
Like the early Christians, we attribute our own motion to objects hanging in the heavens.
I guess I should upload this to the Nobel site.
1 year ago