Alternate Timeline – Friendly Reunion (Part 1) –

Alternate Timeline – Friendly Reunion (Part 1) – CD/TV/TS, MFF(CD)

This is a story featuring some of the same characters as my other stories, but in an alternate universe or timeline. Basically, if you have read the previous stories, all you need to know about this one is that Vicky never had sex with me or Mike. Mike had moved to Kentucky for a job, and that last I heard Vicky was married and living in Tennessee, retired and watching her ******* grand for her daughter, who was getting into local politics. But Mike and I had still been intimate as roommates! That much hasn’t changed. It had been awhile since we were able to indulge in each other, and I missed it, and I know he did, too.

Several months ago, I got a text from Mike, saying he might be in the area for a conference for work. He said he’d be staying at the hotel where the conference was located, but wanted to drop by and visit me. I know what he was thinking, and I agreed eagerly! He said he would probably get in about 6 PM on a Saturday night, that he was visiting other folks on the way. Getting more explicit, I asked him how he wanted me dressed when he arrived. He seemed to get excited, as he said, “I want you to dress like B*rbie, all in pink, except for your jet black wigs. Do you still pin the big beehive onto your long, flowing showgirl wig, baby?” I cooed excitedly and said, “Oh you know I do, you hot stud, because I know how much my big hair turns you on!” We both chuckled and said good night.
I got into buying mode. I’d already bought some pink clothes, because I’d wanted to do B*rbie dressup myself. I had the 4” high heels, the pink gingham top (it’s sometimes easier to find tops in 6X than smaller sizes). I had a pink half slip. I finally found my biggest bra size, 58K, in pink (although it was hot pink, not a lighter pink). Pink pantyhose, and the last touch, pink elbow-length satin gloves. I filled a large pink purse with items we’ll get to later.

Saturday arrived. About 4 PM I got a call from Mike, saying he was right on schedule. He reminded me to be dressed when I answered the door, because he was horny as hell for his best friend, his submissive sissy bimbo cocksucker. It was the first time he’d been so explicit in his talk. I told him, “Oh honey, my little cum-clitty is so hard for you, it’s dancing in my panties! I can’t wait to be on my knees, sucking your long thick hard dick again! I’ve missed it so much!” He laughed and told me to edge until he got there, and I promised I would. We ended the call. I went back to my bedroom, and selected my 10 inch long by 2 inch thick dildo with balls. I laid on my bed on my back, licking and sucking that dong, imagining it was Mike’s stiff dick. (His size was a tad bigger that this, but for a warmup it was fine.) I would take time out to pat my forehead and cheeks and tongue with the dildo, before sucking it back into my hungry mouth. I wanted to masturbate so much, but I obediently just edged, saving my orgasm for Mike, my cock-G*d.

Later around 6 PM, I was straightening up the already-straightened apartment. I was wondering how Mike and I would celebrate our reunion first, and imagining orgasm after orgasm. I heard a knock at the door! I had butterflies in my tummy! I picked up my purse and put it on my arm. I sashayed to the door, unlocked it and opened it wide, saying “Welcome to the home of Pink Julie, the sexy bimbo of your dreams!” There was Mike, my love … and two other guests. Mike moved past me into the apartment, giving one of my huge breasts a squeeze as he did, and there was Vicky. She said, “My oh my, who do we have here? She looks like a Bill Ward bimbo, but her voice still sounds a little like Tony. Is that you?” I gulped and stammered, “Y-Y-Yes. I-I’m Tony, but sometimes Julie, too.” Vicky walked past me, saying, “We really must work on your makeup, dear friend.” I was stunned, but still noticed her massive chest (had her tits grown since I last saw her?), her long Revlon red nails, and the huge platinum-blonde F*rrah-style hairdo. She was as sexy as ever! As I turned back to the door, I heard the words, “Hey, long time no see, I’m kinda jealous of your bimbo look. If I’d known we were going to be playing dressup, I would have chosen a different outfit.” There she was, Zoe, Vicky’s 30-something year old daughter. She wore a black leather skirt, blue top somewhat covered by a black leather jacket (although her big boobs was pushing the jacket open), black platform boots (I later measured them as 6”), a huge flame-red big tousled hairdo like the girls in 1980s music videos wore, and a long purple silk scarf which hung well below her waist. I said, “Hi, Zoe”, not knowing what else to say. She smiled and patted me on my cheek, and said, “Don’t worry, Mike told us a lot on the way here. I predict we will be having some serious fun tonight.” I closed the door behind her and went into the living room.

Mike and Vicky were sitting next to each other on the couch, with Zoe about to sit in a chair. Vicky was absently but matter of factly stroking Mike’s crotch, and it was obvious he was hard already. Mike said, “Hey Julie, show off for us. Twirl and strut for us, you sexy sissy.” I didn’t feel like I had any choice, plus I like being told what to do by Mike. So I strutted towards the kitchen, looked back quickly over my shoulder, then wiggled my way over towards Mike and Vicky, and when I got there, I leaned down and started rubbing my huge tits, moaning as I did it, saying, “Oh I am so glad to see you again Mike. It’s been way too long since I saw you…”, pause here, “and … a-and kissed you…”, pause again, then ,”a-a-a-nd since I SUCKED your COCK!” I heard everyone in the room gasp or inhale. I risked it and had gotten a real reaction out of them! I don’t know how much Mike had told them, but the cat was out of the bag now!
Vicky was shaking her head. She said, “Damn, Mike told us you used to dress, but he never said you and he … had sex! This is going to take some time for me to process. Can I smoke a cigarette in here?” I said, no, unfortunately there was no smoking inside, but we could go on my patio. I turned on the patio lights and went onto the patio, still holding my purse. Everyone came out and sat down. Vicky pulled a pack of Salems out of her pocket, but fumbled to find a lighter. I pulled my lighter out of my purse and flicked a flame to life for her, leaning in very close to her. She lit up, then as I kept the lighter lit, she got the hint and exhaled to blow the flame out. Needless to say, my face was only about a foot behind the flame, so I got a nice facefull of her sexy smoke. (Score, another “smoke facial”!) I was about to sit down when I saw Zoe with a VS120 dangling from her lips. I lit her cigarette too, and she did produce a beautiful exhale. Wow! On my patio with sexy women and my lover!

So most of the small chat centered about how long I had been crossdressing (over 40 years), and how I kept it so good of a secret (I didn’t run my mouth about it.) It seemed Mike was getting bored with the small talk, and he said, “What’s in your purse, Tinky-Winky?” I blushed and said, “Oh you know, just the usual girl stuff.” Mike said, “Hand it over, and let’s see.” I couldn’t say no, so over to him it went. Mike started fetching items from the purse and placing them on the patio table. He pulled out a lipstick, noted the frosted pink shade, and put it on the table. Then he pulled out my pack of Benson and Hedges 100s and my pack of Virginia Slims 120s (I was still holding my lighter.) he said, “Smoking? What a naughty sissy. We’ll have you smoke in a minute and see if you can smoke as sexily as these ladies. Because it’s a turn-on to me to watch them smoke.” Hairbrush, no comment. Purse pack of tissues, no comment. A string of 4 condoms, regular-sized. That got a raised eyebrow. A box of Magnum condoms, and Mike chuckled, “I see you did get ready for me!” Then a pause… and Mike pulled out a 6” suction cup based dildo. Vicky laughed and said, “Well everyone has to start somewhere, I guess!” Zoe laughed and said, “You know, if that was bigger, I’d swear it was a penis!” Then out came the 10” by 2” thick dong with balls. The laughter stopped, and I swear I head Vicky and Zoe both inhaling. Vicky said to Mike, “Let me see that.” He handed it to her. She wrapped her hand around it and said, “G*d DAMN that’s a thick one. I bet it would feel so good….” She let her sentence fade out, uncompleted, but inhaled deeply, and blew her smoke all over the dong! Zoe looked annoyed, grabbed the dong from Vicky and said, “Oh cut the crap, Mom, this is what you want to do!” She inhaled deeply, tilted her head straight up, and slid the entire dildo down her throat as she was exhaling! She fucked the dildo in and out of her mouth three times, before pulling it out, and throwing the wet dong in her mother’s lap! Vicky hissed at Zoe, “So you have great deepthroat skills, so what? My tits are bigger!”
Mike laughed, and said, “OK, vixens, let’s calm down. It’s time to see what sort of bimbo Julie makes.” He handed me the two pack of cigarettes. I took a VS120, and said, “I-I-I like these, because they are longer … said sexier.” Zoe piped up, “Hell yeah they are!” I said, “It’s been a long time since I smoked … I don’t know how I’ll do.” Vicky took an inhale and an exhale, and said, “Don’t worry, it’s like riding a bicycle, you never forget how.” I noticed she was squeezing the dildo which was still in her lap. I flicked the lighter and touched the flame to the end of the long, sexy cigarette. I tried inhaling, but was too eager, and started coughing, with not much smoke at all coming out with the cough. Vicky said, “OK, just try again.” I did, and didn’t choke this time, but the drag seemed fairly ineffectual, and my exhale was weak and thin. Mike seemed displeased, and said, “Damn I was looking forward to three smoking bimbos, but it looks like we only have two.” I was desperate! He wasn’t going to forbid me from sucking his cock, was he?! I cried, “Wait, I have something to show you!” I hurried to my bedroom and came back with my two vape mods. I said, “Look, I can do a sexy exhale!” I fired up my marshmallow milk PG mod, stepped it up from 80 to 90 to heat the coils. Then I took a HUGE hit off the mod, and without pausing, exhaled the vape cloud directly into Mike’s startled face! The smoke was creamy and thick and seemed to envelope his head and just sit there! Vicky reacted first, “Holy shit, that’s like three or four cigarette exhales!” Zoe murmured in agreement, and when I looked over, it looked very much like she was rubbing her clitoris through her skirt, while smoking. Mike has been breathing in the smoke, and now exhaled it, and said, “That’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve seen in a long time. Hit me with the other vape, and then I think it’s time for some cocksucking!” I blushed and pretended to curtsey, took another hit, then did a talking exhale, the smoke flowing up from the shelf my tits and hair made, and said, “Well, you know, I am your sweet sexy sissy smoking cocksucker!”, which got a laugh out of Zoe. Vicky was too busy lighting another VS120.

I got the other mod, and said, “This one is all VG. Not much taste to the vape, but the clouds are even better.” I took the vape from 80 to 90 to 100. I primly crossed my legs, letting my 4” heel dangle. I slowly but deeply inhaled then exhaled at Zoe, them moving to Vicky, then moving to Mike, all one long unbroken exhale which practically filled the whole patio! All three of them moaned this time, and I was pretty impressed with myself. Mike stood up abruptly, and started fumbling with his pants. In a very protective move, Vicky quickly dropped to her knees in front of him and finished undoing his pants. I was frustrated, until Zoe said, “Hey sexy sissy, bring that VG vape over here and start licking my pussy!” He skirt was pulled up, and I was glad to see the curtains didn’t match the drapes. A beautiful black bush shone in the patio’s light. I took another hit as I sank to my knees, and started licking her labia as I exhaled my vape smoke. She started moaning loudly, immediately, and grabbed the back of my head, only relaxing when I wanted another vape hit. My tongue found her clitoris and worked magic, and soon she was shuddering in orgasm. She pulled me up to her face and kissed me, and I loved tasting the smoke on her lips and tongue. She then looked over at Vicky and said, “What’s the matter, Mom, you losing your touch? Julie’s already given me a GREAT orgasm! Maybe Mike ought to give Julie a try?” Vicky turned enough, with Mike’s dick still in her mouth, and glared daggers at her daughter. Mike said, “Well you know, Vicky, you did blow me in the car on the way down here. I think I will let Julie try her cocksucking skills on me.” He walked to where I was, and said, “Vape in my face little bimbo.” I eagerly complied and enveloped practically his whole body in my smoke cloud. He moaned and said, “Now vape my cock, you little sissy.” I took another huge hit, then set the vape on the table, and started bobbing my head on his huge cockhead and as much as the shaft as I could take in! Later Mike told me it was so sexy being sucked off with my whole head except the very top of my beehive being hidden in my huge thick vape cloud! I was working as hard as I could to take him all in, I so desperately wanted to deepthroat him! I heard him growl and grab my head, forcing me even deeper down onto his massive schlong. I started to choke and gag, but I didn’t care, I wanted more! I wanted it all! I grabbed his asscheeks and started pushing him in even farther. I couldn’t breathe but I didn’t care! Up and down, in and out, struggling to take more, more, more! Then I felt a hand at the back of my head pushing me down even further, and I heard Zoe’s voice whisper in my ear, “That’s right, honey, deepthroat him as well as you licked my pussy. Do that, and I guarantee he’ll come a huge load for you … AND you’ll be pissing my Mom off, since she wanted that load, the greedy bitch!” That was all it took! I relaxed my throat fully and all of Mike’s 11” thickness slide into my throat! He gasped then started fucking my throat hard and fast, like he was afraid my throat was going to close up again. I was feeling woozy from lack of air, but I heard Mike half-shout, :”Oh, I’m gonna cum!” I pulled my head off him and started jacking him off, an inch away from my face, I gulped in air, then said, “Oh yeah, stud, I want your money shot! I want you to cum all over my jet black hair, the white sperm will show up so good in contrast! I want you to cum all over my titanic TITS! And I want you to cum all over my face and into my MOUTH! Flood me with your sperm, drown me in it!” That must have sent him over the edge, because he grabbed his cock and started jerking it off, saying, “Here it comes you sweet sexy bimbo slut!” His magnificent cock started spraying sperm and it didn’t stop for over a minute! He painted a spiderweb of white all over my jet black hair! He shot so much cum on my tits that they looked snow-covered mountains, and cum was dripping off them onto the floor! And as for my face, well, it looked like I was wearing a white mask, his load covered me that well. I looked like a fucking heavily glazed doughnut! Mike sat down next to Zoe and she picked up his still-hard cock, and tapped me on my glazed face with it, then wiped it off onto my hair.

She smiled at me as she said, “Well, we know Julie can dress like a woman. And we know Julie can smoke like a woman. And now we know Julie can suck cock like a woman. I’d say that’s a pretty great performance!” Then … of course … Vicky growled, “We’re not done yet.”

To Be Continued….
Published by BeehiveTV
1 year ago
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