A very nice suspect and a very nice conclusion :-P
Had it been a bit of time since this suspect had come to me... and if my beautiful sister was a little bisexual? perhaps because of her sometimes a bit to be narcissistic for to the fact that she's a girl-woman very hottie :-P as I have already said several times in the my previous posts to this :-P, the fact had strted a nice day when I'm go to do the voyeur :-P (and this is nothing certainly new with my nice sister :-P) the reason of why I'm go to do a bit the voyeur this was for an our (of me and of my sister) knowledge of a girl, white namely russian like us :-P and collaborator in our work, so an evening i reach my sister to the appointment with this girl new our collaborator, I see this girl, thin enough not tall but average for the women :-P, this girl greets me shaking the hand but then, afterwards, she is always with her look a little turned down toward me perhaps not she "framed" me very well because perhaps she immediately thought that i was a bit voyeur :-P or perhaps just because she is a little shy, and then also another times in a bar this girl was with me and my sister and this girl was always a bit like that, as i said before, with her gaze always a bit lowed and her apparence shy and so i started to think if she was a bit lesbian :-P, because in effects she never spoked of a boy or of the guys in generally. subsequently I continued to see my sister to goes out with this girl, it seemed that my sister goes out more with this girl than with her boyfriend :-P, then a saturday night i go at the bar and i meet them (this girl and my sister) always them two and always alone :-P and after a bit they leave and they greet me and they tell me that they are going to a disco, but I don't believe it, because in those last times my sister and this girl they were always together and always alone :-P and so I wanted to think if they were doing something :-P because i was sure of this :-P with this girl from gaze always lowed and with her apparence shy near the "goodness" :-P of my sister and also a bit for the narcissism of my sister :-P, so I decide to go to our country house, i park my car a bit far from the house, and I go behind a part to hear if they (my sister and this girl) were there, and in fact they were there and they were alone because i not hear others voices in addition to theirs :-P, so, between one little laugh and the other, i start to hear the first noises of kisses :-P, then after a while the first sex gags :-P in short they were doing it (the love :-P) and just two them :-P because, as i said before, I did not hear other voices in addition to theirs this is sure :-P, and I in that moment, i that could do if not to pull down the zipper of the jeans and make me a nice handjob (outdoor :-P), the outside's climate it was fresh and so it was very nice and very pleasant :-P. Then, during the subsequently week, I confess to my sis :-P and my sis tells me "Good, good, voyeur that you're nothing else!" :-P and i ask to my sis why she wanted to do this and my sis tells me that she did this for the simple fact that this girl (the"dear" friend :-P) is a good girl, a little shy because she is bisexual :-P, and shortly time after becoming acquainted my sis, at a certain point this girl tells at my sister that she is really in love of her :-P, so my sister had decided to please this girl and "dear" friend :-P. Later i, for the subsequently saturday i.e. for the next appointment of my sister with this girl and her "dear" friend :-P I ask to my sis to "please me" :-P, and so in the evening of the subsequently saturday i go at the bar and my sister and this girl they were always alone (obviously :-P), after a while they tell me that they go to the pub and then to the disco, i, instead :-P, i go at the our country's house and, i put the car behind to an invisible part (obviously :-P), i "intruded" into our country house and, for waiting them (my sister and this girl :-P), I was putted into the shelter of the kitchen :-P, I also slept a while in the waiting, when they arrive my beautiful sister had noticed me behind the cracks between the wooden segments of the door of the shelter of the kitchen because, obviously, I had told her that I would have hidden behind somewhere to see them and masturbate me :-P, so my sister puts little time i.e. she convinces her "dear" friend at undress both there in the kitchen :-P and so they undress and both completely naked(!) :-P, and so i had (obviously) immortalized that very beautiful moment :-P, the "dear" friend does not notice anything because she was too excited? or perhaps simply for the fact that she did not care much about what I did the spy :-P because she was very happy to make the love with my sister :-P, after the kitchen my sister and her "dear" friend go to the bedroom, I can not spy they for "logistical" reasons :-P, but anyway feeling the gags of the love I made a very good handjob there always into the shelter of the kitchen :-P, then, subsequently, my sister will tell me that in the badroom her "dear" friend was very excited between the kamasutra and the sucking of my sister's big tits (because my sister had did enlarged from sometime :-P). Subsequently to that beautiful evening i, jokingly, i say to my sister "congratulations for this new adventure... :-P" and my sister replies to me, leaving me a little surprised :-P, that it had not been right the first time of this type of adventure for her :-P :-P :-P, there had been another time in the past with an her sympatique friend with the physique a bit sturdy and with big tits :-P.
1 year ago