Dream 3
I was lost. I knew that I was on the right trail when I started but it quickly petered out and I discovered that the map I was counting on was far from accurate. I should have been at the lake hours ago, and now the sun was going down. I was not looking forward to setting up camp here, but I might have no choice.
Just as I was thinking about that possibility I saw smoke in the distance. I knew that some people have hunting cabins on the edge of the wilderness area and felt hope. I picked up my pace trying to get to what I hoped was a cabin before the sun set fully and the forest would become pitch dark on this moonless night.
Just before I reached the smoke I heard someone coming towards me in the woods. Not thinking I called out. A male voice answered me "ahh what do we have here". A monster of a Man walked towards me, dressed in buckskin and furs.
"Can you help me, I do think I am lost, I was looking for Emerald lake?"I asked
"Emerald lake? That is some way off, you are a very lost little girl, are you by yourself?" I gulped suddenly realizing that no one knows where I am at, and that this big man could realistically do anything he wanted to me.
I shuttered " no, my boyfriend is behind me" I lied.... but he did not buy it.
He laughed at me " Nope, no one else is in these woods I think, and you know I have not had a woman in a long time"
I now knew I was in deep trouble, and turned and ran from him as fast as I could, but he was right behind me. "You can keep going, little girl, but I am going to get you," he laughed.
I tried to put on more speed, but unfortunately instead found a root, tripped and fell.
He was on top of me before I could stand up, holding me down and pulling off my pants. I cried out but there was not another person for miles around. I gasped as he pushed his fingers inside of me.. "mmm getting wet for me? Better get ready because my cock is going in you whether you are ready or not " He pulled my hips up as I struggled. "Stop it", he yelled at me and slapped my ass. "you are mine until I am done with you!" I felt the tip of his cock pushing into my pussy and cried out. He thrust hard and went balls deep into me. "you are tight little girl", he grunted as he thrust in and out. I layed under him sobbing as he thrust in and out of me. Eventually he grunted, "I am cumming", and I cried out, "No, I am not on birth control, please. " He laughed, thrust deep and came into me. I layed there sobbing as he finished. After he was done he stroked my hair. "that was good, I think I am going to just take you home with me, keep you." He kissed my neck before picking me up and carrying me to his cabin
Just as I was thinking about that possibility I saw smoke in the distance. I knew that some people have hunting cabins on the edge of the wilderness area and felt hope. I picked up my pace trying to get to what I hoped was a cabin before the sun set fully and the forest would become pitch dark on this moonless night.
Just before I reached the smoke I heard someone coming towards me in the woods. Not thinking I called out. A male voice answered me "ahh what do we have here". A monster of a Man walked towards me, dressed in buckskin and furs.
"Can you help me, I do think I am lost, I was looking for Emerald lake?"I asked
"Emerald lake? That is some way off, you are a very lost little girl, are you by yourself?" I gulped suddenly realizing that no one knows where I am at, and that this big man could realistically do anything he wanted to me.
I shuttered " no, my boyfriend is behind me" I lied.... but he did not buy it.
He laughed at me " Nope, no one else is in these woods I think, and you know I have not had a woman in a long time"
I now knew I was in deep trouble, and turned and ran from him as fast as I could, but he was right behind me. "You can keep going, little girl, but I am going to get you," he laughed.
I tried to put on more speed, but unfortunately instead found a root, tripped and fell.
He was on top of me before I could stand up, holding me down and pulling off my pants. I cried out but there was not another person for miles around. I gasped as he pushed his fingers inside of me.. "mmm getting wet for me? Better get ready because my cock is going in you whether you are ready or not " He pulled my hips up as I struggled. "Stop it", he yelled at me and slapped my ass. "you are mine until I am done with you!" I felt the tip of his cock pushing into my pussy and cried out. He thrust hard and went balls deep into me. "you are tight little girl", he grunted as he thrust in and out. I layed under him sobbing as he thrust in and out of me. Eventually he grunted, "I am cumming", and I cried out, "No, I am not on birth control, please. " He laughed, thrust deep and came into me. I layed there sobbing as he finished. After he was done he stroked my hair. "that was good, I think I am going to just take you home with me, keep you." He kissed my neck before picking me up and carrying me to his cabin
1 year ago