A very good view 3 :-P

Another very good situation with my sister always in the period that I'm talk from my previous posts. It was a late morning before lunch, we were in autumn (november) and it was enough cold from our parts on russia (but at home... and when i have the sister hottie :-P but anyway a good girl :-P) anyaway at a certain point i hear my sister's voice from inside her room talking on her cell-phone and I don't know who was or an her male friend or a boyfriend or a lover :-P however it seemed to me that my sister was talking to a guy (a lucky guy... i thought in that moment :-P) and therefore she was preparing to go out home also because she said it :-P at least from what i understood :-P and so in that moment i thinked of to stay from the parts of my sister's room thinking about some of her nice clothes :-P or she was maybe half-dressed :-P given she was saying that she was getting ready :-P, then when my sister leaves her room to go get something in the bathroom, i was the luck :-P, in that moment, of to find myself in this path of my sister :-P (i.e. from her room to the bathroom) i must say luck because i have took my sister both front and then of side :-P and she had a t-shirt, white and quite tight :-P and that ended more or less on her hips and her legs were bare :-P and barefeet (i.e. she walked barefoot :-P) and so, seen that head of her t-shirt :-P i could to see a nice panties of her in that moment, triangular and medium-sized :-P let's say :-P neither too small but not too big :-P and the color was a nice white and dense :-P, while she crossed front me, she doesn't look at me :-P, because she was in a hurry or she was a bit angry because she was caught by me in that beautiful situation? :-P :-P :-P i don't know :-P, of course in that moment i was immediately struck :-P, impressed in a positive sense of course :-P, because it had already been for some time like me already told in my previous posts :-P (that you can read if you like :-P) that my sister caused me strong feelings of desire inside me :-P leading me to peek at her substantially :-P, and then in that beautiful moment who I recounted in this post I did not know what expression I did in that moment because I couldn't look at myself in the mirror :-P, but anyway, as I said before, I was really very impressed :-P for that beautiful shot on my sister for her beautiful body :-P, anyway, when my sister comes out of the bathroom, she covers herself a little more :-P, obviously I was still in those parts with the excuse of doing services for the house, wandering around the house :-P, for to continue to scrutinize her, for to see that beautiful her panties white again, and also totally behind her :-P, and her beautiful thighs and ass both nice and fleshy :-P, especially (in that moment happy for me :-P) her beautiful hips seemed to me nice fleshy and wide :-P and in the first view of her in front (and of side) i remained impressed also for her beautiful thighs-quads and hips nice and fleshy whit in the middle that beautiful panties white dense :-P and then after, from behind :-P, also her femorals were beautiful fleshy and wide :-P, of course I was really happy with having caught my sister in another beautiful situation :-P also if in that moment (happy for me :-P) I did not think I would immediately go and have a good handjob for that beautiful view of quite intimate clothing in that moment of my sister :-P, but of course :-P later I had made some nice handjobs for this other nice episode with my sister :-P. Then, a few months later I remember it was towards the carnival period :-P (February-March), and my sis had to go to a carnival party :-P and I find myself passing in front of her room and her door was open and she was sitting on a chair in the center of her room with the view of she of side :-P and with our mother in front of her who a little fixing my sis's hair and little bit helped my sis with the make-up (normally i.e for to go to the party and not for to dress for carnival :-P) and my sis had the clothing, i.e. the clothing so to speak :-P, practically the same as what I told before in this post :-P and so in that moment there I turning around (instinctively :-P) and I noticed (pleasantly :-P) the my sis's white t-shirt (I don't know if the same as i told before in this post :-P) and my sis's beautiful bare legs positioned on the chair normally :-P but anyway beautiful naked :-P and a glimpse of white panties :-P (or Pant you could not see well the size i.e. if small or big :-P) and I naturally while I was passing by I was pleased with the my sis's shapes i.e. in particular in that moment there for her beautiful and compact and white thighs :-P, I have to be honest I went passed from those parts there twice only :-P, was I fool? I do not know :-P, but I could not show too much to be a voyeur :-P and then there was also our mother and so what a figure I would maked? :-P.
Published by bistbist
1 year ago
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