A very good view 4 :-P
Continuation of my stories about that wonderful time when I was voyeur about my beautiful sister that I tell from my posts prior to this one. It was a nice sunny day on a Sunday in the late summer of September I remember :-P, my sister and I are at home without parents :-P and we have lunch, my sister is wearing a nice tunic for the house yellow-cream-white a bit wide :-P and bare legs with low clogs and bare feet :-P and I'm sitting next to her (not frontally :-P), she's a little angry after going out with her boyfriend in the morning, so I didn't chat much with her :-P, at one point she, on her chair, leans sideways and towards me :-P but there is no downblouse :-P for to touch her bare foot on the low hoof or toenails and so she bends a bit her foot and makes the calf nice hard and nice powerful :-P and I throw my eye there :-P, then, when I finish eating, I get up and i sit on an armchair near the table (in front of my sister's position :-P) for to peek a little under the table without anyway getting much :-P, then my sister also finishes eat and, in the corridor i (behind her :-P) I see a little, from the clear color of her tunic, yellow-white-cream, her nice fleshy ass, then my sister goes into her room and leaving her door open :-P and she puts on her bed with the view of she frontal and facing her door (open :-P) and lying on the side and with her bare legs folded and closed and she reads a book with her head and her gaze on the book :-P and so I, with the excuse of fixing the kitchen :-P, I walk back and forth in the corridor about 7-8-9 times I don't remember well :-P for to pass in front of the open door of her room in the hope of seeing a bit of opening of legs, but my sister always remains motionless i.e. with the position that I said before, then at some point, I hear her cell phone ring, I think she was a female friend, in hearing her words jokiness among the girls :-P, then just ended the call i.e. her conversation, I get near to her open door for the umpteenth time :-P for to put me like a sentry :-P for to spy :-P and I had a very nice surprise, my sister was always lying on her side on her bed with the view of she front at her open door and with her head and her gaze on the book and with an arm i.e. the elbow leaning on the bed for to maintain the book and her legs nude were always both bent but, while one nude leg was bent and lying normally on the bed, the other nude leg was bent vertically i.e. with the knee of that nude leg in up and with the foot placed horizontally on the bed and for well wide open(!) and (of consequence :-P) the bottom of her tunic which was withdrawn towards her waist, and in this way i.e with that opening of legs my sister continuing to stay for a bit of time(!) for to read the book on the bed with her head and her gaze bent over the book :-P i.e. my sister staying for a bit of time(!) in that position i.e. with her bare legs open completely(!), and then with her hand she also scratches a bit on the thigh and behind the femural of that leg bent vertically and upwards wide open(!) :-P, I don't know if my sister did it for purpose :-P that position because she had noticed that I was always looking at her, anyway my sister remains with that position with her bare legs open completely(!) i.e. completely spread like a dancer(!) :-P and therefore I could have the pleasure of to see her beautiful panties white, triangular, and with the ends embroidered, and with a piece in the center a bit transparent :-P, and then, that panties, it was not too small but neither too big :-P, it was a nice triangle quite medium-small and adherent, and therefore, also given such opening of legs :-P (as I have say before :-P) around that panties there was almost completely(!) the spilling of her bush(!) and very bushy(!) :-P and beautiful square(!) and beautiful wide(!) :-P and so i immediately i said to myself "My Goodness!... what a forest my sister has!" :-P (and immediately returned in my mind a previous happy episode told in a my previous post "A very good view 1" in which, while my sister and I were sitting at the table, facing each other :-P, and we were reading some computer sheets, I myself thrown with my head under the table ending up exactly in front the center of her naked legs who in that moment accidentally, or for her distraction :-P, were remained them uncovered :-P), obviously, for this view of that position of my sister in that moment on her bed that i'm told in this post i was, naturally :-P, nice knockout myself(!) :-P (while that other time recounted in the my previous post "A very good view 1" when I was gone with my head under the table I was even scared! :-P) and then, after some hours this very nice episode of my sister on her bed, at the consequent masturbation :-P, I had a cum really huge :-P thinking about this latter very happy episode :-P that i have recounted in this post and that other one in which I myself had fallen with my head under the table ("A very good virew 1" :-P), who, in both cases, they had given me the opportunity of to see the pussy of my sister :-P (that time under the table right for entire! :-P, and also in this last case, almost entirely! :-P, it was lacked little for the integrity! :-P also if it was a little more distant than that beautiful moment under the table :-P but I certainly could not to be not very happy the same in this last happy episode with my sister :-P, and then also little time before to this last episode in this post another glimpsie of her pussy there had been thanks to one my casual :-P opening of the door of our house's bathroom while my sister taking a shower :-P as i recounted toward the end of my previous post to this "The best season 2" :-P). returning at this very beautiful moment of my sister on her bed :-P she, after a bit, of course :-P, she closes :-P her legs and she remains with that her initial position i.e. as i said at the beginning when she layied on her bed, lying on her side with her beautiful white and fleshy bare legs bent and she cover them by resting on them the bottom of her tunic and pulling it slowly :-P toward the center of her thigh, then I, who was still there behind spying :-P, I had to :-P re-pass (for the umpteenth time in front of her door open :-P) for to go to the kitchen :-P, and i was re-passed and she was always with her head and her gaze :-P bent on the book :-P, then when I back for to review :-P from those parts of her open door :-P, she had finished reading the book and she was normally stretched :-P i.e. with her legs normal :-P for read the cell phone :-P and after a bit I heard that she got up and she closes the door of her room for to sleep a bit, and with keys, perhaps she didn't want to be too disturbed by me :-P.
1 year ago