Why I Became Me - Part 3
I got up at 5.00 am, I wanted to be sure I wasn't late for Mr West. He was bound to be expecting me, Mr Henry will definitely have told him I would be there.
I showered, got dressed into my uniform, wearing under my trousers the contents of the Marks and Spencer bag and went over to his house. I knocked on his door and waited. And waited. I knocked again and still no one answered.
I was standing outside his study door, unsure what I should do when one of the sixth form boys walked along the corridor towards me. I kept my eyes downcast, not wanting to attract attention, which on reflection was stupid. I was a boy from another house, standing outside the door of a house master who wasn't really anything to do with me and it was 5.30 in the morning. The boy stared at me as he approached and as I glanced up at him, I caught his eye. He grinned. It was as if he knew why I was there.
He stopped when he drew level with me and looked down at me.
“Wearing your pretty panties?” he smirked.
“Don't worry, your little fag secret it safe with me darling”. He reached out and slowly stroked my cheek with one of his fingers. As he withdrew his hand, I couldn't help but notice that his finger nails were longer than they should be. He walked away. I watched him walk to the end of the corridor and he turned the corner. Not once did he look back.
Fearful of Mr West would do if didn't wait, I knocked once more on his door. Still no reply so I waited. And waited. I stood outside his door for thirty minutes. During this time three other sixth form boys came past, at ten-minute intervals. The first had an enormous grin spread across his face and he was definitely grinning at me. The second blew me a kiss as he passed and the third just ignored me as he stomped past. Five minutes after the last boy had gone by, I heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Mr West.
“Good. Follow me”. He opened the doors to his study and I followed in.
“Close the door and take a seat on that chair”. He indicated a standard school issue chair by the side of his desk and disappeared into the bathroom. I did as I was bid and waited for his return. For the first time I had a chance to take in my surroundings, I was too occupied on my first visit to take any notice. The room had the usual mix of furniture, a sofa, his desk and chair, this chair I was sitting on and a coffee table that was made from an old chest. There were several pictures on the wall, reproductions of post-impressionists, several bookcases that contained text books and that was pretty much it.
As I finished looking about me, he came back into the room. He was naked, his fat cock hanging heavily below his hairy paunch. He walked over to the coffee table and opened the lid, bent over and started rummaging around.
“Are you dressed appropriately? Are you wearing Mr Henry's gift?”
“Yes sir”, I replied, my cheeks reddening with the humiliation of wearing a pair of girls' pink panties.
“Show me” he said, distracted by what he was looking for in the chest.
I stood up and dropped my trousers to the floor.
“Good god, not like that. You don't just drop your trousers like you were in a hurry to take a shit. Do it with finesse. Do it to entertain me. Do it to make me treat you more favourably. If I'm not pleased then you will be sore for the rest of the day. That should be enough of an incentive. Now start again”
“Umm, I'm not sure what you want sir.”
“Perform a strip tease for me. It's not that difficult a concept even for an idiot like you”.
“I don't know how to sir. I've never seen one”.
“I suppose not. We'll put that to one side for today. I will send you to Brookes later and he will show you what is needed. For now, just strip down to your panties”.
I removed my clothes, folding them neatly and putting them on the floor until I was standing in just a pair of little pink briefs. There was a little bow on the waist band just above where my tiny boy cock was encased tightly in the cotton.
Who is Brookes, I thought to myself? I hope it isn't another master who wants to give me a hard time.
“Put your hands behind your back” he said, his head still buried in the chest. I did as I was told.
“Ah, here it is” he exclaimed and stood up holding what looked like a thin stick bound in leather. He looked up and saw me standing there, hands behind my back and head bowed.
“I want you to understand something. When either Mr Henry or I beat you, it is for two reasons. The first is for your correction. You have made an error of some kind and we will correct that error with a beating. The second reason is for our pleasure. You see, both Mr Henry and I derive much pleasure from seeing little sissy fags like you squirm and plead for mercy. We take great pleasure in seeing the welts rise on smooth white buttocks, we take enormous pleasure in watching little queers, like you, cry tears of pain. We thrive on your pain. It is what keeps us sane in this bloody school.”
“It is our job to ensure that you learn academically, but we will also ensure that you learn the things that will keep us happy. To ensure our happiness you must always see to it that our needs come first, whatever they may be. No demand we make of you will be too much for you to deny. If we want to feel your mouth around our penises then you will obey. If we want to fill your little girly ass with our penises then we will. If we want to torture your tiny little maggot of a cock then we will. Are you getting the point? You will be our slave. You are not the only one in the school, and indeed in the wider world, but you are the newest and as such you need to be educated. Some of our older slaves here in school will help with this education. There are also many slaves that are no longer here, but have left and started out in the world. We helped to secure positions for them. If you give satisfaction during your time here then you will, in turn, have a position found for you. Brookes, who I mentioned earlier, is one of the older slaves here and he will be helping with your slave education. You will find him in his rooms at 10.30 tonight. My self and Mr Henry will also attend so we can monitor your progress. Is this clear to you?”
“Yes sir”.
“Do you have any questions?” I shook my head. “Good. Now come over here and lie over this chest.”
I moved towards the chest, keeping one eye on the leather clad stick in his hand and the other on his fat cock. He saw where I was looking and smiled that fearful smile.
“This”, he raised the stick “is a riding crop. It is used by jockeys to encourage their mounts to go faster. They use it on the rump and the sting of it urges the horse onwards. Mr Henry and myself also use it, for a different kind of encouragement. I will soon be demonstrating how that encouragement works in the hopes of speeding you on towards our complete control. It is one of the more effective tools we use.”
I kept my eyes on the crop as I reached the chest. I got to my knees and rested my torso on the coffer. By now my little prick was starting to get stiff and was straining against the pink cotton of my new panties. Mr West, as observant as ever, saw this.
“It looks like you are starting to enjoy the anticipation of whatever is going to happen next. For Mr Henry and myself this is welcome news, it will make it more pleasurable for us to train you. Now tell me, what do you feel like in a pair of girls panties?”
“It just feels like my normal pants but a bit tighter sir”.
“That covers the physical aspect, but how does it make you feel inside your head? What are the emotions you are feeling?”
“A bit embarrassed sir. I'm a boy, I'm not supposed to wear girls' clothes”.
“That is a matter of opinion. What else?”
“Nothing really sir. Just embarrassed.”
“One of our aims is to twist you and mould you to our liking. Neither Mr Henry or myself want to have a boy in our power. There are any number of them here that we could have and that is all too easy. It is much more to our liking to turn you from one thing to another, more of a challenge to us both. From now on you will wear girls' panties at all times. Mr Henry or myself will supply you with them. As you get older, we will make sure that the underwear you wear will be appropriate for your age. Understand?”
“No sir, I don't. I'm a boy, I don't want to be a girl”.
He raised his arm and brought down the riding crop. I heard it whistle through the air and the next thing I knew was the blinding pain as the thin leather clad stick bit into the flesh of my thighs, just below my buttocks. I screamed.
“Up” he commanded.
I stood up, my lags shaking, and he opened the chest and rummaged around again. He took out a short length of wood that I recognised from woodwork classes as a dowel rod about an inch in diameter. It was about six inches in length and it had leather straps attached to each end and there was a buckle on the end of one of the straps.
“Open your mouth.”
“Please sir, why did you hit me?” I sobbed; the pain so intense that I hadn't even noticed that the tears were running down my face.
“I told you at great length yesterday that you were to obey without question. So far you have told me that you don't want to be a girl when I have told you that is what I want, now you ask why I strike you, thereby questioning my orders which you were told not to do and thirdly you didn't open your mouth when I told you too. There are three reasons why I hit you and that is without the main reason. The main reason is because I wanted to. Do you understand?” That infuriating smile played across his face.
“No sir, I don't understand. I've never done anything to you. I haven't done anything to deserve this. I let you hurt me yesterday because I was scared, but I don't want you to do it any more, please sir, please don't do this to me anymore. It's not fair”.
I have no idea where this outburst came from. I had never been more fearful of a man in my life, but I just had to try to stop the pain. Mr West just smiled that smile at me then snatched a handful of my hair, twisted it and forced me to my knees. He pushed my face down and then placed his foot on my neck and, my bum in the air, pinned me to the parquet floor.
His voice cut through me. But I didn't respond. The crop came down again, this time across my shoulders.
I gasped at the pain but still didn't answer. Again, the crop came down, this time into the small of my back. He was choosing his targets to inflict the maximum pain. I gasped again, but still I refused to answer. Inevitably the crop descended again. This time it was my panty clad buttocks that took the blow and I couldn't offer any more resistance to him anymore.
“Yes sir, please stop sir, I understand you sir” I wept.
The pressure on my neck eased a little as he bent forward and gripped my hair again. He moved his foot up and lifted my face to his and he said in a low menacing voice “That was nothing. I told you that you would regret disobeying me but that was just a little taste of what you can expect the next time you take leave of your senses and fail to respond as I ask when I ask. From now on I will not ask if you understand me, I will take it for granted. That means you will not have any more chances to get it right. You will respond correctly first time or you will take the punishment.”
He stood up and picked up the dowel and crammed it into my mouth. None too gently he buckled it up behind my head.
“Because you are reluctant to obey and have an annoying habit of making too much noise it has become necessary to gag you. If you insist on making a noise when you are beaten then this will be a regular situation. Considering that you will be seeing Mr Henry or myself most days and also taking into consideration your disobedience I have a feeling that you will acquire a familiarity with the gag that you may live to regret. Back over the chest now”, he gestured.
Weeping, I crawled over to the chest and leaned back over it, my panties stretched over my smarting buttocks. This time the aim was very deliberate and six closely aimed stokes of the crop had me dissolving in tears. There couldn't have been an inch between each of the blows. As one landed almost on top of the last, the pain built and built. Mr Henry's belt was bad, but this was the worst beating I had ever taken. So far. I knew in my heart that I would be the victim of this cruelty more than once.
“Turn around and kneel in front of me”. I did it as quickly as I could, Through the tears I could see that it was obvious that Mr West had enjoyed beating me. His manhood was stiff and engorged, the blood that pumped through the blue veins that ran its length made it pulse. The helmet at the end was exposed as he pulled back the foreskin with a pumping action as he started to stroke his prick.
“Pull your panties down at the front. Lift your little prick and balls over the elastic and let me see them”.
I obeyed. He seemed pleased that during the beating my prick had softened and now lay limp and flaccid.
“Good, a little girly faggot like you has no need for a stiff prick. Your little prick wouldn't satisfy anyone so what need is there for it to be stiff?”
As if to anger him, I could feel it start to twitch. Watching him pump his fist around his cock and listening to his humiliating words was starting to have an effect on me. I couldn't understand why being tormented and watching a hard cock being wanked was making me feel funny. I leaned forward to watch him stroke his manhood. He grunted as his hot juice sprayed over my face. The first jet hit me square on the forehead, the next just missed my eyes and the third was across my nose. He kept pumping his juice over my face until it was nearly covered. I have no idea why, but I was upset that the gag wouldn't let me open my mouth and receive his cock. At that precise moment all I wanted was to taste his meat and drink his juice.
My little cock was standing fully erect and instinctively I reached for it. I wanted to copy Mr West's actions. He had been watching for the move and before I could touch my prick, he kicked me in the balls. Not a hard kick, but hard enough for me to recoil and collapse onto the floor.
“That is not yours to touch any more. That is the property of Mr Henry and myself. From now on you will not touch your sissy cock without permission. That permission may only be granted by Mr Henry or myself. If either of us catch you touching it or letting anyone else touch it you will be punished.”
I caught my breath and looked at him, and to show I understood I nodded.
“Stay right where you are and do not move”, he crossed the room to his desk and opened one of the drawers. He took out a camera and removed the lens cap.
“As an extra precaution against your rebellious attitude, I am going to document your training. If you ever decide again that you want this to stop, the photographs of you will be sent to your mother. She will see that she spawned a perverted little sissy and then you will have no one except us. We will make sure that those photos follow you around. Every job you apply for, every relationship you try to forge, they will receive a set of pictures from us to show what a little girly faggot you are. The only work you will be able to get will be as a rent boy.” All the time he was talking he was taking photos of my stiff little prick sticking out of my panties and the juice covering my gagged face.
I realise now that this wouldn't have worked because my mother would have reported them to the police, but at that age I was naive and I believed every word he said. I believed my mother would have been ashamed that I was turning into a sissy. Because I knew that that was what was happening to me. I didn't understand it but I knew that something had been awakened in me and that there was no going back on it.
“You will be in Brookes' room at 10.30 tonight. You know what will happen if you are late” he said as he took off the gag. There was some of his juice on it so he instructed me to lick it off. I did so. He then stood me in front of a mirror and made me scoop all of his juice off my face and eat it. I did so. I was starting to enjoy the taste.
“Take that carrier bag over by the door. Wear what is in it tonight. Do not wear anything other than what is in that bag or you will be beaten”.
The bag was from a school outfitter in the nearest town. I got dressed, picked up the bag and said “thank you sir”. I turned to see if there was any reaction but he was no longer in the room. I closed the door quietly behind me as I left.
I showered, got dressed into my uniform, wearing under my trousers the contents of the Marks and Spencer bag and went over to his house. I knocked on his door and waited. And waited. I knocked again and still no one answered.
I was standing outside his study door, unsure what I should do when one of the sixth form boys walked along the corridor towards me. I kept my eyes downcast, not wanting to attract attention, which on reflection was stupid. I was a boy from another house, standing outside the door of a house master who wasn't really anything to do with me and it was 5.30 in the morning. The boy stared at me as he approached and as I glanced up at him, I caught his eye. He grinned. It was as if he knew why I was there.
He stopped when he drew level with me and looked down at me.
“Wearing your pretty panties?” he smirked.
“Don't worry, your little fag secret it safe with me darling”. He reached out and slowly stroked my cheek with one of his fingers. As he withdrew his hand, I couldn't help but notice that his finger nails were longer than they should be. He walked away. I watched him walk to the end of the corridor and he turned the corner. Not once did he look back.
Fearful of Mr West would do if didn't wait, I knocked once more on his door. Still no reply so I waited. And waited. I stood outside his door for thirty minutes. During this time three other sixth form boys came past, at ten-minute intervals. The first had an enormous grin spread across his face and he was definitely grinning at me. The second blew me a kiss as he passed and the third just ignored me as he stomped past. Five minutes after the last boy had gone by, I heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Mr West.
“Good. Follow me”. He opened the doors to his study and I followed in.
“Close the door and take a seat on that chair”. He indicated a standard school issue chair by the side of his desk and disappeared into the bathroom. I did as I was bid and waited for his return. For the first time I had a chance to take in my surroundings, I was too occupied on my first visit to take any notice. The room had the usual mix of furniture, a sofa, his desk and chair, this chair I was sitting on and a coffee table that was made from an old chest. There were several pictures on the wall, reproductions of post-impressionists, several bookcases that contained text books and that was pretty much it.
As I finished looking about me, he came back into the room. He was naked, his fat cock hanging heavily below his hairy paunch. He walked over to the coffee table and opened the lid, bent over and started rummaging around.
“Are you dressed appropriately? Are you wearing Mr Henry's gift?”
“Yes sir”, I replied, my cheeks reddening with the humiliation of wearing a pair of girls' pink panties.
“Show me” he said, distracted by what he was looking for in the chest.
I stood up and dropped my trousers to the floor.
“Good god, not like that. You don't just drop your trousers like you were in a hurry to take a shit. Do it with finesse. Do it to entertain me. Do it to make me treat you more favourably. If I'm not pleased then you will be sore for the rest of the day. That should be enough of an incentive. Now start again”
“Umm, I'm not sure what you want sir.”
“Perform a strip tease for me. It's not that difficult a concept even for an idiot like you”.
“I don't know how to sir. I've never seen one”.
“I suppose not. We'll put that to one side for today. I will send you to Brookes later and he will show you what is needed. For now, just strip down to your panties”.
I removed my clothes, folding them neatly and putting them on the floor until I was standing in just a pair of little pink briefs. There was a little bow on the waist band just above where my tiny boy cock was encased tightly in the cotton.
Who is Brookes, I thought to myself? I hope it isn't another master who wants to give me a hard time.
“Put your hands behind your back” he said, his head still buried in the chest. I did as I was told.
“Ah, here it is” he exclaimed and stood up holding what looked like a thin stick bound in leather. He looked up and saw me standing there, hands behind my back and head bowed.
“I want you to understand something. When either Mr Henry or I beat you, it is for two reasons. The first is for your correction. You have made an error of some kind and we will correct that error with a beating. The second reason is for our pleasure. You see, both Mr Henry and I derive much pleasure from seeing little sissy fags like you squirm and plead for mercy. We take great pleasure in seeing the welts rise on smooth white buttocks, we take enormous pleasure in watching little queers, like you, cry tears of pain. We thrive on your pain. It is what keeps us sane in this bloody school.”
“It is our job to ensure that you learn academically, but we will also ensure that you learn the things that will keep us happy. To ensure our happiness you must always see to it that our needs come first, whatever they may be. No demand we make of you will be too much for you to deny. If we want to feel your mouth around our penises then you will obey. If we want to fill your little girly ass with our penises then we will. If we want to torture your tiny little maggot of a cock then we will. Are you getting the point? You will be our slave. You are not the only one in the school, and indeed in the wider world, but you are the newest and as such you need to be educated. Some of our older slaves here in school will help with this education. There are also many slaves that are no longer here, but have left and started out in the world. We helped to secure positions for them. If you give satisfaction during your time here then you will, in turn, have a position found for you. Brookes, who I mentioned earlier, is one of the older slaves here and he will be helping with your slave education. You will find him in his rooms at 10.30 tonight. My self and Mr Henry will also attend so we can monitor your progress. Is this clear to you?”
“Yes sir”.
“Do you have any questions?” I shook my head. “Good. Now come over here and lie over this chest.”
I moved towards the chest, keeping one eye on the leather clad stick in his hand and the other on his fat cock. He saw where I was looking and smiled that fearful smile.
“This”, he raised the stick “is a riding crop. It is used by jockeys to encourage their mounts to go faster. They use it on the rump and the sting of it urges the horse onwards. Mr Henry and myself also use it, for a different kind of encouragement. I will soon be demonstrating how that encouragement works in the hopes of speeding you on towards our complete control. It is one of the more effective tools we use.”
I kept my eyes on the crop as I reached the chest. I got to my knees and rested my torso on the coffer. By now my little prick was starting to get stiff and was straining against the pink cotton of my new panties. Mr West, as observant as ever, saw this.
“It looks like you are starting to enjoy the anticipation of whatever is going to happen next. For Mr Henry and myself this is welcome news, it will make it more pleasurable for us to train you. Now tell me, what do you feel like in a pair of girls panties?”
“It just feels like my normal pants but a bit tighter sir”.
“That covers the physical aspect, but how does it make you feel inside your head? What are the emotions you are feeling?”
“A bit embarrassed sir. I'm a boy, I'm not supposed to wear girls' clothes”.
“That is a matter of opinion. What else?”
“Nothing really sir. Just embarrassed.”
“One of our aims is to twist you and mould you to our liking. Neither Mr Henry or myself want to have a boy in our power. There are any number of them here that we could have and that is all too easy. It is much more to our liking to turn you from one thing to another, more of a challenge to us both. From now on you will wear girls' panties at all times. Mr Henry or myself will supply you with them. As you get older, we will make sure that the underwear you wear will be appropriate for your age. Understand?”
“No sir, I don't. I'm a boy, I don't want to be a girl”.
He raised his arm and brought down the riding crop. I heard it whistle through the air and the next thing I knew was the blinding pain as the thin leather clad stick bit into the flesh of my thighs, just below my buttocks. I screamed.
“Up” he commanded.
I stood up, my lags shaking, and he opened the chest and rummaged around again. He took out a short length of wood that I recognised from woodwork classes as a dowel rod about an inch in diameter. It was about six inches in length and it had leather straps attached to each end and there was a buckle on the end of one of the straps.
“Open your mouth.”
“Please sir, why did you hit me?” I sobbed; the pain so intense that I hadn't even noticed that the tears were running down my face.
“I told you at great length yesterday that you were to obey without question. So far you have told me that you don't want to be a girl when I have told you that is what I want, now you ask why I strike you, thereby questioning my orders which you were told not to do and thirdly you didn't open your mouth when I told you too. There are three reasons why I hit you and that is without the main reason. The main reason is because I wanted to. Do you understand?” That infuriating smile played across his face.
“No sir, I don't understand. I've never done anything to you. I haven't done anything to deserve this. I let you hurt me yesterday because I was scared, but I don't want you to do it any more, please sir, please don't do this to me anymore. It's not fair”.
I have no idea where this outburst came from. I had never been more fearful of a man in my life, but I just had to try to stop the pain. Mr West just smiled that smile at me then snatched a handful of my hair, twisted it and forced me to my knees. He pushed my face down and then placed his foot on my neck and, my bum in the air, pinned me to the parquet floor.
His voice cut through me. But I didn't respond. The crop came down again, this time across my shoulders.
I gasped at the pain but still didn't answer. Again, the crop came down, this time into the small of my back. He was choosing his targets to inflict the maximum pain. I gasped again, but still I refused to answer. Inevitably the crop descended again. This time it was my panty clad buttocks that took the blow and I couldn't offer any more resistance to him anymore.
“Yes sir, please stop sir, I understand you sir” I wept.
The pressure on my neck eased a little as he bent forward and gripped my hair again. He moved his foot up and lifted my face to his and he said in a low menacing voice “That was nothing. I told you that you would regret disobeying me but that was just a little taste of what you can expect the next time you take leave of your senses and fail to respond as I ask when I ask. From now on I will not ask if you understand me, I will take it for granted. That means you will not have any more chances to get it right. You will respond correctly first time or you will take the punishment.”
He stood up and picked up the dowel and crammed it into my mouth. None too gently he buckled it up behind my head.
“Because you are reluctant to obey and have an annoying habit of making too much noise it has become necessary to gag you. If you insist on making a noise when you are beaten then this will be a regular situation. Considering that you will be seeing Mr Henry or myself most days and also taking into consideration your disobedience I have a feeling that you will acquire a familiarity with the gag that you may live to regret. Back over the chest now”, he gestured.
Weeping, I crawled over to the chest and leaned back over it, my panties stretched over my smarting buttocks. This time the aim was very deliberate and six closely aimed stokes of the crop had me dissolving in tears. There couldn't have been an inch between each of the blows. As one landed almost on top of the last, the pain built and built. Mr Henry's belt was bad, but this was the worst beating I had ever taken. So far. I knew in my heart that I would be the victim of this cruelty more than once.
“Turn around and kneel in front of me”. I did it as quickly as I could, Through the tears I could see that it was obvious that Mr West had enjoyed beating me. His manhood was stiff and engorged, the blood that pumped through the blue veins that ran its length made it pulse. The helmet at the end was exposed as he pulled back the foreskin with a pumping action as he started to stroke his prick.
“Pull your panties down at the front. Lift your little prick and balls over the elastic and let me see them”.
I obeyed. He seemed pleased that during the beating my prick had softened and now lay limp and flaccid.
“Good, a little girly faggot like you has no need for a stiff prick. Your little prick wouldn't satisfy anyone so what need is there for it to be stiff?”
As if to anger him, I could feel it start to twitch. Watching him pump his fist around his cock and listening to his humiliating words was starting to have an effect on me. I couldn't understand why being tormented and watching a hard cock being wanked was making me feel funny. I leaned forward to watch him stroke his manhood. He grunted as his hot juice sprayed over my face. The first jet hit me square on the forehead, the next just missed my eyes and the third was across my nose. He kept pumping his juice over my face until it was nearly covered. I have no idea why, but I was upset that the gag wouldn't let me open my mouth and receive his cock. At that precise moment all I wanted was to taste his meat and drink his juice.
My little cock was standing fully erect and instinctively I reached for it. I wanted to copy Mr West's actions. He had been watching for the move and before I could touch my prick, he kicked me in the balls. Not a hard kick, but hard enough for me to recoil and collapse onto the floor.
“That is not yours to touch any more. That is the property of Mr Henry and myself. From now on you will not touch your sissy cock without permission. That permission may only be granted by Mr Henry or myself. If either of us catch you touching it or letting anyone else touch it you will be punished.”
I caught my breath and looked at him, and to show I understood I nodded.
“Stay right where you are and do not move”, he crossed the room to his desk and opened one of the drawers. He took out a camera and removed the lens cap.
“As an extra precaution against your rebellious attitude, I am going to document your training. If you ever decide again that you want this to stop, the photographs of you will be sent to your mother. She will see that she spawned a perverted little sissy and then you will have no one except us. We will make sure that those photos follow you around. Every job you apply for, every relationship you try to forge, they will receive a set of pictures from us to show what a little girly faggot you are. The only work you will be able to get will be as a rent boy.” All the time he was talking he was taking photos of my stiff little prick sticking out of my panties and the juice covering my gagged face.
I realise now that this wouldn't have worked because my mother would have reported them to the police, but at that age I was naive and I believed every word he said. I believed my mother would have been ashamed that I was turning into a sissy. Because I knew that that was what was happening to me. I didn't understand it but I knew that something had been awakened in me and that there was no going back on it.
“You will be in Brookes' room at 10.30 tonight. You know what will happen if you are late” he said as he took off the gag. There was some of his juice on it so he instructed me to lick it off. I did so. He then stood me in front of a mirror and made me scoop all of his juice off my face and eat it. I did so. I was starting to enjoy the taste.
“Take that carrier bag over by the door. Wear what is in it tonight. Do not wear anything other than what is in that bag or you will be beaten”.
The bag was from a school outfitter in the nearest town. I got dressed, picked up the bag and said “thank you sir”. I turned to see if there was any reaction but he was no longer in the room. I closed the door quietly behind me as I left.
1 year ago