Why I Became Me - Part 2

I trudged my way back to my house, still reeling from my meeting with Mr West and made my way
through the still sleeping dorm and climbed onto my bed. I was trying to absorb what had just
happened. After about five minutes or so I realised I was still in my soaking wet gym kit so I grabbed
my dressing gown and made my way to the showers, taking care not to wake the other boys. It was
still only 6.30, half an hour before lights up.
I turned on the taps of the showers and waited until the water stared to steam, stripped off my wet
clothes and got under the hot jets. As I washed, I could feel the heat seep into my body and I started
to feel better. However, I couldn't get the thought of how overwhelmed I had been by Mr West, how
easy it was for him to bend me to his will. I also couldn't understand why I had felt so good towards
the end of the encounter. It shouldn't happen. I shouldn't feel good about what was certainly a bad

As I washed and thought about the proceeding hour, I could feel myself getting hard. Naturally I
soaped my cock and played with it. I wasn't used to such a feeling and I was starting to enjoy it when
I heard the shower room door open. Instinctively I covered my cock, not wanted to show my stiff prick
to whoever was coming in. A figure loomed in the doorway. It was Mr Henry, the house-master.

“Mr West just called me and said you were on your way back. I'm pleased to see you are taking your
personal hygiene seriously, but less pleased with his report on your behaviour. I expect you in my room after prep tonight and you will have to explain your behaviour to me. I shall decide if your punishment should continue when I have heard you out. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes Mr Henry.” I replied. I was still trying to cover my hardness and he looked down at my hands.

“Hmm.”, he paused and then looked back at my face.

“7.30 this evening. Be on time”.

“Yes Sir”.

He left the room. Within minutes the shower room started to fill up with other boys getting ready for
the day ahead. I left the shower, dried off and put on my dressing gown and made my way back to the
dorm. I dressed in my uniform, trying not to think about what lay ahead for me in the evening.

Getting through the day was hell. I couldn't get what had happened and what might happen out of my
mind. What exactly did Mr West tell Mr Henry and should I tell him everything? Should I be honest or
should I try and hide some of the facts?

Each lesson was purgatory. The hands on the clock moved at half the speed they should, and every
hour felt like a day. Lunch was like ashes in my mouth and I didn't eat supper at all. And then the hour of set prep whizzed by. All too soon I had to make my way to Mr Henry's rooms.

I got to his rooms at 7.28 and waited outside until 7.30 exactly. I knocked on his door.

“Enter” said his voice faintly through the heavy oak door.

I went in to the room, and like Mr West's rooms, I was in his study.

“You wanted to see me sir”

“Ah yes. We have much to discuss, don't we?”

“I suppose so sir, but I'm not sure what you want to know”. He fixed me with a steady stare

.“Why not tell me all”. His voice was deceptively kindly and soft. “What happened when you got to Mr
West's room?”

“Well sir, Mr West asked me if I had completed the intermediate cross-country course and I told him
yes. However, he didn't believe me.”

“Was he right to doubt you?”

I thought about telling him no, but remembered how easily Mr West had seen through my lies so I
admitted the lie.

“And what did Mr West do about it?” he asked.

Slowly I started to relate what had happened. I was looking at the floor the whole time, my cheeks red
with embarrassment, almost as red as when Mr West had slapped my face. Sometimes I struggled to
find the words, I didn't have the vocabulary. Mr Henry tried to encourage me by helping with some of
the more difficult parts. He filled in the gaps for me and it was uncanny how he seemed to know just
what had happened. He sat behind his desk, looking intently at me.

“Thank you for being honest with me. Mr West told me exactly what occurred and I must say that I
agree with his actions. Discipline in a school such as ours is paramount. Without discipline then
anarchy reigns. I must also say that I am extremely disappointed that you chose to lie to him in the
first place, and as Mr West quite rightly states, as it was my punishment you tried to dodge then it is
up to me to decide what to do with you”.

I was still staring at the floor, my mind churning, what was going to happen next? Mr Henry stood up
and moved around his desk. He was wearing a blue woollen suit and tie, but I could just make out the
outline of something in his trousers. What I had told him must have excited him. I swallowed hard. He
moved across the room and placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me around to face a door. I
had never been in that room so wasn't sure what was in there but I guessed it was his bedroom. I was

“We are going to examine a few possibilities. We can decide between ourselves where we go with this. But first you will take off your clothes and place them over the back of the chair.”

He indicated a chair in front of a dressing table. I thought back to this morning and realised that if I didn't do as I was told I may well get the same treatment as I had already suffered. I took off my blazer, undid my tie and pulled off my uniform jumper. Next, I undid my shirt and then my shoes and socks. Then the shirt and trousers and soon I was left in my underpants and vest.

“Stop there” said Mr Henry. “Let's see what we have here. Raise your arms and turn around slowly”.

I did as I was told. As I faced away from him, he told me to stop and then bend over.

“Let's see all you have”.

I doubled over and touched my toes. I heard him get up and cross the room towards me. Then I felt his hand on my buttocks, slowly moving across them, moving from right to left cheek and back again.

“Finish your turn” he said, his hand lingering on my body. As I turned his hand ended up on cock. To
my shame it was getting hard. Although it was a small dick, it was twice its normal size and it seemingly had a mind of its own. He slowly rubbed me through the cotton of my underpants, and I tried not to make a noise. I had to swallow hard to stop myself moaning. No one had touched me in this kind of way. Where Mr West was harsh and cruel, Mr Henry was soft and kind.

“Finish stripping for me” he said with a kindly smile on his face. “Show me what we are going to work

I pulled my vest over my head and slowly pushed my pants to the ground and stepped out of them.

He reached out again and cupped my little scrotum in his hand and slowly and lightly squeezed my
balls. My little pecker was standing straight out in front of me.

“Do you like this?” he asked.

“Yes sir” I gulped.

“Better than the way Mr West treated it?”

“Yes sir”.


He withdrew his hand and told me to turn around again. My arms were still in the air. When I was half way round again he told me to stop and bend over. As I did so I could feel his hands spreading my buttocks. He was looking at my little orifice. I felt something touch it and gently circle around the
entrance. This was odd. I wasn't sure about this at all.

“Please don't sir, it's dirty” I said.

“Yes, it may be. We shall have to do something about that. Come with me.”

He moved over to another door in the bedroom and I could see that it was a bathroom. I followed him
meekly. As I went into the room Mr Henry put the seat on the toilet down and sat on it. He reached
over to the bath tap and took the shower attachment off its holder. He unscrewed the shower head
from the hose and set it aside. He turned on the taps so a trickle of water came out of the hose and
adjusted them until he was satisfied with the temperature.

“Bend over the edge of the bath”.

I complied. I really didn't expect what happened next. He pushed the hose straight into my anus. The muscle didn't want to give but he pushed it with force and suddenly it was in me. The strange sensation of water filling me was bizarre and uncomfortable. I could feel my inside filling and swelling as the water poured into me. I started to cry, big sobbing cries. I hated this. Mr West was cruel but this was just painful in a way I had never experienced. Firstly, nothing had ever been up my anus before and the stretching of the sphincter stung so much and coupled with the slowly building pressure in my colon this was building up from uncomfortable to painful. I wanted this to stop more than I wanted Mr West to stop slapping my face and using the ruler on my cock. I couldn't take any more and I sobbed loudly.

“Be quiet. I want silence from you” he said softly and I tried to stop my cries.

Water started to seep between the muscle and the hose. I was so full the pressure was breaking the
seal my sphincter made. He turned off the tap, stood up and raised the toilet seat. He pushed me
gently onto the toilet and pulled out the hose. The water gushed out from me. The relief was immense.

“Push the water out of you. Empty yourself.” I pushed and more water came from my anus.

“OK, that was good. Once more, just to make sure that you are clean”

“Oh, please Mr Henry, don't. It hurts so much”.

“Once more” he insisted, gripping me firmly by the shoulder and bending me over the bath again and
starting the whole process again.

The hose went in easier but it still hurt, and then the pressure began to build once more. Soon I was full again, or so I thought, However the water still came.

Water started leaking from me, and still the pressure built. This was bad. This was so bad. He turned the tap off but left me bent over the bath, the hose still in place. He started to massage my swollen stomach, causing me to whimper.

“Mr West said you didn't much care for this” he said as he reached around me with both hands and
pinched my nipples hard. I gasped.

Mr West was cruel, but Mr Henry was quietly sadistic, but I still didn't know that word yet. Whilst there were no slaps, there was an insidious nastiness to his actions.

This wasn't about my punishment; this was about his pleasure. Even then I knew that they were very

He was slowly but evenly pulling my nipples straight out. His fingers gripped me like a vice.

“Oh please, please, please stop sir. It hurts so much. I can't take it sir please stop, oh please....”

I sobbed; tears were rolling down my face. My guts were full of water and my nipples felt they were
being pulled from my chest. He carried on pulling and twisting them, and pushing down with his body
weight, squeezing my tummy against the edge of the bath. Then it stopped. He pulled me around,
pushed me onto the toilet and said “pull the hose out yourself. A crying little wimp doesn't deserve
my help”.

I reached between my legs and slowly tried to pull the hose from my butt hole. It came out with a soft
pop and the water gushed from me, emptying myself into the bowel.

He left the room and said over his shoulder

“Make sure the toilet is flushed and clean and mop up any mess on the floor. There are cleaning materials in the cupboard under the sink”.

I sat on the toilet for a moment, catching my breath. What was happening to me? Two half hour
meetings with two masters in one day had changed my life forever. Nothing would be the same for
me again.

I cleaned the bathroom, making sure that it was spotless and came back into the bedroom. He wasn't
there so I moved into the study. He was standing by his desk and he was naked. His clothes were hung
on a hanger on the back of the door and he was standing there with his cock and balls hanging heavy
between his legs. He seemed to have his hands clasped behind his back, but when he brought them
out into the open, I could see he was holding a leather belt. I stared at him, my gaze moving to his
hands and then his cock.

“Get on your hands and knees and crawl over to me”.

I did as I was bid. The carpet burnt my knees as they sc****d over its rough texture.

I got to him and he stepped over me, locking my head between his calves. I heard a swish and a bolt of pain seared through me as the belt crashed into my buttocks, still bruised and tender from Mr
West's punishment this morning. I cried out and the calves gripped me tighter.

“You will be silent. I don't want everyone in the house knowing what is happening here. Make another
noise and I will silence you properly”.

Another swish and once again the pain burnt into me. I couldn't help it, I cried out.

“You stupid little queer. You will not scream like a girl in my presence. You will be silent.”

With that he released me from his calves' grip and went into the bedroom. He picked up my
underpants from the floor and came back in, stuffed them into my mouth and then clamped my head
between his legs again. Another swish, another burning pain. This time I cried out but the scream was muffled by the material in my mouth. He continued to beat me. I don't know how many blows I took, but I was crying uncontrollably as the belt bit into me time and time again. I was on the verge of passing out when he stopped. Panting hard from his exertions and stiff with the pleasure of beating
me raw he pulled the pants from my mouth and squeezed my jaw until my mouth opened. He thrust
his cock into my open mouth and proceeded to ram it as far in as he could. I gagged, I choked and I
started to panic. Within second his juice started to spurt from his cock and for the second time today
I was forced to drink it down. He kept thrusting as each new jet of juice came from his cock. He finished up and pulled his prick out and wiped it clean on my underpants.

He turned around and started to take his clothes from the hanger and he slowly got dressed. I was
lying in a heap on the floor, in pain from the beating and trying to get my breathing under control. My
panic which had nearly overtook me gradually subsided.

“Get up and lean over my desk.”

I slowly got to my feet. I could hardly walk; the pain of my buttocks was so extreme. I gingerly crossed
to the desk and leaned across it. Mr Henry, now dressed walked to a cupboard and pulled something
from it. It looked uncannily like his cock. He also took a jar of Vaseline from a shelf and came towards

“We didn't clean you out for no reason”.

He smeared a generous amount of the jelly onto the fake penis and a similar amount around my little
puckered opening. He put the tip against my hole and slowly but surely pushed it into me. My tight
hole resisted at first but the pressure was insistent. It forced its way into me and I stifled a yelp, mindful
that my pants were now covered in his juice and not wanting them pushed back into my mouth.

“This is the beginning of your anal training. You will learn to take this and any other penis either Mr
West or myself tell you to take. You will not complain. You will always accept what we choose to give you. In time this will be as natural to you as breathing. It will be a normal everyday occurrence. In time you will appreciate the training we give you. How soon you learn to love it is all down to your attitude. But believe me, when we have finished your training you will love the feel of penis in your anus. This fake one is called a dildo. What is it called?”

“A dildo sir”, I mewled.

“You will learn that this is what will be the centre of your life from now on. You will learn that cock is
what you will live for”.

I couldn't ever believe that would happen; it was painful. He was slowly pushing the dildo in and out
of me. He was building up pace and force and pushing it deep into me. It filled me and it felt like I was being torn apart. Then it hit bottom. A fearful pain tore through my guts and at that moment he
withdrew it. He turned me around and pushed the dildo into my mouth. He fucked my face for the
second time in half an hour, but this time I was forced to suck on a plastic cock that tasted of Vaseline and something else. I soon learnt that this was the taste of my own anus.

“Now you know why we cleaned you out”. He chuckled as he pushed the plastic prick into my mouth.

He stopped and told me to get dressed.

As I stood in front of him waiting to find out what was next on his mind, I realised that once the pain
from my flogging had subsided, I was feeling quite a peace with myself.

“You will report to Mr West at 5.30 in the morning. You will be in uniform but you will wear these”.

He pulled a paper bag from his desk drawer and handed it to me.“You may go”.

“Thank you, sir”. I don't know why I said it, but I felt that it was the right thing to say.

I left the room and waked gingerly down the corridor towards my dorm. It was only 8.45. It felt like I
had been there for hours. I reached my dorm and climbed onto my bed face first. The other boys
ignored me and carried on chatting amongst themselves.
Published by paulhooters
1 year ago
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outsideworld 1 year ago
Very hot, looking forward to reading the next one!