Have you ever challenge?
Do NOT answer in my comments but post a new note on your page "Have you ever? Challenge"

Two rules: You must answer Yes or No, and you may not explain unless someone asks.

Have you ever:

Taken a picture naked? Yes
Been photographed naked? Yes
Been published naked? Yes
Had a one night stand? Yes
Slept with your best friend? No
Had sex in a public place? Yes
Ditched work to have sex? No
Slept with a member of the same sex? No
Seen someone die? No
Ran from the police? Yes
Worn your partners underwear? Yes
Worn your partners clothes? Yes
Fallen asleep at work? Yes
Used toys in the bedroom? Yes
Ran a red light? Yes
Been fired? No
Been in a car accident? Yes
Pole danced or done a striptease? Yes
Loved someone you shouldn't? Yes
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes
Laughed so hard you peed your pants? No
Caught someone having sex? Yes
Kissed a perfect stranger? Yes
Shaved your partner? Yes
Given your private parts a nickname? No
Ever gone in public without underwear? Yes
Had sex on a roof top? No
Played chicken? No
Mooned/flashed someone? Yes
Do you sleep naked? Yes
Felt like killing someone? Yes
Had sex more than 5 times in one day? Yes
Been with someone because they were in a band? No
Taken 10 shots of liquor in a day? No
Gone outside dressed as the opposite sex? Yes
Gone outside naked? Yes
Published by MGBLE
1 year ago
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