First dream

One summer hot day I was walking thru centrum of old city. Between old houses and stone streets was air very hot and dry. One of old houses was similar as temple and had the door opened. I entered inside room to hide before outdore temperature for a moment. Before me was long corridor with old tiles with mysterious decord. Inside was pleasure klimate and I was going thru corridor into centrum of temple. Air was humid and had fine fragrance.
On the end of corridor was not closed door. I carefully enter.
The temple room have many stained glass windows and glas cupola witch thru shine sun. Sunlight is falling in centrum of room. Aroud room are 5 rows of benches full of people in cowls with hood. The benches are divide in 6 sectors, each have another color of hoods. In centrum place full of sun light is some thing as altar and on it lying naked jung woman with tilted head, legs and hands distent and fixed. Her pussy is smoth, wet and it is dripping.
Suddenly man from first line gets up and take down cowl and naked is going to woman. His cock is erect, long and thick. He stops before woman, between legs and starts slowly inserting his long 10 inch penis into her pussy.
Now man from second line gets up and take down cowl and naked is going to woman. His cock is erect and hard. He stops behind woman, between hands and starts slowly inserting his 8 inch pennis into her mouths.
Now 2 men from third line come before banches, take off cowls, approach a woman from the sides. Their 6 inch tails are erect.
First and second men start to fuck woman, third and fourth men start hand job. After several minutes two men start cumshots on her breast and other two fill up mouth and pussy plenty of cum.
From two last lines come 4 people, drop up cowls, they are naked women and change possitions of men and start clean cum with tongues from breast, pussy and mouth.... I wake up....
Published by Matty59
1 year ago
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davarm99 1 year ago
sounds a bit like my dreams-----