Watching For The Signs

I do my best to be alert to subtle little changes in the atmosphere around me, but more fulfilling, the little nuances, hints if you will, that if read correctly..........will foretell a sensual interlude on the horizon. One that features The Love of My Life, My Blushing Bride, My Favorite Cuckoldress, The Neighborhood's Most Delectable Temptress.
One of our entrepenural moves ws to get into commercial trucking. The initial unit did well, and was a consistent earner. The second, not so consistent. We had some good times, but never reached the point of turning it into a full-time position. My Better Half and l had gone over opportunities/possibilities, but we never managed to get over that hump.
So the Missus planned a course of action all her own. In the earliest days of our marriage she held a sales position. We found her success could be directly tied to her wardrobe. Slacks were banished. My Lover possesses a dynamite frame to work from. 5 ft, 3 in, 110 lbs, 34C 25 35, and great leggs that, "Went Clear Up To Heaven". Yours truly here began picking out skirts. Some with slits from the side, some from the rear. Blouses that were tasteful, professional, and just enough wonder to induce a second glance.
She got all dolled up to go "Beat the Bushes". A short pencil skirt. (I immediately looked to see if the broad lace tops to her thigh highs was visible) A silk blouse that had a generous amount of cleavage revealed. Also showcasing her all over tan. Nothing visible to the naked eye had the slightest remnant of a tan line. And for the most discerning girl watcher, a possibility of nipples extruding from the silk garment. One can always hope.
Her Quarry, or clientelle she hoped to solicit, were of the building and construction trades. Mostly middle-age men in positions of authority. A few knowledgeable wives and secretaries thrown in for good measure. She took my Chevy S-10 and slapped magnetic signs to its door. A good looking woman in skirt and heels drives into your construction site/headquarters in a likewise good-looking pickup truck........Oh Yeah, they'll take notice.
It was after the day's tours were over l began to notice the signs............First, she was in no hurry to change clothes. I pourred her "A Good Long Drink" that would have made Rod Stewart proud. No plastic cups either. The good wine glasses were in order for our heroine of the day.
Just about the time she began to debrief me on the day's reconassaince, our friend Joe showed up at the door. Joe is the enviable man to hold the record of over 15 years of quality playtimes with my beloved. Also besting my record of first date Start to finish with insemination time by at least an hour. (On me and my beloved's first date it took three hours to wind up bareback inside her, whereas Joe was shtupping my beloved in a spare bedroom in his home less than two hours from initially meeting her and l) (Last, but not least, with his live-in girlfriend witnessing his thrusts, with a less than forgiving eye) None to worry though, Joe smoothed over ruffled feathers and enjoyed a few MFF's in the days to cum.
Joe and l listened attentively. One of the first statements from my sales-Lady wife was,"I think they were trying to get a look up my skirt!"
Well Joe and l couldn't blame the fellas for that. I fondly told of when we were dating, and attended some of the Pan American Games (I think in 1987) that Debbie wanted me to sit down in front of her in the stands. Some of her family members were tthere as well. It didn't take long to get a look up her skirt to get a good look at her 2 inch carefully coifed Landing strip, sans panties.......Or the time we went canoeing after a 3 inch rain. The women met us at opportune bridges and tossed down cold beers and sandwiches. Debbie was in her terry cloth jumper, sans panties again, sporting a heart shaped pubic mound. A fine tribute to Marilyn Chambers, the "Ivory Snow Girl".
Joe then asked with a devilish grin on his face,"Well did you have panties on? We wanna see!"

The Most Sensual Woman in Our World then methodically rolled back her skirt as she was seated to reveal quite flattering white lace fringed panties with an opaque front. In so doing she confirmed what my earlier suspicion of lace topped thigh highs was correct. (Debbie seldom wore garter belts and stockings. The look she preferred, and l agree is most becoming of her, is high heels, black thigh highs with lace tops, no panties, some type of minimal pubic design(It showcases how small her pussy must be) Then a silk camisole or short robe (Kimono)
The wine was having an effect on her. I saw to it her elegant glass was never half full. Elegance........that was a deciding factor in our Thanksgiving night initial night of sharing my sensual wife. I had the good sense to leave her necklace and earrings on when l removed her turtleneck sweater and bra. She reveled in being sexy and elegant. She was reveling in elegance again this night. She was twirling her high heels around by her toes. Not taking them off mind you. She showed us her panties and thigh highs could be made visible. I'll bet she did so at opportune moments. Being around all those tough, strong, men al day surelly had its effect. Being their center of attention and obvious object of their desire probably got her pussy to twitchin.
Returning from a restroom break l was pretty sure her panties had been discarded. I wondered how long it would take Joe to confirm this?
One of the things she likes to say in this drinking after work, albeit "Elegant" atmospheres is, "One of the main reasons Bill married me is because l give fantastic blow jobs". To whch Joe will add a resounding "I heard that".
The signs were adding up. My beloved was coming into a roaring heat. She was gonna need a sound fucking tonite. As luck would have it, the two best lovers that she ever had were in arms reach right now. A plan for a course of action was fomenting in my lascivious brain.

The next time our Beloved left for a bathroom break, I presented my plan to Joe. She went in the Master Bedroom Private Bathroom. Joe and I go into the Master Bedroom. Turn a couple lights on low, better yet, light some candles. Joe and l then strip off our clothing and await her emergence from the bathroom.
As soon as she appears, we grab her and head to the bed. We are pulling garments from her as we go. We do leave her necklace and earrings on. As well as the thigh highs. She can tell even by the dim light that Joe and l are sporting 3/4 erections. When we get her on the bed, (After putting up a token resistance) We begin taking turns going down on her. Reminiscent of how polite her and Joe's girlfriend were when they were fellating us. My wife would hold my cock for Joe's girlfriend to lick and suck, and she would likewise hold Joe's cock for my wife to lick and suck.
Debbie loved having her pussy eaten by two well-hung men taking turns. Finally Joe couldn't stand it any longer. He crawled up her horizontal body on his elbows. When he reached the point where his head was even with hers, and his now protruding Coctus Erectus was even with her little Garden of Eden Pussy. He pushed himself up into the familiar push-up/hovering stance, while simultaneously using one hand to rub his swollen cockhead up and down her slit, feeling for a soft place to shove his turgid member through.
I loved seeing that handiwork. I'd only seen it applied to her at the swing club we attended on our secondd wedding anniversary. I took a position near her head. She gave my member a few loving licks and kisses while l massaged and kissed her breasts.
Sometime during the lovemaking Debbie got on top of Joe. She then pivoted into a reverse cowgirl position, facing me. She then laid back atop of Joe's chest. This move made Joe's still thrusting member look gigantic buried in her little snatch. I never saw such a sexy sight in my life. Her blue eyes gazed at me in total bliss. Her tiny womb was being dwarfed by Joe's ever thrusting nine knches. I leaned over and gently licked her clitoris. She climaxed imediately. Joe did well to maintain control over this bucking philly.
He eventually regained his push-up stance over her to deliver his goods to her womb. His arching of his back was un mistakenable. He stifled his grunt at the moment of letting go in defference to all present.
The three of us carressed, kissed quietly for a few moments. Joe dressed and bid us adieu. I took his place pushing myself up in a hovering stance above my lovely wife. We both enjoyed the feel of the sloppy seconds. I filled her till she was over-running.
Published by billndeb
1 year ago
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tenden 1 year ago
Amazing couple and friendsĀ 
Bobby2samson 1 year ago
OMG just wow guys, i'm send you a PM i hope you dont mind