My Spy

Well. Summer is almost over and it has been fun. Days I am not working I have been spending either jogging or laying out by my pool working on my all over tan. My backyard is pretty secluded with wooden fencing all the way around, and the houses on each side have windows that could catch a view of me if they really tried, but I thought I would know if they were looking. I am a 60ish Hispanic female with 36d breasts and am 5 foot 6inches weighing in at about 145. I have always enjoyed sex and being naked, and have been happily married since I was 25. The other day I was out in the backyard sunning myself when I thought I heard some noise over at my neighbor’s yard, their side fence backs up to my back fence. They have a son that is fifteen, and I have caught him a couple of times staring at my breasts when I saw him at the store and around the neighborhood, this kind of excited me to know that my body could still excite a young man. I could hear something, but couldn’t place the sound, maybe whispering but not to sure, I closed my eyes and tried to relax. The sound didn’t go away, and I felt that it was coming from my neighbor’s yard, so I figured I would try and see what or how it was. I grabbed my stuff and went into the house; I live in a single story home, but have an attic that overlooks my neighbor’s yards. I had not been up there in years, but I figured that it would give me the best view to see what the noise could be. I made my way up to the attic and looked out the vent that overlooked the yards and was able to see both neighbors’ yards. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary; maybe I was just imagining things. As I was getting ready to leave my spot I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, up in the trees that border our yards (a heavy wooded area) looked like a hunters perch. It was covered with branches, and the only way I saw it was that someone was coming down from the perch. I was unable to see who it was, but it looked like from the height and angle that this person could see my whole backyard. If this was true, god knows what he has seen, I sun bath naked, I have given many blow jobs to the workers working on my house back there, I have fooled around with one of my girlfriends back there, my husband has fucked me, I have been tied up and disciplined back there, and many other slutty things. This spot was in the woods next to our property, and it could be anyone up there spying on me. Now I was worried, because even thou I have been acting pretty slutty, I have been able to keep it from becoming the neighborhood gossip topic. I needed to find out who was up there and if they could really see into my backyard, and how much they could see. I figured, I would go over to the spot and see if I could get up onto the perch and get a look, but I was going to wait until I knew no one was there. The next few days I stayed out of the backyard, except to do basic stuff, and than I stayed dressed. I would check my attic spot to see if I saw anything up on the perch, but pretty much was not seeing any movement. School had started, and I figured that if this was the neighbor k**, during school hours would be the best time to check this place out. So, my next day off that was also a school day was Tuesday, and I decided to go and see what I could find. I walked down to the end of our housing track and followed the back fences until I came to my fence, than over behind my neighbors house and up into the wooded area behind it. The trees and bushes were really thick, so I tried looking for a path of something to follow. Nothing, but I could see my attic vent from were I was at, and the angle looked ok, but I couldn’t see anything that looked out of the ordinary. I looked and looked, and was getting ready to call it a day when directly behind me and up about 20 feet was a piece of wood that didn’t look like it should have been where it was. I tried to move closer, but the trees and bushes were just too thick. I walked back and forth looking for a break in the trees, when about 20 feet down I saw what looked like an opening. I followed the path back towards were I saw the wood piece, and came to a good sized tree. Path ended here, looking up into the tree I could still not see anything, and thought I must have got it wrong, but looking on the far side of the tree I found pieces of wood hammered into the tree, looking like a ladder leading up into the tree. I grabbed onto the pieces of wood and slowly made my way up the tree, about 20 feet up the ladder ended, I pushed a big branch that was in the way and it moved easy, and there in front of me 20 feet up was a small room, hidden from view. I made my way into the room and found that someone had spent a lot of time building this perch, it had 4 walls and a ceiling (about 4 feet high), a window area facing my back yard, that could see my whole yard and into the back part of my house and into my master bedroom. The other stuff I found really got me, there was a camera pointed at my house and yard, a small recliner chair, a computer, and lots of cd’s. I decided to grab a few of the cd’s, and to see if I could find out where the power was coming from, this would help me figure out who set this all up. I left everything the way I found it, and headed home to see what this person was looking at. Oh my god, once I got home and played the first CD, I new I was in trouble. This CD had me naked, tied to my picnic table out in the back yard with my husband whipping my ass, and than fucking the living shit out of me. Than it had me laying out naked by the pool sunning myself. It went on and on, it seem to have filmed me everytime I went out in the backyard, and there was times looking through the windows of my house and my husband fucking me. The filming was from a distance, but you could make out what was going on. I now was concerned, someone has been watching and filming me for quite some time. Who could it be??? I had a plan, I would go over to the hiding place tomorrow and try and find out who was watching me. I got up early and went back around to the wooded area and made my way to the blind area. It looked empty, so I decided to do some detective work. First, I followed the power cord as far as I could, it ended going through the trees and bushes, I tried shacking it to see if it showed up on the other end of the trees. I walked around and after some hunting found the cord, it lead to my neighbors house. At least now I knew a bit more about who was watching me. I put everything back and went up into the perch to look around more closely, as I was looking at all the equipment it suddenly went on, and started taping. I looked through the viewfinder and saw the gardener in my backyard. The camera must have a motion sensor in it that turned on when it sensed movement. But who set this all up, the k** next door didn’t have the brains to do this, or did he??? I left and headed home to think of a way to find out who this person watching me was and what they wanted. I had an idea, I got out my video camera and took it up to the vent in the attic and set it up on a tripod, aiming it at the trail leading to the perch and turned it on to the slowest recording speed (6 hours) and figured I would try this until I got tired of doing it. The next day I fast forwarded through the tape looking for someone going to the perch, and there he was, at 5:30pm my married neighbor was caught on tape sneaking to his hiding place. His wife works until 7pm and just before 7 the tape showed him heading back home. I caught my peeping tom, but what to do about it?? What was he doing up in the perch?? I waited a couple of days as I thought about what to do about this situation, and decided I wanted to know more before I confronted him about his peeping. I went to an electronic store in my neighborhood and bought a “spy pen” that took video onto a built in flash drive and decided that afternoon I was going to see what he was doing up on the hidden perch. I snuck up to the perch and found a corner to place my pen camera so that the whole perch would be visable and turned it on and left. I thought about what he must have seen and what he was doing up there all night. The next morning I got up and headed over and retrieved the camera. I played it on my computer and what I saw was my adult married neighbor laying back jacking off to the videos of me he had saved on his computer and on the different disks. He came twice in 40 minutes before he climbed back down the tree and left. Now I knew he was a perv, but what to do???

Part 2

Well, about 2 years ago I discovered that someone had built a tree house type of building in a wooded area behind my house, it was almost impossible to see from my house, but had a complete view of my backyard and into my house. There was camera equipment and all kinds of spy stuff up there (I found it after lots of looking) and lots of saved files of me doing all kinds of nasty things. At the time I found it I tracked the power cord to my neighbor's house (he is a real nerd type of guy who doesn't really talk to any of the neighbors) and I placed a small pen camera up there and found out he spends about an hour a day up there watching his saved videos of me and jacking himself off a couple of times before his wife comes home. This is the same neighbor who has the little k** (12) I have seen watching me sunbath naked in my backyard. When I found out it was this guy who was spying on me I got pretty freaked out because I have done some very wild things in my backyard and in rooms that he could see into – after letting my husband know about this I really didn't know what to do – if we confront him he could release all the videos he has over the internet, do nothing and just ignore it was what we decided on because up to now nothing has happened and if we stay careful and not do anything outside and close the shades maybe he will get tired and stop watching. Good idea, but I could only hold out without sunning myself or remembering to draw the blinds for so long. Plus, I kind of let it slip my mind over time and just went back to doing my thing and forgetting about my spy. Last week, after almost 2 years since finding the spy place I heard some noise as I was getting sun in the backyard – remember I love being naked and that day was no different. I looked up into the trees but didn't see anything, now I got to thinking that I should maybe check things out again to see what was going on up in the tree. I figured I would go over the next day in the morning – it being a weekday and if my neighbor was still using it I would not get seen going up there. The next day I made my way over to where I found the tree ladder up to the treehouse – still there and looked to being used – I climbed up and went inside, looked pretty much the same as last time – camera, computer, lots of small computer drives and a chair facing the computer. I decided to grab a few of the drives to get an idea of what he was seeing and I set up my own pen camera to see all he was doing. I left everything else just as I found it and left until tomorrow when I could pick up my camera. At home I sat down at my computer and started through the drives I took from the treehouse and boy did he have a lot of me naked – walking around in the house, outside, getting sun, then there was a clip of me and Kim out by the pool, us eating each other, then some of my husband and me, some of us enjoying our friends – he had lots of everything (I did copy each of the drives onto my computer and wondered if we did the right thing ignoring it. When my husband got home from work I showed him all the clips that he had saved – he was amazed, and told him how I wanted to see what he was doing up there and if anything changed from before. We both agreed that we were stuck and there was very little we could do. The next day I went around to the enclosure and climbed up, everything looked like the day before, so maybe everything was ok and I worried all night for nothing. So I picked up my spy pen, put back the drives I took, (there was about 10 others I did not take yesterday,- so I took 3 others to view and copy) and left back home. When I got home first thing I did was plug in the spy cam and started going through it. I fast forwarded through a large section and was feeling good that no one was up in the enclosure until I got to 2pm (time stamped) and got a major shock. I watched the neighbor k** enter the enclosure with 3 of his friends (I know the k** is 14, and his friends looked the same age) and sit around the computer screen. The next-door k** turned on the computer, hit a couple of butters and up I came naked in the backyard with Kim. I was in shock, these young boys were seeing me and my friend naked, then I watched as each boy dropped their pants and pulled out their little hard cocks. As they watched me and Kim playing with each other they were Jacking off. Pretty quickly they came in their hands and finished watching me and Kim. This all lasted maybe 10 minutes and the boys cleaned up, dressed, and left. I didn't know what I was going to do, a group of young boys has seen me naked, doing sexual things and Jacking off to it. I pressed the fast forward to get to the end of the drive when around 5 another person entered the blind – the dad, who proceeded to watch me on the computer with my dog Max as he jacked off twice sitting in his chair. At about 5:30 he packed up and left. Oh my god, father, son, and son's friends are all Jacking off to me and watching what I have been doing. What am I going to do….
Published by Loipyu
1 year ago
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