Fourth of July
Oh my God, last night was the 4th of July and boy did we have a celebration. I am so sore today from all the wild things that I did, and I think I can only relate some of what happened here. Let me tell you a little about myself, I am 67 years old, 5 feet 4 inches tall, 145 pounds, Hispanic with darker skin, brunet hair – shoulder to mid back length, mouth that loves to suck hard cocks and loves the taste, smell, and feel of cum, my breast size is 36D with mouthful size nipples that love attention (light caressing to rough slapping and squeezing) and are extremely sensitive, abdomen not fat, but enough cushion for some good hard pushing when I am being fucked good, dark well maintained pussy hair – no shaving here, pussy that loves lots of rough action – tight and warm, very toned legs from jogging, flat butt that enjoys anal sex and a good spanking at times, and I enjoy being naked as much as possible around my home and in public (really getting into public flashing). Last night I knew was going to be a good time because my husband had been away for 3 days and nights, I was super horny for him, and he would not fuck me when he got home. We were planning to go to a party with a group of friends that we play with for fireworks and who knows what else. The party was at Lynn’s home, out of the city – more rural, she has a large home with a big secluded backyard that we have partied at before. Our group consists of 6 other couples all in there 40s to 50s that have had many all you can fuck parties before. Just lately the guys have been showing us off to others and our games have become wilder. I have flashed and done groups of guys before, but some of our group are just getting into this and have been very hesitant and scared during some of our adventures. The 2 wild women of the group are myself and my good friend Kim, we have been getting very wild for the past couple of years with the help of our men. As we were getting ready to leave for the party, my husband informed me that I was wearing to much, and that I needed to strip and he handed me one of his wife-beater t-shirts. I was naked except for this oversized tee shirt that did little to cover my breasts or other vital areas. Our car was parked in the garage, thank goodness, my husband had me drive. It was very exciting on the drive (about 15 min) because people could see in through the front and side windows and there was not a lot I could do to not be seen. The drive was fun, and I was getting pretty excited when we got to Lynn’s house, the driveway was already full of cars and we needed to park down the street and walk. It really is exciting knowing that not much is between you and being naked in public, At the door we were let in and the other 6 couples were already there. The guys announced that tonight we were going to have a very good time and that we needed to listen and obey what we were told, any complaints or talking of any kind from that moment on would bring on punishment for the whole group. Almost before they had finished saying this, Ann one of the younger / less experienced girls said, “what do you mean obey”, with that comment each of the guys grabbed the lady closest to them and took us downstairs to the lower level of the house (they have a very large playroom down stairs) and there they had arranged 4 ottomans’ with straps on them. This did not look inviting, but the guys seem to know what to do. We were forced to lay across the cushions and arms were stretched to our ties on each side (alternating directions) so I was facing the same way as both girls next to me asses were. My arms were tied tight, ass up in the air, head hanging over the side. Now one of the guys informed us that because of Ann’s infraction we were all to be punished, and any further infractions would get increasing severe punishment. I looked over and saw the guy closest the door holding a Ping-Pong paddle and move close to the first girls upturned ass – we were all informed that the first punishment was 5 swats, of course just after this was said Ann opened her mouth and said ”what”, this got us all another 5 swats with the paddle. The guys went down the line of upturned asses giving each girl 10 swats – some of the guys were kind and didn’t hit to hard, while others really let the ass on front of them have it. From my position, I was maybe 6 inches from the girls next to me but when they got their swats, being that close really gives you perspective on how hard the paddle hits. I have taken swats before and this was not a big deal, but many of my friends had not been punished like this and were crying after their turn. I was impressed that no one talked when they were getting their punishment or afterwards. After the last girl was done, you could hear lots of loud breathing and whimpering in the room, and looking around all the upturned asses were beet red. The guys than put blindfolds on each of us and reminded us that any speaking would mean more punishment for us all. I than heard the guys leave the room and head upstairs to the living room where there was food and drink. We could hear them talking and laughing, but our room was so quiet that all you could hear was the other girls breathing. We were down there for awhile, when we heard the doorbell, than more voices upstairs, the doorbell again and more voices, this happened a few more times over the next 30 minutes. I could now hear lots of voices, this didn’t worry me much because I have fucked groups of guys before, but in our group of girls most had just experienced only the members of our little group. I could feel the tension in the room (7 ladies, naked, tied with their asses in the air, bright red asses, blindfolded, not knowing what was happening around them) after a long time, the sounds of the guys talking started moving closer to the room, than I could feel and hear footsteps entering the room, lots of comments and talking from the guys, than my husband made this announcement “ gentlemen, as you can see we have a treat tonight, we are here to have fun, at any time tonight if one of the ladies speaks, please yell out, because they have been informed that punishment will be inflicted. Tonight is a celebration and we are all here to have a good time, enjoy”. Me and my lady friends did not know who was in the room, how many, or what was expected of us, but if we said anything, or protested, we would all get our asses beat. After the announcement was made, things started to move rapidly. I felt someone’s finger slip into my pussy, and a hand reach under my chest and pull a tit over to the side, my body was being mauled, I could hear moaning and sounds from the other girls as they were being mauled. Than right next to my head I heard the sound of a cock being pushed into a cunt and the distinctive slapping as it was pounded in and out, I than felt the first cock of the night pushed into me, there was the sound of sex all around me, someone grabbed me by my ears and lifted my head a pushed a hard cock deep into my throat and started thrusting in and out, I could hear guys talking and making all kinds of comments about us girls, but mostly I was getting the shit fucked out of me. As one guy would finish, another would move right in, With my friends so close, I could hear the moans, whimpers and screams as cocks were thrust into them, after the first couple of guys, a guy decided to us my asshole, he didn’t even ask, just pushed right in and got to pounding. It felt like an endless stream of guys, taking turns using any hole they felt like, some were quick, some lasted longer, some got kind of rough, but they just kept fucking us. Maybe an hour or two after the fun began, the fucking slowed and I could hear the guys moving back upstairs. My poor asshole, pussy, and mouth were so sore, but still we could not speak or move. During this time you could hear one of the girls still being fucked by a guy wanting seconds or thirds, but the crowed had thinned. We all just stayed tied up waiting. Guys would wander down and use a hole and than leave, but it sounded like they were starting to leave. Than I heard my husband make another announcement, we would be untied and taken upstairs for food and drink, but still would be unable to talk. I was untied, but my arms retied behind my back and my blindfold removed, it took a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust, I could see all the other girls getting helped up and having their arms tied behind their backs. We all looked a mess; many of the girls were having trouble walking (for some in our group anal sex was new, and it looked like their assholes took a beating) we were all taken upstairs and our guys help by feeding us and giving us drinks. Looking around we all had cum in our hair, running down our legs, our asses were red, many of the girls with larger breasts had quit a bit of bruising to their breasts, nipples were very swollen, faces were swollen and had cum splattered across. After the food, the guys started saying good by to each other and how much fun it had been, of course Sandy opened her mouth to ask about being untied, this drew another 5 swats to each of our already very sore asses, after our punishment, the guys, each with their girls tied up – naked and abused, took us outside and walked us to our cars. My walk was the farthest, and thank god no one from the surrounding homes saw me, my husband opened the door and helped me inside. Than he started the car and off towards home. On the way my husband told me I could talk and asked me how I enjoyed the night, I let him know it was exciting, but who were all the guys? He said that each guy in the group was responsible for bringing 4 friends, so there was a total of 28 strangers and the 7 members fucking us poor girls. After we got home, my husband untied my arms and I looked in the mirror, I was a total fucking mess… my tits were all bruised, cum everywhere, my pussy and asshole still felt like they were open and draining cum, It felt wonderful, in the morning I am going to have to call and see how the other girls were doing, but for now I just feel into bed and right to sleep.
1 year ago