A birthday gift: Could XHAMSTER help?

Hello dear Reader,

I have a problem, and a jy to share. My wife is going to have her 41th birthday. And i want to spice up the gift with you guys.
In addition to the obvious new Macbook Air.... and a nice spa...

I wonder if any you dear community member could recommend a sexy funny gift for our community.

i know it sound weird, but it also sound fun a bit. Please reply and share.
I will make a compilation of your suggestion.

I know i could count on you!
Published by fr18us1
1 year ago
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fr18us1 Publisher 1 year ago
Indeed... Double Penetration seems nice, and there is lot of friendly soul to help.
DP this year, then DVP a little bit after
fr18us1 Publisher 1 year ago
please feel free to share your ideas!