Can a few bad apples ruin the pie? I think SO!!!

Thank you to all my loyal fans.. Im asking everyone please write xhamster and have them help me protect my videos from thievs. Thats right people are stealing my vidoes and passing them off to other sites and passing them off as their own. So starting today im not posting any of my new videos or pictures until all my content is found and these lousy people are found and brought to justice. Please if you want my content please bomb xhamsers mail box and tell them to protect my content. I want everything to be available for you guys to have fun with. its free anyway why steal it better yet why not just ask me? If im forced to open a paysite then that means people will have to pay for what i wanted to be free for learning and enjoyment. Please dont let these people do this to me. any help i can get from you all would be greatly appreciated and rewarded if i do get a pay site.
Published by ThrwnBak
12 years ago
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joepervert 9 years ago
It's a shame people do that
ChicaHunter 9 years ago
That sucks, its happened to me as well.
fearandloathing1 11 years ago
nothing you can do as far as whats already posted only thing you can do is in the future make your videos more private like friends only status...
iluvslutts 11 years ago
Well you have very hot vids so we're sorry to see you stop posting them. We have a few of our own on here as well. Sorry to say people will steal them as well but we don't really mind as we do it because we enjoy the lifestyle. It's a turn on for us to share our own vids and we also like sharing vids we enjoy of others. We never claim them to be us. They're just video's we enjoy and hopefully others will too. Good luck an have fun
boredboredman 11 years ago
Unless someone is making money off your videos they're not breaking the law really. It might be a dick move to post your videos elsewhere or someone to claim them as their own but you posted them on a public forum. Either it's free or it isn't, and at the end of the day you need to either create a paysite or just be happy with sharing. I understand you feel upset over this but there's really nothing you can do, once somethings online it'll stay online. Even if you delete every single video someone stole all it'd take is someone who had it saved on their PC to reupload it. I had a sex tape of me and a gf on here once upon a time, when we broke up she demanded it deleted and I did, but it still pops up on other sites. Hell I just found another ex of mine on a video site, if you record yourself and especially if you post the videos expect them to be seen and shared. I mean if hollywood cant stop piracy how can xhamster?
sk1nnyp1mp 12 years ago
you are my favorite on here.. we LOVE your videos, they are by far the best we have ever seen !!
sorry to say theres nothing you or xhamster can do about people stealing your videos, you can download any video on the internet from any site with a simple click of a button, even pay sites.. thats just the downside to posting, what i have learned from posting on other sites is to put a watermark in your video, perhaps your username in the bottom corner, that way even if someone reposts your video everyone will know where and who it came from :smile: please dont let these few people ruin this, this is just what idiots do im sorry but it happens to everyone who puts out a good video.. do the watermark thing tho, its the only thing you can do
kozmik 12 years ago
Go private plz and protect your self-dont let us to lose you.Was thinking that ur OK with that bastards who repost your vids,so only reaction from myside was useless comment how that awesome stuff is made by ThrwnBak and its not nice to take it and pretend like its own product,ur unique and I will be glade to report each stealing I notice-so xhamster is on watch
DrMantis 12 years ago
Ive reported the few Ive spotted.
Dont let this spoil the fun!
ExCuckoldman 12 years ago
I don't think much can be done as well. I will too report your videos to you if I see them on other sites. At one time, I as well had personal videos on this site. Same problem. I will miss your video's!
dexder 12 years ago
i will join your army against them stealing your videos. your videos are genuinely amateur and not staged. it is hard to find authentic videos like yours. i would hate for there to not be anymore videos from you. if i find any videos anywhere else i will message the link to you and you can do with it what you wish.
Please dont let a few idiots upset you, i'm sure i speak for everyone who's viewed your videos and pictures in saying we luv you and we'll support you in any way we can.

You bring so much pleasure to people and xhamster just would'nt be the same without your content.

I'll message them as you requested, just really hope they can help.

much luv x
spanker17 12 years ago
Unforntunately there is not much xhamster can do. the best you can do is set your profile private and only allow friends to see them. Even then, there is nothing xhamster can do about someone capturing the video and uploading elsewhere. :frowning:
vicboy 12 years ago