Martin's Story

Martin's story. (PART 1)

From a young age in primary school Martin noticed he was different in the downstairs trouser department to his school pals. At PE (Physical Education) Martin deduced when changing he had a bigger package than other boys. At secondary school when he showered with the team after football and rugby it was bloody obvious that he was bigger than his mates and increasingly becoming very well endowed. Strangely at primary and secondary school none of his pals ever highlighted his obvious difference apart from the odd good humoured tease and latterly a nickname.

At school Martin had a couple of early encounters with teenage girls. Naively, with it being their first sexual encounters Martin never realised how big he was, neither did the girls.

First Encounters
Martin's first encounter was under a train bridge with a girl called Lorraine. Being a massive prick teaser with a super fit nubile teen body he thought she was sexually experienced and was hoping for guidance. Turned out she was a virgin like him and as inexperienced as he was. A fumbled and difficult tight shag, but his first taste of pussy.

The second encounter with an older friend, in his car together with two teen girls which was memorable. Again the girl in question Tracy was super fit but very gobby. Her brother was known as a bit of a hard-man, so he trod carefully whilst dating her. Tracy was well up for it and keen to shag so they ventured into a field in the dark and the action began. This was Martin's first memory of satisfying sex after the initial penetration issues. He remembered giving Tracy a proper shafting, which she totally seemed to enjoy, he remembered her lifting up her pelvis, to allow Martin to go very deep.

After their encounter in the field and having rejoined the other two back in the car Martin felt the back of Tracy's dress which was very wet. Thinking it was dew off the grass he pointed it out. Embarrassingly, it turned out Tracy was a virgin and head broke her hymen. The moisture was blood, and his first and last embarrassing encounter with Tracy. He remembered seeing her years later in a pub, she said hello, but never looked him in the eye. Donna said Tracy must yearn for a big cock having been broken in with such a dick, and hoped her hubby was at least half the size of Martin.

Carol was a friend of Tracy and the rest of his friendship group, Carol was best described as a very plain Jane . She was always there, but in the background and was never really noticed by Martin or other lads. Especially as Tracy and other girls had in-your-face personalities which overshadowed Carol. Then by chance Martin and Carol found out their mums knew each other through work, and whilst there was no encouragement by the parents to get to know each other better, it kind of naturally happened.

Carol was a natural blond with a pretty face and as Martin got to know her better he realised she was getting more good looking and confident with age. Imagine Carol Kirkwood, the BBC weather presenter in her teens, the same fine figure curvaceous and sexy with big tits. However, Carol dressed like an old maid in very frumpy clothes unlike Carol Kirkwood today.

The style of Carol's clothes meant it was hard to determine her figure, if indeed you wanted to because she never really appealed to the boys looking like she did. In those days there were youth clubs which Martin attended for sports football in the gym and other healthy pursuits. Others went mainly to the disco, coffee shop and TV but in the final half hour everyone came together to arrange to walk home or go to the chip shop. Martin would often walk half way home with Carol. They went to different schools so didn't not know much about each other, but week by week they got to know each other better and Martin became friendly in a sisterly kind of way.

Around this age their peer group were using alcohol and arranging to try and get into pubs at weekends with false ID and dressing older than they were. Martin was not into booze being sporty and playing football on Saturdays and Sunday morning so a clear head needed. Carol was equally not into drinking her parents kept her on a tight leash. One night walking home Carol asked if I wanted to come to her house on Saturday night and watch TV or video film on their new VCR recorder as her Mum was okay with the idea. So on the next Saturday night he visited her house and was greeted by Carol's mum. She was for a mature Lady, a very nice, natural blond, good figure and seemed to look after herself.

Carol's Dad was okay, a little aloof but welcoming. Then I met Carol's sister and wow she was eighteen plus with a bullet. The plan was Carol's Mum and Dad were going to the local social club with her sister having a drink with them before going on into town. Well Carol’s sister Helen was dressed to impress, she was super sassy with real presence. Again a natural blond, very confident, talkative, never stuck for something to say. Martin thought watching her he’d love a moment or two with Helen. What a hot young woman he thought and envied the guy who would be seeing her that evening.

Anyway they all went off leaving them alone. No sooner had they gone and Carol started to come on to Martin which was very unexpected. She d****d herself over him, kissing and petting like a couple of naughty teenage k**s. Martin hadn't noticed Carol this evening with her sister (and Mum) had stolen the limelight. Then he noticed Carol was wearing black tights with a nice summer red figure hugging flowery dress, which buttoned up the front. For the first time Martin noticed Carol had a very ample pair of tits and unbelievably an hourglass figure to compliment them. Generally, Carol wore her hair up or sometimes in a pony tail and as they groped and kissed she let her lovely soft long blond hair down. She then got up from the settee to turn off the TV and Martin realized this "ugly duckling" had grown into a beautiful swan.

Martin stood up and began to take Carol more seriously, kissing her properly on the lips and holding her in a sensual way. This changed her mood. Carol became very impassioned, suddenly she was filled with sexual desire and zeal showing great warmth and intensity of feeling. She knelt down and unbuckled Martin trousers and quickly without any fumbling took Martin's cock out of his underpants. As his dick unfurled from its semi folded state she actually gasped, catching her breath with open mouth astonishment. What seemed like ages but only momentarily Martin cock grew stiff and rock hard. Carol held Martin's stiff cock by the base and balls like the Olympic torch moving it closer to her cheek.

Then in one swift movement like pulling a lever down she straightened his cock, opened her mouth wide and devoured his bell end and at least three quarters of his cock. Somehow, Carol could take way more of his cock than any girl had to date. His cock grew as Carol's tongue lashed at his continuously growing penis. His reaction was to remove his T-shirt then take hold of her hair and Instinctively fuck her face. Martin could see their reflection in the TV screen and was thinking WTF less than ten minutes ago Carols family were meeting and greeting him warmly and now here he was face fucking their daughter.

He continued to wonder how come this perceived innocent teen, a plain Jane, who was now gagging , choking and retching on his cock like an experienced hooker, pleasuring him like no other girl ever had. She was good, never before had a BJ made him want to cum so much and he could feel he was on the edge of an orgasm. Martin wanted to savor the moment and his ejaculation. This was not easy because he could feel his cock pulsing with pre-cum and it was already seeping out of this cock, glistening and mixed in with Carol’s frothy saliva. Martin gently held her cheeks and asked Carol to stand up as he stepped out of his trousers and stood naked with a massive boner.

Carol slowly and seductively started to unbutton her dress, dropped her shoulder and let the dress fall lightly to the floor. What this revealed was an amazing body, pale but pure skin dressed in a black soft sheer bra, figure hugging see thru black all in one bodice with black stay up stockings, she looked edible. Martin sat her down on the sofa, opened her legs and seeing her smooth silky (hairless) pussy bearing in mind Martin was into flowers he told Donna it looked like a Black Iris opening for the sunlight of his tongue.

Martin kissed & licked her inner thighs then licked the whole length of her labia as Carol opened her legs wider to allow for greater access and pleasure as her clitorial anticipation grew. Martin teased her pussy and even flirted his tongue along her anus a few times as Carol lifted her bottom up and forward so Martin could have better access to all areas. Using his fingers Martin gently parted her pussy lips revealing her swollen cliteros and without touching it he gently nibbled, sucked and probed further using his tongue to plunge and dart energetically inside her pussy, using his tongue like a cock. Carols legs quivered and she began to slide her pussy and face fuck Martin with her open cunt, no shame pure lust and pleasure. Martin licked her ass, pussy and using the flat of his tongue he stroked her clit and fingered her pussy.

Carol began to tremble and shake then without warning like a snake’s venom her pussy convulses and squirted warm sticky clear fluid into Martin's mouth, her ejaculation went up his nose and in his eye as he lapped away like a thirsty dog at a bowl. Carol came off her hands and haunches and fell back onto the sofa, her rosy red face panting and her legs still trembling from the force of her orgasm. Carol openly explained she was not a virgin and she’d years ago had a fumbled shag. However, she said Martin cock was the biggest she had ever seen in real life and she’d never had her pussy licked like that before, it was such an amazing experience.

The way Carol had said real life cock made Martin think so he asked Carol what she meant in real life .

I’ll show you, she said, then grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs into a bedroom which turned out to be her sister's room. From inside a wardrobe hidden at the back she took a box out and emptied it on the bed. To his amazement and a rye smile at least five dildo' s of varying sizes and thickness along with some VHS cassettes tumbled out. Carol explained Helen had no idea she knew about these or that when everyone was out she used them on herself. Martin then realised he was standing there bollock naked in her sister's bedroom with a semi hard on and Carol in her very fetching black underwear show me he said.

Carol took the biggest dildo and made herself comfortable, pulled her knees up, opened her legs and rubbed the outside of her pussy lips for moisture. There was a small seat at the dressing table so Martin, having a good vantage point, sat cock in hand and watched Carol masturbate. From experience Carol knew how to work her pussy and surprisingly Martin said he did not feel self conscious masterbating in front of Carol the whole experience was so erotic and he needed to cum. He stood up and told Carol he was about to cum, and could be cum on her tits, which were still covered by her sexy bra. No she said come on my face Martin tried to warn her they'd be a big load. Okay just do it she said, closing her eyes as Martin shot a load all over her face, in her mouth and aiming the rest at her pussy. Carol laughed out loud my god where did that come from and now over the years not an uncommon reaction given Martin sperm volume.

They cleaned up his cum and Martin noticed Carol was still wearing her bra whilst admiring her cleavage and tits. It dawned on him there seemed to be some reluctance from Carol to reveal her breasts; which he could not understand. They were a perfect pear shaped and he couldn't wait to fondle squeeze and suck them. For all her sexual confidence up to this point Carol seemed reluctant to remove the bra so he asked what's wrong. Carol opened up and explained she had since puberty something unusual going on with her nipples? They’d apparently grown to an abnormal size although the doctors and the hospital specialists had said there were no health issues or problems. She explained that sometimes, especially thin school's she had to wear an Elastoplast plaster on each nipple to keep them flat or they stick out too much. Martin now had a massive boner and used his freak of nature penis stories to reassure Donna that he understood her anxiety and self consciousness.

Carol seemed reassured to unhook her bra to unveil her firm pear shaped breasts which spilled out once her bra was fully unhooked and removed. They were not the biggest breasts he’d seen but they were ample in size and a lovely shape. Both of her milky & ample white tits contrasted nicely to the tanned skin on her arms and chest. What was striking were her dimpled and dotted dark brown areolas and as she forecast the longest nipples he’d ever seen.

They were unreal thin but as long as a triple A battery when fully erect and in a heightened state the nipple was lactating a milky white fluid. Carol explained her nipples were very sensitive so handle them very carefully, so he did.

Initially, he gently rubbed then slowly adjusting he lightly rolled the nipple with his finger and thumb. Carol seemed to be enjoying this foreplay, eyes closed and making a cat-like purring noise. Confident she could take it he dropped his head and with his tongue licked both nipples then put one in his mouth and suckled it, rolling his tongue around the battery. Carol was now having an orgasm soaking the bed sheet and at the same time lactating in his mouth a warm creamy milky substance which just oozed out.

Fucking Carol during their first encounter and on numerous occasions after was always satisfying. Mainly because Carol still used (often) her sisters larger than average dildo’s and whilst Martin cock was bigger, Carol could always take him with relative ease.

They met most Saturdays when her mum and dad went out so had the house to themselves. They also met most weekends in the day and Carol turned into quite a exhibitionist . Martin explained they would go on the bus to another town (not local) shopping and Carol would not wear any underwear. I always knew she wanted to get up to something by what she wore when we went out. Like she’d wear specific tops, wool or cashmere jumpers and sporting such big nipples you could see she was braless. Carol loved the attention she’d flash her pussy for me and tease him, even others if they were lucky enough to see us. She would blow me and sit on my cock wank herself as I watched at the back of the bus as it emptied. She loved to fuck outdoors in woods or in ally ways in fact she’d seemed to like to get fully naked in allyways to heighten the pleasure and risk of being caught.

She would also expose herself on motorway or train bridges often getting fully naked not just a quick flash. Martin's time with Carol introduced him to the world of VHS porn films because her sister Helen had a small collection which included Christy Canyon, Peter North and Kay Parker videos. Carol loved fucking whilst watching porn in fact he had fond memories of Carol, they taught each other quite alot in twelve months of teen shagging. They stayed friends but drifted apart and eventually stopped seeing each other. Martin still see’s Carol with her family out and about; she always says hello even with her husband in tow. When she could she’d wink or a smile as a memory / acknowledgement to the past. Lucky husband Martin thought if she is still a voyeur, or in this day and age maybe she swings?

Another memorable and as serious encounter as Carol and the spawned the dawn of Martin's notoriety with the girls in secondary school. Martin was asked to go and fetch something from the temporary Maths classrooms, which were portababins out the way of the main school campus. Nonchalantly, he walked in on a group of older lads shagging a girl in his year group Stella. At first he thought they were abusing her but realized (in seconds) as her legs were akimbo spread voluntarily wide apart with one of the lads giving her a proper seeing too. The other lads were in various states of nakedness all wanking as they watched. At first all hell broke loose as they thought they'd been rumbled by a teacher, but Stella was the calmest person in the room, legs still wide open and cum dripping from her swollen heaving pussy. One lad grabbed Martin and he thought he was going to get a beating outside. But Stella had a discreet word with the leading man who seemed to be the organizer, or her pimp, and told the others to calm down and leave Martin alone and to let him stay and watch. Everyone was conscious of time as the dinner hour was slipping away and the classroom would be in use again very soon.

There were five or six older lads in the room who were two to two and a half years older than Martin. But physically he was on a par if not bigger and with Martin's Rugby and football he was for his age, a muscular and very fit young man. He was also attractive with distinctive blue eyes, good skin and an all American college boy look about him. The situation soon got back on track as the lad who'd not yet had his turn dropped his pants and Stella re-positioned herself to accept his rock hard cock. The others stood close and wanked and touched Stella’s breasts and nipples. Martin was unsure what to do so he stuffed his hand down his trousers and began to feel his cock grow and unfurl inside his underpants.

Stella's whole attention was on Martin nonchalantly being screwed but her gaze on him, which he found intimidating but exciting all at the same time. Slowly he became confident and aroused by the group wanking whilst looking at a sexy teenager with a great body being shagged. Stella had a pretty and attractive face, her blue eyes were large and distinctive, she looked the spit of Goldie Horn, but long brunette hair, not blond. She was petite in body, small but firm tits, very shapely with curvy legs and thighs. Her tits were beautifully formed, smallish but youthfully pointed in shape with nipples which looked like chewing nuts (a sweet). Stella had a shaved or waxed pussy, perfectly smooth Martin had never seen a smooth hairless pussy before, which stayed in his mind long after the event and was getting him seriously horny.

With his hormones and adrenaline coursing around his body and groin Martin found new confidence to drop his trousers, pull his pants down and openly start wanking. Stella noticed Martin cock first, her already wide eyes opening further and the lads near to him looked, no gasping, just envious and admiring looks. The lad on the job was on his vinegar stroke and he shot his load into a condom. Strangely, some wore condoms and others did not. Stella didn't seem to care either way. Now her attention was focussed on Martin and she beckoned him over to get a closer look at his cock. At this age Martin penis was not fully matured but was still long in length, a solid muscle, when hard and not yet as thick as it eventually became.
Stella wanted it despite the time running out and she positioned herself on the edge of a desk to give Martin full access; her pussy seemed to be drooling with juices.

Martin slowly edged his hard thick cock between her outer labia which parted like the red sea her clitoris now very visible, extending and growing in size. Stella gripped the edge of the desk to anchor herself better, to help with penetration she even lifted her ass and twisted her pelvis adjusting her pussy each time to take his thick cock as she bit her lip and muffled her pleasurable pain. Martin’s thighs and ass began to push and pump her pussy, the desk lifting and banging down on the floor as his lust and instinct to fuck her took over. Martin's cock was so long the lads could see half of it was still outside her pussy. He began to shaft her with his steel rod of a cock, pumping like a piston rod he remembered it felt like being in a porn film others were looking on. Stella naughtily commented that Martin had more cock hanging out her pussy than some had to put inside her pussy.

Stella was on fire, her face and cheeks rosy red as she blew hard, one hand holding the desk and the other working her clit as a creamy white paste formed covering Martin's cock and her pussy. Then suddenly, no warning Stella’s pussy just erupted a huge plume of clear liquid squirted all over Martin shirt, groin and legs. The force of this and Martin being so close to cumming meant he withdrew and reeled backwards. Then almost involuntarily, he shot like a water pistol two separate creamy cum loads all over (cream pie) Stella’s pussy.
As Martin came the Lads went whoa WTF was that. In any other circumstances he was sure spontaneous applause would have begun. Stella, still on the desk laid flat out on her back exhausted, knees bent, with her gaping pussy still on show. Her once tight little virgina and labia majora visibly stretched but enough elasticity for it to return to its normal state?

Everyone dispersed, Stella giving Martin a big kiss on the lips. Later the lead lad, nicknamed Dunny, made it crystal clear to Martin that he should not breathe a word of this to anyone and if he liked he could visit again. Martin went quite a few times and always shagged Stella last so the others had a chance for some tight pussy. But over time Stella’s pussy expanded and got bigger meaning Martin could now easily enter her. The next summer the temporary classrooms were demolished and the lunchtime activity stopped.

Martin saw Stella at a Birthday party in a local pub with her husband and family, they spoke briefly and made small talk. There was very little eye contact, but Stella had a rye smile as she said goodbye.

Surprisingly, there were never any rumours of Stella’s classroom antics in school; he suspected Dunny did a good job of keeping it a secret. However, Martin was sure it was Dunny's who leaked to the older girls in school, who now took an interest in him (more on this to come) about his super sized cock. Martin suddenly got the nickname donkey which later became Neddy and stuck with him ever since.

At a school disco Martin was accosted by an older girl Christine and her two friends Tina and Diane. Christine was a character in school well known and liked by pupils and teachers. A larger girl, not fat, best described as having a burlesque figure. Big tits, thighs and hips she looked and acted much older than she was and without doubt was already out drinking and clubbing in town. She reminded him of a young Shelly Winters and especially the character she played in Alfie which was Ruby. Christine was in a way quite theatrical and very confident but actually quite shy deep down. Tina and Diane were fairly nondescript and not central to Martin's encounter with Christine. All three girls had d****d themselves over Martin touching him up and trying to intimidate him. But Martin had found new levels of confidence with girls, so their intimidation was not working. However, each one individually had squeezed his cock and tried to tease him about his nickname Neddy so he forced the issue and said. Do you think you can handle me or will it take all three of you to manage me? At the same time he thrust his hand up Christine's grey school skirt to intimidate her back.

To his surprise she was not wearing any knickers, her pussy was shaved and soaking wet. Christine never flinched as Martin put two fingers in her sodden pussy and made a scissor action. Christine's legs quivered, her bust heaved, she became even wetter than before and within seconds she’d cum on his fingers. Diane and Tina were unaware of what had just happened and laughed wondering why Martin took his fingers and put them in Christine's mouth as she lovingly sucked them. Diane and Tina thought this was some kind of courtship routine and just laughed it off. Christine and Martin locked eyes, they knew what had happened and were mentally psyching each other out.

It was relatively early evening and Christine asked Martin if he wanted to come back to her house for a coffee which he accepted. He knew where she lived and said he’d meet them there in half an hour. He made his excuses with his mates and went home to change his undies and washed his cock arriving at Christine's house on time. Christine had a nice house in a leafy part of their estate. She had lost her mum at a young age so there was just her and her dad who lived there. He later found out that Christine's dad worked nights Monday to Friday which is why she was hosting this meeting. As they stood in the kitchen he was offered and accepted a coffee then they all went into the lounge to listen to a new local commercial pop based radio station. Tina and Diane for their age were still immature. Christine was different, confident, self assured and funny. Martin wondered why she hung around with these two; but in fairness she had lots of female friends at school.

Diane and Tina were like a warm up act they teased, flirtatiously danced and boldly took layers of clothes off whilst groping Martins in alternative assaults. In the end he grabbed Tina and started kissing her which was the cue Diane needed to unzip his flies and get his cock out. Christine sat in the chair and just watched. Diane said out loud WHOA as Martin's cock eyeballed Diane like an indian cobra snake. Tina stopped to look and joined Diane at Martin's groin and together they started to lick and sucked Martin off as he eyeballed Christine.

Diane and Tina took turns to undress whilst continuing to suck Martin’s cock. He was surprised at how eager and impudent these young minxes were, but more intrigued at how cunning Christine was being. She wanted Tina and Diane to do just what they were doing, a warm up act he hoped. The girls were totally naked with a whiff of pussy and sexual pheromones in the air so Martin beckoned Diane to sit on his cock. It took her some time to adjust and take Martin inside. She had nice tits which were mostly in Martin's face and he could see her facial expression of pain and pleasure trying to absorb the biggest cock she’d ever had. Slowly Diane was tiring, even worn out as Tina continuously fiddled with Martin's balls and rubbed his shaft as Diane slid up and down his pole. Eventually Diane could take no more and as she stood up her fanny farted legs quivered and she fell into another chair.

Now it was Tina’s turn; she took the same position as Diane to ride Martin. But know matter how hard she tried she could not get Martin bell-end inside her never mind his whole cock. She was frustrated and they were both getting sore and suggested lube. Diane, not sure as a joke or improvisation went to the fridge and came back with olive oil. She sprinkled it on Tina’s pussy and put some in her hands and rubbed some on Martin's cock. Tina tried again in vain but in truth they both knew Tina had a small pussy and no amount of force or lube was going to change that. To help with her self esteem Martin said she had a great body (which she did) she had small tits, sculptured hairy pussy and he said to Tina he’d love to wank off over her.

Christine again took a serious interest in this idea and sat up in her chair as Tina lay back on the floor and Martin stood over her. Tina masterbated in time with Martin which together with the sight of three girls watching him rub one out was very sexy. Martin wanted to make the most of this and made sure his cock was BIG as he edged and edged his cock wanking fast and furious on his tiptoes, then slowly and forcefully, he was deliberately putting on a wanking show.

Christine could not contain herself and kept urging Martin to cum and now Diane was joining in pulling his balls from behind and slapping his firmly clenched arse cheeks. Then to shouts and a howl of surprise, and laughter, Martin let his cock flow. Initially a continuous jet of cum which absolutely covered Tina’s eyes, nose, face and torso. The jets turned into short unexpected bursts of cum as Tina held out her hands to protect herself and stop the further deluge of cum.

Despite the frenzy and visual delights of the moment Martin did notice Christine had hitched her skirt up, opened her legs and masterbated throughout the scene. Everyone cleaned themselves up as Christine feigned to show Martin out quickly, but she actually wanted a moment alone so she pushed him out the door and said come back tomorrow at the same time.

The School day could not go quick enough he ran home to wash his undercarriage and made his short journey to Christine's. She must have been waiting as he rang the doorbell because she was there in a flash and what a lightning strike. Christine looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was looking, as she stood there in a black basque, stockings with suspenders. No messing about, she knew what to expect so took his hand and led him upstairs to the spare room and said make yourself comfortable, which he took to mean get your kit off so he did.

Christine returned with two glasses of lager, a pack of condoms which fitted, and a big smile as he lay on the bed totally naked with the biggest boner from a pent up day looking forward to this moment.

With Christine being older and much more mature than girls of his age, she knew what she liked and wanted, which was basically a good shafting. The foreplay was minimal she knew about safe sex hence the condoms, which she had sourced and were XX large. He had no idea where she'd acquired them but they fitted like a glove. She looked amazing in the basque and stockings, like some fifties throwback porn star with her hair tied on top. As vanilla as it was, all Christine wanted was Martin’s big cock inside her plunging away, deep and for as long as he had the stamina for and without coming. This arrangement went on for weeks with Martin every night after School going to Christine's. She even started to cook so they'd sometimes eat before sex, or if Christine was super hot she’d wear a nice outfit, always with sexy bra, stockings & suspenders, in which case they’d eat after sex. Same routine minimal foreplay, a good fuck*ng session and a tit wank to end the session. A couple of times they had a bath together and a memorable night when Christine asked Martin to pee all over her, which he did and found this to be very kinky. She always had a trick up her sleeve like a new outfit or look, porno video, a new dildo, she loved, mutual masturbation Eyes locked onto each other's genitals, she'd insist Martin came on her face, body or tits and always swallowed as much as she could take.

One evening was different because unbeknown to Martin, Christine was friends with Yvonne, a blond, blue-eyed beauty, a Germanic / Nordic looking woman. Yvonne was posh and went to a grammar school. Her parents owned the local grocery store and her Dad must have been ex-forces and or a body builder because he looked like a smaller schwarzenegger. Christine knew Yvonne through some music class and one evening turned up whilst they were eating.

Christine introduced Yvonne to Martin and they chatted for quite a while. Yvonne was truly a beauty with an amazing figure and one of the best looking girls in the area. She looked like a young Agnetha Faltskog from Abba, maybe a little thicker set with a film star figure. Ironically she did not have a boyfriend which amazed Martin. She said boys, even the cocky ones, left her alone; so she was never chatted up. I told her my theory which was; she was so look- looking boys feared rejection, plus she had a look about her not an ice maiden more sophisticated and Greta Garbo image I want to be alone. She laughed at this idea, but he could tell it made her think.

They chatted for the rest of the evening until Martin made his excuses and went home.

On the same night a week later Yvonne turned up again, a surprise for me but not to Christine. She was expecting her and as Yvonne entered the living room she looked stunning, in a tight figure hugging Jessica Rabbit-esk red dress and high heels. The girls sat either side of Martin on the sofa and he knew something was going on. Christine licked, kissed and whispered in my ear. Do you want both of us? Oh yes he said as they both began to unbuckle his belt and trousers so he lifted his arse off the settee as Christine stood up and pulled his trousers off leaving him sitting in his skimpy pants. Martin's cock lay semi hard across his waist and he knew Yvonne could see its size and girth.

She opened her mouth and smiled with her perfect pearly white teeth and mouthed to Christine OMG I see what you mean. Christine shoved her hand in my pants and pulled out Martin’s stiff hard cock, which stood hands free high and mighty from his lap. Yvonne could not resist and began to suck, wank and eat as much as she could sliding off the sofa onto her knees at Martin's feet. For a while both hands wrapped around his shaft, wanking and sliding his foreskin up and over his bell-end licking and sucking at the same time with Christine looking on. Yvonne stood up, reached behind her neck, un-clipped her dress and pulled the zip down to her waist at the back. Then flicking her shoulders the dress dropped to the floor to reveal her pure white body. Skin so smooth, absolutely symmetrical tits in size, shape and proportion, plump waxed camel toe pussy, a perfect looking vulva, no blemishes on her whole body like a porcelain statue.

Yvonne raced up stairs, Christine said she'd follow and so Martin strode up the stairs into the spare room to see Yvonne spread eagled on the bed. She was literally gorgeous and he wanted her badly, but he also wanted to make sure he gave her a good experience she might want more in the future. Martin devoured her pussy licking, sucking, nibbling, spitting, fingering you name it he did it. Yvonne must have cum several times just from Oral so Martin decided to go missionary, but Yvonne had other ideas. She sat up and asked Martin to lie down as his cock grew in anticipation. Basically, Yvonne wanted to ride him and as he turned over he noticed Christine was in the room again in her voyeuristic way watching and no doubt masterbating. As Yvonne moved into position sitting on top her firm tits hung loosely and pendulous swung as she moved. Martin instinctively reached up to squeeze and suck her nipples as she giggled and shoved her fingers in his mouth.

Christine came over with a condom and handful of KY jelly she smoothed the cold KY all over Martin shaft and balls and sheathed his raging cock. Christine then lathered Yvonne's pussy in KY, smoothing the gel and fingering her pussy at the same time. As Yvonne lowered herself down Christine held Martin shaft to ensure they docked and gingerly Yvonne took his cock inside. Martin could see in the mirror Yvonne's back and pussy from the rear engulf his throbbing meaty cock, slowly increasing the pace of her up and down movements. Christine's hands were all over their genitals, she was smoothing Martin shaft, lightly slapping Yvonne's buttocks and whilst fingering Yvonne's pussy and surprisingly her ass hole, which seemed to gape as she rode Martin's cock.

Time stood still as Yvonne rode his cock aggressively and assertively. Her fanny had flutters of pleasure, combined with farts of air and sticky fluid pouring out as she controlled the pace of her orgasm. Martin gave her a break and would raise his ass then pump her from below slowly and patiently, or fast and furiously, as she leaned forward thrusting those amazing tits in his face. Martin had filled the condom with cum so they took a toilet break, a drink and condom reload. When Martin came back from the loo resheathed the girls were both on the bed naked and to his amazement playing with each other in a 69 position.

Yvonne's beautiful face was hovering over Christine’s pussy, powerfully pumping her pussy with a big dildo. To his surprise Christine was doing the same but with a smaller dildo pleasuring Yvonne's ass! He began to realize this was not a one off show it seems they often got together like this. Apparently, Yvonne had not had a boyfriend or real cock for over twelve months so on a tipsy night together they lost their inhibitions and Christine agreed to pleasure Yvonne.

Christine knew how to work Yvonne's body sucking and licking her pussy, squeezing her tits as the dildo pleasured her ass. Martin watched and masterbated Christine's voyeuristic place in the room as the girls seemed to forget he was there. Until Christine, half jokingly, suggested Martin took Yvonne up the ass and reached for the KY tub. Unsure if this was a joke Martin did not react until Yvonne stayed on the bed on all fours. Shit, Martin thought this is for real so with a fresh condom and Christine acting like a trainer in a boxing ring she lubed both parties parts and brought them together.

Anal sex was a first for Martin, but Yvonne seemed to know what to do as she raised her ass and reached back with her hands to part her ass cheeks to give him better access. Like a vet on a stud farm Christine took Martin's cock and slowly offered it up to Yvonne's ass hole which was covered in KY jelly. He gave one gentle shove and to his surprise his big fat cock slid in without any resistance as Yvonne blurted out OH FUCK. Unsure if he was hurting her he asked are you okay? Yvonne said OH YES keep pumping, but slowly which he did. Christine was all over Martin’s back hugging him doggy style as he shoved his cock in and out of Yvonne’s ass. Christine seemed to synchronize herself with Martin's thrusts; he could feel her pumped up pussy pressing on his back using it like lesbian tribbing action to cum as often as he thought Yvonne was doing from anal sex.

By now Yvonne was so stimulated she was soaking wet with her own cum and lube, she seemed half conscious in a trance. So with her kind of half out of it he began to alternate putting his cock in her pussy and then her ass. This together with Christine spanking her ass cheeks this sent her wild with pleasure; he could feel her legs quiver and shake as she came multiple times. Eventually, Martin took the condom off and spunked a load all over Yvonne's back as she collapsed forward with exhaustion. Christine moved round to suck the cum juice off Martin's dick. There was no movement as they all lay on the bed totally knackered.

What a night which was repeated a few times and not just with Martin. Over time Martin asked if he could invite a few close mates to Christine's, early evening shindig. With Christine's Dad on permanent nights she agreed and we had a nice three bedroom house to ourselves up to around 10 pm. The group were very respectful, cooked, cleaned, had a laugh, a few beers, no drunkenness, no issues with neighbours and of course a lot of shagging. Some of the lads had girlfriends so it was an ideal place to shag in a bed not in alleyways or woods, a massive benefit at their age. Nobody abused the situation or told others who were not close. Christine would either choose Martin or one of his mates to shag her. Eventually, Yvonne came over and Martin's mates could not believe their luck. One or two got to shag her (after him) she even had a threesome with Martin and a mate, as did Christine. After a while Christine got serious about her A levels and he stopped going around.

She went to Uni and they lost touch. Martin understood Christine got a high powerful job in London with a law firm. The memories of Christine linger because she was so liberated sexually at a young age. The way she loved to watch and be watched especially when she masterbated. Her speciality was to wank with a dildo in a chair and thrust her dildo (hard) into her pussy then dramatically pull it out and squirt short sharp jets, like from a squeezy bottle shooting clear sticky cum on Martin and others on occasions. Yvonne married a guy who seemed to have family money, and a business; she now lives in a leafy part of the City near him. But if he sees her out and about, she never acknowledges him.

Part 2 will follow........
Published by valandjayne
1 year ago
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