The Vicars Wife. Part 1.

I'm gonna tell a story based on my memories of being a choir boy in the late 1950's and throughout most of the 1960's. I won't post my age but suffice to say that I was born in 1952 and became a chorister at the age of 5. The story is based on my own recollections of the Choir Mistress for most of that time, let's call her Helen. She was the wife of the Vicar who served our church from about 1961 until I left the choir, and rarely even went to chuch, in 1968. It is total fantasy, but Helen's apparent innocence, demeanor and naivity had me thinking about her several years later. She was a very pretty lady but very shy and appeared to be very subservient to her Husband, Ben, who always seemed aloof from everyone and seemed very 'married' to his job, not only in the church but also in and around the community. He was basically a good man but I always felt there was something a little 'odd' about him. He was not a handsome man and I always wondered how he had captured such a stunning beauty of a wife.
Helen herself had been brought up by a very domineering and deeply religious father, also a Church leader of some sort and a very humble and downtrodden mother. She had grown up during the war years and been subjected to being held on a tight rein, so was not really worldly wise. She had married Ben when she was 18 and had never experienced anything at all sexual other than the occasional 'tingle' between her legs and occasionally her nipples would stand out become hard and sensitive, but she didn't know why or even what to do about, other than to secretly pull and tweak them until the feelings dissipated enough to get her settled again. She had never experience a full orgasm, but the feeling between her thighs and the throbbing of her nipples had her breating heavily on several occasions. On the night of her marriage, she was unsure of what to expect or even what to do. She let Ben take full control and did exactly what she was told, albeit not what she'd totally expected and after it happened she was left a bit deflated, very very sore between her legs and wondered whether that was all there was to being a Vicars wife. Ben had a rather large cock and, like his wife, had been brought up in a sheltered environment but had started wanking at a young age. He had no control and would always cum within 60 seconds of becoming hard. He was also thinking of his chum Brian when he ejaculated as it was Brian who had first shown him how to wank, by using his mouth on him as he jerked his cock. Ben would play with with Brian's tiny didk too, but Brian taught Ben to finger his bottom and eventually to stick his dick in it, that was the best way to help Brian ejaculate and they would often ejaculate together after only a few minutes with Bens cock in Brians bum whilst Bens wanked Brians cock between his finger and thumb. Brian moved away after about a year and Ben had very little active sex, other than wanking, until he was married to Helen, an arrangement between their families. On his wedding night,Bens cock was totally hard, he found Helen pretty and, even after his encounters with Brian, he was totally into full sex with Helen but sadly couldn't control his desires. He told her to lay down on the bed and lift her nightie. He lay down beside her and kissed her lips, his cock was rampant and he couldn't help but to just go straight for the bulls eye before he ejaculated prematurely. He went at it full throttle, no concern to her feelings or needs or emotions, his cock had taken over. Helen lay there without any expectations but what she hadn't expected was the force with which Ben suddenly mounted her and forced his cock as deep as it would go all at once. The only form of lubricant was the tiny bit of pre-cum on the end of has throbbing dick and she felt herself tear as her hymen breached. She screamed and tried to pull back and away from his violation, but within 30 seconds he was pumping his seed deep up her cunt, 4, 5, 6, 7 ropes of thick gooey spunk. Then he was done, he pulled out and went to the bathroom while she looked down, tears in her eyes, sore and totally unsatisfied and watching the pink fluid oozing from her cunt...a mixture of her blood and his spunk. Ben returned to their bed and turned away from her to go to sleep. Helen rose and went to the bathroom to ease her aching and sore vagina, dousing it with cold water, tears still in her eyes, and then went back to bed and found Ben snoring.
Back with more later.
Published by fannylicker57
1 year ago
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ropaul45 2 months ago
poor wife !
Leomoore 1 year ago
Poor Helen, 