My Index for Fav Porn Vids.
There is not much room to put description nor anything other than a few words to describe my Index layout. So here it is in full:
0= My Intro Welcoming short message. As it says, All are welcome here, on my friends list or to scroll thru my Index for vids. But all i ask is that you leave any hostility at the door. This means be kind to one another and do NOT judge each other for anything as in our likes & dislikes. You cannot help who you love and since you cannot control that nobody has the right to tell you not to. Its not possible anyhow and its just rude/ignorant and i do not tolerate that. Nobody is lesser or moreso, you are all equal unless you like Pinapple on your Pizza...then ur more awesome ;)
just k**ding, even tho i do love that myself. i wont judge you, maybe just give you the stink eye behind ur back hahaha just k**ding.
(Edit* = I just spent the last 3 hours, straight, doing (just) touch-ups to additions i either recently made or thought up. But, also a new idea, alike "This many days with no accident:" i will do so but with previous to recent additions to my Fav List's. It takes a HUGE amount as im very seemingly OCD with categories. I prefer to think its just very pin-point accurate so to say rather OCD. I hope you all enjoy the great many painstaking hours to make this all worthwhile, enjoy.)
Previous Edit to Fav File's and this Index (both):
Wednesday, June 21st, 2023.
0= Welcome, tho. To my Page, Profile, Index and i hope that you enjoy yourself. Joking and all aside, heres the Index now:
1= Index, Descriptions & (2b sorted later)
Any within these files are to be sorted later, a sort of soon-to-cumm if you will.
2= Mixed (TV, CD, Gay & Str).
-These are all of the same brand, say Link (Zelda) for example, but are spread across all sexual preferences and may be classified into more than one.
-There is also a major flood of these sexist twat waffles that are gay bashers flooding ALL categories, too, which means it may (for ex.) be classified as "Tranny" or "Gay" vids but its FILLED with only women in the vids, women narrators etc etc. So some are too damn confusing to know where to put them, too.
(#THERE IS A DAMN CAP ON HOW MANY FAV VIDS, 10K (theres a 2hr cap on vids, too btw). So some were combined in order to save me space for more vids)
3= TV's. Trans-Variety.
And i call it this as i believe everything in the whole world, hell universe, is a Spectrum. This has the widest variety even tho it was THE most rare once upon a time. IE: Man-Woman, Woman-Man, (<--Post/Pre-op.), Gender Fluid (feels like both), Hermaphrodite (both vagina & penis)...i can prob state all i can think of and id get a few of them wrong in my description noted here!!
4= CD's. Crossdresser's.
Not a crossed wrestler, clean ur ears XD. It is one born as either male or female but dresses of the opposing gender. Natives would call them Two-Spirited and within those tribes that do look up to them with high regard, and respect, as they have the eyes of two which can see all get the idea.
5= Gay. Homo Erectus.
XD I had to throw that one in there. Simply put, this is male on male action, or as acronyms go M4M. Sword fights :P
6= STR. Straight.
Another "simply put", male and female, opposite genders who squabble over which end the toilet seat goes and the toilet paper roll goes DOWN XD. There is NO other way to explain straight ppl....hahah.
7= Sexist "Femdom".
I am a BIG time believe in Equal Rights and, not sure why im the only one ive heard repeat this, but wtf is the word Feminist and shit still existant? It has NO place in an Equal Rights world as it bloody defeats the fucking purpose. Its the same thing to me as why do we have a African American day or Gay Pride or wtv....i thought you wanted to be equal.... yeah, yeah, lest we forget...but still, there is no Straight Pride Parades or White Dude Day' bout we just keep it in the History books and stop trying to put someone in some kinda light as if they are not equal.
We already fought for Equal Rights, and btw we won that, we fought to NOT be bullied by our sexual preferences, so why the fuck this exists is beyond me and pisses me off!! You have no right to hate on ppl, if u dont like it, piss off. If you dont like someone wtv then piss off. Theres no place in an all around Equal Rights world for losers who Hate Bash on others. So, if you agree, go check out my #7 list and click that down voting button....daily cuz fuck those guys!!!
(anything past here is just my own personal shit and may more than likely just be dupe's (duplicates), just so u dont waste time. And if u do waste time, well i put my own personal quirky....what i call my McGoo Hearing... edge in there, i made up (funny) names for the cartoon porns, enjoy)
8= My McGoo Hearing =XD
Which resembles a big dick tattoo. This is my personal sense of humor where i actually do sometimes mis-hear something and it comes across in the manner youd think of when you hear #8's title. And i actually am planning to do my own Spoof's on you tube for songs and what not. Hope you enjoy this part :)
*some, all or most of these (#8's) file's may, or may not, even contain vids of said (sub)categories. Or it may be altered to be so under changing circumstances or needs of said time*
9= My Shit (my personal fav's, fant's)
There are some i watch daily here, or am altering my list in any form and want to come across certain ones to take a break, not telling you what i do on said break ;) but these ones are or more than likely will be dupe's of the ones already listed above. A few are locked for my own prying eyes or are for specific friends to see that visit me (irl). Just stating so you dont start going thru and seeing even more of the same vids.
Any lists beyond numbers that will appear with a letter before them are meant for Shout-Outs to ones i did not state in the numbered system above it. Felt it was worth pointing them out for whichever reason (that i will state in this Description to my Index). Please, sit back, relax and rub one out....i meant enjoy. Or both, just dont think of me hahahahah
This is the end of the line for porn vids on my Fav's. I hope you enjoyed the vids, my McGoo Hearing and, please, no applaud or you will splash it all over your monitor and waste more toilet paper....or socks...or wtv you use.
*All are subject to change, as either i see fit or time does. So check back later or simply message me here to recommend other things i can either add, alter or change to these Sub-Categories. Word.
say for example:
3-1 = (3) is TV and (1) is sex.
3-2 = (3) is TV and (2) is toon's. (cartoons, 3D, hentai, anime etc)
3-3 = (3) is TV and (3) is hypno's. (not to be confused with Compilations, these ones are meant to be mind altering, hypnotic etc)
All "Sub-Cat's" (listed below) will follow at the end of the 2nd just remember the first two numbers which are easy to remember and the letters following said numbers will be your Index system to find your specific likes/into's.
I hope this thing was sophisticated and took many painstaking HOURS (serious, sometimes i was at even the damn index for more than 6hrs+ at a time) was worth it to make it easier to locate your into's.
A= #1 All, #1 Fav's & #1 Fant's.
(#1 All and Files Y & Z are originals. All inbetween are all dupe's, this is for you to find your pacific interests easier. Browse these 3 files and never see a dupe or if you wish to find your into's hit up the inbetween files.
B= Body (all things of).
This includes;
-Hotness. (hot, or not)
C= Classify (as).
Kitten (19-20)
Cheetah (20-30)
Panther (30-40)
Cougar (40-50)
Jaguar (50-60)
Minx (60-70)
Sabertooth Tiger (70+)
(like Madonna was) XD
D= Demeanor.
Self explanitory, but.
E= Ethnicity.
Self explanitory as well.
F= Fam.
This is for any in-fam relations. Its just fantasy tho, guys. Relax.
(brackets for TV section)
(T) Milf & Girl.
(T) Milf & (T) Gurl.
(T) Milf & Boy
Dilf & (T) Gurl.
Sib's. (bro & sis)
& Other (uncle, aunt, inlaws, Step- etc)
G= Gear.
This includes any BDSM gear as that categ. will only be for the preferences and not inatimate objects. This section is for any of that gear, also for Attire, Toys and the like. Anything not of the body or into's.
H= How many in your party. (or the...head...count) XD
1-Solo, Han'd Solo XD
2-***As in 2many2put, am not posting one for this***
3-Threesome. (T, as in Three's Company, oooh)
4-Foursome. (F as in gettin Fired up, now. naughty-naughty)
(below(this), in which case H= you ho, haha, k**ding)
5+Gangbangs (1 vs All; like a breeding of one person. party pass-around type)
5+Trainbang (1 vs All; like "the line at yo momma's house". straight slutty type)
I= Into's.
Your particular interests, kink types, likes, toys & attire's not listed in K-file's BDSM.
Ass2Mouth, A2M.
Cumm-play, this would be like: on braces, eating "cumm" foods, cum-swapping. Its an acquired taste unlike common-in "S-file".
Glory-Hole, GH.
Fist-Fucking, FF.
Piss-Play, PP. (?)
Chem-Piss, CPP. (?)
& wtv else those kinky ass Germans came up with XD
*(BDSM, posted under K-file).
J= Jobs.
This is either your type of work, only. Workplace Enviroments, See file P=Places.
CampScout Steve XD (joking)
(These Types are not put under I=Into's file as it generally is created to feel like its a setting, not two consenting adults acting out an actual role playing scenario. Like a plumber "here to clean ur pipes ;)" or "Daddy and babysitter". Guess what im in the mood for now...)
K= Kinks: B D S M.
(if im not mistaken)
B&D is Bondage and Discipline.
S&M is Sadism and Mashocism, includes pain.
M&S, Master and Slave. (Dom)inance and (Sub)mission.
(If memory serves i left none out)
L= Looks-Like & Celebs.
Looks-Like- generally speaking, they look like someone i know.
Celeb- Self-explanitory.
M= Mythical beings.
Thus far, only falls under Toon's of all Categories, with nothing, yet, for (#1)-Sex (real-life ppl) or (#2)-Hypno's Categories.
This is a character whom is not human. Like a god, Orc, vampire or that big snake like thing in my pants....yeah....anyways...
N= Nonsensical.
Not sure why its up in this mofo but its funny as shit to me and had to put it in there. Just a quick laugh or Parodies/Spoof's. I put them as its alike my sense of humour/unexpected, plus i couldnt help it, so funny/or twisted. Not very many i found altho wasnt looking, enjoy.
O= Odd.
This is just stuff that baffles me, or i get a laugh out of cuz its one of those WTF moments when you see it and that makes me laugh to think of your initial response when you see these XD. Be prepared.
P= Places.
This is just either abnormal places or ppls solid fetish type places to fuck. I wanted these Sub's (Sub-Categories) to be very accurate to specific likes. These could be put under Roleplay or Jobs but these are specific to this file for the sole reason that, say, its in a Hospital surrounding, but is not involving doctors, nurses, candystrippers (if they still exist) any intern type or even patient(s). Just simply put it is in the facility there-of, tho.
Q= Ive not yet thought of anything for this slot yet. I was thinking Questionable Shit but Odd file fits that already a bit. We will see, all are subjetc to change as when time changes, so does my files. In Gay-Category it falls as Queer ASS Folk ?
*I actually had something to replace O=Odds & Ends (to put O-File here) but, of course, i forgot again. Will edit to keep current accuracy, for us all.*
R= Roleplay.
Self-explanitory once again, but:
French Maid.
S= Sex. (all things of)
Type 1:
Everything foreplay.
-A2M, Ass 2 Mouth.
-Anal; Only in Straight-Category(M4F) as its always the only intercourse in gay, cd and Tranny (aside Hermaphrodite's).
-BJ; just "straight bj's(no intercourse)", gagging & facefucking.
-Sex; Just sex, (aka) Hardcore Sex or Vanilla. Either its only Vanilla or didnt apply to, surrounding, File's thus they go here.
-CM= Cumm.
-CM, Facial. (CF)
-CM, Facial (self). (CFS)
-CM, Swallow. (CS)
-CM, Inside. (CI)
Type 2:
Sex types, as there is just straight Vanilla, aka Hardcore Sex. A quickie, wham bam thank you Officer. No heavy petting, foreplay...
Sex, Dirty. (either looks dirty, feels dirty or is in dirty places, ie dirty alley etc)
Sex, Filthy. (either is filthy or in filthy places/things, ie toilet-play)
Sex, Perv. (could be perv-feeling or a perv(-y) person, ie perverted old man, creep)
Sex, Rough. (generally its harsh (physical/ly) or those "adult-napped" and abused(roleplay) types.
Sex, Nasty. (the most taboo of taboo)
Sex, Piggy. (this is prob by far the most of the most aside nasty. it includes piss-play etc, to the extreme, piggy, piggy, oink, oink?)
Sex, Woof. (most recently added, usually those of the (leather cap), cigar smoking, chest hair wearing variety. U know who u are?)
T= Trainers (*Under Trans-Varient's, (Category: #3) TV-file's:)
TG= Trans-Gender. Staring with one gender and becoming the opposite by surgery.
TV= Trans-Vestite. Starting out male, keep the cock & adding breasts.
TS= Trans-Sexual. Being born of either gender, periodically wanting to switch genders by feelings/wishes of that moment.
TP= Trans-shit, i wanna say pansexual and i know im missing something here. This classification is i swear the most (of what i say imo everything is) spectrum. If i think of or discover any others i will post & edit here to match, but i am sure this will alter in time anyhow.
TH= Hermaphrodite. Unlike the others this is a natural state from birth where someone is naturally born with breasts, vagina and penis. Dont quote me on the breast part but from what ive seen its typical of. Some have had the displeasure of being forced into being changed into one, girl or boy, type by wishes of the parents. Which takes out the choice of the person born this way. Sadly have a few friends on this unfortunate part of the spectrum.
TD= Trans-Dimentional. Im only joking, its prob only achieved if you take a certain type of acid....or the wrong batch of it haha. Joking, dont do acid, its not in ur moms sock drawer either. ? Joking aside, i am sure i missed something, or mis-categorized. If so, please, do not think ur sparing my feelings. Let me know, id rather be wrong than to offend, inform me of my wrongness...even tho im perfect hahaha. Shutting up now.
TL= Trans-Lucent...i told you NOT to take that acid. Oh, great. Now u gonna be the one? with boots...with the furrr..uuurvbody lookin at why TF she huggin that Fir? cuz u a hippy now that u did acid, and tree-hugger.... this is why we dont do acid, ppl.... ok, someone shut me up. This is why they dont allow me to do blogs elsewhere.... ?
*As there are not a tonne of these vid types & also it is the... same-difference... here they lay...not like a cheap rug, tho.... ok, enough with the puns intended ;)
*CD= Crossdress, which i do not consider a Trans as it is simply a one-time desire (of said moment) and most that do would never physcally swap genders. More than less just the desire to wear attires & act the role of opposing genders. Thus so, i put into it's own Category rather than this Sub-Category.
Natives of old & particular tribes would call these ppls Two-Spirited and look up to them with great honor as they had the wisdom and insight of both gendres, essentially two heads are better than one.
T= (*Under Sub-Category - Hypno's:)
Sissify or Feminize.
Cock-Lust. (BJ's)
Cumm, Training, Lusting, Eating etc.
Bitch Training. (either Verbal or "His" bitch-training)
Whore. (ie. sex worker, not being slutty)
Shemale Training. (Lusting for..)
U= Utterly Sexist ("Femdom")
Im sorry but Feminism and the like absolutely pisses me off, please see my 1st original post for this (Glass half full..). But i am a damn firm believer in Equal Rights and that....just sets females apart. And its not cool imo that young innocent girls are taught to hate all men 100 years after the US fought for their Equal face palming all around. I actualy love what is called Verbal between guys (M4M, gays) but is called Humiliation from girls onto gay guys...thats hatred, not consentual fun.
*** I put only the ones i can tolerate or dont hear that condasending tones...oh my fuck, excuse my spelling i just hardly ever have to use those words, or if they so hot (imo) that i tollerate-to put it here.
Ie, the diff between:
I=Into's- Verbal / U=Utterly Sexist- Humilation, or
S=Sex- Cumm / U=Utterly Sexist- CEI.
In which case i put falling under Sexist-Categories so to point those out that do it FOR sexist reasons, like exposing, calling them out as it is not right to be sexist, to anybody. Ive seen male narrator Verbal vids taken down about girls, but do not see any "Humiliation" sexist Femdom ones taken down. Dont hate, guys, if you cannot help who you love, even. Then you have no right to make another. Thats actually against the laws here, IRL unlike this ungoverned internet. ***
V= Viewing Modes.
Captions (Cap's)
Compilations (Comp's).
W= Washing (of your brain).
This is sort of alike V-File but is more of the brainwashing genre.
Spirals. (spinning: spiral's or artwork)
Binaural. (like white-noise, droning, like falling down-/in- sound)
Brainwashing. (continuous bombardement, either by visual or oral)
Subliminal. (unknown, or in this case, unseen images generally thought to be picked up by ur sub-concious)
Wall-of-voices: (generally its thought u cant hear/do 2 things at once, many voices may apply like: Subliminal)
Mantra's. (like brainwashing, it is thought repeating, by ur own vices (think it/say it), over and over again will brainwash you)
(W's... if i have come too close to exceeding the 10k vid cap in Fav's i will place one more file for ALL and if one has say only a Spiral in it it will stay in that file to show it only has that and no other "Washing" variety...for future reference)
X= The Taboo.
Just what the word says, i cant even say it it is that Valdermoort....or Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice....*cuffs mouth*
***please, guys/gals, if you do not like this variety, please....either enjoy it or please dont flag crap, its just roleplay and does no harm here. Just please leave instead of flagging, we are all adults cuz if ur under 18 anyway ur not allowed in here to begin with. Please stop the flagging!!!! Either just unsubscribe, find alternative Content Owners with same said vids or just leave. Stop ruining it for the rest of us, thats forcing us to do what YOU are interested in. Thats no diff than, imo, sexist Femdom stuff on my #8-file's.***
Y= *Names.
This is no longer a category as some Peter-File's may use a number and this single letter to signify in exchange i have placed this * symbol in front of any major household brand names as opposed to regular content only owners. I hate having to change my crap around all the time, but its worth it....i hope.
Z= * Names & Names.
* Names signifies major household brand names like Resident Evil, for games, TV shows, movie characters etc.
Names with no * symbol will signify one single Content Owner's work solely on porn sites.
(or in some cases will have * in it to signify a porn star that has so many vids i didnt want to flood any other file with just them)
8===============Great Big Dick Tatto's, Happy Ending A...head. Hahaha====================D
These Sub-Categories are the end part of my List's Title's, before the = sign. For example.
say, 5-3S= Cumm. 5(gay) - 3(hypno) S(sex)...this means its a Gay Hypno for Cumm (training).
It was too much for the limited space to put what the file was for and a description. So i had to improvise with a "short as possible" system. And believe me (!!!!!) this took some great many pain staking hours. Not only to find what little i got posted, but to find out which keys would fit before the other so that it doesnt land in the wrong slots...i had been up a few nights...all get em to fit just right. Trust.
So i hope all those mad hours was well worth your viewing pleasure...all puns intended ;) Enjoy.
And, please, no running, unless its with scissors. The speed limit for sex is already 69/mph, if you exceed that, well, the sheer mathematics....running while you shoot ur load + the rate of sex in MPH.... you'll blow a whole right thru 'er XD
Much Love From Vancouver.
(all are subject to change, as is needed & as time goes along. With time, alike all the boners out there, this list will grow. Happy hunting everyone. Play nice, no judging one another as u cant help who you love)
0= My Intro Welcoming short message. As it says, All are welcome here, on my friends list or to scroll thru my Index for vids. But all i ask is that you leave any hostility at the door. This means be kind to one another and do NOT judge each other for anything as in our likes & dislikes. You cannot help who you love and since you cannot control that nobody has the right to tell you not to. Its not possible anyhow and its just rude/ignorant and i do not tolerate that. Nobody is lesser or moreso, you are all equal unless you like Pinapple on your Pizza...then ur more awesome ;)
just k**ding, even tho i do love that myself. i wont judge you, maybe just give you the stink eye behind ur back hahaha just k**ding.
(Edit* = I just spent the last 3 hours, straight, doing (just) touch-ups to additions i either recently made or thought up. But, also a new idea, alike "This many days with no accident:" i will do so but with previous to recent additions to my Fav List's. It takes a HUGE amount as im very seemingly OCD with categories. I prefer to think its just very pin-point accurate so to say rather OCD. I hope you all enjoy the great many painstaking hours to make this all worthwhile, enjoy.)
Previous Edit to Fav File's and this Index (both):
Wednesday, June 21st, 2023.
0= Welcome, tho. To my Page, Profile, Index and i hope that you enjoy yourself. Joking and all aside, heres the Index now:
1= Index, Descriptions & (2b sorted later)
Any within these files are to be sorted later, a sort of soon-to-cumm if you will.
2= Mixed (TV, CD, Gay & Str).
-These are all of the same brand, say Link (Zelda) for example, but are spread across all sexual preferences and may be classified into more than one.
-There is also a major flood of these sexist twat waffles that are gay bashers flooding ALL categories, too, which means it may (for ex.) be classified as "Tranny" or "Gay" vids but its FILLED with only women in the vids, women narrators etc etc. So some are too damn confusing to know where to put them, too.
(#THERE IS A DAMN CAP ON HOW MANY FAV VIDS, 10K (theres a 2hr cap on vids, too btw). So some were combined in order to save me space for more vids)
3= TV's. Trans-Variety.
And i call it this as i believe everything in the whole world, hell universe, is a Spectrum. This has the widest variety even tho it was THE most rare once upon a time. IE: Man-Woman, Woman-Man, (<--Post/Pre-op.), Gender Fluid (feels like both), Hermaphrodite (both vagina & penis)...i can prob state all i can think of and id get a few of them wrong in my description noted here!!
4= CD's. Crossdresser's.
Not a crossed wrestler, clean ur ears XD. It is one born as either male or female but dresses of the opposing gender. Natives would call them Two-Spirited and within those tribes that do look up to them with high regard, and respect, as they have the eyes of two which can see all get the idea.
5= Gay. Homo Erectus.
XD I had to throw that one in there. Simply put, this is male on male action, or as acronyms go M4M. Sword fights :P
6= STR. Straight.
Another "simply put", male and female, opposite genders who squabble over which end the toilet seat goes and the toilet paper roll goes DOWN XD. There is NO other way to explain straight ppl....hahah.
7= Sexist "Femdom".
I am a BIG time believe in Equal Rights and, not sure why im the only one ive heard repeat this, but wtf is the word Feminist and shit still existant? It has NO place in an Equal Rights world as it bloody defeats the fucking purpose. Its the same thing to me as why do we have a African American day or Gay Pride or wtv....i thought you wanted to be equal.... yeah, yeah, lest we forget...but still, there is no Straight Pride Parades or White Dude Day' bout we just keep it in the History books and stop trying to put someone in some kinda light as if they are not equal.
We already fought for Equal Rights, and btw we won that, we fought to NOT be bullied by our sexual preferences, so why the fuck this exists is beyond me and pisses me off!! You have no right to hate on ppl, if u dont like it, piss off. If you dont like someone wtv then piss off. Theres no place in an all around Equal Rights world for losers who Hate Bash on others. So, if you agree, go check out my #7 list and click that down voting button....daily cuz fuck those guys!!!
(anything past here is just my own personal shit and may more than likely just be dupe's (duplicates), just so u dont waste time. And if u do waste time, well i put my own personal quirky....what i call my McGoo Hearing... edge in there, i made up (funny) names for the cartoon porns, enjoy)
8= My McGoo Hearing =XD
Which resembles a big dick tattoo. This is my personal sense of humor where i actually do sometimes mis-hear something and it comes across in the manner youd think of when you hear #8's title. And i actually am planning to do my own Spoof's on you tube for songs and what not. Hope you enjoy this part :)
*some, all or most of these (#8's) file's may, or may not, even contain vids of said (sub)categories. Or it may be altered to be so under changing circumstances or needs of said time*
9= My Shit (my personal fav's, fant's)
There are some i watch daily here, or am altering my list in any form and want to come across certain ones to take a break, not telling you what i do on said break ;) but these ones are or more than likely will be dupe's of the ones already listed above. A few are locked for my own prying eyes or are for specific friends to see that visit me (irl). Just stating so you dont start going thru and seeing even more of the same vids.
Any lists beyond numbers that will appear with a letter before them are meant for Shout-Outs to ones i did not state in the numbered system above it. Felt it was worth pointing them out for whichever reason (that i will state in this Description to my Index). Please, sit back, relax and rub one out....i meant enjoy. Or both, just dont think of me hahahahah
This is the end of the line for porn vids on my Fav's. I hope you enjoyed the vids, my McGoo Hearing and, please, no applaud or you will splash it all over your monitor and waste more toilet paper....or socks...or wtv you use.
*All are subject to change, as either i see fit or time does. So check back later or simply message me here to recommend other things i can either add, alter or change to these Sub-Categories. Word.
say for example:
3-1 = (3) is TV and (1) is sex.
3-2 = (3) is TV and (2) is toon's. (cartoons, 3D, hentai, anime etc)
3-3 = (3) is TV and (3) is hypno's. (not to be confused with Compilations, these ones are meant to be mind altering, hypnotic etc)
All "Sub-Cat's" (listed below) will follow at the end of the 2nd just remember the first two numbers which are easy to remember and the letters following said numbers will be your Index system to find your specific likes/into's.
I hope this thing was sophisticated and took many painstaking HOURS (serious, sometimes i was at even the damn index for more than 6hrs+ at a time) was worth it to make it easier to locate your into's.
A= #1 All, #1 Fav's & #1 Fant's.
(#1 All and Files Y & Z are originals. All inbetween are all dupe's, this is for you to find your pacific interests easier. Browse these 3 files and never see a dupe or if you wish to find your into's hit up the inbetween files.
B= Body (all things of).
This includes;
-Hotness. (hot, or not)
C= Classify (as).
Kitten (19-20)
Cheetah (20-30)
Panther (30-40)
Cougar (40-50)
Jaguar (50-60)
Minx (60-70)
Sabertooth Tiger (70+)
(like Madonna was) XD
D= Demeanor.
Self explanitory, but.
E= Ethnicity.
Self explanitory as well.
F= Fam.
This is for any in-fam relations. Its just fantasy tho, guys. Relax.
(brackets for TV section)
(T) Milf & Girl.
(T) Milf & (T) Gurl.
(T) Milf & Boy
Dilf & (T) Gurl.
Sib's. (bro & sis)
& Other (uncle, aunt, inlaws, Step- etc)
G= Gear.
This includes any BDSM gear as that categ. will only be for the preferences and not inatimate objects. This section is for any of that gear, also for Attire, Toys and the like. Anything not of the body or into's.
H= How many in your party. (or the...head...count) XD
1-Solo, Han'd Solo XD
2-***As in 2many2put, am not posting one for this***
3-Threesome. (T, as in Three's Company, oooh)
4-Foursome. (F as in gettin Fired up, now. naughty-naughty)
(below(this), in which case H= you ho, haha, k**ding)
5+Gangbangs (1 vs All; like a breeding of one person. party pass-around type)
5+Trainbang (1 vs All; like "the line at yo momma's house". straight slutty type)
I= Into's.
Your particular interests, kink types, likes, toys & attire's not listed in K-file's BDSM.
Ass2Mouth, A2M.
Cumm-play, this would be like: on braces, eating "cumm" foods, cum-swapping. Its an acquired taste unlike common-in "S-file".
Glory-Hole, GH.
Fist-Fucking, FF.
Piss-Play, PP. (?)
Chem-Piss, CPP. (?)
& wtv else those kinky ass Germans came up with XD
*(BDSM, posted under K-file).
J= Jobs.
This is either your type of work, only. Workplace Enviroments, See file P=Places.
CampScout Steve XD (joking)
(These Types are not put under I=Into's file as it generally is created to feel like its a setting, not two consenting adults acting out an actual role playing scenario. Like a plumber "here to clean ur pipes ;)" or "Daddy and babysitter". Guess what im in the mood for now...)
K= Kinks: B D S M.
(if im not mistaken)
B&D is Bondage and Discipline.
S&M is Sadism and Mashocism, includes pain.
M&S, Master and Slave. (Dom)inance and (Sub)mission.
(If memory serves i left none out)
L= Looks-Like & Celebs.
Looks-Like- generally speaking, they look like someone i know.
Celeb- Self-explanitory.
M= Mythical beings.
Thus far, only falls under Toon's of all Categories, with nothing, yet, for (#1)-Sex (real-life ppl) or (#2)-Hypno's Categories.
This is a character whom is not human. Like a god, Orc, vampire or that big snake like thing in my pants....yeah....anyways...
N= Nonsensical.
Not sure why its up in this mofo but its funny as shit to me and had to put it in there. Just a quick laugh or Parodies/Spoof's. I put them as its alike my sense of humour/unexpected, plus i couldnt help it, so funny/or twisted. Not very many i found altho wasnt looking, enjoy.
O= Odd.
This is just stuff that baffles me, or i get a laugh out of cuz its one of those WTF moments when you see it and that makes me laugh to think of your initial response when you see these XD. Be prepared.
P= Places.
This is just either abnormal places or ppls solid fetish type places to fuck. I wanted these Sub's (Sub-Categories) to be very accurate to specific likes. These could be put under Roleplay or Jobs but these are specific to this file for the sole reason that, say, its in a Hospital surrounding, but is not involving doctors, nurses, candystrippers (if they still exist) any intern type or even patient(s). Just simply put it is in the facility there-of, tho.
Q= Ive not yet thought of anything for this slot yet. I was thinking Questionable Shit but Odd file fits that already a bit. We will see, all are subjetc to change as when time changes, so does my files. In Gay-Category it falls as Queer ASS Folk ?
*I actually had something to replace O=Odds & Ends (to put O-File here) but, of course, i forgot again. Will edit to keep current accuracy, for us all.*
R= Roleplay.
Self-explanitory once again, but:
French Maid.
S= Sex. (all things of)
Type 1:
Everything foreplay.
-A2M, Ass 2 Mouth.
-Anal; Only in Straight-Category(M4F) as its always the only intercourse in gay, cd and Tranny (aside Hermaphrodite's).
-BJ; just "straight bj's(no intercourse)", gagging & facefucking.
-Sex; Just sex, (aka) Hardcore Sex or Vanilla. Either its only Vanilla or didnt apply to, surrounding, File's thus they go here.
-CM= Cumm.
-CM, Facial. (CF)
-CM, Facial (self). (CFS)
-CM, Swallow. (CS)
-CM, Inside. (CI)
Type 2:
Sex types, as there is just straight Vanilla, aka Hardcore Sex. A quickie, wham bam thank you Officer. No heavy petting, foreplay...
Sex, Dirty. (either looks dirty, feels dirty or is in dirty places, ie dirty alley etc)
Sex, Filthy. (either is filthy or in filthy places/things, ie toilet-play)
Sex, Perv. (could be perv-feeling or a perv(-y) person, ie perverted old man, creep)
Sex, Rough. (generally its harsh (physical/ly) or those "adult-napped" and abused(roleplay) types.
Sex, Nasty. (the most taboo of taboo)
Sex, Piggy. (this is prob by far the most of the most aside nasty. it includes piss-play etc, to the extreme, piggy, piggy, oink, oink?)
Sex, Woof. (most recently added, usually those of the (leather cap), cigar smoking, chest hair wearing variety. U know who u are?)
T= Trainers (*Under Trans-Varient's, (Category: #3) TV-file's:)
TG= Trans-Gender. Staring with one gender and becoming the opposite by surgery.
TV= Trans-Vestite. Starting out male, keep the cock & adding breasts.
TS= Trans-Sexual. Being born of either gender, periodically wanting to switch genders by feelings/wishes of that moment.
TP= Trans-shit, i wanna say pansexual and i know im missing something here. This classification is i swear the most (of what i say imo everything is) spectrum. If i think of or discover any others i will post & edit here to match, but i am sure this will alter in time anyhow.
TH= Hermaphrodite. Unlike the others this is a natural state from birth where someone is naturally born with breasts, vagina and penis. Dont quote me on the breast part but from what ive seen its typical of. Some have had the displeasure of being forced into being changed into one, girl or boy, type by wishes of the parents. Which takes out the choice of the person born this way. Sadly have a few friends on this unfortunate part of the spectrum.
TD= Trans-Dimentional. Im only joking, its prob only achieved if you take a certain type of acid....or the wrong batch of it haha. Joking, dont do acid, its not in ur moms sock drawer either. ? Joking aside, i am sure i missed something, or mis-categorized. If so, please, do not think ur sparing my feelings. Let me know, id rather be wrong than to offend, inform me of my wrongness...even tho im perfect hahaha. Shutting up now.
TL= Trans-Lucent...i told you NOT to take that acid. Oh, great. Now u gonna be the one? with boots...with the furrr..uuurvbody lookin at why TF she huggin that Fir? cuz u a hippy now that u did acid, and tree-hugger.... this is why we dont do acid, ppl.... ok, someone shut me up. This is why they dont allow me to do blogs elsewhere.... ?
*As there are not a tonne of these vid types & also it is the... same-difference... here they lay...not like a cheap rug, tho.... ok, enough with the puns intended ;)
*CD= Crossdress, which i do not consider a Trans as it is simply a one-time desire (of said moment) and most that do would never physcally swap genders. More than less just the desire to wear attires & act the role of opposing genders. Thus so, i put into it's own Category rather than this Sub-Category.
Natives of old & particular tribes would call these ppls Two-Spirited and look up to them with great honor as they had the wisdom and insight of both gendres, essentially two heads are better than one.
T= (*Under Sub-Category - Hypno's:)
Sissify or Feminize.
Cock-Lust. (BJ's)
Cumm, Training, Lusting, Eating etc.
Bitch Training. (either Verbal or "His" bitch-training)
Whore. (ie. sex worker, not being slutty)
Shemale Training. (Lusting for..)
U= Utterly Sexist ("Femdom")
Im sorry but Feminism and the like absolutely pisses me off, please see my 1st original post for this (Glass half full..). But i am a damn firm believer in Equal Rights and that....just sets females apart. And its not cool imo that young innocent girls are taught to hate all men 100 years after the US fought for their Equal face palming all around. I actualy love what is called Verbal between guys (M4M, gays) but is called Humiliation from girls onto gay guys...thats hatred, not consentual fun.
*** I put only the ones i can tolerate or dont hear that condasending tones...oh my fuck, excuse my spelling i just hardly ever have to use those words, or if they so hot (imo) that i tollerate-to put it here.
Ie, the diff between:
I=Into's- Verbal / U=Utterly Sexist- Humilation, or
S=Sex- Cumm / U=Utterly Sexist- CEI.
In which case i put falling under Sexist-Categories so to point those out that do it FOR sexist reasons, like exposing, calling them out as it is not right to be sexist, to anybody. Ive seen male narrator Verbal vids taken down about girls, but do not see any "Humiliation" sexist Femdom ones taken down. Dont hate, guys, if you cannot help who you love, even. Then you have no right to make another. Thats actually against the laws here, IRL unlike this ungoverned internet. ***
V= Viewing Modes.
Captions (Cap's)
Compilations (Comp's).
W= Washing (of your brain).
This is sort of alike V-File but is more of the brainwashing genre.
Spirals. (spinning: spiral's or artwork)
Binaural. (like white-noise, droning, like falling down-/in- sound)
Brainwashing. (continuous bombardement, either by visual or oral)
Subliminal. (unknown, or in this case, unseen images generally thought to be picked up by ur sub-concious)
Wall-of-voices: (generally its thought u cant hear/do 2 things at once, many voices may apply like: Subliminal)
Mantra's. (like brainwashing, it is thought repeating, by ur own vices (think it/say it), over and over again will brainwash you)
(W's... if i have come too close to exceeding the 10k vid cap in Fav's i will place one more file for ALL and if one has say only a Spiral in it it will stay in that file to show it only has that and no other "Washing" variety...for future reference)
X= The Taboo.
Just what the word says, i cant even say it it is that Valdermoort....or Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice....*cuffs mouth*
***please, guys/gals, if you do not like this variety, please....either enjoy it or please dont flag crap, its just roleplay and does no harm here. Just please leave instead of flagging, we are all adults cuz if ur under 18 anyway ur not allowed in here to begin with. Please stop the flagging!!!! Either just unsubscribe, find alternative Content Owners with same said vids or just leave. Stop ruining it for the rest of us, thats forcing us to do what YOU are interested in. Thats no diff than, imo, sexist Femdom stuff on my #8-file's.***
Y= *Names.
This is no longer a category as some Peter-File's may use a number and this single letter to signify in exchange i have placed this * symbol in front of any major household brand names as opposed to regular content only owners. I hate having to change my crap around all the time, but its worth it....i hope.
Z= * Names & Names.
* Names signifies major household brand names like Resident Evil, for games, TV shows, movie characters etc.
Names with no * symbol will signify one single Content Owner's work solely on porn sites.
(or in some cases will have * in it to signify a porn star that has so many vids i didnt want to flood any other file with just them)
8===============Great Big Dick Tatto's, Happy Ending A...head. Hahaha====================D
These Sub-Categories are the end part of my List's Title's, before the = sign. For example.
say, 5-3S= Cumm. 5(gay) - 3(hypno) S(sex)...this means its a Gay Hypno for Cumm (training).
It was too much for the limited space to put what the file was for and a description. So i had to improvise with a "short as possible" system. And believe me (!!!!!) this took some great many pain staking hours. Not only to find what little i got posted, but to find out which keys would fit before the other so that it doesnt land in the wrong slots...i had been up a few nights...all get em to fit just right. Trust.
So i hope all those mad hours was well worth your viewing pleasure...all puns intended ;) Enjoy.
And, please, no running, unless its with scissors. The speed limit for sex is already 69/mph, if you exceed that, well, the sheer mathematics....running while you shoot ur load + the rate of sex in MPH.... you'll blow a whole right thru 'er XD
Much Love From Vancouver.
(all are subject to change, as is needed & as time goes along. With time, alike all the boners out there, this list will grow. Happy hunting everyone. Play nice, no judging one another as u cant help who you love)
1 year ago
So for those that contact me to do this with me, already is a "gonna pass" kinda thing for me due to this. Im gonna pass cuz im so much of a firm believe we are of equality. Not just of my opinion, im happy to say.Â