“I don't understand why you didn't. “ Mike said. “What?” she asked. “You know....slide onto him when you were astride him!” They were laid side by side in bed, getting their breath back after a fantastic sex session, inspired by the video they had watched.
“I don't......I just can't....it just doesn't seem right.” she replied. “But you did it before.” he pressed. “Well, that was different...you were there...I'd drunk a lot of brandy...I....”
“It doesn't matter if I'm there. I've already said that what ever you feel like doing, it's entirely up to you. You don't even have to tell me. As long as it gives you pleasure, it's alright by me.” Jan didn't answer, but once again lay thinking about Mike's words as she drifted off to sleep.
She rang Ted the following Wednesday, as normal, just to see if everything was OK. As they were saying their goodbyes, he coyly told her that he'd been out and bought her some new knickers, he hoped she liked them, and that he had something else to show her as well. When she arrived on the Saturday afternoon, he greeted her eagerly, made her tea and seemed generally in a fussy, upbeat mood. After a short while, he gave her a tiny parcel. Inside was a black thong, made of shiny, PVC like material. She held them up. “Well” she said, “these aren't your normal daily knickers, are they?” He was looking at her eagerly. “Shall I try them on?” she asked. He nodded “Yes.” She stood and lifted her skirt and pulled down the pale blue panties she was wearing, stepped out of them and handed them to her uncle. “You must have quite a collection by now!” she said, standing with her skirt deliberately raised so that he could admire her smoothly shaven cunt. She took the thong and slipped it on, noticing the Ann Summers label inside.. ..“Oh, yes!” he whispered, his eyes lighting up. She smiled at his c***d like demeanour
“I... I saw something and had an idea” he said, and brought out a catalogue from behind a cushion. She recognised it straight away. It was an Ann Summers catalogue! He opened it with fumbling fingers. “To go with the knickers. “ he said. The page showed a model dressed in a black basque, tiny knickers, suspenders and black stockings. She looked at it, then looked at him, raising her eyebrows in mock shock horror. She didn't dare show her true reaction. She wanted to burst out laughing, but instead, she gasped and said “What? Are you trying to turn me in to a porn actress or something?”
He looked dismayed. “Please let me buy it for you!” he burst out. There was a short silence in which she looked at the catalogue, then at Ted, then the catalogue .She impressed herself with her acting ability! Eventually, she said, while still looking at the page “Well, actually, I might look rather good in this.” He whispered “Oh, yes...yes, you would..specially if you've got me all tied up!”” She looked at him. “With black stilletoes with 5 inch heels....size 5 and a half..”
“Yes, yes, I'll buy you those as well!” he said excitedly. She played along with him. “Do you think the basque might be delivered by next weekend if you order it today?” “Oh, no, you don't have to order it. They've got them in stock!” he blurted out. She looked at him incredulously. “Are you telling me you've been in the Ann Summers shop in town? You bought the thong there?”
He looked sheepish. “You have!” she exclaimed.
Minutes later they were in Jan's car, heading towards the bypass, Jan with a grin on her face that she couldn't hide. “You are unbelievable!” she said.”Did you buy Elizabeth anything from Ann Summers? “ “No” was the reply.
“No, but I bet you wanted to!” She drove onto the bypass and he looked at her, knowing that this was not the route into town. “We're going to York, they've got a big shop there. No one will know us there. I can't possibly risk being seen buying kinky underwear with my uncle, now can I?”
After spending a while finding the right shoes, and sheer black stockings to go with them, they managed to find the Ann Summers shop easily, and after having a good look round, Jan took a couple of basques into the fitting room to try. None of the staff had given them a second glance. “They must be used to seeing old men with younger women.” Jan thought. “Sugar Daddies....in my case,Sugar Uncle!”” she chuckled to herself. The first she tried on was perfect. She put on the stockings and shoes, and looked in the mirror. “Yes!” she said. She got her iphone out and videoed herself. “Mike will never believe this!” she thought. She so much wanted to call him and tell him what she was up to, but with his job, she never knew what situation he may be in, so she only rang him in real emergency situations. She parted the curtain slightly and called Ted over. He gaped at her in wonderment. “Is this what you wanted?” she asked him coquettishlly. She slowly turned, giving him the full effect. “Close your mouth, you'll catch flies!” she said, closing the curtain quickly on him. She smiled into the mirror and began to undress.
He took the basque from her when she came out of the fitting room, and she noticed he had a couple of other things in his hand. He turned furtively and went to the counter to pay while Jan looked in amazement at the huge selection of vibrators and other sex toys on the racks.
As they drove back, Jan explained that she would have to go straight home once she had dropped Ted off. “We've been out nearly three hours, and Mike will be back at seven.” She explained, looking in the mirror for his reaction, and, as expected, he looked crestfallen.
“I'll tell you what, let's stop off at a pub first, and I'll buy you a drink.”
The place they chose was just off the motorway. It was almost empty, and lacking in warmth and character. They chose a seat by the window, out of sight of the bar. There was no one around them at all. After he was halfway down his beer, Jan said “Are you happy with what you bought me, then? It certainly wasn't cheap!” she asked. “Of course.” he replied. “It was worth every penny. You look amazing in it. Absolutely stunning.” She smiled “Thank you.” she said, resting her hand on his leg. She felt a tenderness towards him. “I could give him a bit of fun here,” she thought, “seeing as how I'm going straight home, then he can have nice wank later.” “And.... what was it you didn't want me to see?” she asked, gently stroking his inner thigh. He looked straight ahead. “Well?” she persevered, slowly stroking towards his crotch. He reached into the bag, and, under the table, he showed her, in a clear plastic sleeve, a black leather tawse. She gasped. “Uncle Ted! You...” He reached again into the bag “And this.” he said. It was a black suspender belt. She looked at him. “You amaze me. You really do. What am I, your niece, or some sexual fantasy figure?” He didn't answer. “Both.” Jan replied for him. “I'm both, aren't I?” Again, he stayed silent. “Pass me the stocking and shoes from the bag.” He reached in. “On second thoughts, just give me the bag!” she demanded. Walking past the bar on the way to the Ladies with shoes, stockings and suspender belt in her hand would have raised a few eyebrows. A woman carrying shopping in a bag wouldn't.
Minutes later, she sat back down next to him and put the bag on the floor. He looked at her legs,and saw that she had the stockings on, with the black stilettoes. He saw that she had freshened up her lipstick, too. His cock responded. She leaned in to him. He smelt her perfume as she whispered into his ear “Lift up my skirt.” He reached down and pulled her skirt back, revealing the stocking tops and suspenders. She heard his quick intake of breath, then began stroking his thigh. She took his hand and placed it on her thigh. “I thought that seeing as how you're buying me clothes to look like a tart, I'd act like one.” she whispered, reaching for his fly. He stroked her thigh, feeling the smooth silky feel of the stockings. She pulled the zip down and reached inside, stroking his hot erection through the cotton of his underpants. He caressed her leg, past the stockings, onto her soft warm skin, then gasped as he touched the smooth hot slit of her sex. She had no knickers on! She pulled aside his pants and found his cock and dragged it out and began to caress it. Above the table, no one would suspect a thing as they pleasured each other. By now, Ted was rubbing Jan's clitoris, the juices helping him to slide his fingers up and down. Biting her lip, she relished the growing exquisite sensations that his fingers were firing up inside her.
The sheer eroticism of the situation...being masturbated in a public bar while dressed so provocatively was turning her on incredibly. She took a quick look around, then bent her head and closed her mouth around Ted's hot cock, licking and sucking like a woman possessed. His fingers slid in and out of her easily and he was pleased at how wet she was. Less than a minute later, he felt her warm wet mouth bringing him to a speedy, head exploding orgasm. His sperm erupted from him, into her mouth! She sucked greedily at him until he was completely spent, then she sat up and grabbed a tissue from her bag and spat it out into it. He had withdrawn his fingers, and she pulled down her skirt.
“Well!” she exclaimed “I certainly have never done anything like that before!” Ted fastened his fly, but remained silent....in a state of shock. She took off the stockings, suspenders and shoes and put them in the bag. “Come on, then, finish your drink”.... she reached and squeezed his crotch “You dirty old devil...come on, I have a husband to go home to!”
She dropped Ted off and drove home. What would she tell Mike? What should she tell him? Had she gone too far? She had just given her uncle a blow job in a public bar.....not the actions of a respectable married woman! Mike had said that anything goes as far as he was concerned...but did he really mean it? What if this was a step too far? “As long as it gives you pleasure, it's alright with me.” Those were his very words, and he was referring to her fucking Ted if she wanted to. So he would be alright with this!
In bed that night, she showed Mike the video she'd taken in the changing room. “Wow! Fantastic!” he said. She told him what else Ted had bought her. “He must have spent a lot!” she said. “Well, we both know he can easily afford it, so why not? “ Mike said. “I need to tell you what happened on the way home.” she whispered. She told him every tiny detail, and when it came to describing sucking Ted off, she slid down the bed and licked and sucked Mike off while telling him. Mike lost control as she told him the lurid details of sucking her uncle's cock in a pub, and for the second time that day, Jan had her mouth filled with hot sticky come! She sucked him dry, then licked his shiny knob until his cock subsided. “Oh, my God, Jan...this just gets better and better!” he exclaimed. “You are amazing! What next?” he asked. “Wait and see!” she replied, before kissing him passionately. “Erm, I don't suppose you could get me a pair of handcuffs from work, could you?”
Published by sopra49
1 year ago
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curiousdavid 1 year ago
Another cracking episode!
lovetolook_1 1 year ago
Absolutely superb, so well written,  I really am enjoying this series 
dmf399 1 year ago
Very, very hot!