Some say your first sexual experiences shape your preferences, likes, and dislikes for the rest of your life. I suppose this is why, to this day, I continue to love man sex with bigger guys.

It was the summer after I graduated college. My days were filled searching the job classifieds, applying for various positions, and going on interviews and call-backs. On the weekends, I’d occasionally take the bus into Hollywood to visit my old high school friend, Matt (it would be months before I purchased a beat-up used car after I landed my first full-time, post-graduation job that August).

One Saturday, I stopped into a gay bar bordering Silver Lake on Virgil Avenue that I had never been before. The crowd was mostly made up of Latino men (I live in L.A.), all various ages. The vibe was festive and friendly, and I nursed a bottle of beer while I checked things out. Having had little to eat that day, it wasn’t long before I developed a nice buzz before finishing off that first bottle.

Before I could order another, he seemed to appear out of nowhere.

“Let me get the next one,” he said. His accent was Chicano American, which conjured fantasies I harbored since my own humble upbringing as a young teen. My sister and I were the first in our family to go to college, and although we were exposed to all classes of people in high school and college, I still had a special attraction to those Latino men who worked hard and lived in my community.

He had a commanding presence, though he wasn’t that tall. He was built like a fireplug: wide, thick, with a beer belly, and sexy as fuck. His hair was jet black and was beginning to show flecks of gray. It was slicked back with what I recognized from my boyhood barbershop visits as Vitalis. The warm summer day had melted some of it, making his high forehead shiny. His face was round, rugged and pocked, and his large ears stuck out. He had a nicely trimmed goatee and moustache – also flecked with gray – and they framed a full set of lips. Because the bar was so crowded, he stood close to me.

“Thanks, man,” I said after taking in the appearance of my new friend. “My name’s Rick,” I said, holding out my hand to shake his. “Cesar,” he said, as he shook my hand. His hands were rough and wide, as he continued to pump my hand while summoning over the bartender with the other. He ordered one for himself, took a swig, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“I just got off work and wanted to cool off with a beer before going home,” he said. “How about you?”

“Just coming back from visiting a friend,” I said. “I saw this place and decided to come in and check it out.” As I spoke, Cesar broke his intense stare to discreetly check me out. I was dressed casually, after a week of donning suits on hot, overcrowded buses for job interviews. My friend Matt, always the gay fashion critic, had earlier chastised me for wearing my diamond-patterned boxers under my light cotton white pants. “I can see your underwear,” he protested. “No one wears boxers anymore. And if they do, they don’t wear them under light-colored slacks.” I was also wearing a white tee shirt and a pair of brown leather flipflops.

I was never a slave to fashion, but Matt was right in one respect: the baggy pants and boxers made my growing hardon more noticeable as I stood next to Cesar, whose body I seemed to magnetize toward. I tried to reposition my leg to conceal it. But as the crowd grew larger and Cesar stood nearer, my cock was giving my attraction to him away. The smell of his hair tonic mixed with his manly musk – combined with my beer buzz – was doing quite a number on me. In a city filled with gym rats and “look at me” gay men, his easy, down-to-earth demeanor and everyday appearance were an exciting change. As Cesar and I listened to the music from the jukebox, he put his arm around my waist as I leaned forward to rest my elbows on the bar.

I didn’t bother to ask Cesar if he was married or if the home he said he was going to had a wife, k**s or significant other in it waiting for him. We talked about everything and nothing at all, as we downed a few more beers. The loud jukebox music forced us to speak directly into each other’s ears, and I grew pleasantly relaxed around him.

Soon, an invitation opened up, but not one that I expected. “Let me give you a lift home. You said you took the bus here. My truck is parked out back,” he said.

“Sure,” I said. “I don’t want to get on a public bus tipsy like this.” He grabbed my hand, and we headed out the back door to the parking lot. At this point, my beer buzz made me forget about the boner that hadn’t receded all evening. As we got in and sat there in his truck, he slowly moved his thick hand onto my hard-on and flashed a smile. I readily spread my legs, inviting him to explore further. He leaned into me for one of the most arousing, sloppy kisses I experienced. His hot breath, sloppy tongue, and probing fingers were making me precum big time.

“Before we get into trouble here, let’s drive somewhere,” he said. I certainly wasn’t going to protest at that point. He probably wasn’t as buzzed as me, but it was probably safer for us to be off the road for a while.

Cesar took the backroads from the bar and parked on a quiet residential street, which I suspect he was familiar with. “I’m glad we met,” he said earnestly before we resumed sucking face. His forehead was beading with sweat, and he placed my hand on his impressive crotch, which was fully alive. He moaned deeply as we continued to kiss, and he opened his legs wider. Our knees were touching at this point and the truck windows were beginning to steam up from the still warm night and our body heat. His personal space became mine and mine his. Whether Cesar was married or on the downlow, I didn’t care. This guy had me in his catch. It was clear to me I wasn’t the first guy he ever messed around with or picked up in a bar.

He helped me as I unbuttoned his shirt, which revealed a bright white wifebeater and fully erect nipples straining through the soft fabric. As I began playing with his plump nipples through his A-shirt, he began to moan. His glorious, round mantits felt like heaven between my fingers. I clearly discovered one of Cesar’s G-spots as he pulled up his wifebeater to invite me to explore his exposed chest and nipples. His areolas and nips were large and dark, and they were beckoning me to put my warm mouth on them to suckle. I knew at that second I had a fascination for fleshy mantits, one that would continue to this day.

Once my mouth enveloped one of his tits, I couldn’t stop. Squeezing, pinching, and sucking his tits seemed to send him into ecstasy as he closed his eyes tight, totally lost in pleasure. “Fuck, yeah,” he urged me. “Make love to those titties, man. They’re all yours.” I practically ripped off the shirt he wore over his wifebeater, exposing his broad shoulders as he uncovered more of those supple, delicious tits. The more I sucked, the puffier they got. They were fully responsive to my mouth, and the waft of sweaty man funk from Cesar’s pits made the experience a feast for all my senses.

From his nipples, I explored his hairy, scent-loaded pits, inhaling deeply and licking them voraciously. This was wild, purely visceral man-on-man enjoyment. Cesar pulled his wifebeater over his head and around his thick neck, giving me total access to my new fascinating playland. I rubbed and explored his round belly, kissing it as I went from his belt buckle, which was below his stomach, and back up to his swollen tits and exposed, moist pits. I knew at that point I was hooked on having sex with bigger men, who not only had the cock, balls, and warm, eager mouths I craved, but also a wonderous set of full, fleshy, masculine knockers.

Cesar continued to knead my package, milking out a large pool of precum that now glistened through my slacks. His generous offer of “they’re all yours” fully resonated in my brain, as I now wanted to own my new horny friend. I quickly unzipped my pants and pulled out my leaky cock, which Cesar dove down below the dashboard for. He slurped up all the clear liquid that was now flowing down to my balls and began sticking his tongue down my piss slit. In short order, his warm, eager mouth enveloped my cock in its entirety, as I felt his throat begin to spasm. The scent of his Vitalis and musk permeated my nostrils as my body went limp, my legs spread wider, and my thick toes began curling in my flipflops.

My pervy thoughts now overwhelmed me. I was having real sex with a real man who’d let me do anything I wanted to him right now. It was pure, erotic, no-holds-barred pleasure. No asking for permission or waiting for approval. As Cesar began slurping, gulping, and licking my balls (the auditory noises of our sexual exploration of each other were making my cock throb big time), my hand automatically forced its way past his belt in the back as my fingers began venturing the top of his moist, steamy butt crack. It was warm, humid, and inviting, and Cesar did not stop me from helping myself. I was a k** let loose in a toy store unsupervised. He unbuckled his belt to give me greater access to this new dewy wonderland of ample flesh and hair.

Up until this point, I had not had anal sex either as a top or bottom, but my fingers and untapped instincts seemed to take over, as though they were being controlled by some unseen force. The lower they explored, the more excited I became. The hairs of his ass crack clung on to my thick fingers, as I reveled in the dampness of his big, beautiful ass. Soon, two fingers met with his warm, responsive hole, as they began to slowly make their way inside. Cesar stopped sucking long enough to exhale deeply. “Si, hombre,” he moaned in Spanish. “That hole is all yours,” he sighed in a low voice. He knew the right words of encouragement, but at that moment I didn’t need them. There was no turning back or any desire to.

“Let’s go in the back of the truck cab,” he instructed. We pulled up our pants awkwardly and got out of the front of the truck. In the moonlight, Cesar’s now fully exposed chest and belly glistened, his puffy brown nipples still at full attention. He opened the back of the cab and we both got in and he shut the door behind us. Hurriedly, we both got fully naked. I now lay completely on top of him, our sweaty bodies now in full contact as we kissed deeply. The taste of beer and my own cock and balls on his breath heightened the excitement of our sloppy make-out session.

Like me, Cesar was sporting a full hardon, which was impressive. His cock was thick, uncut, and dark; his balls were low and lying against his full, juicy thighs. A bridge of precum had formed on his sexy belly, and his legs were spread wide. I slowly inched down his body, kissing every part along the way, and slowly placed his pulsating manhood in my salivating mouth.

I stuck my tongue beneath his foreskin and savored its strong flavor. It wasn’t a subtle taste, but certainly savory and overpowering. “Oh, man. That feels so fuckin’ good,” Cesar exclaimed. My mouth explored every inch of his cock and sweaty balls. His low cojones were exceptionally loaded with full manly flavor. Here’s a man who worked hard all day, and his reward was the pleasure I was giving him. As I devoured his nut sweat, I lifted his legs to further explore the hole I had been fingering in the front of the truck. Like his beautiful nipples, his hole was equally responsive.

“Hijole!” he cheered as he spread his big ass cheeks to feed me more glorious manhole. The sensation took my breath away. I parted his large, brown butt globes and ravenously licked his hairy, sweaty crack from one end to the other, plunging my tongue deep into his pulsating, flavorful hole. I was drooling. Why hadn’t I eaten ass before? I wondered. This is the taste, the essence, the full flavor of a man, and I knew immediately I was addicted.

“Ai, si… eat that fuckin’ hole, bro,” Cesar urged me. His ass was now flooded with my saliva, a river slowly flowing up his back. His legs were now spread the width of the truck cab, his hips pushing his magnificent hole further onto my tongue. Now, my fingers wanted some of this hot action. I eased in one finger, which his hole seemed to grab onto like a vice. A second finger soon joined the first, as a sauna of sweat rose from Cesar’s body onto mine. “Fuck, yeah,” he moaned. His body began to shake as the second thick finger explored its new dwelling with the first. “Those fingers are magic, man,” he huffed out in amazement. He instructed me toward his prostate gland, which was a new sensation that sent me into a new level of ecstasy. I had always kept my nails super short – mainly because I liked the feel of my fingertips on my cock when I beat off my own meat – and Cesar was now getting the full effect of their power.

As my digits explored further, my middle finger continued to press and massage away at Cesar’s prostate gland, which sent his large body convulsing. “Oh, that’s it, hermano,” he gasped. “You’re fuckin’ this fat ass. It’s all yours, guapo. Fuck me good. I need your cock deep in me. Please, hijo…”

Cesar was now begging for my cock, and I was only too happy and eager to oblige. I got up onto my hindlegs and aimed my dribbling cock into his raw, fleshy hole. Slowly, his hole began to open even more as his thick legs came to rest on my shoulders. As I plunged in and out of my cock’s new home, Cesar’s breathing deepened and his face was now glowing and drenched in sweat. It was almost like he was in a trance, a state of euphoria I’d not seen before. As I pounded away, I couldn’t resist taking his wide, sprawling feet and directing them toward my face. His soles were moist and smooth, and I rubbed them on the scruff of my stubbly chin and cheeks, which prompted him to open his hole even wider as my cock hammered away at his prostate. I placed his toes into my mouth and began sucking them.

“Oh, fuck,” he stammered. “This is amazing, man. You know everything fuckin’ thing I like. I want every ounce of your leche in me,” Cesar ordered. There was no way I could stop. The new sensations of fucking a man’s ass were exhilarating, exciting, primal. “Oh, my God, Cesar. You have no idea how good this feels. My cock in your beautiful hole,” I was panting. If I could stay inside of him forever, I would have. But my whole body soon began to quiver as I started cumming deep inside of him. “Jesus Christ,” I heaved, as I emptied my balls into my hot, sensual buddy. My body was drenched in sweat, and it went limp as I took Cesar’s face in my hands and began kissing his beautiful mouth, forehead, and neck. “Oh, man, that was wild. You’re so fuckin’ hot.” Slowly, my drained cock plopped out of his hole.

“Now, I have to get you off, Cesar.” I plunged my mouth over his cock as my fingers plunged back into his magic culo, feeling the copious amount of sperm I had just loaded in him. His eyes were closed tight, as he began grinding his hips to unload his cock down my throat. He was panting, cussing in both English and Spanish, and sweating, as he let out primal groans. I could feel his cock explode in my throat, as I voraciously gulped every bit of his manseed.

Lying there beside him, I looked at him in awe as he began to smile as his breathing regulated. Here was the first guy I ever fucked, bathed in moonlight and sweat. I didn’t want the night to ever end. I didn’t know if “tops” were supposed to be more cavalier about sexual encounters, but he was the first guy who invited me into that special place. Cesar guided me into the inner workings of his ass, and I felt like I became a true man that night. All I knew was I wanted to be with him again.

Cesar pulled me on top of him for a sweaty hug, his arms wrapped tight around my back. “Thank you, man,” he said to my surprise. He was fully satisfied and so was I. “No. Thank you, Cesar,” I replied, as I kissed his cheek and salty lips.

It took a while before we got dressed and reentered the front of his truck. He held, squeezed, and kissed my hand on the drive home. I wrote my phone number on a matchbook as I kissed him goodbye. It was my first – but certainly not my last – hot encounter with Cesar.
Published by BIGMENRBEST
1 year ago
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bedims 2 months ago
Great post.  Loved reading about you going hard on his tits.  Fucking hot.  Enjoyed jerking while reading.  Thanks for the great time.
rjboy 3 months ago
What a fabulous first fuck experience.  I hope it was the beginning a many to cum. 
Top4Chub 1 year ago
Hot as fuck, man!
305HoleorPole 1 year ago
Great experience. Enjoyed it.