A Bride for a day

This is a letter from an admirer who will visit me in time.

I went down to see Amber now isolation is over and we spent two days just fucking, spanking, sucking, peeing, smearing, wanking and just about anything we could think of.

Them Amber suggested we have a party and would invite many of her men friends and gurls - we decided we'd have a theme and I suggested a mock wedding (perhaps I do secretly want to wed a gorgeous gurl after all) Invites were sent out and the big day arrived with around twenty guests.

Once everyone had relaxed after a few drinks the 'sexiness' began. We were pleased all were dressed for the occasion with Amber wearing a white mini-dress about 3" above her stocking tops and noted she had already lost her panties or 'forgotten' to put them on. She was chatting to a couple of guys with another sucking her clit and a further one licking her pussy, that was under instruction from me as I wanted her pussy wet!

So the time arrived with our mock vicar conducting the simple service, still with my little friend sucking her pussy... After a short period he looked at us both and said you may kiss and fuck the bride, Amber looked bemused while I just smiled as it was part of the plan. We kissed, I played with her clit then turned her round and she bent over a table and as she was wet I pushed my cock straight into her pussy and with all the cheering soon came inside her.

Then to Amber's surprise another took over with my cum acting as lubricant. Well, after 7 or 8 Amber asked if she could come up for air, downed a large glass of red wine before shouting 'next'! I think she took around 12 or 13 cocks in all, some twice, with cum running out of her pussy lips and down her lovely white stockings.

I gently pushed my fingers inside her which felt so soft, then the guests started chanting drink! drink! drink! so I had no option but to lick her pussy clean of all the cum - god it was beautiful!

Then it became a free for all with everyone sucking and fucking - I remember sucking a couple of gurls fannies and at least five cocks. Eventually it was over with bodies strewn around so we went to bed where we carried on - though don't know where our energy came from and Amber was a little sore though we agreed we must repeat the experience in the future, though she said she would want more cocks next time!

All girls want to be a bride for a day.

Amber x
Published by Amber_petgirl
2 years ago
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