Plans for the future ahead.

My Plans for the future ahead is to become andtrasion to female get a gender confermation Surgery the whloe 20 yards breast vgina butt face yo nam it i'going to get it done it makes me as gitty as alittle school girl on the inside i may no be supportive by a small percentage of my family so i may have to find solice and support with even less in my family that does suport me BUT my good close friend up mi north west will an is supporting me big time to help me transition and ling up on sex devices and apponiments for my surgeries plus many mor friends that will be my family if all of my biological blood family abdanons me. Of wich iam lucky to have . Both on and mainly on FB{FACE BOOK} AND Hhopfully ill find some suport system folk on here too. Ill update you on all that happens same XHamster tim same XHamster channel.
Published by Spencer4now
2 years ago
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