Teen couple spanked

Mine and Matthew’s friends left at 5 pm leaving the whole house for us to use. I left Matt to cook a pizza while I went and slipped into some very sexy lingerie throwing on jeans and a button-up shirt I walked up to Matthew kissed him and whispered “After dinner, I’ll grab the cards. You get me naked first I am yours to bang any way you wish but I get you nude your face will be my seat all night long”.

Either way, it would be fun but teasing him made it hotter. So letting him win the first hand of poker by throwing away my high cards allowed him to strip off my shirt and when he caught sight of my sexy red lace bra only made him more determined to win and plough me. The next hand I thought I was going to win with 3 Aces, 2 kings but he pulled a royal flush and when he peeled off my jeans he pulled up my thong giving me a wedgy and cheekily said “Keep them like that as you’ll be sucking your juice out of them by the time they are off...

This sent me from a little moist to soaking wet but I got lucky and won the next 2 hands allowing me to get him down to his boxers which did not hide his rock-hard cock. It was difficult for me to lose as I kept getting great cards first I got 4 aces replaced and got 3 kings then on my last change of cards, I go junk and Matthew had just 2 pair. I giggled as Matthew got up walked around then removed my thong, kissed me then slipped it into my mouth then picked me up and we headed towards the stairs to my room.

That is when my luck changed as we got hear the front door opened in stepped my mum and dad. I went to scream for matt to drop me so I could cover myself but all I did was muff he turned exposing my naked body and his erection poking out of his boxers to which he dropped me to cover himself.

I spat out my thong and cried “Ouch, Matt you could have let me down softer now my butt hurts” Mum walked over and pulled me to my feet and said “Just a preview of what you have earned yourself young lady” as she dragged me to my room than before closing the door said “Don’t bother putting any clothes on you’ll only make me take them off you” then she stormed downstairs. I looked at the clock it was 6 pm and I curled up crying. I heard yelling but could not make out what was said.

I was crying franticly I had just had my plans spoiled and been caught with my boyfriend then it hit me mum’s threat about my sore ass being a preview. Thinking to myself “She was joking right she had to I’ve not been spanked since I was 10 and even then it was just a slap on my butt then sent to my room”.

I calmed down after a half hour and just wanted to hide mortified about getting caught and phoned my bestie chatting about it to try and get over my embarrassment and how hot the guy was she flirted with at my pool party. While still on the phone at 7 pm my door opened and my dad said “Get off the phone and get downstairs to the dining room time to pay up?” I went to grab my robe when he said “No I did not say get dressed I said GET DOWNSTAIRS”.

I walked downstairs a little self-conscious being naked around my dad but I just breathed thinking I’d get a talking too then grab my clothes. Yet as I got to the bottom of the stairs and turned to the dining room there was Matthew's bare ass, hands on head, noise in the corner, my mother plus Matt’s mum & dad sitting at the table. I covered myself and said “Wait why are they here?” as I got the last word out my dad grabbed my arm and lead me into the room where my mum said “Get in that corner, we are still sorting out what to do with you two delinquents”

I was again mortified and with them talking about how they are going to spank us I went from a 17-year-old to a 7-year-old inside. After several minutes which dragged like months, My mother said “Willow, Matthew come to stand in front of the table and don’t you dare cover yourself or look at each other’s bodies” we marched and I sighted out of the corner of my eye he like me stood arms crossed behind our backs and we look at our parents in the eye but I also noticed a metal spatula, a wire coat hanger, an inch thick wooden paddle and a thick leather belt on the table.

Matt’s dad, Ivan, started with “I am so ashamed we have to do this but you have given us no choice. You both went behind our backs with this night together” he was cut off by my mother who said “Well seeing you both was happy to be running naked through my house you both can have the fun of getting spanked together” at which point Matt’s mum, Haley, cut in and said “Well as you like you play cards here is what we are going to do we will, in turn, shuffle the cards then pull the top card. Hearts will mean the strap, Diamonds will mean the coat hanger, Clubs will mean the paddle and Spades will mean the spatula” my dad cut in with “Yes the face of the card tells how many wacks you both get each of us will spank you once each then send you back to the corner to think about what you both have done”.

Dreading as my dad grabbed the cards and shuffled them cut the deck and turned over the card to reveal the 6 of clubs. Dad grabbed the paddle and tapped it on his hand as he walked behind us and looked us up and down before commanding “both of you pull out a chair turn it sideways and bent over asses facing us parents. Also I want your feet on either side of the legs” we did so and when we caught each other’s eyes I could tell he was also ready to curl up into a ball crying then as I bent over I realized like this my mother and father, as well as Matt’s parents, would be able to see my ass and pussy open and on display. I was going to protest but I got the idea I’d just get in more trouble, so I just tried to not focus on it.

My dad patted my butt and Matt's a few times with the paddle and was about to swing when Haley cut in saying “Brats you will count your whacks and will not move from that position without permission then when each of us parents is done you will thank us. Failure to do so will cost you dearly” I was going to say I understood but as my mouth opened ‘BAM!!’ the paddle landed mostly on my right ass cheek taking the wind out of me I muttered for a few seconds then managed to spill out “One” then I felt the paddle rest on my butt than with a ‘swish swoop boom’ the next landed more to the left of the first this time getting an even amount of my cheeks. I right away replied “Two” the paddle rested against my butt again and with a ‘thud’ it landed mostly on my left cheek I stamped my foot then said “Three” and my feet moved together which my mum said, “No, feet on the outside of the chair last warning for both of you”.

I moved my feet and said “Very sorry I will not do it again” the adults giggled then I felt the paddle rest on my butt then ‘BAM!!’ dad landed another on the same spot as the last tears began to roll down my face as I screamed “Four” and I locked my feet to the legs of the chair as to not move and I felt the now warm wood rest on my butt again with a ‘Crack’ the paddle landed this time mostly on my right cheek I was burley about to breath but managed to say “Five” and with no rest dad right away ‘BAM!!!’ almost making me tip over from the hit landed it dead centre across my cheeks I forced myself to take a deep breath and after several mumbled attempts said, “SIX thank you, daddy”.
Dad said nothing but I heard him walk and then ‘BAM’ it started on Matt’s bum Matt coughed and said “One” then a few seconds later ‘SWOOSH’ “Two” barked Matt quickly it was the last and Matt crying, stamping his foot and said “Six, Mr Hanson” my heart dropped as I heard his mum say ‘Well you brats want to act up more Matthew feet apart and you did not thank Mr Hanson”

I did not have much time to ponder as my dad said up and faced us. Ivan grabbed the deck shuffled then turns over the card to reveal the 10 of spades. Well, he grabbed the spatula walked around and said “back in position” giving it a few swings in the air. I turned placing my feet and waited then after a few seconds I felt the cold metal on my butt and his hand on my back then in quick succession he landed 5 swats on my right cheek I groaned stomped my foot and after catching my breath and returning my foot to place said: “Sorry, 1 2 3 4 5 thank you”. Ivan then lifted his hand then I heard Matt scream as he took 5 quick swats and he managed to count and hold still. I took a deep breath and waited as I let out my 4th breath Ivan’s hand rested on my back and on queue he started and landed 5 fast swats on my left cheek I went from sobbing to screaming and could not speak for several minutes then as I calmed I heard my dad say “We are waiting? Also your feet again?” I mumbled but could not speak yet after a second my dad said “Hurry up or else?” I tried to force myself to speak but nothing came out that’s when my mum said Dine 2 more infractions this will be a painful night” that is when Ivan went back to Matt and gave him the last 5 swats taking them better than I did. He even managed to say “1 2 3 4 5 thank you dad”

Ivan drooped the spatula on the table and said “Turn and face us brats”. Following my mum grabbed and shuffled pulling the 4 of the diamonds and giggling “So you got lucky” beck over the chairs. Mum got up grabbed the hanger and tapped my butt then she swung it sounded musical than with a ‘SNAP’ the first landed across my swollen cheeks and the pain cut so deep my pubis felt it was hit. I was too shocked to cry and just said “One” I held waiting for the next feeling of the welts bubbling to the surface when ‘SNAP’ landed just under the last this time I felt the pain shoot up into my stomach and I started to tear up again saying “Two”. As the first set of welts stopped increasing I felt the second bubbling and again ‘SNAP’ mum landed the hanger under the last set and the pain bounced around my body I stomped my foot and said “Three” returning to position and waited for what felt like ages then ‘SNAP’ mum landed it across all 3 sets of welts setting my ass ablaze and I jumped up covered my butt screaming in pain as I composed myself I get back over and said “Four, thank you, mum, and sorry to make you wait” but mum only said ‘Than is fine you’ll both pay later”. Then I heard her move over to Matt who barely could speak after each hit but got through it.

Again we were told to turn around when Haley stepped up she quickly shuffled the cards pulling the 10 of hearts. I thought “great just how I did not want to finish on with a welted bum” yet I wanted this to be over with and almost jumped over the chair when told to return. Waiting for Matt’s mum to start but instead of going right to the spanking she cracked the belt a few times sending chills up my spin before ‘Swoosh CRACK’ she landed it from hip to hip across the middle of my cheeks sending all the blood to my face and as it returned my ass roasted but I managed to whimper “One” right away she swung and again landed from hip to hip half overlapping but lower than the first lick the body shuttered and I made my mouth work replying “Two” again as I finished she swung and hit overlapping the first lick but above this time if I had tears left I’d have been crying a rainstorm but I was out and in a husky voice I said “three”.

My brain was spinning when I heard the swoosh then upon the belt landing right at the top of my cheeks overlapping the second lick the pain jumped from my ass to my breasts well my nipples to be precise I jumped up covering and massaging my breasts saying “four” then quickly got back over hoping I did not add to our count and waited for any sound but all I got was ‘CRACK’ the belt hugged my lower bottom and catching the back of my labia. I wanted to go through the roof but my legs refused to move and as the fire burning my labia spread I yelled “Five” I heard Mrs Hanson walk a bit and thinking I had a small reprieve took a dozen deep breaths only to realize when the flames of my ass shot up that I was getting my ten in one go. I was shocked and said “SIX” again she followed the pattern set landing it right across the centre of my cheeks she then snapped the belt a few times and then in quick succession landed the belt right on its marks for the last 4 fanning the flames rolling over my body which settled into my breasts, ass and pussy feeling like they was on fire I jumped and did 2 circles of the room before I could control my body and I willed myself back over the chair and said “Seven Eight Nine and Ten, Thank you very much Mrs Hanson and I expect we’ll pay for my little display” I then was forced to listen as Matt’s mum assaulted his ass with the belt and once it was over she walked back, throw the belt on the table as my dad Barked “Corns now”.

As I got to the corner I heard the clock in the hall chime 8 pm. My body slowly cooled as I heard our parents chatting but I was into much pain to listen, I just wanted to finish this and hide away for the rest of my life then as the clock notified us it was 8:30 Mrs Hanson said “Well it’s time we went home Matt grab your clothes and get in the car” I heard him move followed by Ivan saying “No we did not say get dressed” moments later I heard the front door close and my mum said “Willow over here and face us” I slowly walked over I went to cover myself but thought it best to not then looked my mum and dad in the eyes and waited. They sat silently for several moments and dad cut the thickening silence with “Willow we are very disappointed in you. You are grounded for the next two weeks, starting tomorrow night and every night until you are no longer grounded you will get 17 licks of the belt on her bare ass, You will have extra choirs to do each day and failing to get them done will add a day to your grounding. Now go shower and get into bed mum will be up soon to rub cream into your ass”
Published by willow84
2 years ago
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putter01 1 year ago
Good tale, clever writing, thanks 💋
kc010101 2 years ago
Lovely work ❤️