Ebony heavenly curves

Entering my 50s was quite an emotional rollercoaster . I started experiencing so many new Things
about myself !Which let me see Life in a total different way ! But there was one thing , that I really wasnt sure about , if it was good , or bad ? My Sexdrive got more intense ! I started to discover new sexual Preferences . Actually , I was into young Women . But for some unkown reasons , I began lusting for black mature Women . Not average looking ones ! It was the one , with that pretty Face and a 50 inch ass . Like a Teenager , I was masturbating three times a day , to several Adult movies of ebony curvy mature Women . I was literally waking up with a raging boner in my Pants . My thoughts were rotating about Platinum Booties ! Thats what I call them . Several Weeks later , my Consciousness started working on me . Sending me on a Guilt trip from hell ! To be raised as a Catholic in a strict Parents house , I feared damnation and Gods wrath .
So on a Sunday morning . it drew me to a Church , which I ironically vowed to never enter . Life has a way to deal with all Sorts of People ! I was nervous , because it didnt feel right to be there . After living so many Years with no Faith to God , I returned like a prodigal c***d . Full of Guilt and Shame . A joyful melody , that was played by a passionate Organist greeted me . The Crowd was full of various People . So , I chose to get a comfortable Seat away from them . Thats when the Melody stopped and a nicely dressed Man , obviously in his 30s stepped up in Front of the Crowd . You could tell , that he loved doing , what he does . Because all the things , he was talking about directly resonated with myself . It filled me with Peace .
A few Weeks later , I still attended the Sunday morning Church Service . Nothing had changed about my Sexdrive and urges . But , I didnt feel bad about it anymore . In Fact , I felt good about myself again . I was so in love with the Atmosphere of the Church , that I was still sitting there , even after everybody left . At first , I didnt notice someone walking up to me , as She stood in Front of me . A beautiful aged Woman with some grey in her hairs , but it made her look wise and somehow sexy . Instantly We locked our eyes with each other . „ Good afternoon , Mr . ! „ She greeted me with a baritone voice , that made my dick standing up ! „ Good afternoon , Mrs .? „ I replied to her , more in a asking way . „ Please call me , Mrs . Jackson . „ She introduced herself to me . „ My Pleasure . The name´s Chris . „ I stood up and shaked her hand . „ Its very admirable to see someone working hard on his relationship with God . „ Mrs . Jackson said to me . But , I wasnt sure , if that was a Compliment , or a Critizism . „ Im Sorry , I just lost Track of the time . „ I quickly apologized to her . She gave me a beautiful smile and tried to console me in saying , „ No need for Explanations , brother . This is a Sanctuary for everybody . „ The way She talked to me , send some strong horny vibes through my entire Body . I didnt want to disrespect her with my Primitive urges , so I ended our Conversation . „ If its alright with you , I just want to sit here a few more minutes and be on my way . „ We both reached out for a handshake . „ It was nice meeting you , brother . I hope , that you will stay faithful .“ She said to me with a smile on her pretty Face . As I saw her walk away , thats when I got the real deal . Just a few minutes ago , She was standing righ in Front of me . Thats why I didnt pay attention to her Body . She was thick as fuck ! Even her Conservative way of dressing , couldnt hide those wide hips and big booty . I felt a strong urge , to release myself with some hot Adult movies at home . Late at night , I was still awake and thinking about Mrs . Jackson . That thick as fuck Sister !Even after all those Adult movies , I couldnt find satisfaction . Because , I started comparing every big Booty Pornstar to her . Of course , I knew that it was foolish to even think , that someday there would arise an Opportunity to get freaky with that fine Woman . Was that a Test from God ? I was willing to show responsibility for my gluttony behavior , that was caused by my second Puberty . Instead of Salavation , my Problems followed me , even to Church . I put away my nasty thoughts and just wanted to find sleep .
The year was almost finished and I still worked on my Faith to God . That didnt change my sexual affection for Mrs . Jackson . Whenever she was around , I tried some small talk , or just greeted her . But , she was admired by so many People of the Church . Which made her very Popular . So , she was always busy talking to somebody . That made it hard , to built a connection to her . After all this time , we still stayed Strangers to each other . Over time , I accepted my Fate . I guess this Situation proved to me , that my Faith to God would give me strength and stability , to pass through these tough times . I just had to man up ! Sooner , or later , my urges about her would vanish .
By the end of the year , I attended a New Years Eve Church crossover service . I enjoyed every Single moment . It was like a big Party ! Music , dancing , Joy and laughter . Never in my Life was I interested in such things like dancing . But seeing my fellow brothers and sisters enjoying themselves gave me something back . It was like being Part of a big Family . Still I stayed for myself and just watched . Some of the People even tried to ask me , to join them . But I nicely waved them off . Thats when the unexpected happened . Mrs . Jackson suddenly appeared out of the crowd . And she was walking up to me . „ Good to see you here , brother . You really hang in there ! But , I barely saw you all this time . „ She greeted me . I tried to play it cool , because I already gave up the idea of fucking her . „ Hello , Mrs . Jackson ! Nice to see you , too . Im always around ! Maybe you are too busy talking to other People . „ I talked to her in a very blunt way . Almost arrogant ! Yes , I wanted her to know , that I didnt give a fuck about her anymore . But my stupid ass forgot , that I was talking to a mature Woman with emotional intelligence and a very strong Intuition . Her respond came quick and even rougher , „ So , you going to pout like a c***d , or just enjoy this beautiful moment here ? „ I wasnt ready for that ! So , I just kept my mouth shut and ignored her . „ You are a stubborn one ! Lets have some drinks . Maybe , that will loosen you up ! „ She invited me to join her . Without hesitation I followed her . The first drink , we toasted to the beginning of a better Friendship . With time , our Conversations grew more intimate and intense . My old Feelings started to come back for her . It was impossible to deny that Woman ! She had a very captivating way . All good things must come to an end . Surprisingly , Mrs . Jackson asked me to walk her home . „ I guess , Im a little bit tipsy ! I would feel safer , if you would walk me home . Is that alright with you ? „ She asked me . Standing there with her big booty and looking at me with her beautiful eyes . „ Thats not fair ! „ I said to her . Talking out loud , what I was thinking . She started laughing . „ Was that a Yes , or no ? „ Mrs . Jackson asked me to be sure . „ Yes , it is . „ I replied friendly . After She said Goodbye to our Community , we both were heading on our way to her home . Noboy said a Word , but I could feel , that we both enjoyed the moment . There was even a Situation , when I accidentally touched her hand . She looked at me and immediately pulled her hand back . 20 Minutes later , we arrived at the Complex she was living in . Her Facial expression was filled with harmony . She looked very relaxed . „ Thanks for walking me home ! Im safe now ! You seem to be a good man . „ Her voice sounded almost flirtatious to me . „ Yes , we all have our moments . But it doesnt have to end here . „ I said to her . Just trying to push my Luck ! She put a smirk on her Face . „ Its already late ! We both need some sleep ! „ My Persistence wouldnt let me quit ! „ I just want to come up and talk , if thats alright with you ? „ I asked her politely . Yes , I played the Innocent and Chivalrous Man and she fell for it . „ Alright ! Dont be getting any Funny ideas ! You will crash on the Couch ! „ Mrs . Jackson replied seriously to me . With that said , we both entered the Complex . Her Appartment was on the third Floor , which we got to with an Elevator . As we both entered her two Room Appartment , She asked me to wait in the living room on the Couch for her . I did as She told me . It almost hit me like a Lightning , when She joined me on the Couch with two Glasses and a Bottle of Wine , dressed in a black Silk bathrobe , that went under her knees . So , it wasnt like She was sending me some Flirtatious Signals . But the thin tissue of Silk , complimented her curvy Body . „ I hope , you dont mind , that I slipped into something more comfortable . „ She almost sounded , like if She was apologizing . „ Its all good ! We are both grown ups ! „ As we took our first sip of Wine , our conversation continued . She was all about Religion ! It was definitely her Purpose ! So , I just listened . The Bottle was almost half emptied , as I finally got the Chance , to change our Conversation to another Topic . „ I really admirer your Enthusiasm and Committment to God and your Community ! But when was the last time you felt like a Woman ? „ That hit her hard ! Because she looked away . „ Thats none of your Bussines ! Im happy with my Life ! „ She answered in a slightly angry way . I moved closer to her on the Couch . „ I find it hard to believe , that someone with so much Passion , doesnt care about Love anymore . „ I calmly explained my doubts to her . Then She looked into my Eyes . „ You can also find happiness inside you ! Its not always about needing someone . „ Mrs . Jackson was a tough and intelligent Woman . But , I could feel her vulnerability ! It was time to show her my masculinity ! Tenderly I caressed her Face and put a nice kiss on her Lipps . She looked almost shocked at me . „ How dare you ? „ Mrs . Jackson tried to sound angry , but I could see through her false Pretending ! This time , I put my hands on her hips and pulled her right next to me . We both instantly began kissing each other . Mrs . Jackson´s Arms were wrapped around my neck . Meanwhile , my hands were wandering from her hips , down to her 50 inch ass . It felt very soft ! So , I started massaging her Butt . She loved it , because her Body started moving to my gropings . I could hear her breathe heavily , as I began kissing her neck . Then I noticed , how She opened up my Zipper with one Hand . Determined , her hand entered under my Pants and pulled out my already hard dick . Its just in that moment , that She went down on me . Caressing my balls with one hand and holding my dick with the other , while She enjoyed beginning her intense blowjob . Mrs . Jackson got really into it ! Because , I had to concentrate real hard not to come . I laid back on the Couch and let her have her way with me . A few deepthroats later , She took me by the hand and we both went to her bedroom . It didnt take long for me , to get naked . She just stood there and saw me laying on the bed . Slowly She opened up her black silky bathrobe . Mrs . Jackson knew exactly , that I loved her curves . They way She looked at me and presented her Body to me said it all . She had two handfull breasts and a nice little tummy with a hairy Pussy inbetween her wide hips . „ I hop you like what you see ! „ She said seducingly to me . Quickly She got on bed with me . Didnt waste time to Position herself on top of me . In a slick way , She inserted my hard Cock in her Pussy . Which was surprisingly already wet . Instead of riding me the old fashioned way , that mature Woman began squating on my dig . In a slow , but very rough way ! She had her hands on my Chest , to keep the Balance . In a repeatingly way , her big ass bounced up and down on my cock . I loved the way , her weight hit on my Torso with the feeling of my Cock entering her greedy and wet Pussy . She loved squating , because her moans got louder . I decided to assist her and grabbed her big ass , by lifting it up and down . We both couldnt get enough of each other ! Suddenly She stopped and got off my dick . „ Let me taste my Pussyjuice ! „ She said , talking to herself . Yes , that was the same Woman , who I met in Church . The same Woman , who gave me the impression of her being innocent and pure ! But , I didnt judge her . After all , we are only humans . I watched the way She licked and sucked real hard on my dick . The whole time , She kept Eye contact with me . Which really made me even hornier . Just to see , how much fun she had with my dick . She owned it , in the way She playfully danced her tongue on the tip . Then gave me a deepthroat ! I almost came . So , I pushed her away . She let herself fall on her back . Started spreading her legs for me . „ I want your Cock so bad ! Come and get this Pussy ! „ She loved teasing me ! And I didnt wanted to make her wait . As I positioned myself over her , I slided my Cock between her spreaded legs , into her warm , wet and soft Pussy . Slowly I started working her Cunt . Mrs . Jackson had her eyes closed , as I started pounding her Pussy viciously . Our Bodies slammed into each other . The feeling was intense . It felt like her Cunt was massaging my Dick . That mature Woman pulled me closer to her . I positioned my hands under her spreaded legs , which allowed me to fuck her with even deeper thrusts . We both lived for the moment . Occasionally , we kissed us very passionately . But I wanted to finish off with a view on her 50 inch ass . “ Thats enough ! Show me that big ass ! Right now ! “ Obediently , She turned on her stomach and presented me her juicy big ass in all its glory . I was so horny , that I didnt care about being gentle . In a dominating and rough way , I rammed my Cock inside her still wet Pussy . With both hands gripped on her wide hips , I enjoyed pounding that big ass like a maniac ! All She kept saying was , “ Harder ! Make me cum ! “ Her hands were tearing into the bedsheats . To look at that huge ass vibrating under my rough thrusts , increased my arousal to a whole new Level ! I got cocky and pulled her by her hairs and spanked her Booty . Mrs . Jackson loved it ! She gave no sign of Protest ! She even started spreading her big asscheeks for me , so that I could go deeper . I could feel , the way her Pussy contracted on my dick . She was about to cum . Only Seconds later , Mrs . Jackson , let out a deep moan . She had an intense Orgasm . The deep poundings only lasted for 5 more minutes . I couldnt hold back my nut any longer ! Just in time , I pulled it out and spreaded my thick cum , all over that big ass . Shortly after that , the mature Woman were laying exhausted , but satisfied on the bed . I joined her . We both had a big smile on our Faces . I had the need to take her in my Arms . She replied by resting her head on my Chest . “ So , does a brother finally get to know your name ? “ I asked her impatiently . “ Its Karen . “ She answered me . “ I think we should stay faithful to each other , but also to God ! “ I confidently told that sexy mature Woman . “ That sounds about right ! “ We cuddled some more and fell in an angelic sleep . My urge didnt subside ! But that wasnt the Problem anymore . Because , I had a Woman , who had a big sexual Appettite . Life has a way to deal with People ...
Published by Littlebbc
2 years ago
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