Wrestling coach

My senior year of high school my wrestling coach made me stay after practice to do extra laps to make sure my weight was on point, which it always was, I was 119 soaking wet, super skinny. I always sweat a lot, had no issues sweating through my gym clothes. After the extra laps he took me into his office, told me to take everything off since I was soaked in sweat and you did whatever your coach said. Then completely naked I stepped on the scale, my coach was an old late 50s early 60s burley bear type. Before I even moved the weight on the scale I felt my ass cheeks being spread apart and my coaches tongue licking the sweat off my asshole. I was frozen and didn’t know what was going on. As soon as he pushed his tongue inside my man hole my cock became rock hard and started dripping. Ever since then old burley bear types me have been my secret fetish.
Published by Allen0402
2 years ago
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