Author :- JacksonPost
June woke up before I did. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up in bed and looked around her. This was her room, she knew that, but it didn't feel familiar to her. She brushed away that feeling as soon as it came. The first couple weeks after moving were always a strange time. Yet, she couldn't stop thinking about how weird she felt.
It wasn't just the room. Her eyes glanced down at my sleeping figure. June smiled and brushed some stray hairs away from my face. I was her brother. The only brother she had ever had. So why did she feel like I was a stranger?
Her head ached as she tried to think harder about it. Each time she felt like she was closer to the truth, the same answer kept popping into her head: I was her brother. It felt wrong and right at the same time. Looking at me made her happy, but as soon as she looked away she felt nervous. As if something was wrong in her life and she could do nothing to fix it.
But there was another feeling there as well. Each time June looked at me or thought about me, she became horny. Not by a lot, but enough that she couldn't find another reason for it. June's hand drifted down her stomach until it found its way under her panties. As she looked at me, she began rubbing her lower lips.
June knew it was wrong to feel this way about her brother, but she couldn't help it. Warmth spread through her body as she slipped a finger inside. Her breathing quickened. Rubbing her clit, she leaned down to inhale my scent. I stirred in my sleep, but that didn't stop her. She continued to pleasure herself next to me. There was no need for any kind of porn, thinking about me was enough.
Biting her lip, she came right next to me. The bed shook as she shuddered from the force of her orgasm. Waves of pleasure hit her one after the other until they faded away into a comfortable warmth. Snuggling next to me, June closed her eyes and sighed.
I was her brother. That was the only truth that she needed to know.
I woke up to the sound of water splashing from outside. The light beaming in from behind my curtains blinded me briefly. My vision was almost as foggy as my brain as I tried to adjust to waking up. In the back of my head, I vaguely remembered that today was moving day. A quick glance at the clock told me it was 11 am.
June wasn't in bed. I rolled over and checked my phone. There was a message from Dr. Carter, a message from Aaron, and a message from Mom. Opening the message from Mom, I sat up in bed and yawned.
The moving guys will be here at noon. Don't sleep in all day :D
For now, I ignored the other two messages and sat back in bed. While I was glad I didn't have to go to class, I wasn't excited about having to deal with the moving company all day. Sure, I could leave the house until they were gone, but what if Mom needed me? Annoyed, I laid back in bed.
In the middle of the night, I had opened the window to let some cold air into the room. Because of this, I could almost hear Mom and Piper talking by the pool. I threw a pillow over my head and tried to go back to sleep. I almost succeeded before I heard Piper say, "Well, why not wear a sports bra?"
That got my attention. I hid out of sight by the window and listened. All the morning fatigue I had experienced before was gone. Deciding it might be safe, I quickly peeked outside before going out of view. Piper was sitting on the edge of the pool wearing a yellow polka-dot bikini. Mom was sitting back on the lounge chair with a book. Seeing that neither of them were looking my way, I continued to watch from the window.
"Are you sure that would be alright? I mean, doesn't that seem kinda revealing?" asked Mom.
"Revealing? It's made for exercise. People wear them in public all the time. Besides, it's going to be a few weeks until I can fix the AC. You're going to have to think of something."
"I don't know," replied Mom, nervously. "What would Henry think if he saw me wearing that?"
"Uh, I'm sure he'd think, 'Wow look at my super hot mom wearing normal exercise clothes.' Relax, Candace, you're the only one making it weird."
Mom nodded to herself. "Yeah, I guess it wouldn't be weird. But compression shorts? Why would I need to wear them?"
Piper shook her head. "The more skin you show, the more your body can cool you off by sweating. Regular yoga pants might be fine, but if you really want to keep cool you'll need to wear compression shorts."
"I don't even think I own compression shorts."
"I'll lend you some. Worst case scenario: you can forgo the pants altogether," joked Piper. The two of them laughed. Sensing that their conversation was mostly finished, I began to move away from the window. My movement seemed to have caught the attention of Piper, as she was now smirking in my direction.
I dodged out of view, my heart racing with adrenaline. I hoped that Piper wouldn't tell Mom what I was doing, but I didn't know for sure. My only option was to wait and suffer the consequences once they arrived. Or use the remote to solve all my problems. That would always work.
While I was busy worrying about Mom and Piper, June entered the room. Her hair was wet and she had a towel wrapped around her waist. As she glanced at me, she smiled. "Good morning, Henry."
"Morning, June. Just got out of the shower?"
"Yeah," replied June as she went through our closet. Her towel dipped a bit as she held it with one hand, but it didn't reveal anything more interesting. "Are you going to take one?"
I shrugged. "Probably. If the moving guys are coming soon I don't want to be in the shower when they get here."
June grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. "You could always take one after they leave."
"That's true. So, what are you planning on doing today? Besides staying out of the mover's way, of course."
Placing her pile of clothes on my computer desk, June went back to the closet and pulled out a black pair of panties. "I was thinking of catching up on the new season of Spy x Family, you down?"
I grinned. Usually, the only person I could discuss anime with was my friend Aaron. Now, I had a super hot sister I could not only discuss anime with but watch anime with. What kind of nerd would I be if I threw away that chance? "Sure," I replied, trying to seem nonchalant.
"Awesome," said June as she dropped her towel to the floor.
My eyes bulged out of my chest. Yeah, I thought to myself, the Larsons are exhibitionists. June's body was very similar to her mother's except she had larger breasts. They were topped with perfect pink nipples that grew harder as I stared at them. Looking lower, I noticed dark pubic hair covering June's vagina. Unlike her mother, she made no effort to shave there.
Seeing June's naked body only confirmed that she was fit. The perfect kind of fit where it's not overbearing to look at, but still noticeable. Tanlines crossed over her body in the shape of the school swimsuit. June bent down to grab her towel, showing off more than I would have hoped for in a normal life, and folded it carefully.
"Which character do you like the most?" asked June, as if she wasn't standing nude right in front of me. "I like Yor."
"She's pretty great," I managed to say with some difficulty.
June looked at me and nodded enthusiastically. "I know right? What I wouldn't give for a woman like that."
"You like women?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.
Her face turned red as she quickly turned away from me. I didn't mind, it gave me a perfect view of her ass. "I- I- Everybody likes women."
I moved next to her, pretending to grab something from my computer desk. "In a way, yes. But that wasn't what I was asking."
"I just like Yor is all. I think she's cute.:
"Cute?" I asked, moving closer.
"Funny! I think she's funny."
Gently, I grabbed her hands and pulled her around until she was looking at me. She averted her eyes, but that was fine with me. "It's okay if you like women. I saw how you reacted when I showed you that video of Dr. Carter."
"Anybody would react that way to seeing porn. I'm not gay. I like men."
"Why limit yourself? You can like both."
June frowned, her eyes glancing at the floor. "I know that!"
"June, do you trust me?"
"Yes, of course."
I grabbed her chin and moved it slightly upwards. Her eyes met mine. Her beautiful green eyes. "Do you trust me?"
"Yes, Henry," she replied, her eyes glazing over for half a second before returning to normal.
"It's okay to like women and men. I would be happy if you were true to yourself."
June moved closer to me. "I want you to be happy." Her smell was overpowering, it took everything I had not to fuck her right then and there. Then a thought came to me, why not? Using the remote, I could enjoy June whenever I wanted. Wrapping my arm around her, I pulled June toward me, causing her to gasp. Her breasts pushed against my chest. Her breathing quickened as I leaned toward her lips.
My phone rang. Angrily, I picked it up and checked who it was. The name, Aaron, accompanied by an unflattering picture lit up my screen. June glanced down at my phone, her breathing ragged as she tried to compose herself.
"Are you going to answer that?" she asked, taking a step back.
Inwardly fuming, I tried to act calm as I answered. "What's up?"
I guess I wasn't calm enough though, as Aaron sounded surprised. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?"
With the moment for action now passed, I watched sadly as June pulled on her panties. "Yeah, but it's fine."
"Sorry," replied Aaron. "I wanted to see if you were up for playing some games."
I wanted to throw my phone against the wall. "Not today, man. I've got some people coming over to help-" I stopped myself before I said too much. Aaron didn't know about the Larsons, and I wanted to keep it that way. Part of me wasn't sure why I was keeping it from my best friend. Was it jealousy? Maybe fear? Either way, I didn't think telling him when I was already on edge was a good idea.
"Coming over to help Mom paint the living room." June shot me a confused look as she pulled on her pants.
"Damn, that sucks. Well, tell your mom I said hi," replied Aaron.
"For sure, bye." Without waiting, I hung up the phone and tossed it onto my bed. How annoying. I knew my anger would pass, after all, I could have fun with June at any time thanks to the remote, but I was still annoyed.
"Why'd you lie to him?" asked June, her head covered by her t-shirt as she pulled it on.
I was saved from answering by a knock on the door. "Henry?" asked Mom through the door. Now fully clothed, June opened the door. "Oh, is Henry in here?" asked Mom.
June stepped to the side. "Yeah, we were going to watch some anime."
Mom peeked her head inside and smiled at me. "Okay, well, I just wanted to let you guys know the movers are here. You'll have to leave the door open so they can get inside."
"Okay, Mom," June and I said in unison.
"Mama and I will be busy leading the guys around, so just shout if you need something."
"How long are they going to be here for?" I asked, taking a seat on my bed.
Mom shrugged. "As long as they need to be. I'll let you know when they're done."
With that Mom left the door wide open and went to help the movers. While I could have used the remote to have whatever fun I wanted to have, even with the movers here, I decided against it. I was still too angry, and I was worried that anger would cloud my judgment. What if I pushed June or someone else beyond the limits I had set for myself? No, I had to have some set of morals, as loose as they were. All decisions with the remote needed to be made calmly.
June grabbed her laptop and cuddled next to me on the bed. For the next few hours, we watched Spy x Family and a couple of other shows June had downloaded to her computer. I was surprised to find out that she hadn't acquired the shows legally. She tried to explain torrenting and seeding to me, but it went over my head.
Besides the obvious joke that I wanted to torrent my seed inside her, but I didn't say that out loud.
The movers did have to come into my room and bring in a few pieces of furniture that June owned, but I ignored them. They seemed nice enough to ignore us, besides a quick nod of acknowledgment, so I didn't mind. Though I did hide the remote when they entered the room. If one of them recognized it... I was sure they wouldn't, but I didn't want to take a chance.
As I slipped it under the blankets, I felt the remote grow warm. It was a comfortable warmth, not hot enough to burn. Still, I didn't like it. June's breathing quickened as I brought the remote closer to her. Her eyes seemed to stare blankly at the computer screen. Once the movers left, I moved the remote away and she returned to normal.
I should have worried about that, but I didn't.
Halfway through watching the newest Transformer movie, Piper poked her head through the doorway. "Look at you two, how cute!"
"Are the movers gone?" asked June, ignoring Piper calling us 'cute.'
"Yeah, they left. Megan is coming over in a bit to swim, you two want to join us?"
June nodded. "Sure." She carefully moved out of the bed and stretched her muscles.
I waved my hand dismissively. "I'll finish the movie."
"Suit yourself," said Piper, disappearing down the hall.
Forgive me for looking ahead, but this was the moment I fucked up. When you have a magic remote that can control anybody, you think of yourself as a god. How could you not? The power of the human mind was mine. What I didn't realize at the time, was that my power was limited by my own mind and my own forgetfulness.
I knew that Megan wasn't fully under my control. She didn't know about the Larsons or their arrangements with Mom. If I wasn't distracted by watching June change, I would have remembered this fact. But I didn't. From the moment the movers came to the moment of disaster, I never even thought about Megan. Had I, I would have saved myself a lot of hassle.
Another thing I never considered, was that Megan was very smart. She wasn't just book smart, she was clever. Megan could read you like a book before you had committed her name to memory. Again, I knew this, but at that moment I forget.
To make matters worse, my anger from being interrupted had not yet subsided. It boiled below the surface. I don't blame Megan or even myself for forgetting to 'fix' her. No, I blame myself for the decisions I made after everything came to light. Right or wrong, it happened, and this is how it happened.
As the credits rolled, I closed my eyes to try and get some sleep. Outside, I could hear the sounds of the girls in the pool. Nothing seemed off. I had heard the doorbell ring while I was watching my movie, but I didn't know who answered it. Placing the laptop on my computer desk, I snuggled into my sheets and relaxed. Hopefully, I would get to see June change again. Or even join her in the shower after she got out of the pool.
My mind was starting to calm down.
Until I heard a knock on the door. Glaring at the door, I sighed. "Who is it?"
"Megan. Can I come in?"
Wondering if this had anything to do with our previous encounter in the pool, I happily told her to enter. Unlike the last time I had seen Megan, she was fully clothed. She wore a pair of booty shorts and a tight-fitting camisole. The straps of her white bra were visible, as well as the edges of her white panties. I tried not to stare at them, but I did look more than once.
If I had been looking at her face, I would have seen her worried expression.
Megan closed the door behind her and sat down on the edge of my bed. While my mind was still clouded by arousal, I did find that strange. She had only entered my room once before, and that was to yell at me for stealing her panties.
She glared at the silver remote sitting on my computer desk. "Is that how you do it?"
"Do what?" I asked, still sneaking glances at her fantastic body.
"Make them do what you say?"
Raising an eyebrow, I followed her eyes to my remote. "What are you talking about?"
A loud smack rang through the room as she slapped my face. Concern flashed across her face before her anger returned. "Don't play dumb with me! I know what you did!"
My body froze. At that moment, I realized my mistake. Megan's mind had never been changed. She didn't know about the Larsons or any of the other changes I had made to the family. Rather than panicking, I felt weirdly calm. Grabbing the remote from my desk, I smiled at her. "I don't know what you're talking about. Perhaps you're mistaken."
Now it was her turn to look scared. "I don't know how you did it, but you changed Candace," said Megan. "She doesn't remember Abraham, she thinks she's married to that older woman, and she thinks she had another k**. Those women out there think they know me, but I've never met them. I would know if my best friend was married to a woman."
My hand hovered over the power button on the remote. "Think carefully about what you are saying."
"I know it's you. I don't know how, but I know it's you. Somehow, you've changed them, and you've changed me. I want to call you every manner of scum I can think of, but when I try, I can't. Even now, I find it hard to yell at you. It's like all my anger toward you is being replaced with happy thoughts."
That was true. Thanks to the remote, she was supposed to be nicer to me. I guess it was limited by how angry she had become. "So, what do you want? Did you come in here to yell at me?"
Megan took a deep breath. "I want you to change them back."
"What makes you think I can do that?"
"Please, Henry, you know this isn't right."
That anger that had been simmering below the surface now exploded out. "Freeze!" I yelled pointing the remote at her. Instantly, her body froze. Her eyes widened as she tried to move away, but all she could move was her head. I threw off my sheets and grabbed Megan's shirt, pulling her closer. "What do you know about right or wrong?"
Megan struggled to get out of my grip, but thanks to the remote, she couldn't move. "Henry, stop, let go of me!"
Loosening my grip, I felt my anger wane, but only for a moment. "Go stand over there." I gestured to the center of the room. Her body obeyed, but that didn't stop her from resisting.
"Please, Henry," begged Megan. "Change them back! Don't hurt me. This isn't you." She stood still, her body facing toward me. I sat up and glared at her, trying to figure out how to proceed.
Thanks to the remote, I could wipe her memory and try the day over again. That was what I should have done, but I was angry. Angrier than I had ever been in my life. Anger guided me, and led me down a dark path.
As I watched Megan beg, I felt calm. She could do nothing but beg due to the remote. Before gaining the remote, I would have apologized and turned everyone back to normal. But I wasn't the same as I was before. Megan didn't understand that Mom and the Larsons were happier now. They had told me as much. I was happier now.
"Please, Henry! You can't do this," said Megan, still standing motionless in the center of my room.
I pointed the remote at her. "Sit on the chair."
Tears streamed down her face as she sat on my computer chair. Unlike the others, she was fully conscious that she was being controlled. Were the others as scared and I didn't know it? No, they were happy, I had made sure of that.
"I was going to leave you as Mom's friend," I said, sitting across from Megan. "But I'm not sure I can do that now. You're being very naughty right now. Naughty girls need to be punished."
Megan's eyes widened. "I'll be good. I promise. Please, Henry, let me go."
I shook my head. "I can't do that, Megan. You've already caused me such a hassle."
"She's your mother, Henry. You can't treat her like this. That poor mother and daughter had a life."
"A life worse than what I've given them."
"You don't know that," replied Megan, her voice cracking.
"I'm the only one who does." I paused, staring thoughtfully at the remote. "Soon, all your troubles will go away as well."
Megan cried out loud, spit flew from her mouth as she yelled for anyone to help her. But no answer came. "Stop it! Please! Let me go!"
"Tell me, Megan, have I hurt you once? I could, you know. I could make you do anything. I feel like I've been quite nice considering how rude you've been."
Megan didn't stop screaming. I sighed. "I'll even give you a choice," I said, leaning back in my chair. "You can choose what you'll become."
"I said you can choose what you will become. Dr. Larson became my new mother and the wife of your friend. June became my new sister, and the others... well, you don't need to know about them." Of course, there weren't any others. At least, none that I had changed in such a drastic manner, but she didn't need to know that. I wasn't sure why I was lying to her like that, but it did make me feel more powerful. Like I was a practiced master of mind control and not someone who had only done it a handful of times.
Megan thought about it for a few seconds, then she shook her head. "I want to be me. Can't you let me be myself?"
"That was the plan before you started causing problems."
"Then let me leave! I'll never cause a problem for you again."
I laughed, turning the remote over in my hand. Her eyes stared at the remote, only taking them off it when I spoke. "I can't trust you anymore."
Megan groaned. "Why, Henry? Why are you doing this?"
"You still haven't given me an answer. Maybe you'd like me to choose?"
She spat on the ground, her sadness turning to anger. "Aren't you already? Did any of them really get a choice? You're a monster."
"Spit doesn't belong on the floor. Lick that up." Without hesitation, Megan dropped to her knees and began licking the floor. While that had been a spur-of-the-moment decision, I had to admit that it did turn me on to see her like that.
"Apologize," I commanded.
"I'm sorry," said Megan, before returning to cleaning the floor with her mouth.
"I'm sorry, Master."
Megan winced. "I'm sorry, Master."
"Good," I said, smiling. "Maybe I should keep you around."
"No," muttered Megan.
"I wonder if you'd make a good maid or even a pet." Unable to help myself, I burst out laughing. "Yes, my mother's bitchy friend becoming my loyal pet. How does that sound?"
"Stop it!" yelled Megan. "This isn't you!"
She was right. I wasn't some type of sadist. Hell, even with the power of the universe in my hands, I still debated if I was doing the right thing. Yet, I wanted to do this. I wanted to see Megan suffer for trying to stop me. I wanted to get back at her for the years of suffering she had given me.
Was it really suffering though? At most, she had been a bit rude. I felt a pain in the back of my head. Shaking my head, I tried to push through the pain. My thoughts were jumbled. Megan continued to cry in front of me, but instead of looking sad, she looked more confused. This was exhausting.
"You're right," I replied. "This isn't me. But I can't let you go." Megan began to say something, but I held out my hand to silence her. "Even with the remote, there's no guarantee that you'll do what I say. What if you go straight to the police? What I'm doing can't be legal."
Megan stared at the remote. I noticed a strange glow in her eyes, but I didn't comment on it. "What are you going to do?" asked Megan, her voice still wavering.
"I'm not sure. I can't let you go, yet you don't want to stay here. Things can't go back to the way they were."
There was a brief moment of silence before Megan started hiccuping. To my surprise, Megan spoke first. "Are they really happy?" asked Megan, still staring at the remote.
I tried to hide my surprise. "If you want, I can ask them to come in so you can ask them yourself."
There was a mix of emotions on Megan's face. I didn't have to wait long for her to make a decision. "Yes. I want to ask Candace."
Holding the power button on the remote, I called out for Mom. The two of us waited anxiously in my room. After a few minutes, I heard a knock on the door and then Mom entered the room. She was still wearing her bikini. The smell of sunscreen and chlorine wafted into the room with her.
"Yes, Henry?" asked Mom, seemingly ignoring her friend kneeling in the center of my room. Mom's eyes were glazed over, a sign that she was totally under my control.
I looked over at Megan. "Ask her anything you want, she'll answer you honestly."
Megan looked at Mom and then back at me. "How do I know that? What if this is some kind of trick?"
I shrugged. "You can't. If you don't want to try, then I can just-"
"No!" exclaimed Megan. "I will try." Megan thought for a moment. "Who was your first kiss?"
After a brief moment of silence, Mom answered, "You."
Glancing at me, Megan shook her head. "This can't be real," she muttered to herself.
"Is that all you wanted to ask her?"
"Of course not," replied Megan angrily. "Candace, is he hurting you?"
Again, Mom took a second to answer. "No, Henry hasn't hurt me in any way."
"What about the other two girls?" asked Megan.
"I don't understand," replied Mom.
If Megan had control of her body, I was sure she would have thrown up her hands angrily. "Has he hurt them."
"Not to my knowledge, no," answered Mom in a monotone voice.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Megan smiled at the floor. "That's good." Then she frowned, and her face grew serious. "Are you happy?"
Mom looked like she was going to answer, then hesitated. "I think so."
"You think so?" asked Megan, turning to glare at me.
"Well, my marriage with Abraham wasn't great," said Mom. "Piper is... she's everything I wanted in a partner. She's funny, reliable, a good parent, and she..." Mom glanced at me. "She turns me on more than Abraham ever did."
"Gross!" Megan laughed. I couldn't help but crack a smile. While everything had gone wrong, things were going in a good direction. Still, I watched silently as the two friends continued to laugh together. With the remote, I could make Megan do whatever I wanted, but that wasn't good enough. I wanted Megan to suffer.
I wanted her to willingly give herself up.
Megan's laughter faltered as she looked at me. My smile was met with a scowl, but I could tell her heart wasn't in it. Sighing, Megan turned to Mom. "Candace, if I left forever, would you miss me?"
Unlike the other questions, Mom didn't hesitate. "Yes. You're my best friend, Megan. I can't imagine my life without you."
Tears welled in Megan's eyes. "So what now, Henry? Am I to become your sister? Another mother? Your aunt?"
"Maybe you could have been, but that opportunity has passed. You either leave forever, or you take my offer."
"Which is?" asked Megan, glaring up at me.
Leaning down, I whispered into her ear, "Become my pet. My eternal slave. Give yourself over to me, willingly."
Megan scoffed. "Like I'd ever agree to that."
I shrugged. "Then I'll erase your memory and you can leave."
"But Candace..."
"Will forget you ever existed. She'll feel sad, sure, but it will be like she never knew you."
Confusion, regret, and sadness crossed Megan's face in an instant. I could tell she was having trouble deciding, so I tried to sweeten the deal. "Look at Mom, does she seem sad? No. June and Piper love their new life. Being under my control isn't so bad."
"I still don't believe that," replied Megan, though she sound so sure. "Henry, if I became your pet... would I be happier?" asked Megan, averting her eyes.
I couldn't help but smile. "That would be up to you. Do you want to be my pet?"
"Then I'm not sure you would be happy," I replied, frowning.
"I don't want to lose Candace."
Sighing, I placed my hand on her shoulder. "I know, but I am a cruel man and you've put me in a precarious situation. I have to do something."
Megan didn't respond. As she thought through her dilemma, I pretended to get bored. In reality, I was very excited. My cock strained in my pants as I wondered what she would choose, Of course, I would let her go if she asked. With the remote, she would never remember anything. Or at least, that was what I hoped would happen.
"I- I... I'll be your pet."
There it was. In the end, everything went my way. Now, all that was left was to break her down further. "No."
"What!" screamed Megan. "I thought that was what you wanted!"
"Prove to me it is what you want." Holding the remote, I released her body so that she could move.
She hesitated for a moment before she posed like a begging dog standing on its hind legs. "Please let me be your pet, Master," said Megan with a fake smile.
I laughed. "Bark for me."
"Bark, Bark!" Still wearing her fake smile, Megan did her best impression of a dog's bark.
I laughed, gently rubbing her head. "Good girl." Megan blushed, her fake smile fading for a moment before she recovered. "But there is a problem, isn't there?" I asked, stroking my chin as if I was deep in thought.
Anger flashed across Megan's face. "Is this not good enough for you?"
"It's good, but it could be better. See, you're acting like a dog, but you're constricted, there's something holding you back. Can you tell me what that is?"
"I don't understand."
Sighing, I grabbed the front of her camisole. "Dogs don't wear clothes!"
It took a second for it to hit her. Her face grew bright red as her eyes widened. "You want me to strip for you? But- But you're Mom is in the room with us," said Megan, gesturing to Mom standing motionless nearby.
"Good point," I replied. Looking at Mom, I commanded, "Strip."
Man, I love having a magic remote. Mom took off her bikini top and let it fall to the ground. Her breasts were on full display. It had been a bit since the last time I had seen them, but they were just as beautiful. Her dark pink nipples hardened instantly as they were exposed to the air.
Next, she dropped her bikini bottoms as well. Megan's eyes followed them to the floor, while mine stared at the treasure they were hiding beneath. As I had suspected, Mom was unshaven. Her black pubic hairs only enhanced the beauty of her vagina. Mom didn't seem to care that she was now standing naked in front of her best friend and her son, but Megan sure did.
"W-Why would you do that? I thought you wanted me to strip?" asked Megan, averting her eyes from her friend's naked body.
"Two reasons. One, I wanted to show you that Mom won't care if you get naked. She will have no memory of this after we are done. And two, I wanted to show you that I could make you strip if I wanted you two. I want you to do it yourself. Don't make me ask you to do something twice, because I'll make you do something worse. Understand?"
Megan nodded. "Yes, Master."
"Good, then take the next step in showing your obedience."
Megan took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Grabbing the hem of her camisole, she pulled it up and over her head. It joined Mom's bikini on the floor. Then she reached behind her and unclasped her bra. That too joined the growing pile of clothes. While I had seen Megan's breasts before, I still enjoyed watching them jiggle as she removed her pants.
With her back on the floor, Megan pulled down her shorts and panties at the same time. I tore my eyes away from Megan's breasts to see her sweet vagina. It parted open as she slipped off the rest of her clothes and tossed them onto the pile. For a second, Megan rushed to cover herself. Then, she glanced up at me with fear in her eyes as she let her arms fall.
I smiled warmly at her as I rubbed her head. "That's a good girl. How do you feel?"
"Terrible. This is humiliating. But..."
I raised an eyebrow. "But?"
"I've never been more turned on," answered Megan. I noticed one of her hands slip between her legs, but I didn't comment on it.
While Megan stealthily masturbated in the center of my room, I got to work preparing the family for our new pet. Using the magic remote, I could mind control June and Piper remotely. It wasn't a complicated command. All I did was make them see Megan as their pet and maid. I chose to make Megan a maid as well because it seemed like a fun idea at the time.
Then I thought about Megan and how I was going to change her cognition. I didn't want to completely erase her mind and build something new from scratch. That sounded like way too much work.
People should treat her like a pet, but also as something more. She should act submissive, yet playful. While I tried to figure out the best way to go about changing Megan, I noticed Mom was still standing by.
"Mom, do you have a spare headband from your maid costume? And some stirrup thigh-high socks? I want to give our new pet some new clothes."
Mom smiled. "That sounds lovely, Henry. I think I have just the thing."
Before Mom left, I managed to save myself from making another mistake. "Make sure you get dressed first."
She nodded, grabbing her bikini from the pile of clothes. I was disappointed to watch her pussy disappear, but I didn't want June or Piper to see her walk naked through the house. Once she left, it was just me and Megan alone again. I could clearly hear the sounds of her fingers rubbing her wet pussy.
"What the hell are stirrup socks?" asked Megan.
"There socks without anything covering your toes or hell."
"And why do you want me to wear those?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Because I'm a pervert. We'll go shopping for the rest of your costume, or should I say uniform, later."
"Pervert," said Megan slowly, her fingers picking up speed. "My perverted Master." Her eyes were unfocused, her breathing rapid. Seeing my Mom's friend reduced to such a state felt incredible. I felt like I was the most powerful man in the world.
Megan was so consumed by pleasure that she didn't notice the door opening. "Hey, Henry," said June. Like Mom, she wore a bikini, though her's was a bright blue and more revealing. Loose strands of dark pubic hair poked out from behind her bottoms. June glanced at Megan and smiled. She began to stroke Megan's head, not caring that Megan was completely naked.
"Good girl, get it all out," whispered June. Megan froze for a second as she felt June's hand but never stopped masturbating. She leaned into June's hand and began moaning.
June's other hand snaked to the front of Megan's body. Her fingers began playing with Megan's nipples. She pulled and twirled them, causing Megan to moan even louder. "So good!" cried out Megan. Completely succumbing to pleasure, Megan spread her legs out toward me.
"What, holy fuck, should I call her, Master?" asked Megan, staring up at me.
I thought about it for some time. It was difficult to think with the sounds of Megan's moaning and her wet pussy filling up the room. "Mistress, I suppose? Whatever you think is best."
Megan nodded, turning her head to look into June's eyes. "I love you, my Mistress." Their lips locked together. Both fought for dominance, with June quickly winning that battle. Her tongue broke past Megan's lips and began tasting everything inside. It was like watching a dance.
Their tongues caressed and played with each other. Spit leaked out onto Megan's naked body, but she didn't care. Her free hand grabbed June's face and pulled her closer. The other hand was a blur between her legs. I smiled. This was exactly what I had been hoping for.
June didn't see Megan as my mother's friend anymore. She was a pet. A pet that deserved to be loved, to be pleasured. Someone she could play with whenever she wanted. I knew that June especially was enjoying this. Why she tried to hide her attraction to women, I didn't know. What I did know, was that now she had an outlet for those desires. A toy that she could play with.
Mom came back, ignoring the erotic display in the center of the room, empty-handed. "Sorry, Henry, I can't find what you asked for."
I waved my hand. "No worries, we'll have to go shopping. June, can you hold off for a moment?"
With a loud pop, June and Megan separated. I got on one knee and stared into Megan's tired eyes. "Are you ready to go for a walk?"
She nodded, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Then, she seemed to regain some of her composure. "But, I'm naked?"
"Good point." Holding the information button on the remote, I asked, "Is there a way to have a command affect everyone? Specifically, could I make everyone feel a certain way about a person? Even if I've never used the remote on them before?"
"Yes," answered the remote in a monotone voice. "Click the power button and say, 'radius,' then use the 'up' button to determine the size of your command. Ten is the max for the whole planet. Keep in mind, there are limits to what you can command. For example, you can't make everyone strip naked, but you can make them okay with a particular person's nudity."
I raised an eyebrow. This remote really was perfect. Too perfect. Almost like it knew what I was going to use it for before I used it. Shrugging, I pushed that thought to the side, there were more important matters at hand.
I pressed the power button. "Radius." Then I pressed the up button ten times. There was little reason to press it less than that. If I decided to travel with Megan, I didn't want to have any issues. "No one will care that Megan is naked. She is my family's pet, as such, everyone will treat her as my family's pet."
The remote vibrated, but there were no other indicators the command had worked. I trusted the remote, at this point it had done everything I had told it to do without fail. Any distrust I had was out of fear rather than fact. Still, the least they could have done was give me some kind of verbal confirmation.
"Command accepted," said the remote. Ah, must have been a delay.
With that out of the way, I rummaged through the drawers in my computer desk looking for a leash and collar. When I was a k**, Dad had promised to get me a dog. I was so sure he would fulfill that promise that I bought a lease and collar with my allowance. I never did get that dog, but Megan would do.
In the back of my drawer was a red dog collar and a retractable leash. I didn't like the shape or color of the collar, but it was only a temporary measure. At the store, I could find something nicer. Something better fit for my new pet.
While I was busy looking through the drawers, June resumed her kiss with Megan. I let them have their fun, smiling as June pushed Megan onto her back so she could get a better angle. As much as Megan was my new pet, she was June's as well. Sitting on my bed and watching them did seem like a fun way to pass the time, but I had worked to do. My humiliation of Megan wasn't complete.
June seemed to sense my growing impatience, as she separated from Megan. "Sorry," she mumbled.
"No worries," I replied as I put the dog collar around Megan's neck. "You two can have plenty of fun when we get back."
Megan touched the collar and shivered, her face a mix of shame and arousal. "This is really happening," she said to herself. At that moment, I remembered that Megan wasn't under the remote's control, at least not as much as the others. Without the need of the remote, I had made her into my pet. Or had I?
"Can I come?" asked June, her hand stroking Megan's stomach as Megan still laid on the floor. "I need to do some shopping of my own."
I shrugged. "Sure, let's leave in a couple of minutes." After attaching the leash to Megan's collar, I walked her out to the living room.
While the idea of making her walk like a dog was intriguing, I let her walk normally. Besides leading her around by a leash, of course. Because I wasn't using the remote, at least that was what I thought, I didn't want to push her too far. Having Megan be naked and led around on a leash was good enough for me.
Once June was dressed and ready to go, the three of us began our walk to the store. I knew of a fetish store that was less than a half-hour walk from my house, so we headed toward there. Aaron had told me about it during one of our late-night gaming sessions. At the time, I hadn't thought about going there, but now I was glad I knew about it.
Megan seemed to be especially uncomfortable as we walked. At first, she tried to cover her body. Once she realized she couldn't cover everything, she tried to act confident. At least, as confident as she could be fully naked outside with a collar around her neck. Still, I let her set the pace as she walked nervously ahead of me and June. Was I going to complain about getting to see her ass the entire walk? Nope. June didn't seem to mind the view either.
Since it was a nice day, we weren't the only people going for a walk. People with all kinds of dogs passed by us. They waved politely as if I wasn't walking a nude woman with a collar around her neck. Each person we passed made Megan more and more nervous, but to her credit, she didn't complain once.
June and I held hands as we walked. It felt nice to go on a walk with a girl again, even if that girl thought she was my sister. I enjoyed the erotic situations the remote had given me, but I missed having a real relationship. I squeezed June's hand, causing her to look at me and smile. We talked about nothing in particular, but I found it meaningful.
By the time we got to the store, Megan was covered in a thin layer of sweat. Her breathing was ragged and her eyes were unfocused. June tried to help her by giving her some water, but I knew Megan wasn't suffering from heatstroke. She was feeling a different kind of heat.
The fetish store was tucked away behind an apartment complex and a gas station. Neon lights with the words 'Vicky's Vices' lit up the storefront window. June's eyes widened as she stared at the selection of dildos displayed in the window. Before she could ask me why we were there, I lead Megan and June inside.
The inside of the store was cramped. Sexual products filled almost every available space. At the back of the store was an older woman with a variety of colorful tattoos. I wondered if she was going to ask about Megan, but she barely glanced at us as we entered.
As I had hoped, the store had everything I was looking for. It had customizable maid costumes, cat ears, collars with customizable name tags, and plenty of other fun goods. June and I spent about an hour looking through their stock as we picked out the perfect outfit for Megan. I was worried she would cause a problem, but she obeyed every command. She really was the perfect pet.
After attaching the cat ears to the frilly maid headband, I placed it on Megan's head. Then June picked out a pair of black fingerless gloves and black stirrup thigh-high socks. They were very soft, fitting Megan so perfectly it was like they were custom-made. After some deliberation, I picked out a frilly collar that matched Megan's new headband. With the store's custom engraver, I put her name on a silver tag and attached it to the collar.
After adding some frills to her gloves and socks, Megan's new outfit was complete. June and I stepped back to take a look. Both of us nodded, happy with the results. Megan blushed but did stand with newfound confidence. "Do you like it, Master?" she asked, averting her gaze.
To answer her question, I grabbed her leash and pulled her into a kiss. She melted into my lips, pushing her naked body against my clothes. I didn't kiss her for long, we were still in the store after all. As we separated, I could tell that Megan was finally ready to accept becoming my pet.
After paying for the clothes, we walked to the local Walmart where June shopped for her own clothes. None of the customers in the store seemed that care that Megan was practically naked. To them, it was as normal as someone bringing in their dog. Which wasn't that out of place in a Walmart.
One of the customers, an older man with long grey hair waved to me as I waited for June outside the dressing rooms. "That's a nice pet you got there," he said as he walked closer. "Mind if I pet her?"
Megan's eyes widened as I nodded and gently pushed her toward the man. "Knock yourself out."
The man smiled as he rubbed her head, much like you would pet a dog. Then he stroked his fingers along her back. Megan moaned, her eyes closed as he touched her bare skin. "She is a cute one," said the man as he grabbed her face and began rubbing her cheeks. "Good girl."
"Just got her today."
"No k**ding? Wish I had a girl like her." With one hand on her head, rubbing gently, his other began groping Megan's bare breasts. It was done so casually I barely registered it as sexual. When he was done, he rubbed her face one more time before waving goodbye.
June walked out of the changing room with a curious look on her face. I had a very clear tent in my pants while Megan was panting. Shrugging, she set the clothes she didn't want on a nearby counter and moved on to the next part of the store.
We shopped for another hour before heading home. Piper and Mom were cuddled up together on the couch watching a movie. Trying our best to be quiet, we snuck back to my room where I collapsed onto my bed. Too much had happened today. Too much had happened this week.
It was hard to remember that while this was happening, I was still a normal college student. I had two classes tomorrow. Then there would be another week of class, and another after that. All of it again and again until I graduated. Sure, I could use the remote to avoid attending class, but college was something I wanted to go to. Or at least, I had wanted to go to.
June put away her new clothes before heading to the living room to join Piper and Mom. Megan stayed behind, sitting on the floor as if it was the most natural spot for her. Regret started to seep in as I thought about how uncomfortable she must be. Patting the bed, I gestured for her to join me.
"Come on, you're allowed on the bed."
Megan sprang up and sat cross-legged at the end of my bed. She laughed as she shook her head. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
"Do you hate it?"
"Not as much as I did at first," replied Megan, blushing. "Hen- I mean Master, can you do something for me?"
I raised an eyebrow. "What?"
Spreading her legs, she leaned back and thrust her pussy toward me. "I want you to make me yours."
I didn't say anything as I pulled off my pants and crawled toward her. My cock was rock hard. Staring into her eyes, I leaned down and kissed her as I lined up my penis with her entrance. In one thrust, I was inside her. We didn't need any lube or foreplay, she was already dripping wet.
Our tongues danced together as I thrust into her again and again. Her hips met my thrusts, our bodies slapping against each other in the air. The sweet smell of sex filled the room, seeping into every crevice it could find. Moans and the sound of skin meeting skin echoed off the walls.
I felt Megan cum, her body shuddering as she pulled me closer, but I never stopped. Again and again, I pounded her as if my life depended on it. She was my pet, my perfect whore. If she wanted me to make her mine, then I would do so.
"Good girl," I growled as she came for a second time.
She nodded, biting her lip as she stared up at me. "I am your good girl, Master."
While I could have gone all the way positioned as we were, I was growing tired of holding myself above her. Slowing down, I flipped her over. On her hands and knees, she pushed her ass against me. I had always wanted to do Megan doggystyle. How ironic the circumstances that led to that happening.
I grabbed her collar and thrust into her. She threw her head back and moaned, "Master!" We fucked like a****ls for the next ten minutes. Her ass pressed against me, so full, so wonderful. During the slower moments of our lovemaking, I took the time to appreciate her ass fully. Megan seemed to purr as I kneaded her ass.
"Where do you want it?" I asked, grunting as I felt myself get close.
"Inside me! Cum inside me!"
After a few more thrusts I buried myself as deep as I could go. Load after load shot deep inside her pussy. I didn't find out till later that she was on the pill. At that moment, I fully expected Megan to get pregnant, and I didn't care.
Megan collapsed onto the bed, my seed spilling out of her as I pulled out. Her eyes were closed, a smile etched onto her tired face. Once the ecstasy subsided and all that was left was a warm feeling, I picked up Megan and tucked her into my sheets. She was my pet, and I wanted to be close to her. Spooning against her, I felt my eyelids grow heavy. I didn't fight against them.
Sometime later, June returned to the room to find both Megan and me asleep. She didn't question the stains on the bed or the smell of sex hanging in the air. Nor did she question why I was naked. Instead, she pulled off her clothes, put on a t-shirt and a pair of panties, and slipped into the bed as well. It was cramped, but it was warm.
June woke up before I did. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up in bed and looked around her. This was her room, she knew that, but it didn't feel familiar to her. She brushed away that feeling as soon as it came. The first couple weeks after moving were always a strange time. Yet, she couldn't stop thinking about how weird she felt.
It wasn't just the room. Her eyes glanced down at my sleeping figure. June smiled and brushed some stray hairs away from my face. I was her brother. The only brother she had ever had. So why did she feel like I was a stranger?
Her head ached as she tried to think harder about it. Each time she felt like she was closer to the truth, the same answer kept popping into her head: I was her brother. It felt wrong and right at the same time. Looking at me made her happy, but as soon as she looked away she felt nervous. As if something was wrong in her life and she could do nothing to fix it.
But there was another feeling there as well. Each time June looked at me or thought about me, she became horny. Not by a lot, but enough that she couldn't find another reason for it. June's hand drifted down her stomach until it found its way under her panties. As she looked at me, she began rubbing her lower lips.
June knew it was wrong to feel this way about her brother, but she couldn't help it. Warmth spread through her body as she slipped a finger inside. Her breathing quickened. Rubbing her clit, she leaned down to inhale my scent. I stirred in my sleep, but that didn't stop her. She continued to pleasure herself next to me. There was no need for any kind of porn, thinking about me was enough.
Biting her lip, she came right next to me. The bed shook as she shuddered from the force of her orgasm. Waves of pleasure hit her one after the other until they faded away into a comfortable warmth. Snuggling next to me, June closed her eyes and sighed.
I was her brother. That was the only truth that she needed to know.
I woke up to the sound of water splashing from outside. The light beaming in from behind my curtains blinded me briefly. My vision was almost as foggy as my brain as I tried to adjust to waking up. In the back of my head, I vaguely remembered that today was moving day. A quick glance at the clock told me it was 11 am.
June wasn't in bed. I rolled over and checked my phone. There was a message from Dr. Carter, a message from Aaron, and a message from Mom. Opening the message from Mom, I sat up in bed and yawned.
The moving guys will be here at noon. Don't sleep in all day :D
For now, I ignored the other two messages and sat back in bed. While I was glad I didn't have to go to class, I wasn't excited about having to deal with the moving company all day. Sure, I could leave the house until they were gone, but what if Mom needed me? Annoyed, I laid back in bed.
In the middle of the night, I had opened the window to let some cold air into the room. Because of this, I could almost hear Mom and Piper talking by the pool. I threw a pillow over my head and tried to go back to sleep. I almost succeeded before I heard Piper say, "Well, why not wear a sports bra?"
That got my attention. I hid out of sight by the window and listened. All the morning fatigue I had experienced before was gone. Deciding it might be safe, I quickly peeked outside before going out of view. Piper was sitting on the edge of the pool wearing a yellow polka-dot bikini. Mom was sitting back on the lounge chair with a book. Seeing that neither of them were looking my way, I continued to watch from the window.
"Are you sure that would be alright? I mean, doesn't that seem kinda revealing?" asked Mom.
"Revealing? It's made for exercise. People wear them in public all the time. Besides, it's going to be a few weeks until I can fix the AC. You're going to have to think of something."
"I don't know," replied Mom, nervously. "What would Henry think if he saw me wearing that?"
"Uh, I'm sure he'd think, 'Wow look at my super hot mom wearing normal exercise clothes.' Relax, Candace, you're the only one making it weird."
Mom nodded to herself. "Yeah, I guess it wouldn't be weird. But compression shorts? Why would I need to wear them?"
Piper shook her head. "The more skin you show, the more your body can cool you off by sweating. Regular yoga pants might be fine, but if you really want to keep cool you'll need to wear compression shorts."
"I don't even think I own compression shorts."
"I'll lend you some. Worst case scenario: you can forgo the pants altogether," joked Piper. The two of them laughed. Sensing that their conversation was mostly finished, I began to move away from the window. My movement seemed to have caught the attention of Piper, as she was now smirking in my direction.
I dodged out of view, my heart racing with adrenaline. I hoped that Piper wouldn't tell Mom what I was doing, but I didn't know for sure. My only option was to wait and suffer the consequences once they arrived. Or use the remote to solve all my problems. That would always work.
While I was busy worrying about Mom and Piper, June entered the room. Her hair was wet and she had a towel wrapped around her waist. As she glanced at me, she smiled. "Good morning, Henry."
"Morning, June. Just got out of the shower?"
"Yeah," replied June as she went through our closet. Her towel dipped a bit as she held it with one hand, but it didn't reveal anything more interesting. "Are you going to take one?"
I shrugged. "Probably. If the moving guys are coming soon I don't want to be in the shower when they get here."
June grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. "You could always take one after they leave."
"That's true. So, what are you planning on doing today? Besides staying out of the mover's way, of course."
Placing her pile of clothes on my computer desk, June went back to the closet and pulled out a black pair of panties. "I was thinking of catching up on the new season of Spy x Family, you down?"
I grinned. Usually, the only person I could discuss anime with was my friend Aaron. Now, I had a super hot sister I could not only discuss anime with but watch anime with. What kind of nerd would I be if I threw away that chance? "Sure," I replied, trying to seem nonchalant.
"Awesome," said June as she dropped her towel to the floor.
My eyes bulged out of my chest. Yeah, I thought to myself, the Larsons are exhibitionists. June's body was very similar to her mother's except she had larger breasts. They were topped with perfect pink nipples that grew harder as I stared at them. Looking lower, I noticed dark pubic hair covering June's vagina. Unlike her mother, she made no effort to shave there.
Seeing June's naked body only confirmed that she was fit. The perfect kind of fit where it's not overbearing to look at, but still noticeable. Tanlines crossed over her body in the shape of the school swimsuit. June bent down to grab her towel, showing off more than I would have hoped for in a normal life, and folded it carefully.
"Which character do you like the most?" asked June, as if she wasn't standing nude right in front of me. "I like Yor."
"She's pretty great," I managed to say with some difficulty.
June looked at me and nodded enthusiastically. "I know right? What I wouldn't give for a woman like that."
"You like women?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.
Her face turned red as she quickly turned away from me. I didn't mind, it gave me a perfect view of her ass. "I- I- Everybody likes women."
I moved next to her, pretending to grab something from my computer desk. "In a way, yes. But that wasn't what I was asking."
"I just like Yor is all. I think she's cute.:
"Cute?" I asked, moving closer.
"Funny! I think she's funny."
Gently, I grabbed her hands and pulled her around until she was looking at me. She averted her eyes, but that was fine with me. "It's okay if you like women. I saw how you reacted when I showed you that video of Dr. Carter."
"Anybody would react that way to seeing porn. I'm not gay. I like men."
"Why limit yourself? You can like both."
June frowned, her eyes glancing at the floor. "I know that!"
"June, do you trust me?"
"Yes, of course."
I grabbed her chin and moved it slightly upwards. Her eyes met mine. Her beautiful green eyes. "Do you trust me?"
"Yes, Henry," she replied, her eyes glazing over for half a second before returning to normal.
"It's okay to like women and men. I would be happy if you were true to yourself."
June moved closer to me. "I want you to be happy." Her smell was overpowering, it took everything I had not to fuck her right then and there. Then a thought came to me, why not? Using the remote, I could enjoy June whenever I wanted. Wrapping my arm around her, I pulled June toward me, causing her to gasp. Her breasts pushed against my chest. Her breathing quickened as I leaned toward her lips.
My phone rang. Angrily, I picked it up and checked who it was. The name, Aaron, accompanied by an unflattering picture lit up my screen. June glanced down at my phone, her breathing ragged as she tried to compose herself.
"Are you going to answer that?" she asked, taking a step back.
Inwardly fuming, I tried to act calm as I answered. "What's up?"
I guess I wasn't calm enough though, as Aaron sounded surprised. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?"
With the moment for action now passed, I watched sadly as June pulled on her panties. "Yeah, but it's fine."
"Sorry," replied Aaron. "I wanted to see if you were up for playing some games."
I wanted to throw my phone against the wall. "Not today, man. I've got some people coming over to help-" I stopped myself before I said too much. Aaron didn't know about the Larsons, and I wanted to keep it that way. Part of me wasn't sure why I was keeping it from my best friend. Was it jealousy? Maybe fear? Either way, I didn't think telling him when I was already on edge was a good idea.
"Coming over to help Mom paint the living room." June shot me a confused look as she pulled on her pants.
"Damn, that sucks. Well, tell your mom I said hi," replied Aaron.
"For sure, bye." Without waiting, I hung up the phone and tossed it onto my bed. How annoying. I knew my anger would pass, after all, I could have fun with June at any time thanks to the remote, but I was still annoyed.
"Why'd you lie to him?" asked June, her head covered by her t-shirt as she pulled it on.
I was saved from answering by a knock on the door. "Henry?" asked Mom through the door. Now fully clothed, June opened the door. "Oh, is Henry in here?" asked Mom.
June stepped to the side. "Yeah, we were going to watch some anime."
Mom peeked her head inside and smiled at me. "Okay, well, I just wanted to let you guys know the movers are here. You'll have to leave the door open so they can get inside."
"Okay, Mom," June and I said in unison.
"Mama and I will be busy leading the guys around, so just shout if you need something."
"How long are they going to be here for?" I asked, taking a seat on my bed.
Mom shrugged. "As long as they need to be. I'll let you know when they're done."
With that Mom left the door wide open and went to help the movers. While I could have used the remote to have whatever fun I wanted to have, even with the movers here, I decided against it. I was still too angry, and I was worried that anger would cloud my judgment. What if I pushed June or someone else beyond the limits I had set for myself? No, I had to have some set of morals, as loose as they were. All decisions with the remote needed to be made calmly.
June grabbed her laptop and cuddled next to me on the bed. For the next few hours, we watched Spy x Family and a couple of other shows June had downloaded to her computer. I was surprised to find out that she hadn't acquired the shows legally. She tried to explain torrenting and seeding to me, but it went over my head.
Besides the obvious joke that I wanted to torrent my seed inside her, but I didn't say that out loud.
The movers did have to come into my room and bring in a few pieces of furniture that June owned, but I ignored them. They seemed nice enough to ignore us, besides a quick nod of acknowledgment, so I didn't mind. Though I did hide the remote when they entered the room. If one of them recognized it... I was sure they wouldn't, but I didn't want to take a chance.
As I slipped it under the blankets, I felt the remote grow warm. It was a comfortable warmth, not hot enough to burn. Still, I didn't like it. June's breathing quickened as I brought the remote closer to her. Her eyes seemed to stare blankly at the computer screen. Once the movers left, I moved the remote away and she returned to normal.
I should have worried about that, but I didn't.
Halfway through watching the newest Transformer movie, Piper poked her head through the doorway. "Look at you two, how cute!"
"Are the movers gone?" asked June, ignoring Piper calling us 'cute.'
"Yeah, they left. Megan is coming over in a bit to swim, you two want to join us?"
June nodded. "Sure." She carefully moved out of the bed and stretched her muscles.
I waved my hand dismissively. "I'll finish the movie."
"Suit yourself," said Piper, disappearing down the hall.
Forgive me for looking ahead, but this was the moment I fucked up. When you have a magic remote that can control anybody, you think of yourself as a god. How could you not? The power of the human mind was mine. What I didn't realize at the time, was that my power was limited by my own mind and my own forgetfulness.
I knew that Megan wasn't fully under my control. She didn't know about the Larsons or their arrangements with Mom. If I wasn't distracted by watching June change, I would have remembered this fact. But I didn't. From the moment the movers came to the moment of disaster, I never even thought about Megan. Had I, I would have saved myself a lot of hassle.
Another thing I never considered, was that Megan was very smart. She wasn't just book smart, she was clever. Megan could read you like a book before you had committed her name to memory. Again, I knew this, but at that moment I forget.
To make matters worse, my anger from being interrupted had not yet subsided. It boiled below the surface. I don't blame Megan or even myself for forgetting to 'fix' her. No, I blame myself for the decisions I made after everything came to light. Right or wrong, it happened, and this is how it happened.
As the credits rolled, I closed my eyes to try and get some sleep. Outside, I could hear the sounds of the girls in the pool. Nothing seemed off. I had heard the doorbell ring while I was watching my movie, but I didn't know who answered it. Placing the laptop on my computer desk, I snuggled into my sheets and relaxed. Hopefully, I would get to see June change again. Or even join her in the shower after she got out of the pool.
My mind was starting to calm down.
Until I heard a knock on the door. Glaring at the door, I sighed. "Who is it?"
"Megan. Can I come in?"
Wondering if this had anything to do with our previous encounter in the pool, I happily told her to enter. Unlike the last time I had seen Megan, she was fully clothed. She wore a pair of booty shorts and a tight-fitting camisole. The straps of her white bra were visible, as well as the edges of her white panties. I tried not to stare at them, but I did look more than once.
If I had been looking at her face, I would have seen her worried expression.
Megan closed the door behind her and sat down on the edge of my bed. While my mind was still clouded by arousal, I did find that strange. She had only entered my room once before, and that was to yell at me for stealing her panties.
She glared at the silver remote sitting on my computer desk. "Is that how you do it?"
"Do what?" I asked, still sneaking glances at her fantastic body.
"Make them do what you say?"
Raising an eyebrow, I followed her eyes to my remote. "What are you talking about?"
A loud smack rang through the room as she slapped my face. Concern flashed across her face before her anger returned. "Don't play dumb with me! I know what you did!"
My body froze. At that moment, I realized my mistake. Megan's mind had never been changed. She didn't know about the Larsons or any of the other changes I had made to the family. Rather than panicking, I felt weirdly calm. Grabbing the remote from my desk, I smiled at her. "I don't know what you're talking about. Perhaps you're mistaken."
Now it was her turn to look scared. "I don't know how you did it, but you changed Candace," said Megan. "She doesn't remember Abraham, she thinks she's married to that older woman, and she thinks she had another k**. Those women out there think they know me, but I've never met them. I would know if my best friend was married to a woman."
My hand hovered over the power button on the remote. "Think carefully about what you are saying."
"I know it's you. I don't know how, but I know it's you. Somehow, you've changed them, and you've changed me. I want to call you every manner of scum I can think of, but when I try, I can't. Even now, I find it hard to yell at you. It's like all my anger toward you is being replaced with happy thoughts."
That was true. Thanks to the remote, she was supposed to be nicer to me. I guess it was limited by how angry she had become. "So, what do you want? Did you come in here to yell at me?"
Megan took a deep breath. "I want you to change them back."
"What makes you think I can do that?"
"Please, Henry, you know this isn't right."
That anger that had been simmering below the surface now exploded out. "Freeze!" I yelled pointing the remote at her. Instantly, her body froze. Her eyes widened as she tried to move away, but all she could move was her head. I threw off my sheets and grabbed Megan's shirt, pulling her closer. "What do you know about right or wrong?"
Megan struggled to get out of my grip, but thanks to the remote, she couldn't move. "Henry, stop, let go of me!"
Loosening my grip, I felt my anger wane, but only for a moment. "Go stand over there." I gestured to the center of the room. Her body obeyed, but that didn't stop her from resisting.
"Please, Henry," begged Megan. "Change them back! Don't hurt me. This isn't you." She stood still, her body facing toward me. I sat up and glared at her, trying to figure out how to proceed.
Thanks to the remote, I could wipe her memory and try the day over again. That was what I should have done, but I was angry. Angrier than I had ever been in my life. Anger guided me, and led me down a dark path.
As I watched Megan beg, I felt calm. She could do nothing but beg due to the remote. Before gaining the remote, I would have apologized and turned everyone back to normal. But I wasn't the same as I was before. Megan didn't understand that Mom and the Larsons were happier now. They had told me as much. I was happier now.
"Please, Henry! You can't do this," said Megan, still standing motionless in the center of my room.
I pointed the remote at her. "Sit on the chair."
Tears streamed down her face as she sat on my computer chair. Unlike the others, she was fully conscious that she was being controlled. Were the others as scared and I didn't know it? No, they were happy, I had made sure of that.
"I was going to leave you as Mom's friend," I said, sitting across from Megan. "But I'm not sure I can do that now. You're being very naughty right now. Naughty girls need to be punished."
Megan's eyes widened. "I'll be good. I promise. Please, Henry, let me go."
I shook my head. "I can't do that, Megan. You've already caused me such a hassle."
"She's your mother, Henry. You can't treat her like this. That poor mother and daughter had a life."
"A life worse than what I've given them."
"You don't know that," replied Megan, her voice cracking.
"I'm the only one who does." I paused, staring thoughtfully at the remote. "Soon, all your troubles will go away as well."
Megan cried out loud, spit flew from her mouth as she yelled for anyone to help her. But no answer came. "Stop it! Please! Let me go!"
"Tell me, Megan, have I hurt you once? I could, you know. I could make you do anything. I feel like I've been quite nice considering how rude you've been."
Megan didn't stop screaming. I sighed. "I'll even give you a choice," I said, leaning back in my chair. "You can choose what you'll become."
"I said you can choose what you will become. Dr. Larson became my new mother and the wife of your friend. June became my new sister, and the others... well, you don't need to know about them." Of course, there weren't any others. At least, none that I had changed in such a drastic manner, but she didn't need to know that. I wasn't sure why I was lying to her like that, but it did make me feel more powerful. Like I was a practiced master of mind control and not someone who had only done it a handful of times.
Megan thought about it for a few seconds, then she shook her head. "I want to be me. Can't you let me be myself?"
"That was the plan before you started causing problems."
"Then let me leave! I'll never cause a problem for you again."
I laughed, turning the remote over in my hand. Her eyes stared at the remote, only taking them off it when I spoke. "I can't trust you anymore."
Megan groaned. "Why, Henry? Why are you doing this?"
"You still haven't given me an answer. Maybe you'd like me to choose?"
She spat on the ground, her sadness turning to anger. "Aren't you already? Did any of them really get a choice? You're a monster."
"Spit doesn't belong on the floor. Lick that up." Without hesitation, Megan dropped to her knees and began licking the floor. While that had been a spur-of-the-moment decision, I had to admit that it did turn me on to see her like that.
"Apologize," I commanded.
"I'm sorry," said Megan, before returning to cleaning the floor with her mouth.
"I'm sorry, Master."
Megan winced. "I'm sorry, Master."
"Good," I said, smiling. "Maybe I should keep you around."
"No," muttered Megan.
"I wonder if you'd make a good maid or even a pet." Unable to help myself, I burst out laughing. "Yes, my mother's bitchy friend becoming my loyal pet. How does that sound?"
"Stop it!" yelled Megan. "This isn't you!"
She was right. I wasn't some type of sadist. Hell, even with the power of the universe in my hands, I still debated if I was doing the right thing. Yet, I wanted to do this. I wanted to see Megan suffer for trying to stop me. I wanted to get back at her for the years of suffering she had given me.
Was it really suffering though? At most, she had been a bit rude. I felt a pain in the back of my head. Shaking my head, I tried to push through the pain. My thoughts were jumbled. Megan continued to cry in front of me, but instead of looking sad, she looked more confused. This was exhausting.
"You're right," I replied. "This isn't me. But I can't let you go." Megan began to say something, but I held out my hand to silence her. "Even with the remote, there's no guarantee that you'll do what I say. What if you go straight to the police? What I'm doing can't be legal."
Megan stared at the remote. I noticed a strange glow in her eyes, but I didn't comment on it. "What are you going to do?" asked Megan, her voice still wavering.
"I'm not sure. I can't let you go, yet you don't want to stay here. Things can't go back to the way they were."
There was a brief moment of silence before Megan started hiccuping. To my surprise, Megan spoke first. "Are they really happy?" asked Megan, still staring at the remote.
I tried to hide my surprise. "If you want, I can ask them to come in so you can ask them yourself."
There was a mix of emotions on Megan's face. I didn't have to wait long for her to make a decision. "Yes. I want to ask Candace."
Holding the power button on the remote, I called out for Mom. The two of us waited anxiously in my room. After a few minutes, I heard a knock on the door and then Mom entered the room. She was still wearing her bikini. The smell of sunscreen and chlorine wafted into the room with her.
"Yes, Henry?" asked Mom, seemingly ignoring her friend kneeling in the center of my room. Mom's eyes were glazed over, a sign that she was totally under my control.
I looked over at Megan. "Ask her anything you want, she'll answer you honestly."
Megan looked at Mom and then back at me. "How do I know that? What if this is some kind of trick?"
I shrugged. "You can't. If you don't want to try, then I can just-"
"No!" exclaimed Megan. "I will try." Megan thought for a moment. "Who was your first kiss?"
After a brief moment of silence, Mom answered, "You."
Glancing at me, Megan shook her head. "This can't be real," she muttered to herself.
"Is that all you wanted to ask her?"
"Of course not," replied Megan angrily. "Candace, is he hurting you?"
Again, Mom took a second to answer. "No, Henry hasn't hurt me in any way."
"What about the other two girls?" asked Megan.
"I don't understand," replied Mom.
If Megan had control of her body, I was sure she would have thrown up her hands angrily. "Has he hurt them."
"Not to my knowledge, no," answered Mom in a monotone voice.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Megan smiled at the floor. "That's good." Then she frowned, and her face grew serious. "Are you happy?"
Mom looked like she was going to answer, then hesitated. "I think so."
"You think so?" asked Megan, turning to glare at me.
"Well, my marriage with Abraham wasn't great," said Mom. "Piper is... she's everything I wanted in a partner. She's funny, reliable, a good parent, and she..." Mom glanced at me. "She turns me on more than Abraham ever did."
"Gross!" Megan laughed. I couldn't help but crack a smile. While everything had gone wrong, things were going in a good direction. Still, I watched silently as the two friends continued to laugh together. With the remote, I could make Megan do whatever I wanted, but that wasn't good enough. I wanted Megan to suffer.
I wanted her to willingly give herself up.
Megan's laughter faltered as she looked at me. My smile was met with a scowl, but I could tell her heart wasn't in it. Sighing, Megan turned to Mom. "Candace, if I left forever, would you miss me?"
Unlike the other questions, Mom didn't hesitate. "Yes. You're my best friend, Megan. I can't imagine my life without you."
Tears welled in Megan's eyes. "So what now, Henry? Am I to become your sister? Another mother? Your aunt?"
"Maybe you could have been, but that opportunity has passed. You either leave forever, or you take my offer."
"Which is?" asked Megan, glaring up at me.
Leaning down, I whispered into her ear, "Become my pet. My eternal slave. Give yourself over to me, willingly."
Megan scoffed. "Like I'd ever agree to that."
I shrugged. "Then I'll erase your memory and you can leave."
"But Candace..."
"Will forget you ever existed. She'll feel sad, sure, but it will be like she never knew you."
Confusion, regret, and sadness crossed Megan's face in an instant. I could tell she was having trouble deciding, so I tried to sweeten the deal. "Look at Mom, does she seem sad? No. June and Piper love their new life. Being under my control isn't so bad."
"I still don't believe that," replied Megan, though she sound so sure. "Henry, if I became your pet... would I be happier?" asked Megan, averting her eyes.
I couldn't help but smile. "That would be up to you. Do you want to be my pet?"
"Then I'm not sure you would be happy," I replied, frowning.
"I don't want to lose Candace."
Sighing, I placed my hand on her shoulder. "I know, but I am a cruel man and you've put me in a precarious situation. I have to do something."
Megan didn't respond. As she thought through her dilemma, I pretended to get bored. In reality, I was very excited. My cock strained in my pants as I wondered what she would choose, Of course, I would let her go if she asked. With the remote, she would never remember anything. Or at least, that was what I hoped would happen.
"I- I... I'll be your pet."
There it was. In the end, everything went my way. Now, all that was left was to break her down further. "No."
"What!" screamed Megan. "I thought that was what you wanted!"
"Prove to me it is what you want." Holding the remote, I released her body so that she could move.
She hesitated for a moment before she posed like a begging dog standing on its hind legs. "Please let me be your pet, Master," said Megan with a fake smile.
I laughed. "Bark for me."
"Bark, Bark!" Still wearing her fake smile, Megan did her best impression of a dog's bark.
I laughed, gently rubbing her head. "Good girl." Megan blushed, her fake smile fading for a moment before she recovered. "But there is a problem, isn't there?" I asked, stroking my chin as if I was deep in thought.
Anger flashed across Megan's face. "Is this not good enough for you?"
"It's good, but it could be better. See, you're acting like a dog, but you're constricted, there's something holding you back. Can you tell me what that is?"
"I don't understand."
Sighing, I grabbed the front of her camisole. "Dogs don't wear clothes!"
It took a second for it to hit her. Her face grew bright red as her eyes widened. "You want me to strip for you? But- But you're Mom is in the room with us," said Megan, gesturing to Mom standing motionless nearby.
"Good point," I replied. Looking at Mom, I commanded, "Strip."
Man, I love having a magic remote. Mom took off her bikini top and let it fall to the ground. Her breasts were on full display. It had been a bit since the last time I had seen them, but they were just as beautiful. Her dark pink nipples hardened instantly as they were exposed to the air.
Next, she dropped her bikini bottoms as well. Megan's eyes followed them to the floor, while mine stared at the treasure they were hiding beneath. As I had suspected, Mom was unshaven. Her black pubic hairs only enhanced the beauty of her vagina. Mom didn't seem to care that she was now standing naked in front of her best friend and her son, but Megan sure did.
"W-Why would you do that? I thought you wanted me to strip?" asked Megan, averting her eyes from her friend's naked body.
"Two reasons. One, I wanted to show you that Mom won't care if you get naked. She will have no memory of this after we are done. And two, I wanted to show you that I could make you strip if I wanted you two. I want you to do it yourself. Don't make me ask you to do something twice, because I'll make you do something worse. Understand?"
Megan nodded. "Yes, Master."
"Good, then take the next step in showing your obedience."
Megan took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Grabbing the hem of her camisole, she pulled it up and over her head. It joined Mom's bikini on the floor. Then she reached behind her and unclasped her bra. That too joined the growing pile of clothes. While I had seen Megan's breasts before, I still enjoyed watching them jiggle as she removed her pants.
With her back on the floor, Megan pulled down her shorts and panties at the same time. I tore my eyes away from Megan's breasts to see her sweet vagina. It parted open as she slipped off the rest of her clothes and tossed them onto the pile. For a second, Megan rushed to cover herself. Then, she glanced up at me with fear in her eyes as she let her arms fall.
I smiled warmly at her as I rubbed her head. "That's a good girl. How do you feel?"
"Terrible. This is humiliating. But..."
I raised an eyebrow. "But?"
"I've never been more turned on," answered Megan. I noticed one of her hands slip between her legs, but I didn't comment on it.
While Megan stealthily masturbated in the center of my room, I got to work preparing the family for our new pet. Using the magic remote, I could mind control June and Piper remotely. It wasn't a complicated command. All I did was make them see Megan as their pet and maid. I chose to make Megan a maid as well because it seemed like a fun idea at the time.
Then I thought about Megan and how I was going to change her cognition. I didn't want to completely erase her mind and build something new from scratch. That sounded like way too much work.
People should treat her like a pet, but also as something more. She should act submissive, yet playful. While I tried to figure out the best way to go about changing Megan, I noticed Mom was still standing by.
"Mom, do you have a spare headband from your maid costume? And some stirrup thigh-high socks? I want to give our new pet some new clothes."
Mom smiled. "That sounds lovely, Henry. I think I have just the thing."
Before Mom left, I managed to save myself from making another mistake. "Make sure you get dressed first."
She nodded, grabbing her bikini from the pile of clothes. I was disappointed to watch her pussy disappear, but I didn't want June or Piper to see her walk naked through the house. Once she left, it was just me and Megan alone again. I could clearly hear the sounds of her fingers rubbing her wet pussy.
"What the hell are stirrup socks?" asked Megan.
"There socks without anything covering your toes or hell."
"And why do you want me to wear those?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Because I'm a pervert. We'll go shopping for the rest of your costume, or should I say uniform, later."
"Pervert," said Megan slowly, her fingers picking up speed. "My perverted Master." Her eyes were unfocused, her breathing rapid. Seeing my Mom's friend reduced to such a state felt incredible. I felt like I was the most powerful man in the world.
Megan was so consumed by pleasure that she didn't notice the door opening. "Hey, Henry," said June. Like Mom, she wore a bikini, though her's was a bright blue and more revealing. Loose strands of dark pubic hair poked out from behind her bottoms. June glanced at Megan and smiled. She began to stroke Megan's head, not caring that Megan was completely naked.
"Good girl, get it all out," whispered June. Megan froze for a second as she felt June's hand but never stopped masturbating. She leaned into June's hand and began moaning.
June's other hand snaked to the front of Megan's body. Her fingers began playing with Megan's nipples. She pulled and twirled them, causing Megan to moan even louder. "So good!" cried out Megan. Completely succumbing to pleasure, Megan spread her legs out toward me.
"What, holy fuck, should I call her, Master?" asked Megan, staring up at me.
I thought about it for some time. It was difficult to think with the sounds of Megan's moaning and her wet pussy filling up the room. "Mistress, I suppose? Whatever you think is best."
Megan nodded, turning her head to look into June's eyes. "I love you, my Mistress." Their lips locked together. Both fought for dominance, with June quickly winning that battle. Her tongue broke past Megan's lips and began tasting everything inside. It was like watching a dance.
Their tongues caressed and played with each other. Spit leaked out onto Megan's naked body, but she didn't care. Her free hand grabbed June's face and pulled her closer. The other hand was a blur between her legs. I smiled. This was exactly what I had been hoping for.
June didn't see Megan as my mother's friend anymore. She was a pet. A pet that deserved to be loved, to be pleasured. Someone she could play with whenever she wanted. I knew that June especially was enjoying this. Why she tried to hide her attraction to women, I didn't know. What I did know, was that now she had an outlet for those desires. A toy that she could play with.
Mom came back, ignoring the erotic display in the center of the room, empty-handed. "Sorry, Henry, I can't find what you asked for."
I waved my hand. "No worries, we'll have to go shopping. June, can you hold off for a moment?"
With a loud pop, June and Megan separated. I got on one knee and stared into Megan's tired eyes. "Are you ready to go for a walk?"
She nodded, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Then, she seemed to regain some of her composure. "But, I'm naked?"
"Good point." Holding the information button on the remote, I asked, "Is there a way to have a command affect everyone? Specifically, could I make everyone feel a certain way about a person? Even if I've never used the remote on them before?"
"Yes," answered the remote in a monotone voice. "Click the power button and say, 'radius,' then use the 'up' button to determine the size of your command. Ten is the max for the whole planet. Keep in mind, there are limits to what you can command. For example, you can't make everyone strip naked, but you can make them okay with a particular person's nudity."
I raised an eyebrow. This remote really was perfect. Too perfect. Almost like it knew what I was going to use it for before I used it. Shrugging, I pushed that thought to the side, there were more important matters at hand.
I pressed the power button. "Radius." Then I pressed the up button ten times. There was little reason to press it less than that. If I decided to travel with Megan, I didn't want to have any issues. "No one will care that Megan is naked. She is my family's pet, as such, everyone will treat her as my family's pet."
The remote vibrated, but there were no other indicators the command had worked. I trusted the remote, at this point it had done everything I had told it to do without fail. Any distrust I had was out of fear rather than fact. Still, the least they could have done was give me some kind of verbal confirmation.
"Command accepted," said the remote. Ah, must have been a delay.
With that out of the way, I rummaged through the drawers in my computer desk looking for a leash and collar. When I was a k**, Dad had promised to get me a dog. I was so sure he would fulfill that promise that I bought a lease and collar with my allowance. I never did get that dog, but Megan would do.
In the back of my drawer was a red dog collar and a retractable leash. I didn't like the shape or color of the collar, but it was only a temporary measure. At the store, I could find something nicer. Something better fit for my new pet.
While I was busy looking through the drawers, June resumed her kiss with Megan. I let them have their fun, smiling as June pushed Megan onto her back so she could get a better angle. As much as Megan was my new pet, she was June's as well. Sitting on my bed and watching them did seem like a fun way to pass the time, but I had worked to do. My humiliation of Megan wasn't complete.
June seemed to sense my growing impatience, as she separated from Megan. "Sorry," she mumbled.
"No worries," I replied as I put the dog collar around Megan's neck. "You two can have plenty of fun when we get back."
Megan touched the collar and shivered, her face a mix of shame and arousal. "This is really happening," she said to herself. At that moment, I remembered that Megan wasn't under the remote's control, at least not as much as the others. Without the need of the remote, I had made her into my pet. Or had I?
"Can I come?" asked June, her hand stroking Megan's stomach as Megan still laid on the floor. "I need to do some shopping of my own."
I shrugged. "Sure, let's leave in a couple of minutes." After attaching the leash to Megan's collar, I walked her out to the living room.
While the idea of making her walk like a dog was intriguing, I let her walk normally. Besides leading her around by a leash, of course. Because I wasn't using the remote, at least that was what I thought, I didn't want to push her too far. Having Megan be naked and led around on a leash was good enough for me.
Once June was dressed and ready to go, the three of us began our walk to the store. I knew of a fetish store that was less than a half-hour walk from my house, so we headed toward there. Aaron had told me about it during one of our late-night gaming sessions. At the time, I hadn't thought about going there, but now I was glad I knew about it.
Megan seemed to be especially uncomfortable as we walked. At first, she tried to cover her body. Once she realized she couldn't cover everything, she tried to act confident. At least, as confident as she could be fully naked outside with a collar around her neck. Still, I let her set the pace as she walked nervously ahead of me and June. Was I going to complain about getting to see her ass the entire walk? Nope. June didn't seem to mind the view either.
Since it was a nice day, we weren't the only people going for a walk. People with all kinds of dogs passed by us. They waved politely as if I wasn't walking a nude woman with a collar around her neck. Each person we passed made Megan more and more nervous, but to her credit, she didn't complain once.
June and I held hands as we walked. It felt nice to go on a walk with a girl again, even if that girl thought she was my sister. I enjoyed the erotic situations the remote had given me, but I missed having a real relationship. I squeezed June's hand, causing her to look at me and smile. We talked about nothing in particular, but I found it meaningful.
By the time we got to the store, Megan was covered in a thin layer of sweat. Her breathing was ragged and her eyes were unfocused. June tried to help her by giving her some water, but I knew Megan wasn't suffering from heatstroke. She was feeling a different kind of heat.
The fetish store was tucked away behind an apartment complex and a gas station. Neon lights with the words 'Vicky's Vices' lit up the storefront window. June's eyes widened as she stared at the selection of dildos displayed in the window. Before she could ask me why we were there, I lead Megan and June inside.
The inside of the store was cramped. Sexual products filled almost every available space. At the back of the store was an older woman with a variety of colorful tattoos. I wondered if she was going to ask about Megan, but she barely glanced at us as we entered.
As I had hoped, the store had everything I was looking for. It had customizable maid costumes, cat ears, collars with customizable name tags, and plenty of other fun goods. June and I spent about an hour looking through their stock as we picked out the perfect outfit for Megan. I was worried she would cause a problem, but she obeyed every command. She really was the perfect pet.
After attaching the cat ears to the frilly maid headband, I placed it on Megan's head. Then June picked out a pair of black fingerless gloves and black stirrup thigh-high socks. They were very soft, fitting Megan so perfectly it was like they were custom-made. After some deliberation, I picked out a frilly collar that matched Megan's new headband. With the store's custom engraver, I put her name on a silver tag and attached it to the collar.
After adding some frills to her gloves and socks, Megan's new outfit was complete. June and I stepped back to take a look. Both of us nodded, happy with the results. Megan blushed but did stand with newfound confidence. "Do you like it, Master?" she asked, averting her gaze.
To answer her question, I grabbed her leash and pulled her into a kiss. She melted into my lips, pushing her naked body against my clothes. I didn't kiss her for long, we were still in the store after all. As we separated, I could tell that Megan was finally ready to accept becoming my pet.
After paying for the clothes, we walked to the local Walmart where June shopped for her own clothes. None of the customers in the store seemed that care that Megan was practically naked. To them, it was as normal as someone bringing in their dog. Which wasn't that out of place in a Walmart.
One of the customers, an older man with long grey hair waved to me as I waited for June outside the dressing rooms. "That's a nice pet you got there," he said as he walked closer. "Mind if I pet her?"
Megan's eyes widened as I nodded and gently pushed her toward the man. "Knock yourself out."
The man smiled as he rubbed her head, much like you would pet a dog. Then he stroked his fingers along her back. Megan moaned, her eyes closed as he touched her bare skin. "She is a cute one," said the man as he grabbed her face and began rubbing her cheeks. "Good girl."
"Just got her today."
"No k**ding? Wish I had a girl like her." With one hand on her head, rubbing gently, his other began groping Megan's bare breasts. It was done so casually I barely registered it as sexual. When he was done, he rubbed her face one more time before waving goodbye.
June walked out of the changing room with a curious look on her face. I had a very clear tent in my pants while Megan was panting. Shrugging, she set the clothes she didn't want on a nearby counter and moved on to the next part of the store.
We shopped for another hour before heading home. Piper and Mom were cuddled up together on the couch watching a movie. Trying our best to be quiet, we snuck back to my room where I collapsed onto my bed. Too much had happened today. Too much had happened this week.
It was hard to remember that while this was happening, I was still a normal college student. I had two classes tomorrow. Then there would be another week of class, and another after that. All of it again and again until I graduated. Sure, I could use the remote to avoid attending class, but college was something I wanted to go to. Or at least, I had wanted to go to.
June put away her new clothes before heading to the living room to join Piper and Mom. Megan stayed behind, sitting on the floor as if it was the most natural spot for her. Regret started to seep in as I thought about how uncomfortable she must be. Patting the bed, I gestured for her to join me.
"Come on, you're allowed on the bed."
Megan sprang up and sat cross-legged at the end of my bed. She laughed as she shook her head. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
"Do you hate it?"
"Not as much as I did at first," replied Megan, blushing. "Hen- I mean Master, can you do something for me?"
I raised an eyebrow. "What?"
Spreading her legs, she leaned back and thrust her pussy toward me. "I want you to make me yours."
I didn't say anything as I pulled off my pants and crawled toward her. My cock was rock hard. Staring into her eyes, I leaned down and kissed her as I lined up my penis with her entrance. In one thrust, I was inside her. We didn't need any lube or foreplay, she was already dripping wet.
Our tongues danced together as I thrust into her again and again. Her hips met my thrusts, our bodies slapping against each other in the air. The sweet smell of sex filled the room, seeping into every crevice it could find. Moans and the sound of skin meeting skin echoed off the walls.
I felt Megan cum, her body shuddering as she pulled me closer, but I never stopped. Again and again, I pounded her as if my life depended on it. She was my pet, my perfect whore. If she wanted me to make her mine, then I would do so.
"Good girl," I growled as she came for a second time.
She nodded, biting her lip as she stared up at me. "I am your good girl, Master."
While I could have gone all the way positioned as we were, I was growing tired of holding myself above her. Slowing down, I flipped her over. On her hands and knees, she pushed her ass against me. I had always wanted to do Megan doggystyle. How ironic the circumstances that led to that happening.
I grabbed her collar and thrust into her. She threw her head back and moaned, "Master!" We fucked like a****ls for the next ten minutes. Her ass pressed against me, so full, so wonderful. During the slower moments of our lovemaking, I took the time to appreciate her ass fully. Megan seemed to purr as I kneaded her ass.
"Where do you want it?" I asked, grunting as I felt myself get close.
"Inside me! Cum inside me!"
After a few more thrusts I buried myself as deep as I could go. Load after load shot deep inside her pussy. I didn't find out till later that she was on the pill. At that moment, I fully expected Megan to get pregnant, and I didn't care.
Megan collapsed onto the bed, my seed spilling out of her as I pulled out. Her eyes were closed, a smile etched onto her tired face. Once the ecstasy subsided and all that was left was a warm feeling, I picked up Megan and tucked her into my sheets. She was my pet, and I wanted to be close to her. Spooning against her, I felt my eyelids grow heavy. I didn't fight against them.
Sometime later, June returned to the room to find both Megan and me asleep. She didn't question the stains on the bed or the smell of sex hanging in the air. Nor did she question why I was naked. Instead, she pulled off her clothes, put on a t-shirt and a pair of panties, and slipped into the bed as well. It was cramped, but it was warm.
2 years ago