Blowjob in Total Darkness
Blowjob in Total Darkness
by TKTrucker3
I have been holding off from cumming for probably a couple of weeks now. I'm making a concerted effort to stop watching and jerking off to porn. The one big vice that I have left. That is, I used to have left. I think I may just have this thing licked, though. I have watched very little porn since I swore off it, and have never masturbated to it.
I told my love what my intentions are, and she is all for it, although she never was too concerned about my porn habits. She knows it can make me extremely horny sometimes, and she has, on more than one occasion, come home from work and walked into the bedroom to find me lying there naked with a big juicy hard on, watching a hot scene on my iPad, and begging for her to finish me off.
She is always happy to help me out under those circumstances, and loves to reap the benefits of my horny disposition with my fat prick suddenly creaming off, filling her mouth with a hot serving of sperm yogurt. She considers it to be a nice surprise to come home to.
But if I asked her to blow me every time I got horny, that's all she'd get done, because I'm horny every day! And the porn doesn't help matters. I am constantly yearning to have my cock sucked off by the love of my life, and watching scene after scene of those lucky women in the videos doing their jobs and wishing it was me she was getting a big load of cum from is sometimes too much for me.
But I also want to give the poor woman a break.
So anyway, when she was walking out the door this morning, I told her that I might need a little help pretty soon, which it took a moment for her to understand, then with a smile, she said, “oh, okay! Can't wait,” before closing the door behind her. Her eyebrows lifted as she spoke, telling me she would be very happy to oblige in helping to relieve my sexual needs.
My heart skipped a beat with her response, and at the thought of my little angel giving me a well deserved cock sucking before long. I would be anxiously waiting until that moment!
She is presently at work, and I have watched a couple of porn videos that we made,probably twenty or more years ago, just out of the excitement at the thought of actually doing it in front of a camera.
We produced them, mostly for my pleasure, but she did have her fun making them with me. And without touching myself at all, my aching cock has instinctively worked up some pre cum. Nothing seems to turn me on as much as watching ourselves, in our sexual prime having some good fucking and sucking fun.
Something is going to happen soon, depending mostly on our schedule, but whenever that is, I expect my neglected cock will whole heartedly enjoy the loving cock sucking attention that it has been yearning for all day! As I write this, my foreskin is still wet with my preliminary leakage from watching our videos, and I thought it might be fun to recall the memories if this upcoming blowjob for myself, so I have resolved to write it down, for future enjoyment.
As fate would have it, that rainy evening she was over at a friend's house talking, and I was at home, because our dog cannot be left alone during a thunderstorm.
At about 7:30, the power flickered on and off for a couple of minutes until it finally went out for good.
She came home, because the whole area was out of power, including her friend's house. We talked and puttered on our phones until it grew totally dark.
I had smoked a little weed a few hours earlier, and my mind was still on the waning side of a very enjoyable trip earlier.
We lay there in the total darkness, getting a little bit stuffy because the fan couldn't blow a cool breeze on us because of the power outage. I was already nude, and I heard the sound of her clothes ruffling as she removed her top and bra and pants, in an effort to cool down a little.
Our hands lightly explored each other's bodies in the cooling pitch blackness of our bedroom., and her right hand eventually picked up my flaccid cock and balls, weighing them, and concluded, “This has all got to weigh a good ten pounds right here,”
We snickered at the joke, and I replied, “Now don't exaggerate. It's only more like five.”
She continued exploring and finally gripped my cock and gave it a couple of strokes before letting it loose again. I'm sure she was thinking about what I told her on her way out the door this morning.
“Are you trying to make a pass at me and take advantage of my innocence?” I asked. “Because if you are, the answer is yes!”
She laughed through her nose in a whisper, and I paused for a few seconds before speaking again.
“How would you like to suck some cock tonight?”
“Hmmh, I think I could accommodate that,” she whispers back to me. I can tell by her voice that she has a smile on her face, from my asking for this very special favor.
We can't see a thing, but I feel her getting into position next to me, and I hold my slightly thickening cock up for her to find with her mouth in the darkness. She is lying beside my left side, her torso and head in perfect cock sucking position, her right arm d****d over my stomach.
She homes in on her target, like a bat locates it's prey, just by sound vibrations. Her mouth comes down directly onto my cock head, and she begins sucking my still floppy, but thickening meat appendage. Then, while it's still soft enough to do so, she engulfs my entire pulpy cock completely with her mouth, and massages the shaft with her silky wet tongue. The spot she’s lapping on and giving special attention to just where my tightened back foreskin turns into a favorite nerve receptor, and it grows to the point where the greatest portion of it is stuffed in her mouth, all the way back to her gag reflex. She whips my entire shaft with her wriggling, full length-licking tongue. Until a good portion of my fully grown prick is buried as far as possible against her tonsils, but another growing portion is left outside of her mouth.
The isolated feeling is pure ecstasy, and my soon fully hard prick is quite fat and hard like a bludgeon, so it is almost impossible for her to let it pass very far beyond her throat sphincter. Bless her heart, she tries, but she always ends up gagging several times while she's doing this to me.
It is a labor of love on her part, though, and she makes every effort to give me the best possible feeling from her cock sucking as possible, and as she starts to give me a slow mouth fucking, I realize the sexual heaven that I am in.
I sigh, and my breathing grows a little bit more labored. I am still holding my foreskin stretched back tight. This seems to give me even more of a super sensitive area, and I can feel with my fingers how deeply she is sucking me and the length of her strokes. There is not much free skin available for me to stroke, and I can see in my mind's eye just how much cock is stretching every inch of her mouth.
She continues her slow mouth fuck on me, and I tell her in a jerky whisper, “Slurp on that fucker. Let me hear you suck my cock since I can't see you.”
“Ummmm, she moans, and she begins slurping my monumental prick as she sucks and moans periodically, letting me know how much this turns her on, as well.
I can feel extra slobbers lubricating my fingers. A mixture of her slick saliva and my slippery pre cum flow slowly down between my balls and my taint, soaking eventually into the sheet between my ass crack. I will be sleeping in a wet spot tonight, but it is well worth the trouble. I'm not about to pause this unbelievable cock sucking action to go get a towel. It feels much too good. I notice my hips are thrust forward, giving her the deepest access possible to my heated suck pole.
My favorite goal is to get right to the point of cumming, and hold myself there indefinitely without going over the edge. I can feel this point approaching and I tell her, “Fuck. Little more. Fuck that's gonna make me… unhhhh … That feeling is coming over me, like I wanna cum. I want you to keep me on the edge, though, okay?”
She loves having me in this condition as well, and she moans her agreement, and begins reading my edging prick somehow with her entire mouth. This is also enjoyable to her due to the extra cock seepage, spilling onto her gentle tongue as she carefully and skillfully sucks me, and she lets me know when she gets it with a special yummy moan.
“You getting some juice, baby?”
“Ummm yeah”, her language distorted by her never pausing, slow sucking. “Gibm-me songoog ghawk's, baby.” Translated, that means, “You’re giving me some good shots, baby!”
Being overwhelmed by gratitude that my lover really enjoys the taste and feel of my cock fluids in her mouth, from pre-cum to shooting jizm, my cock sucking lust accidentally got me too close to cumming, and I didn’t want to do that just yet.
“Easy, baby, easy,” I whisper to her.
With a soft moan, she holds perfectly still for enough time for me to let my orgasm to withdraw. Then I thrust upward, signaling for her to proceed cautiously.
Then by the texture of the slime flowing past my fingers, I can feel that I have also let go of some pre-mature sperm. That's when you know that you are getting your cock sucked by an expert. Neither of us acknowledge it, though she did moan when she got it. But I now feel like I can not hold it off for very much longer.
We continue to enjoy the edging game, and her sensitive tongue is reading the excitement level of my prick, and holding me just behind that point of no return.
I am enjoying the hell out of this, but there comes a time when you've had enough, and must finally slip headlong into the incredible feeling of spiritual ecstasy that we call cumming!
She must sense in me that it is just about time for me to let go, and with one long, slow, deep stroke, she firmly massages that super sensitive spot again with her prick manipulating tongue.
“Oh fuck, ” I whisper. “Awww that’s gonna make me cum now. Aw, you cock sucking bitch.” There is no longer any need to let the feeling of my fingers distract me, so I let go of my prick and let her finish the job solely with her mouth.
I am already at the point of no return, and I just let my orgasm rise and spill over the walls.
Her neck cranes in both directions as she makes love to my vibrating wooden wand, and as I loudly moan, the first rush of cum enters her mouth, and she is in Cocksucker's heaven as it begins releasing pressurized shot after shot of hot prick yogurt onto her cum starved pallette.
“Ummmm,” she moans as her nimble tongue and tightly sealed lips accept their musky, salty, thick, rushing prize with welcoming gratitude.
Awwwooooh, my fucking gawd,” I cry out. “Fuck. Fuck... Fuck,” as I pump my hot seed into her soft, warm sucking mouth and lovingly massaging tongue.
She continues sucking until and even after the cum feeling has drifted from my body, and I am left totally drained, both physically and emotionally.
Her mouth is still filled with cum, and she flops down on her back, pointing up into the cabinet door above our heads. She wants me to fetch her favorite little toy up there.
It's a clit vibrator/sucker, and it is her favorite ever to cum using this on herself. It actually sucks her clit with a vibrating, pulsing action, and it doesn't take long at all to elicit a very intense orgasm from her.
She positions the little cup completely over her throbbing clit, and she switches it on to her favorite speed and intensity.
Savoring the feel of my fresh cum rolling over her tongue, her closed eyes convey a deep feeling of pleasure on her face.
After less than a minute, her eyes close tightly and her nose breathing comes in short, jerky gasps as she melts into her own delicious string of orgasms.
I kiss her lips and face and neck while she's pleasuring herself, and I can tell it helps her cumming have maximum effect.
I let her control it, since she knows the exact pressure to keep on her firing clitoris, and she cums five or six more times before shutting it off, and I tell her what a good little cocksucker she is, and how good it felt shooting off in her mouth. I tell her “You're such a good cum slut. You're my little cock sucking whore, aren't you?”
She opens her eyes and looks at me nodding her head, “Mm hmm,” her mouth still full of my cum load. She looks like she is going to get up, but then rolls her eyes, laying back again and turning the toy back on, she enjoys one final orgasm.
The electrical power snapped back on just at that moment, and we were both struggling to see for a few moments, until our eyes adjusted to the lights that were still switched ON.
“Lemme see what you got, babe.”
Tilting her head back to give me the best view, she opened wide and showed me her delighted tongue swimming and frolicking in a large pool of slobbers and semen. Raising her eyebrows, she was waiting for my reaction.
“Oh my goodness, you got swamped!” Smiling and looking at her eyes, then gazing into her full to the brim mouth, she began smiling as well. Some of the slimy mixture spilled from the corner of her mouth when she did so. Clamping her hands over her mouth, she sat up, not wanting to make a big mess on the bed.
You want me to get you a towel or something to spit in? Raising her hand for me not to bother, she gulped loudly twice and cleared her throat. “This was much quicker.”
by TKTrucker3
I have been holding off from cumming for probably a couple of weeks now. I'm making a concerted effort to stop watching and jerking off to porn. The one big vice that I have left. That is, I used to have left. I think I may just have this thing licked, though. I have watched very little porn since I swore off it, and have never masturbated to it.
I told my love what my intentions are, and she is all for it, although she never was too concerned about my porn habits. She knows it can make me extremely horny sometimes, and she has, on more than one occasion, come home from work and walked into the bedroom to find me lying there naked with a big juicy hard on, watching a hot scene on my iPad, and begging for her to finish me off.
She is always happy to help me out under those circumstances, and loves to reap the benefits of my horny disposition with my fat prick suddenly creaming off, filling her mouth with a hot serving of sperm yogurt. She considers it to be a nice surprise to come home to.
But if I asked her to blow me every time I got horny, that's all she'd get done, because I'm horny every day! And the porn doesn't help matters. I am constantly yearning to have my cock sucked off by the love of my life, and watching scene after scene of those lucky women in the videos doing their jobs and wishing it was me she was getting a big load of cum from is sometimes too much for me.
But I also want to give the poor woman a break.
So anyway, when she was walking out the door this morning, I told her that I might need a little help pretty soon, which it took a moment for her to understand, then with a smile, she said, “oh, okay! Can't wait,” before closing the door behind her. Her eyebrows lifted as she spoke, telling me she would be very happy to oblige in helping to relieve my sexual needs.
My heart skipped a beat with her response, and at the thought of my little angel giving me a well deserved cock sucking before long. I would be anxiously waiting until that moment!
She is presently at work, and I have watched a couple of porn videos that we made,probably twenty or more years ago, just out of the excitement at the thought of actually doing it in front of a camera.
We produced them, mostly for my pleasure, but she did have her fun making them with me. And without touching myself at all, my aching cock has instinctively worked up some pre cum. Nothing seems to turn me on as much as watching ourselves, in our sexual prime having some good fucking and sucking fun.
Something is going to happen soon, depending mostly on our schedule, but whenever that is, I expect my neglected cock will whole heartedly enjoy the loving cock sucking attention that it has been yearning for all day! As I write this, my foreskin is still wet with my preliminary leakage from watching our videos, and I thought it might be fun to recall the memories if this upcoming blowjob for myself, so I have resolved to write it down, for future enjoyment.
As fate would have it, that rainy evening she was over at a friend's house talking, and I was at home, because our dog cannot be left alone during a thunderstorm.
At about 7:30, the power flickered on and off for a couple of minutes until it finally went out for good.
She came home, because the whole area was out of power, including her friend's house. We talked and puttered on our phones until it grew totally dark.
I had smoked a little weed a few hours earlier, and my mind was still on the waning side of a very enjoyable trip earlier.
We lay there in the total darkness, getting a little bit stuffy because the fan couldn't blow a cool breeze on us because of the power outage. I was already nude, and I heard the sound of her clothes ruffling as she removed her top and bra and pants, in an effort to cool down a little.
Our hands lightly explored each other's bodies in the cooling pitch blackness of our bedroom., and her right hand eventually picked up my flaccid cock and balls, weighing them, and concluded, “This has all got to weigh a good ten pounds right here,”
We snickered at the joke, and I replied, “Now don't exaggerate. It's only more like five.”
She continued exploring and finally gripped my cock and gave it a couple of strokes before letting it loose again. I'm sure she was thinking about what I told her on her way out the door this morning.
“Are you trying to make a pass at me and take advantage of my innocence?” I asked. “Because if you are, the answer is yes!”
She laughed through her nose in a whisper, and I paused for a few seconds before speaking again.
“How would you like to suck some cock tonight?”
“Hmmh, I think I could accommodate that,” she whispers back to me. I can tell by her voice that she has a smile on her face, from my asking for this very special favor.
We can't see a thing, but I feel her getting into position next to me, and I hold my slightly thickening cock up for her to find with her mouth in the darkness. She is lying beside my left side, her torso and head in perfect cock sucking position, her right arm d****d over my stomach.
She homes in on her target, like a bat locates it's prey, just by sound vibrations. Her mouth comes down directly onto my cock head, and she begins sucking my still floppy, but thickening meat appendage. Then, while it's still soft enough to do so, she engulfs my entire pulpy cock completely with her mouth, and massages the shaft with her silky wet tongue. The spot she’s lapping on and giving special attention to just where my tightened back foreskin turns into a favorite nerve receptor, and it grows to the point where the greatest portion of it is stuffed in her mouth, all the way back to her gag reflex. She whips my entire shaft with her wriggling, full length-licking tongue. Until a good portion of my fully grown prick is buried as far as possible against her tonsils, but another growing portion is left outside of her mouth.
The isolated feeling is pure ecstasy, and my soon fully hard prick is quite fat and hard like a bludgeon, so it is almost impossible for her to let it pass very far beyond her throat sphincter. Bless her heart, she tries, but she always ends up gagging several times while she's doing this to me.
It is a labor of love on her part, though, and she makes every effort to give me the best possible feeling from her cock sucking as possible, and as she starts to give me a slow mouth fucking, I realize the sexual heaven that I am in.
I sigh, and my breathing grows a little bit more labored. I am still holding my foreskin stretched back tight. This seems to give me even more of a super sensitive area, and I can feel with my fingers how deeply she is sucking me and the length of her strokes. There is not much free skin available for me to stroke, and I can see in my mind's eye just how much cock is stretching every inch of her mouth.
She continues her slow mouth fuck on me, and I tell her in a jerky whisper, “Slurp on that fucker. Let me hear you suck my cock since I can't see you.”
“Ummmm, she moans, and she begins slurping my monumental prick as she sucks and moans periodically, letting me know how much this turns her on, as well.
I can feel extra slobbers lubricating my fingers. A mixture of her slick saliva and my slippery pre cum flow slowly down between my balls and my taint, soaking eventually into the sheet between my ass crack. I will be sleeping in a wet spot tonight, but it is well worth the trouble. I'm not about to pause this unbelievable cock sucking action to go get a towel. It feels much too good. I notice my hips are thrust forward, giving her the deepest access possible to my heated suck pole.
My favorite goal is to get right to the point of cumming, and hold myself there indefinitely without going over the edge. I can feel this point approaching and I tell her, “Fuck. Little more. Fuck that's gonna make me… unhhhh … That feeling is coming over me, like I wanna cum. I want you to keep me on the edge, though, okay?”
She loves having me in this condition as well, and she moans her agreement, and begins reading my edging prick somehow with her entire mouth. This is also enjoyable to her due to the extra cock seepage, spilling onto her gentle tongue as she carefully and skillfully sucks me, and she lets me know when she gets it with a special yummy moan.
“You getting some juice, baby?”
“Ummm yeah”, her language distorted by her never pausing, slow sucking. “Gibm-me songoog ghawk's, baby.” Translated, that means, “You’re giving me some good shots, baby!”
Being overwhelmed by gratitude that my lover really enjoys the taste and feel of my cock fluids in her mouth, from pre-cum to shooting jizm, my cock sucking lust accidentally got me too close to cumming, and I didn’t want to do that just yet.
“Easy, baby, easy,” I whisper to her.
With a soft moan, she holds perfectly still for enough time for me to let my orgasm to withdraw. Then I thrust upward, signaling for her to proceed cautiously.
Then by the texture of the slime flowing past my fingers, I can feel that I have also let go of some pre-mature sperm. That's when you know that you are getting your cock sucked by an expert. Neither of us acknowledge it, though she did moan when she got it. But I now feel like I can not hold it off for very much longer.
We continue to enjoy the edging game, and her sensitive tongue is reading the excitement level of my prick, and holding me just behind that point of no return.
I am enjoying the hell out of this, but there comes a time when you've had enough, and must finally slip headlong into the incredible feeling of spiritual ecstasy that we call cumming!
She must sense in me that it is just about time for me to let go, and with one long, slow, deep stroke, she firmly massages that super sensitive spot again with her prick manipulating tongue.
“Oh fuck, ” I whisper. “Awww that’s gonna make me cum now. Aw, you cock sucking bitch.” There is no longer any need to let the feeling of my fingers distract me, so I let go of my prick and let her finish the job solely with her mouth.
I am already at the point of no return, and I just let my orgasm rise and spill over the walls.
Her neck cranes in both directions as she makes love to my vibrating wooden wand, and as I loudly moan, the first rush of cum enters her mouth, and she is in Cocksucker's heaven as it begins releasing pressurized shot after shot of hot prick yogurt onto her cum starved pallette.
“Ummmm,” she moans as her nimble tongue and tightly sealed lips accept their musky, salty, thick, rushing prize with welcoming gratitude.
Awwwooooh, my fucking gawd,” I cry out. “Fuck. Fuck... Fuck,” as I pump my hot seed into her soft, warm sucking mouth and lovingly massaging tongue.
She continues sucking until and even after the cum feeling has drifted from my body, and I am left totally drained, both physically and emotionally.
Her mouth is still filled with cum, and she flops down on her back, pointing up into the cabinet door above our heads. She wants me to fetch her favorite little toy up there.
It's a clit vibrator/sucker, and it is her favorite ever to cum using this on herself. It actually sucks her clit with a vibrating, pulsing action, and it doesn't take long at all to elicit a very intense orgasm from her.
She positions the little cup completely over her throbbing clit, and she switches it on to her favorite speed and intensity.
Savoring the feel of my fresh cum rolling over her tongue, her closed eyes convey a deep feeling of pleasure on her face.
After less than a minute, her eyes close tightly and her nose breathing comes in short, jerky gasps as she melts into her own delicious string of orgasms.
I kiss her lips and face and neck while she's pleasuring herself, and I can tell it helps her cumming have maximum effect.
I let her control it, since she knows the exact pressure to keep on her firing clitoris, and she cums five or six more times before shutting it off, and I tell her what a good little cocksucker she is, and how good it felt shooting off in her mouth. I tell her “You're such a good cum slut. You're my little cock sucking whore, aren't you?”
She opens her eyes and looks at me nodding her head, “Mm hmm,” her mouth still full of my cum load. She looks like she is going to get up, but then rolls her eyes, laying back again and turning the toy back on, she enjoys one final orgasm.
The electrical power snapped back on just at that moment, and we were both struggling to see for a few moments, until our eyes adjusted to the lights that were still switched ON.
“Lemme see what you got, babe.”
Tilting her head back to give me the best view, she opened wide and showed me her delighted tongue swimming and frolicking in a large pool of slobbers and semen. Raising her eyebrows, she was waiting for my reaction.
“Oh my goodness, you got swamped!” Smiling and looking at her eyes, then gazing into her full to the brim mouth, she began smiling as well. Some of the slimy mixture spilled from the corner of her mouth when she did so. Clamping her hands over her mouth, she sat up, not wanting to make a big mess on the bed.
You want me to get you a towel or something to spit in? Raising her hand for me not to bother, she gulped loudly twice and cleared her throat. “This was much quicker.”
2 years ago