Am I a cuckold?
Живеем заедно отдавна. Досега живота ни видимо протичаше в хармония, любов и взаимно уважение. Вярвам не само видимо, а и реално изживяно и дълбоко осъзнато с много приятни моменти и свидни спомени и за двама ни. В един момент при възникнали от скоро обстоятелства, в един труден за нас разговор тя ме попита, какво мисля, ако тя е с някого, когато съм на работа. Работим в различно време, а понякога работя и нощем. Първоначално бях изненадан, но знаех, че си пише интимни чатове с един по млад от нея и много по млад от мен. Продължихме разговора спокойно, като в крайна сметка одобрих идеята. Това стана разбира се и аз си задавам въпроса вече в партията на рогоносците ли съм. Малко ми е неловко.
We have been living together for a long time. Until now, our lives seemed to flow in harmony, love and mutual respect. I believe not only visibly, but also really experienced and deeply realized with many pleasant moments and fond memories for both of us. At one point in recent circumstances, in a difficult conversation for us, she asked me what I thought if she was with someone when I was at work. We work at different times, and sometimes I also work at night. At first I was surprised, but I knew she was texting intimate chats with someone younger than her and much younger than me. We continued the conversation calmly, with me eventually agreeing to the idea. Of course it did, and I'm wondering if I'm already in the cuckold party. I'm a little embarrassed.
We have been living together for a long time. Until now, our lives seemed to flow in harmony, love and mutual respect. I believe not only visibly, but also really experienced and deeply realized with many pleasant moments and fond memories for both of us. At one point in recent circumstances, in a difficult conversation for us, she asked me what I thought if she was with someone when I was at work. We work at different times, and sometimes I also work at night. At first I was surprised, but I knew she was texting intimate chats with someone younger than her and much younger than me. We continued the conversation calmly, with me eventually agreeing to the idea. Of course it did, and I'm wondering if I'm already in the cuckold party. I'm a little embarrassed.
2 years ago