Fetish cumbo- Do Feet lead to ass?
Often feet are assumed to be disgusting or how can they be anything but just a single fetish without a sexual connection…
Feet, posses a connection to the entire being…wouldn’t that make them the gateway to every fetish and sensual stimulation?
Just discovered, I love my feet played with or sucked while I masturbate or am eaten out as it’s another sense…this is new as I’m bracing all of sexual pleasure with focus on feeling…I’m discovering new pleasure combos and it’s exciting as after years of fvcking what seems as the same thing on repeat…
I embrace the total cumbo…our tongues and fingers have some of the most nerve connections for sensation absorbing…let’s add soles and toes to that….with a juicy fat big clit…
I’m a sculpted pleasure Goddess…
which buttons do you lust to turn on?

Feet, posses a connection to the entire being…wouldn’t that make them the gateway to every fetish and sensual stimulation?
Just discovered, I love my feet played with or sucked while I masturbate or am eaten out as it’s another sense…this is new as I’m bracing all of sexual pleasure with focus on feeling…I’m discovering new pleasure combos and it’s exciting as after years of fvcking what seems as the same thing on repeat…
I embrace the total cumbo…our tongues and fingers have some of the most nerve connections for sensation absorbing…let’s add soles and toes to that….with a juicy fat big clit…
I’m a sculpted pleasure Goddess…
which buttons do you lust to turn on?

2 years ago