FBB abs lust

It had been over two and a half years. I told myself, I would never have sex unless I was really in love with the woman. My previous relationship ended so badly, I was heartbroken, but the lust never went away. So many great nights we had, her naked body imprinted on my mind. The sex itself was so passionate, but oh, how I loved her body. She was a runner, slender, but nicely toned. I loved the feel of her body against me as we made love, and her hard six pack pressed against my own tight abs. Not gonna lie, I have fetishes for women’s navels and hard abs on women. I know I’m not the only guy, but it’s tough to find it in mainstream porn. I guess a lot of people associate ripped muscles with guys. I’m not remotely interested in men, but I love a hard-bodied woman.
I set out to the gym for my work-out. It had been a tough day at work, and it was late at night, but the facility was still open. The weight room was mostly empty, and I set about my usual routine. I had set a goal for myself, re-reach my max bench and finally eclipse it. Following my warm-up, I began benching reps. It was after a couple sets that I sat up and noticed her. THE most ripped woman I had ever seen in my life. As focused as I was on my routine, I felt my cock instantly erect, there was no getting past this fetish of mine. Though my mind told me otherwise, I got up and walked towards her. “There’s no way in hell she’s gonna be interested in me” I thought to myself. Yes, I was in shape, but women like her generally tend to go for guys in much better shape than me, certain with more muscles. I stopped a few feet away, examining the fly machine as she did overhead presses. Suddenly I heard a voice, “excuse me sir, would you mind spotting me?” I was slightly taken aback, I was expecting deeper, but she sounded like your average American woman. “Sure
” I said, approaching her, undaunted. As I got behind her, my cock throbbed even harder, and I shifted my legs trying to hide it. Not sure if she noticed. She began her reps, I held my arms below the bar. Her arms were tightly muscled, pulsating as she lifted the bar. I swallowed slightly. She did a couple sets and then stood up, and I finally got a full look at her. Impressive looking arms, but her chest
 not manly pecs, but big, beautiful breasts, at least C cup, bulging through her purple sports bra. Not your stereotypical female bodybuilder at all. But it was her abs that caught my attention the most. Perfectly sculpted 8-pack, I had only ever seen abs like her’s on a woman on the internet. “Those are some impressive abs there
” I said, my voice trembling slightly. She smiled, “haha, yeah I suppose so, a lot of hard work, I need to be ready for my show.” “Oh, you compete huh?” I said, “for how long?” “A few years”, she responded. I stalled, thoughts racing through my mind, I had never conversed with someone like her before. A few moments passed, “well, I’m about done here, think I’ll head out, thanks again!”, she said. I smiled and nodded as she passed by, and then it happened, before I could stop myself
 “would it be OK if I felt your abs?”

What a dumb thing to say, I thought, looking at the ground. Slowly looking up, I was shocked to see she had a wry smile. “Sure, I guess”, she responded. I didn’t wait long; walked straight up and ran my hands down them. “w..wwoowww
” was all that escaped my lips. “Hey don’t sell yourself short bud, let’s see what you got”, she said. I lifted my shirt, and she followed suite. “Not bad at all”, not sure if she was being polite, mine were nothing compared to her’s. I said nothing, just smiled again. “Hey”, she finally said after another few moments, “I’m gonna head to Starbucks, do you have anything planned?” “No not at all
” I said, aware how wide my eyes had become. She left out a short laugh, “relax pal, I like you, you’ve got guts, guys check me out all the time, but they always seem to find me manly, you’ve got a little fetish dontcha hun?” I didn’t know what to say
 it was like my first time all over again. “heh, heh, I guess so”, now aware I must be grinning like an idiot. She smiled wider. “Come on hun, let’s go”. She walked out and I followed her, feeling like I was floating on air. “Did you bring a car?” she asked, “my friend dropped me off here”. “No problem
” I said, still feeling light headed. I was hardly aware of the road as we drove to Starbucks. We reached, and she slipped a thin tank top over her head. I ordered two mochas for us, her’s sugar free. “So” she said as we sat down, “what kind of routine you on?” I considered for a sec, “ah, you know, I guess I’m kinda past my so called ‘noob gains’, now I’m just trying to maintain, mostly upper body”. She laughed, “I think I’m living proof that ‘trying to maintain’ doesn’t help, you’re either making progress or you’re not”. “Yeah, haha, I guess I’ve heard that before”. We further conversed about lifting routines. Her’s, as I imagined, you could fill a book with. I was so focused, I could barely taste the coffee. We finished and headed back to my car. “So um
 thanks for everything, where’s your place at?” “Not far, I’ll direct you”, she said. After a quick drive, we stopped outside her apartment complex. “So
” she said, “you wanna see those ropes I mentioned earlier? You should get an idea before buying anything.” “Oh
” I muttered, “yeah sure, I suppose”. I parked my car and we went in. Did she mean what I hoped?

We entered her place, it was quaint, not overly decorated, nor very feminine. I didn’t take in much more as she suddenly stepped in front of me. “You have a fetish huh? There’s a first time for everything, and I’m guessing you’ve never met someone like me.” I stood there, wide-eyed. “N-no, definitely not. We um, gonna take a look at those ropes?” She laughed, much louder this time, “sweetheart, it’s OK, I like you, come on, let’s go the bedroom”. I obeyed instantly, following her in. Thoughts of how I wanted to wait for the right one faded away, it had been long enough
 She walked up to me and took off my shirt. Before I could say a thing, she began licking my nipples. “Oh
” I moaned, my last girlfriend had done that before, but not like this. She worked them in patterns, then trailed her tongue down my abs. “mmm
” she moaned, “you’re delicious sweetheart”. “I must be sweaty”, I mumbled dumbly. She laughed loudly again, “I like sweaty men, don’t worry, you smell fine”. She removed my shorts, I quickly ripped off my shoes and socks as she did so, then she ran her hands over my throbbing cock. “When’s the last time you had this sucked?” she asked. “Ohh
oh not for a while”, I said airily. She pulled down my boxer briefs. “Oh, I forgot, I’m uncircumcised
. Is that OK?” She smiled, then pulled back my foreskin. She swirled her tongue over the head of my dick, and I moaned in pleasure. As she took it in, it was an experience like no other, my last blowjobs didn’t even come close to comparing. She took it in for what felt like forever, I leaned against her bed, and when I finally opened my eyes, her face was in front of mine. “Your turn hun”.

Never had I met someone like her, but oh, did I have everything I wanted to do planned out, I had for years. I pulled off her sports bra, and her tits ballooned out to me. “You um
 have any
 whipped cream?” She grinned, “amazingly I do, had a party here a couple weeks back, I don’t touch it myself”. She didn’t have to say more, I raced to the kitchen and grabbed the can, and a bottle of chocolate syrup for good measure. When I returned she was laying on the bed, and beckoned me with one finger. I climbed on top, pushing my still throbbing cock against her pussy, yes, definitely a pussy. I squirted whipped cream on each large nipple, and took one in. “Mmm, not bad”, she said. I took each in, flicked and swirling my tongue, working each tit lovingly. I kissed her neck, then on the lips, flicking my tongue against her’s, her mouth tasted of mocha. I turned my attention to what I had been lusting for, those ripped abs. Forgetting the desert toppings, I went straight for the prize. I ran my tongue starting from the lower abs all the way up to her tits, then began sucking and licking each one of the eight. “Ohhh..ohhhh
 no one’s ever done this before
 it feels AMAZING.” I got to her navel, and squirted some syrup, swirling my tongue over it. Remembering what I had seen from belly fetish videos, I began licking in patterns, from her upper abs, to her obliques. So well defined they were
 As I finished, I licked up the remnants of syrup, then continued lower. “Hon” she said, “that was incredible”. I squirted whipped cream on her toned hamstrings, quads and calfs. As I finished licking her, I got to her clit. Looked nothing like a cock, like the clits on the fbbs I had seen on porn sites. “Finger me”, she said. “Not a fan of being eaten out”. I stopped, “really?” She smiled, “surprising huh? Not all of us like it.” I had done this before at least, I started with my middle finger, then continued with the others as I felt her pussy stretch wider. She moaned louder and louder, starting to swivel her hips. As she did, those tight abs flexed and contracted, she’d have no trouble in her competition there. I put my mouth to them, swirling my tongue on her navel, and felts splashes of pussy juice hit my chest. I stopped once that stopped, then sat up. She panted hard, I didn’t need any motivation, and put my cock inside her. No need to support my weight, she could handle me. In quick motions I fucked her already stretched pussy. Her huge tits pressed against my pecs, I pushed my stomach against her’s, moaning as I felt her abs rub against mine. Faster and faster we went, each of us moaning louder. I don’t know how long it had been, she began swirling her hips, and as I felt her navel push and swirl against mine, hot loads of cum shot into her pussy. I immediately pulled out. “I’M SO SORRY!!” I cried, looking around in panic. Amazingly, she just smiled. “Relax sweet pea, I’m on the pill, can’t be having that crap going on when I’m prepping for competition.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “So
” I said, “what did you think?” She grinned, “let’s do it again sometime hun, in fact, let’s make it a mĂ©nage e trois, I have another fit friend I know you’ll love, worship us both, I know she’ll love it as much as I do”.

The rest of the night passed in silence as I lay in my bed. There was no way this woman wanted a relationship, but oh, how I lusted for that body of her’s. What would come next, who knew?
Published by nahor88
2 years ago
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