Fantasy and Stamina

i started masturbating again 5 years ago after taking a 5 year hiatus from it. i did not in any way entertain lustful thoughts. i haven't been able to perform in bed since then due to medication so, i like to think of myself as a virgin still. i thought saying so would increase my game but, i haven't met any ladies yet who are aroused by thoughts of a virgin man in bed with them. haha

i am determined to be able to perform well in bed. i regularly read online articles about relationships and sex. once in a while watch porn for her videos on fapping sites such as "For Her Tube" or "Bellesa." i remember one benefit for men to rub one out was being able to last longer in bed. i had read that during our teen years we boys have the opportunity to train our sexual stamina through self-genital stimulation.

i found this excerpt from the Durex website in the UK:

"What are the benefits of masturbation for men?

Learn how to prolong sex

One important skill a man can learn from masturbation is how to potentially prolong pleasure and extend their lovemaking. This can be achieved by squeezing the tip of the penis just behind the head before ejaculation and can have great results when enjoying sex with your lover.

Build up stamina

Masturbating regularly can also help men build up their stamina. If you find that only a few minutes of manual stimulation leads to ejaculation, then you can anticipate this when engaging in penetrative sex." [1]

to train my mind for increased focus during sex i will occasionally turn off any media playing devices so, no playing on the TV. i will lay back and close my eyes until i picture someone i would like to have sex with. using no visual stimulation other than my imagination i would begin to fantasize about them or the person i made up in my head.

to train my body for increased stamina during sex with someone else i will set aside a day i can commit to masturbating. then, focus on enjoying the journey if even without having reached a destination point. i have learned to really enjoy masturbating without ejaculation. after all, is it that hard to imagine? some woman go entire relationships without reaching her orgasm. i had on one particular day masturbated for 10 hours with short breaks in between without reaching a single orgasm. i admit, after an hour i'm not really training anymore but rather, having too much fun alone for too long. lol

i would like to say having the one or two hour sessions have helped me. but, i really won't know until i sleep with someone else. will i?


1. see for more info,in%20penetrative%20sex.
Published by Falk_Gno
2 years ago
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