My News 10.30.2022 - All Hallows Eve

All Hallows Eve 10.30.2022

Ms. Moreau’s Halloween Party, tomorrow

The Queen on Her Throne
My News 10.30.2022 - All Hallows Eve
I have been asked, by multiple People on xHamster, through My messages, what am I going to do for Halloween

About 3 Days ago, I started to plan, what I desired to happen

Took a bit of effort and I had some help to set it up

I took today, and Halloween off, from Volunteering, to prepare it all
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I have a lot of Costumes at My home in Upstate NY, but none here

Different Snow White’s, Tinkerbell, Little Red Riding Hood's, all Types of Various Christmas costumes and many others

One Of Many Big Bad Wolves I have Met
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But I only came down here with a trunk of Lingerie and other things to go along with it (no costumes)

So, this is the plan I came up with

We found a place that has a small kitchen and two rooms

I am going to do what I do best now, in My Ancient Decrepitude !!

Be the Hostess with the Mostess

Or Be burned at the Stake !!
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Out of all My experiences from age S*venteen to now, I have been taught and gone though so many different situations, as not to be afraid of about anything

And also how to take on Anybody Sexually

Being a Sex worker 24/7, for 4 Years, will do that, for sure

Little Red Riding Hood is Lost in The Snowy Woods
Alcazar of Segovia
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So, it is going to start around 2 PM till further notice

So far there are going to be, about 12 Men, some FHP, Airport people and some of their friends

Maybe more (I am not sure)

It is going to be “Amélie’s Tricks and Treats” Party (Get it ?)
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First is My Costume, That I brought down with Me, one of My favorites

It will take about an hour, or maybe a bit more, to get all of it just right

My Black leather set, I have had for about 30 Years
Tattoo says, in Hebrew "NICE CUNT"
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Beautifully made (Heavy leather, High Grade - Polished, Jewelers’ Chain and Hardware)

They do not Make Shit like that, Anymore (From Northbound Leather)

I first wore it first in “Amélie’s Bondage Film 1996”

My Tits are now, way Bigger !! (36C as opposed to 32C, then), and growing !!

I will start with the makeup first

Three of the things I like to use as My Makeup now, is Blue Eyeshadow, Cat eyes and My go to Lipstick (M.A.C Cosmetics, Russian Red), The same Lipstick Emirates Flight Attendants, wear

I am going to use White Powder on My Face (Geisha like), and overdo the Blush

And to finish it off, Black Nail polish

I will take out the Bars, from My CUNT, but leave the little rings in and put My little Platinum lock, with the Diamond, through the top ones, to make it nice and tight (Though I am still tight after all these years, just make it even more so)
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Next, putting on the Leather set, Black stockings, My Black 7” platform shoes and Black leather cuffs, with Clips attached, everywhere possible

The Mistress of the Castle
Chateau Miranda, Celles, Province of Namur, Wallonia, Belgium, In the Ardennes (Now Demolished)
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I am going to give it My best, and build up the whole affair, Slowly and Seductively

Serve the Cocktails, and the Food (The Treats) in My Costume, (The whole show)

"Hello, I am Amélie, Your Waitress for Tonight"

I have two Bottles of ELYX for Me to polish off eventually, (drink it right out of the bottle, no glass)

Like Trailer Trash, LOL

Not Much of a Costume in this photo
Little Red Riding Hood, Lost in Wonderland, has been Exposed !!
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Make some Small talk in between, and play the Fucking Tease

And eventually on to the “Tricks”, LOL

I am going to put numbers in a bowl

So, each Man can pick a number, blindly

I did change one thing last minute, late last night

I marked on four sides of 20 Apples, number 1-20, and the first number from the bowl, gets to bob for the numbered Apple

Hoping for about 20 Men

Obviously Who gets number 1 is the lucky one

Take His Hand, and make number 1, give a little speech !! LOL

Like, "I want to thank the Academy and all of those who made this Moment possible"

I will , take on, Each and Every One of Them, in Numerical order

Get what's CUMMING to Me, BUTT Good !!

I will have to freshen up the Lipstick every single time, in between, however

That is what the Second room is for, a Mattress with Sheets, on the Floor (No rhyme intended)
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Every one will get My Absolute, Genuine, Fucking, Best, I have !!

Whatever They want Me to do, or whatever They want to do to Me, no problem at all

A Great Release for All of Us, here in SWFL, as of late !!

It will be a very, very, late night, at the very least !! (LOL)

Probably up to 3:00 AM, (at the Minimum), November, 1st

After all, I will take My time with each one

There will probably be an AAR, (After Action Report), for all of You later

"Not Dorothy From OZ"
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Lastly, Some Stupid Halloween Pick Up Lines

"Why don’t We go some place, where I can stick a Candle, into Your Jack-O-Lantern?"

"Hey Baby, wanna find out why They call Me Pumpkin-Head?"

"I am riding My Broom, and I wish it was You instead"

"Did you know there are 206 bones in the human body? Would You mind one more ?"

"Call me a Pirate, and give Me that Booty"

"That Mask is Becoming on You. If it were Me, I’d be Cumming too !!"

"You should dress up as a Baker for Halloween, with that set of Buns !!"

Horror Movies

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AmélieMy News 10.30.2022 - All Hallows Eve 15
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Published by AmelieRMoreau
2 years ago
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stackerd 2 years ago
mmmmmm.    you are the BEST  *kisses*
ALL Awesome pictures -- Lots of Ghoulish efforts for this X-lady of the-night
AmelieRMoreau Publisher 2 years ago
Or CUM !!
Leomoore 2 years ago
I hope you really enjoy the party, i know the guests will.  Wish i was there.  ❤️❤️❤️
spartacus37 2 years ago
Waow amazing 
1967Paderborn 2 years ago
tacit40 2 years ago
Wish I was in SWFL!