What CAN I post on Porn but not on YouTube?

What CAN I post on Porn but not on YouTube?

Aside from i*****l on all mediaā€¦

WelCUM to the true BLUE ocean, open for ALL sales, marketing and topics which we cannot talk about, show or do. We can be true reasoning minds on Porn-

ā€œthatā€™s not for porn, post it on YouTubeā€ haha commentā€¦

I noticed Sex Experts are afraid and even shun Porn, yet claim to be the go to for sex advice? Seems to me thereā€™s a GAP here in understanding.

I can talk about sex, show you sex and have adult topics or funny topics to educate you while Iā€™mā€¦wellā€¦naked or seducing in nature or toneā€¦

we have hidden our true nature behind walls of ā€œperceived Adulting proper etiquette ā€œ aka mainstreamā€¦yet are ashamed to be naked with our partner? Hate our bodies so we cover them up, turn off the lightsā€¦donā€™t speak or talk or moan as those are ā€œb**stlyā€ and not proper words or behaviorā€¦

What do webcam models really do? Bring the two to together. Often, you just talk, while Iā€™m naked or posingā€¦you tell me about your life, family, passions and everything which you cannot share with anyone to include your sexual fetishes or turn onsā€¦

why? Youā€™re seeking to connect and truly be openā€¦to express your true self without the ā€œmonitoringā€ in your mind for every gestures, word, thought, look, clothing and moreā€¦

Does that mean youā€™re going to be nasty now that all the ā€œfiltersā€ are off? Some, are indeed. Speaking to me as a b**st or degraded person on the planet simply because I am openly nakedā€¦

thereā€™s a GAPā€¦;)ā€¦

you simply have little practice in being able to be both and express yourself while raising HOW you communicate your fetishes, turn ons and sexuality. Talking to me about it, doesnā€™t mean I want to Fvck you. Iā€™m able to discuss any topic, any fetish or other with professional thoughts, understanding, ethics, morals and yesā€¦being naughty all at onceā€¦

yet, you freak out as itā€™s ā€œrareā€ indeed it isā€¦

porn has been typical for those in history who were social/economical rejected and left to doing what was Available without the chance to establish ethics, morals and professionalism as by social rejection- youā€™re marked as less of a person to another, more dumb or disabled evenā€¦

I went from 17 years of professional career, bachelors degree in business with focus on project management. A leader of men 90% and females 10% as blue collar and manufacturing, engineering, operations and production or aviation are not fields overflowing with pussyā€¦

my language HAD to adapt to fit in and lead men

when I slipped into pornā€¦I was thrown by how unprofessional and how nasty people were. It truly hit my buttons on ā€œbullyingā€ and I became angry! Like wtf?! Hell noā€¦

my fierce appetite to change manage ;) an organization such as Amazonā€¦just oozed in like a super power and Porn is an industry which is international, with a desperate need to fill in a gap now that itā€™s becoming blendedā€¦

the future is a well developed, organized industry with professional recognition in society. How does this impact sex trafficking?

Simple, when thereā€™s an established organization with rules or expectations on HOW ethics, morals, interaction is done it seals off the gaps and it makes it very easy to identify the low performance or the ā€œbadā€ā€¦

I have a vision, adult entertainment porn is not what it was once and itā€™s not what you truly want it to be anymore. Youā€™re bored with it and desire to have your mind aroused as wellā€¦hello adaptation survival of our brilliant minds to grow, need stimuli on a level NEVER felt in historyā€¦we move forward not backwardsā€¦therefore that which was once stimulating, is now apart of a layering and by demand of adaptive evolution WE have a fire inside to keep growing, adapting and adding to those layersā€¦

our greatest strength is in the multi billion population who craves to bond, connect and layerā€¦

thatā€™s what everything inside us cravesā€¦we are charged UP by connecting and creating NEW ā€œbondsā€ or networksā€¦

our brain needs 30% MORE glucose ( sugar) when making a new learning connectionā€¦itā€™s a sparking good feeling and we crave to learnā€¦itā€™s funā€¦itā€™s pleasureā€¦itā€™s our superpower

Im excited for whatā€™s to CUM, are you?

Kora Angel

What CAN I post on Porn  but not on YouTube?
Published by koraangel
2 years ago
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DTknox 2 years ago
well... when I have a migraine I can close my eyes and see a kaleidoscope of colors dancing. Focusing on the beauty of the colors can help forget the feelings of the migraine. The power of mind over matter. I must say, my brain is definitely seeing or at least perceiving colors without light. šŸ˜œ lets not discuss the pain.Ā  Now, about the fun stuff, I agree the mind is the greatest sexual organ. I am curious if the glucose and learning connection also might include caffeine? Some study that I can't dig up a reference right now for stated that caffeine was the only known drug that could increase test scores if the person also studied under the influence of caffeine. This might explain some of my college scores if high fructose corn syrup mimics the effect of glucose on learning as I would chug Code Red before class, while studying, and CHUG Code Red before an exam. hmm.. food for thought... or should I say sweet thoughts???Ā 
HNG5252 2 years ago
Dayuum, I love your INTELLIGENCE !! xoxo šŸ’–šŸ’–