
Just a silly quiz

Are you male or female? male
Age? 70
At what age did you start masturbating? 13 or 14
How many times a week do you masturbate? probably 5 on average
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? 1

Where do you masturbate:

In bed? rarely
In the shower? rarely (I'll get hard in the shower and stroke some, but very rarely will I orgasm/ejaculate)
In the bath? no, I never take baths
Outdoors? rarely (I enjoy walking around outside naked. Sometimes I get hard and stroke a bit, but I don't recall having ever orgasmed/ejaculated outside.)
At work? n/a (retired, but when I was still working, I did--in a car)
Every room in the house? in my whole life, yes, probably
In a car while traveling along the interstate? yes

What do you fantasize about when you play:

A significant other? yes, sometimes
A friend? yes, sometimes
A friend's spouse? occasionally
A stranger? yes
A co-worker or past co-workers? yes
A member of the same sex? occasionally
A member of the opposite sex? yes, usually
A past lover? yes, sometimes

What position do you play in:

On your back? sometimes
Standing? sometimes, usually when using anal toys or artificial vaginas
Kneeling? I don't recall having ever masturbated while kneeling
Sitting? yes, usually in a chair in front of the computer
Lying on tummy? I don't recall having ever masturbated while lying face down

How do you play:

With left hand? yes, most often
With right hand? yes, sometimes
With a toy? sometimes with anal toys or artificial vaginas. Vibrators don't really do it for me. I've yet to try an e-stim. Very rarely with a pair of panties stolen from a prior relationship.
With water from bath? no
Written erotica? sometimes
Pictures? sometimes
Movie clips online? rarely
Videos? yes, usually
Something on TV? very rarely

What is your favorite porn:

Straight sex between man and woman? yes
Gay or lesbian sex? gay rarely, lesbian very rarely, MMF bisexual more often
Group sex or orgies? yes, including bisexual orgies
Blow jobs/oral sex? not my favorite or a particular focus
Cumshots? rarely
Age play? occasionally old men with young women and occasionally vice versa
S&M? rarely
Role playing? not usually
Kinky? sometimes

Have you ever masturbated to:

Email messages? yes
A chat room dialogue? yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? yes

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? yes by my ex-wife
Masturbated for a man/woman? for two of my ex-wives, yes
Masturbated for the same sex? no, but I've wanted to--A friend was over and I was showing him some porn on my computer, but he indicated that he wasn't at all into mutual masturbation. I was hoping that he would be and that it might lead to mutual blow jobs or even anal sex.
Masturbated in a group? no
Masturbated for a photo? yes, one that I was taking
Masturbated for a webcam? yes, usually with/for other men, but on 3 or 4 occasions, with/for women (on Omegle)
Masturbated for a video? yes, one that I was recording

Do you ever:

Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? rarely
Insert something or play with your ass? occasionally, I enjoy this a lot
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? I've tried a pacifier, but found that it wasn't my thing
Use pain as a method of playing? very rarely (nipple clamps, clamps on scrotum skin or penis skin)

Final questions:
Do you taste your cum? occasionally. I like the taste of my precum.
When was the last time you masturbated? last night
Are you wet or hard now? no
Are you going to masturbate now? in a bit, yes
Are you a masturbation addict? yes
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? a little, I suppose
What is the most you have played in one day? 5 times, I think

I've enjoyed answering questions in this quiz. I've found that there are many, many sex quizzes online. I intend on answering more and posting them here too.
Published by LloydOfMurica
2 years ago
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