Does Cleanliness Impact Sexual Desire?
What is it about our Hygiene which turn’s someone else ON or OFF?
We keep our cleaning routine to how we were introduced to it as little one’s learning how to move our bodies and keep them in good healthy working function…
Did someone talk to you about how to clean yourself to attract the sexual partner you desire? For a pop off ? or the long term…Does their hygiene play a role in this?
I’ve often heard “you have excellent hygiene” …?…confused, what about mine is different? I thought ? we all had the SAME upkeep routines and understanding of how our body function’s or is sick to healthy…
The SMELL ? of your pussy, ass, cock and balls are immediate turn on or off…the way your skin smells…breath…which is a direct intake ? to your GUT health or insides of your body…
I’ve met people whom are sexy in pictures and in person within 30seconds of absorbing their scent’s I am OFF and a bit irritated ? that I am turned off when I was just ON…
“Even a rose ? smell’s like ? poopoo”…heard that in 6th grade and stuck with me…meaning to me that even the most beautiful of thing’s on the outside can smell like shit when upclose…
HOW big is the Fragrance industry? The food industry? Everything WE interact with in life we are attempting to “cover up or mask ? “ our bad smells to be more attractive…we are turned on or off by foods…why?
It’s our nature security system…it’s one of our high communication styles learning them early on…we scan for smell’s and our body/mind connects it to memories or signal’s if something is “spoiled” or is “ripe” perfect for the picking ?..the juiciest of fruit’s emit a sweet smell ? in the perfect timing of it’s ripeness will it be picked..left out too long and it becomes rotten as the life cycle happens constantly…
Therefore, we have excellent “antennas” to receive, absorb and interpret all smell’s for our survival, health and pleasure…
If, we didn’t have this amazing function inside- we would not survive long- eating thing’s that are poisoning or rotten with insect’s or illnesses-
Our system is designed to reward us with arousal, pleasure to signal “clear go” and “off” when it’s NOT…
I’ve heard many tell me…”I dont know why I am single, I keep trying..” do you prepare for your date? …well, I get off work and just go…sometimes I shower…wow…that’s arousing to hear- that someone will maybe shower or freshen up from their day- opening UP their pores from the sweat, dirt and thing’s that has gathered on over the day…the dead skin cell’s…just boiling in the nice heat of the day’s sun or heat as you work doing things…
I personally have a high standard for cleaning myself and it’s due to my high sensitive body- if your cum isn’t healthy? I will get a vaginal infection ( has happened) and now I scan on a deep cell level for my body is precious to me…I’ve invested thousand’s of $$ and over 37 year’s of upkeeping it to be thriving today…
I know, I must have clear pores to “properly sense” other’s and for them to truly dive into me, I open myself up! ?…whiff whiff…smell all of my essence as it’s pure, clean and those tiny little pores are gaping spread for your nose ? to dive deeply…
I am not masked with cooking oils, food’s I’ve eaten…dehydration or heavy musty scent…I have a clean and clear scent…I sweat A LOT…when I smell myself clogging? I become irritable in feeling as I am clogged from freely absorbing my environment and being on my best sensory sensitivity…
I’ve never been told “you’re a turn off, you’re too clean”…I’ve often am told by all sex “you smell good…what is that?…you are clean…”
Listen to the feedback and absorb the scent of other’s as a true signal…
Life is simple when we just allow our bodies to signal us and we listen…to absorb feedback from other’s and interpret it as “is this helping me achieve my goal? Or is this a block?”
How do I know what someone will smell like online?
Simple…I ask about their lifestyle, hydration, gym routine, food, what are their favorite smells and to SEE pictures of how they live their life-
It’s easier now being online- before someone could be a mess and just clean up for a date meanwhile they have shit and piss all over their place…dirty clothing piles for week’s just growing bacteria…not emptying trash can’s from the build up of all kind’s of bacteria and smells…
I am a hyper sensing person and the smell will determine how I interact with someone-
It’s time you claim this magic ? sense and sniff ? for what is good or bad for you…it begins within your own body, to know your own smell’s of healthy and unhealthy…bacteria and rotting vs ripe and ready for eating…
We put inside us what will becum apart of our being chemistry ⚛️ is an active blend…take active ownership of your body…I cannot force you to eat or clean yourself…
The thought that “I can eat whatever, not drink water or upkeep my body and attract the Partner of your dreams?” Is a scientifically FALSE trend…
I can smell you through perfumes and colognes…focus on the natural you- the rest are “ADD- on’s” to BOOST you into a NEW level of DESIRED…
We keep our cleaning routine to how we were introduced to it as little one’s learning how to move our bodies and keep them in good healthy working function…
Did someone talk to you about how to clean yourself to attract the sexual partner you desire? For a pop off ? or the long term…Does their hygiene play a role in this?
I’ve often heard “you have excellent hygiene” …?…confused, what about mine is different? I thought ? we all had the SAME upkeep routines and understanding of how our body function’s or is sick to healthy…
The SMELL ? of your pussy, ass, cock and balls are immediate turn on or off…the way your skin smells…breath…which is a direct intake ? to your GUT health or insides of your body…
I’ve met people whom are sexy in pictures and in person within 30seconds of absorbing their scent’s I am OFF and a bit irritated ? that I am turned off when I was just ON…
“Even a rose ? smell’s like ? poopoo”…heard that in 6th grade and stuck with me…meaning to me that even the most beautiful of thing’s on the outside can smell like shit when upclose…
HOW big is the Fragrance industry? The food industry? Everything WE interact with in life we are attempting to “cover up or mask ? “ our bad smells to be more attractive…we are turned on or off by foods…why?
It’s our nature security system…it’s one of our high communication styles learning them early on…we scan for smell’s and our body/mind connects it to memories or signal’s if something is “spoiled” or is “ripe” perfect for the picking ?..the juiciest of fruit’s emit a sweet smell ? in the perfect timing of it’s ripeness will it be picked..left out too long and it becomes rotten as the life cycle happens constantly…
Therefore, we have excellent “antennas” to receive, absorb and interpret all smell’s for our survival, health and pleasure…
If, we didn’t have this amazing function inside- we would not survive long- eating thing’s that are poisoning or rotten with insect’s or illnesses-
Our system is designed to reward us with arousal, pleasure to signal “clear go” and “off” when it’s NOT…
I’ve heard many tell me…”I dont know why I am single, I keep trying..” do you prepare for your date? …well, I get off work and just go…sometimes I shower…wow…that’s arousing to hear- that someone will maybe shower or freshen up from their day- opening UP their pores from the sweat, dirt and thing’s that has gathered on over the day…the dead skin cell’s…just boiling in the nice heat of the day’s sun or heat as you work doing things…
I personally have a high standard for cleaning myself and it’s due to my high sensitive body- if your cum isn’t healthy? I will get a vaginal infection ( has happened) and now I scan on a deep cell level for my body is precious to me…I’ve invested thousand’s of $$ and over 37 year’s of upkeeping it to be thriving today…
I know, I must have clear pores to “properly sense” other’s and for them to truly dive into me, I open myself up! ?…whiff whiff…smell all of my essence as it’s pure, clean and those tiny little pores are gaping spread for your nose ? to dive deeply…
I am not masked with cooking oils, food’s I’ve eaten…dehydration or heavy musty scent…I have a clean and clear scent…I sweat A LOT…when I smell myself clogging? I become irritable in feeling as I am clogged from freely absorbing my environment and being on my best sensory sensitivity…
I’ve never been told “you’re a turn off, you’re too clean”…I’ve often am told by all sex “you smell good…what is that?…you are clean…”
Listen to the feedback and absorb the scent of other’s as a true signal…
Life is simple when we just allow our bodies to signal us and we listen…to absorb feedback from other’s and interpret it as “is this helping me achieve my goal? Or is this a block?”
How do I know what someone will smell like online?
Simple…I ask about their lifestyle, hydration, gym routine, food, what are their favorite smells and to SEE pictures of how they live their life-
It’s easier now being online- before someone could be a mess and just clean up for a date meanwhile they have shit and piss all over their place…dirty clothing piles for week’s just growing bacteria…not emptying trash can’s from the build up of all kind’s of bacteria and smells…
I am a hyper sensing person and the smell will determine how I interact with someone-
It’s time you claim this magic ? sense and sniff ? for what is good or bad for you…it begins within your own body, to know your own smell’s of healthy and unhealthy…bacteria and rotting vs ripe and ready for eating…
We put inside us what will becum apart of our being chemistry ⚛️ is an active blend…take active ownership of your body…I cannot force you to eat or clean yourself…
The thought that “I can eat whatever, not drink water or upkeep my body and attract the Partner of your dreams?” Is a scientifically FALSE trend…
I can smell you through perfumes and colognes…focus on the natural you- the rest are “ADD- on’s” to BOOST you into a NEW level of DESIRED…

2 years ago