Chinese Comfort Women VS. Sexually Colonized CW
The Sexually Colonized China women (CW) and the Chinese Comfort women served many similar roles and provided similar services and on the surface may seem the same... how can you tell the difference between a white cock crazed Chinese whore vs. a sexually submissive china doll?
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I will explain in DETAIL the difference between the two. I will only mostly concentrate on the graphic sexual details. This is very sensitive subject matter!!! but it is important to share. Sure Westerners and foreigner men just view the China women as easy sexy prey, wanton promiscuous Oriental ladies....but WHY? Both China and India have over billion population, both were colonized by West, but why are there SO MANY Chinese women with Western men, yet so little Indian women/Western men having romance/sexual intimacy? Why are there so many Chinese massage parlors in every single country, yet not ONE Indian massage parlor?
How come Iranian (Persian) women are not sexually fetishized and lusted over by foreign males with non-Iranian men coming to Iran by the hundreds of thousands every year to ravage and screw lots of Persian women? Why no Canadian horny doll? No Indian massage parlors etc etc... the answer is in the title. Keep reading if you are interested the sexual colonization and sexual enslavement of the China woman.
The sexual colonization of Chinese women at the start of the 18th century by all the Western imperialist powers was one the the biggest and most influential rapturous events to happen to the China woman. In those days, Western men demonstrated sexual superiority on Chinese women with their strong sexual lust to ravage Chinese pussies and also to add salt to injury--by feminizing Chinese men, through symbolic and sometimes physically castration as public display of Western male masculinity and cultural and sexual domination over China's women.
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I will explain in DETAIL the difference between the two. I will only mostly concentrate on the graphic sexual details. This is very sensitive subject matter!!! but it is important to share. Sure Westerners and foreigner men just view the China women as easy sexy prey, wanton promiscuous Oriental ladies....but WHY? Both China and India have over billion population, both were colonized by West, but why are there SO MANY Chinese women with Western men, yet so little Indian women/Western men having romance/sexual intimacy? Why are there so many Chinese massage parlors in every single country, yet not ONE Indian massage parlor?
How come Iranian (Persian) women are not sexually fetishized and lusted over by foreign males with non-Iranian men coming to Iran by the hundreds of thousands every year to ravage and screw lots of Persian women? Why no Canadian horny doll? No Indian massage parlors etc etc... the answer is in the title. Keep reading if you are interested the sexual colonization and sexual enslavement of the China woman.
The sexual colonization of Chinese women at the start of the 18th century by all the Western imperialist powers was one the the biggest and most influential rapturous events to happen to the China woman. In those days, Western men demonstrated sexual superiority on Chinese women with their strong sexual lust to ravage Chinese pussies and also to add salt to injury--by feminizing Chinese men, through symbolic and sometimes physically castration as public display of Western male masculinity and cultural and sexual domination over China's women.
2 years ago