How has orchiectomy (castration) affected me?

People treat us castrated ladyboys as perverts, but in fact it helps me a lot in my job as massage girl. The first thing anybody who knew me as a boy would notice is that I have lost a lot of weight. Before castration, I had quite a bit of muscle mass because when I was a teacher, I tried hard to do dumb bell exercise to strengthen my shoulders and arms, so I would look more 'man'. At times I even successfully disciplined some naughty boys in class by beating them in arm wrestling! But now all my muscles are gone, and my whole body has turned soft, with the muscles on my shoulders and the biceps on my upper arms totally gone. When my students book me and require me to do arm wrestling with them, all of them, including the weakest ones who I used to easily beat, can beat me by using just ONE index finger, as against my whole hand. They ask me to move a wooden table, which is the sort I could have easily pushed around a room before my castration, but now ohoh, I can just move it a bit, by several inches, and however hard I try, I just can't actually move it.

My skin has become very smooth and sensitive. It is much whiter now, definitely lily white, which is the sort of skin my clients like. But the fact that it is so sensitive means that when clients spank or whip me for their fun and pleasure, I feel so very painful. Before my castration, I tried hard not to cry, and clenched my teeth to take the pain by not showing it so as to maintain my 'male pride and dignity'. But now when boys (yes those who book me for whipping are mostly teenage boys!) spank me buttbare or whip me with a cane anywhere on my body, I feel such great pain that I HAVE to cry like a baby, and more often than not, the whipping is so painful that I have to kneel and kowtow in tears to my clients to show me mercy.

Sitting down to pee is now a must for me since castration. The Parlour management wouldn't allow girls to stand to urinate. Like other castrated ladyboys at the massage establishment, I MUST never stand to wee (you men say pee, I as a girl must say wee). But that makes it hard for me to wee clean and neat while on my feet, the way any man/boy can easily do. So when men require me to stand up to wee for them to see, I really do it very messily, because with my penis now having shrunken in length to less than two inches post-castration, the urine I pass out just keep uncontrollably slithering and splashing down my legs, the ways girls all do if they stand up to wee.

With castration, my body absorbs the six types of female hormones I am taking (DAILY) much more easily, because my balls have been cut off and they used to secrete male hormones. With such high level of estrogen (female hormone) inside my body, I DO look much prettier than before, and my body curves are distinctly sexy, with both of boobs and my butt cheeks getting noticeably bigger and rounder. That helps me to make men happier in bed.

But the greatest change is not physical, but psychologically in nature. Before castration, some men and in particular boys(oh mainly the students I once taught) liked to tempt or bait me to resist and struggle by jeering at me for having such a small cock, and when they had me collared and ordered me to crawl around on my hands and feet like dog, I just kicked and cursed, and was very stubborn in refusing to be obedient unless being whipped. But now with me being castrated, I have this inexplicable desire to submit to men's commands. I have become ABSOLUTELY OBEDIENT to men. There is this GREAT urge inside me to be disciplined, controlled and degraded by men if that makes them accept me (and praise me) as a good, obedient girl!!
Published by VirginiaLui
2 years ago
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