WhiteBoi BBC Worship Guide

This guide is intended for every whiteboi out there wishing to please his black daddy or any black man bcc this is your duty.

First you should be totally naked with a butt plug in your ass and chastity device worn. Then you must approach him while crawling with your ass sticking out and your head bowing in humility.

You should kneel in front of him and ask permission to look at him. Once he says ok you should look him in the eyes with the most girlish way and ask if he will let you please him.

Proceed by taking off his belt and sliding his pants until they meet the floor, then kiss his legs. Continue kissing up his legs untill you meet his inner thigh where you should tease him a little by kissing softly and coming very close to his balls but then going back without touching them. After that begin worshiping his cock at the outer fabric of his underwear. Kiss, suck, lick, smell, and taste this magnificent gift that is still wrapped while you're impatiently waiting for its liberation. Before you take off his boxers, you should rub your face in his crotch then take a deep breath smelling his cock and tell him that you can't wait to start pleasing him like a whore.

Now put your teeth on his underwear and slide them down fast so that his cock will hit you in the face. You should take a moment to admire the beauty of his member in all its glory, preferably with your jaw dropped like signaling your shock to see something so big, so manly so delicious. Now put your head underneath his cock and try to cover your eyes with it then one side of your face then let his balls rest on your face and smell the delicious scent of precum running on his shaft.

Now plant a kiss of his gland. If you have lipstick on, which you should, it will leave a big mark. Now take your tongue out and lick the precum from its lowest point to his cock head, swallow it, pat your abdomen while telling him it's yummy. Now start planting kisses everywhere on his cock from its head, to the shaft on either sides then his balls which you should also take time to caress them.

Now time to start licking. You should start by giving him big slow licks from his ball to his gland passing by his shaft. Then concentrate on his shaft with vigorous licks and don't stop until it's completely wet.

Now time to deep throat his cock. You should take it as deep as you can and hold it as long as you can all while salivating on his shaft. You should repeat this a number of time until his cock is full of saliva and it reaches his balls.

Now turn your attention to his ass. Lick suck kiss and bite his ass cheeks then move to his asshole which you should lick in concentric circles. This will stimulate his anal muscles giving him intensive pleasures. Next, take his cock from the back slide it between his thigh muscles and start licking his ball and sucking his cock.

Now get under his cock with your head under his balls and tour eyes are facing his cock, hold it and start lick the undershaft and his balls.

Now it's time for some serious cocksucking. Go back to your initial position or if he likes to get comfortable he can sit in a chair while you're kneeling before him between his legs. Now start sucking his cock first slowly and then increase your speed progressively. From time to time reach with your hand and caress his balls. Every now and then, take his cock as deep as you can gag on it then release it with all the saliva and continue bobbing on his cock.

When you think he is close to ejaculating, ask him where he wants to cum. Now, stroke his shaft furiously until he cums on the desired place. If he cums in your mouth, don't swallow his cum immediately, but play with it a little and then swallow it and show him that it's completely gone. Now your job isn't finished, you should clean his cock from residual cum until it's totally clean and finally you should give its head a big kiss to show your gratitude for this great honor that he gave you.

Finally go back to kneeling before him with your ass in the air and wait for him to tell you what to do next.
Published by 425olds
2 years ago
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