My ex wife knew for years after our marriage that I hated arrogant redneck type guys. They always bullied me in school and we had a guy like that working for us at our store. I fired him one day for yelling at me to move out his way, because he was bringing a big box out and I couldn't lift it. I told him not to talk to me that way and he said "or what". I fired him and he laughed and kept on working. When my wife Tracy saw the argument, she came over and asked Eric if I was bothering him. He told her what I said and she made him my boss from that point on. He called me weasel, fag, puss, wimpy etc. I just did what I was told. Tracy may have told him I have a tiny dick and shave my legs, because he would always tug on his jeans making sure to show me he had a big one. I had to ask him for days off, when to go on break, and he assigned my daily work. Since the company was in Tracy's name, she made me ask him for my paycheck and changed the way the store operated. They couldn't believe I took this abuse and many times told me to leave. I did not.
12 years ago