When a scammer hurts a friend

What is it like when a scammer took your money and your heart and admits it wasn't a gift and then moved to the room his court room handed in advance judgement for the defense judgement for the scammer She Wins the Battle not the warfor on it for coworkers roommates knocked away for image and space what's it like when her far fetched stories take money it's a leech and it's bad your friend unforgivable...a higher authority judges this hypocrite guilty with heavy punishment the one who hurt an innocent ..and which will be tarred and feathered ..Petite giant woman is now foghorn leg horn what is an ass human glutes are now a hippopotamus rump and all blocked up from eating too much meat conceiving gluttony she is ready to face the day by exploiting her son as well as her sex crazed country friends i'll need to waste in her gluttony she will steal from you one last time because I'like you. Then I won't ask again. calif has no need as her liable spreads to hear a recording of my love screaming........ trying to save me... it's a keeper what didnt want to be saved leave it to rott along with the meat butt... the dildo Queen pussyplay Queen squirt queen...squandered it all leaving a wake of lies just behind her it’s all part of the show all in a days work ...you’ve lost the war both of you have lost the war wallowing in saliva and body fluids oh it so wonderful here and the percentage from those huge tips well they’re just enough for an American hot dog and a candy bar fff you Paul '''''said the disrespectful chubby boy... thanks for your generosity
Published by gassey22
2 years ago
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