Bedroom CockTease
The most fun that I have when I am not performing is taking the pics for all of you. I try to make my pics different from the rest so that you'd remember me better. I am not just taking off my clothes or just posing in that position. It's everything from the lighting and the mood in the room, the outfit, and the crazy complicated thing about taking these sexy and sensual pics is YOU, MY FANS. I appreciate everything from you. So, if I don't get to your messages soon enough, don't think I won't. I have had the worst luck and everything I use at home has pooped out. My Laptop, my T.v, and my shows are a bit affected. If I'm doing a pleasant show, let me know. Drop some love. All love will be going towards these items that are no longer available. THERE'S NO ME WITHOUT YOU.

2 years ago