How I Achieved My Small Clitoris

I always had issues with my genitals. An incident with a cricketball probably didn't help!A a youing man I had constant testicular pain which was certainly relieved by wearing tight pantes /pantiegirdle. I was diagnosed with epididimitis and had surgery to remove some clacified tubing in my testicles (how I wished they needed removal). Well I asked thesurgeon if I could becircumcised at the same time.
Well it wasn't a very neat job and far too much scarring and foreskin remained.
Fast foward a few years and following further testicular surgery I was still unhappy with my clitoris.I did some research and found a Doctors Surgery in -Custom House Surgery in London who did circumcision revisions for around Ā£700 under local anaesthetic.
Well I made an appointment and the Doctor agreed to do whatever I wanteed. I chose to have all the shaft skin removed together with frenum removal. I felt so exposed in the operating chair. The older female nurse was looking at my pathetic little clittty while the Doctor skilfullly cut away all the excess skin and frenum. It was an extremely erotic experience having my clitoris cut and stiched in front of the older female nurse. The feeling of total humiliation was incredibel.
Within 2 hours my objective had been achieved. I now had a lovely small clitoris, that had a totally exposed and free glans to constantly rub against my panties.
If my balls were gone that would be perfection.At this time I still desired ejaculation.
With my later medication my desires would wane and make me wonderfully impotent.
Published by MissLesley
2 years ago
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tatlocks 1 year ago
Loved your story, thanks for sharing it. The older I get the more feminineĀ  I feel so experiences like yours are fascinating to me.Ā 
YuiMinami 1 year ago
Limp little clits are sooo cute and sexy.
jay_7t 1 year ago
Thank you for sharing such an intimate experience. xxx
juolessx 2 years ago
jblvdgr 2 years ago
I became totally impotent just by age (82 now) and some stress just before my retirement. In spite of intense masturbation and watching porn potency never returned. Since then I have been happy to masturbate my unsensitiveĀ  and limp penis without any chance of orgasming.
dmf399 2 years ago
Very interesting.
megabb 2 years ago
My fantasy is castration, to go with my tiny cock
Wonderful. I would like something like that. I'm not circumcised at the moment but I think it would make mine look smaller which is what I want.
sounds like my vasectomy = I was drenched in sweat afterwords
jojosmallone 2 years ago
not sure about all that but i would love to be castrated and also be impotent. My dream is to have no balls, a one inch penis that could never get erect. But i would love to keep all my penises lose skin
joannacd1 2 years ago
Sounds VERY erotic auntie xxx lovely to be so impotent xxx