What I Find Funny About Women
Women. They want to be treated equal and feel liberated, right? They can do whatever a man can do, right? LoL. I think its so funny that they wanna compete and act all liberated (in other words, like a bitch) yet theyre quick to drop their panties for that D. ??? I think them panties cause they KNOW who the weaker sex is. Now im a crossdresser who loves cock too, but im no bitch with pussy between my legs and knowing my job as a female is to LET men fuck me. No, i voluntarily allow it. I personally CHOOOOOOOSE to lay on my back with my legs spread, yet those who are so liberated have no other choice unless u choose celebancy or however u spell it. Id love to be inside a womans head though and hear her thoughts as she says, "im gonna drop my panties, lay on my back, and let this stranger fuck me in my puss." Laughing my ass silly. Yeah...reaaaaaaaal liberated. Lololololololol
2 years ago